Just My Luck

By Keet126

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Félix and his mother have moved to Paris in hopes of a new start. Félix is ever the cynical one, knowing that... More

1. New City New Start
2. Fuko is a Brat
3. Chloe is a Little Turd
4. Paws
5. Never Let the Flying Magical Spirit Cat That Embodies Bad Luck Bite You
6. yay. Christmas.
7. My mom must be a wizard
8. Oh no... She's Back...
9. Fuko's Talent is Breaking Things
10. Cats and Poetry
11. Paws' dad has duck butt hair
12. Gotta have hairspray
13. ...
14. Things can always get worse, can't it?
15. The Claws Are Out
16. Fuko Slept All Day Today, Mostly
17. Goats and Llamas
19. I Can't Believe I'm Doing This
20. Even Superheroes Use Bathrooms
21. *sighs* MY EX
22. When I Say My Bag Has Everything, THAT INCLUDES FIREWORKS
23. Reporter at School
25. Claude's New Suit
26. So Apparently I'm Everyone's Big Brother
27. Fuko Wears a Bell
28. I have a love/hate relationship with music
30. My Brother's Duet
31. I Fight a Bear. Kinda
32. Catastrophe
33. 16 Hours of Sleep and I'm STILL Tired
34. Paws Goes on a Date
35. I've Got Too Many Problems
36. I Punch Trash-Dad
37. Where's Félix?
38. Goatee Man
39. To the Rescue!
40. Epilogue

18. Secret

54 2 4
By Keet126

Happy birthday to me, 

happy birthday to me,

I've been really busy

Please don't get angry! 

Chapter is below announcement


Official announcement before I start school soon! 

In regards to chapter 18: It's only partially written, but I'm getting there. I have quite a few art commissions, plus I need to worry about packing for college, and cleaning up my living space so that my mom doesn't do it while I'm gone. Chapter 18 will have the Mime in it ;3 (and I also kind of have a creative block going on... X_X) I will release this chapter before I get back to school

regarding college: Some colleges have pretty relaxed marching bands, some like mediocre, my college has pretty intense marching band, which means I'm basically signing my soul away to the marching band for four months (I know it sounds bad, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it!) Also, being an English-Creative Writing major means that I have to take quite a few literary classes (dur dur, sorry for stating the obvious) and next semester I have 8 books to buy and read for that one literary class alone. I also have a required leadership class for a specific program I'm in and you know, homework from all my classes. And if this semester's art class is anything like last semester's, I'll probably be getting 6+ hours of art homework a week (usually if I add up all the hours of homework and studying I have per week it ends up being 24+). Oh also, I'm trying to get a job while I'm there so I don't have to pay as much -shrug-. So yes, I'll be busy, very busy

Regarding the series: as I mentioned in previous announcements, I intend to continue during fall semester (soul or no soul), with trying to release at bare minimum one chapter every other week. If needed, I'll release chapters whenever I can, or go on a hiatus. My chapters outline is still skewed from my previous failed save, and with my momentary creative block, I'm having a tough time fleshing it out. As my way of apologizing, I'll give you guys some teasers about what I have planned, based off of my current overall outline (which, while complete, is fluid, which means I will change it if I need to for story purposes) 

I have the entire story planned from start to finish (my real life friend asked me if this series would go on forever, or cover all of the miraculous episodes from all seasons and not just season 1, so NO, the series will not go on forever, it will cover all of season one (sans princess fragrance) and the first episode of season 2 (the collector) since that one is moments after volpina and Félix's awsome four chapter long finale, takes place AFTER volpina) 

My friend also asked me: "Will this story get resolution?" Yes! Questions about the ring's and Fuko's origins will be addressed, as will felix manage to get rid of the ring by the end of the story(poor dude needs to catch a break!) 

Does felix get an official romantic interest? Well, yes... technically... in the last chapter.... and no it's not stalker girl

Felix will team up with Ladybug and Chat Noir as his fused version with Fuko. Once will be an actual team up, the second time, he's merely running a distraction until they show up. No, I will not tell you which episode these will be on ;P (can't tell you everything!) oh, and Chat gives felix's form a very. punny. name. 

I don't really think I can tease anything else without them becoming full out spoilers... Even the past few things I just said are borderline spoiler (fret not! You guys have no idea what's coming! Well actually one "twist" might be obvious, but believe me, I have LOTS of stuff to throw at you guys!) 

Oh wait! Yes! There are two things I can still tease!

1. Like Claude. Love Claude. Worship Claude. Sacrifice your oreo cookies to Claude. Sacrifice your nutella to Claude. All hail Claude.

2. -in creepy voice- Zara is cooooommmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg-



"As your kwami," Fuko floated annoyingly close to my ear as I walked along Rue de Rivoli, "I demand respect!"

"Sure thing, when I see a real kwami, I'll be sure to give them lots of food," I smirked at her. Fuko had been pestering me all morning. Repeating everything I said but in a completely different tone, sometimes making it sound suggestive. I had decided to pretend that she didn't exist and that I couldn't see or hear her, in retaliation. Now however, we seemed to be in a mouthing off battle of sorts.

Fuko screeched at my comment about food, "THAT'S NOT FAIR YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!" she flew into my face, "You're such a big, fat, yucky, meanie!!" she spat at me.

"Wow, that's the best you got?" I turned left. "You know, for a spirit cat that spreads misfortune wherever she goes, I would have expected better insults from you."

Fuko opened her mouth furiously, but then she got distracted, "Is that Théo?" she asked.

I looked in the direction Fuko was staring at. Well well, looked like the other librarian assistant was attempting to earn some extra cash by advertising. Poor dude was wearing a poster. I wondered if he needed to extra cash for material for his commission.

I approached him, "Hey Théo," I greeted him.

"Félix!" he greeted me surprised, then handed me a flier, "You should go to the Mime show later today!" he immediately advertised.

"You don't beat around the bush, do you?" I stared at it bored.

Théo smiled sheepishly and shrugged, "Well, I already know you, so I don't have to warm up to you!"

"Keep telling yourself that," I tucked the flier into my satchel. Maybe it'd come in handy later.

"I hear it's going to be really good!" Théo said excitedly, "I get a free ticket for advertising for them! I can't wait to see it!" As he spoke he handed out more fliers towards passing people. "It's going to be at the Eiffel Tower too!"

"Ooh, we haven't been there yet!" Fuko commented, "Can we go?"

Théo looked down at my bag, then back at me, "Why do you have your bag with you right now? You don't have work right now."

"I don't go anywhere without my bag," I told him. "You never know if you'll need something from in there." Just as I finished my sentence, my phone rang. "See you around Théo," I nodded to him in farewell and began walking away.

Théo gave me an enthusiastic wave.

The phone call was from Paws. I hoped everything was okay. I subconsciously began walking towards the general direction of the Eiffel Tower. Probably because everyone had been talking about it just now.

"Paws?" I answered it.

"Hey! Félix! Have you heard of the Mime show?" he asked, an edge of hopefulness to his voice.

"Um, yes?" Fuko had her ear pressed up against my phone to listen into the conversation.

"Do you want to come with me? I happen to have an extra ticket!" he offered me.

That's when I understood, "Did your stupid dad blow you off again?" I asked him.

There was a small silence before he awkwardly cracked his voice when answering, "I just want you to come with me if you feel like coming, not because you feel obligated to come just because-,"

I scoffed and smiled, "Of course I'll come." Somebody had to be there for that poor kid, and I didn't mind being that someone.

I could already imagine his face completely lighting up in delight, "Wow Félix! You mean it?!"

"You're buying right?"

"Yes! The ticket's already paid for!" he answered enthusiastically, "Oh this is so great! We can-," he cut off, and I heard his car screech over the phone.

"Paws?!" I called for him concerned after a moment of silence. I even stopped walking and stared at the ground, anxiously waiting for a response.

"Gotta go!" he answered me all too cocky.

I rolled my eyes and hung up. "I bet you it's Chat Noir time," I glanced at Fuko. "What shall we do while we wait?"

"Can we go to the Eiffel Tour?" Fuko asked excitedly.

"It'll be down for maintenance with us there, or some other nonsense," I pointed out.

"Oh come on, please?" Fuko insisted. "We're already walking over there!"

I sighed in defeat, "To the metro..."

Fuko's eyes lit up, "Really? You mean it?!"

"Got nothing better to do, why not waste time by failing at entering the Eiffel tower, at least we can say we tried."


"Félix, I'm scared, is the world about to end?" Fuko shivered next to my ear. I was standing stiffly, and wide-eyed with shock inside an elevator at the Eiffel Tower. Somehow, someway, the lines had been short, and nothing was out of order, undergoing maintenance or experiencing technical difficulties.

I stepped off the elevator at the first tier of the Eiffel Tower, still feeling completely shocked.

"Félix, I swear I didn't eat anything," Fuko promised, cuddling up to my cheek for comfort.

"Yeah..." my voice was unusually high, "What sort of situation are we going to be in now?"

Fuko glanced around nervously, anxiously watching the people that passed us. "What do you have in your bag?"

I walked to the edge and looked down at the city. "Somehow I don't think I could ever pack anything for whatever it is that's about to come..."

"A parachute would've been nice, ya know, in case you fall or something," Fuko was now nestling in my hair, looking down uneasily.

"I looked into it after the whole bubble-kidnapping incident actually," I admitted, "I couldn't find one small enough for my bag." Of course, Fuko wouldn't have to worry, she could fly, errr, well float and hover was a more accurate description.

"Maybe you should look into buying a bigger bag," Fuko advised, "You already carry a lot in there, maybe a bigger one with enough room for a parachute would be good?"

"Yeah, thing about parachutes is that they need to be strapped to you," I paced along the edge, glancing nervously at the people who were on the tier with me. Was my bad luck going to affect them too or just me?

"What about an umbrella!" Fuko suggested excitedly, as if it were the perfect solution.

I gestured blankly to my fold up umbrella hanging off my satchel, "I already got one, and no, umbrellas cannot replace parachutes."

Normally, I wouldn't speak so freely with Fuko with this many people. However, the tourists all seemed extraordinarily distracted. So long as I kept my voice low, I was probably fine. Of course, the elevator was too close a spot to speak.

Goodness knows how terrified I was on the elevator, wondering if it was going to break down or something. I actually debated on taking the stairs, except I worried about ruining a fire exit, and figured that if something was going to break, then maybe it shouldn't be the escape route.

"Mommy, is that Ladybug?!" a child asked excitedly pointing down.

Looking over the edge I spotted a red dot and a black dot fighting some purple dot. We were so high up it was hard to make out any detail except color.

As the fight unfolded, more people began crowding the edge, excitedly peering down and attempting to film the heroes with their phones.

What are you doing...? I found myself asking when the pair broke off. Chat Noir was distracting the akuma while Ladybug was off getting her plan together. Ladybug seemed to get the akuma's attention onto the Eiffel Tower, and for a moment, the fight paused. The akuma jumped up in the air... Towards us.

"GET AWAY FROM THE EDGE!!" I shouted at the crowd of people who were stupidly taking photos.

I don't know what the akuma did, but suddenly the entire Eiffel tower groaned and creaked as it began sliding downwards. I tried backing away from the edge myself, but as the ground went from horizontal to a steep slope, I found myself pressing up against the railings.

Other people on the edge screamed and grabbed the railings. It's a good thing the railings had nets, but they suddenly seemed moot when the Eiffel tower began tilting sideways and everyone found themselves holding on as to not fall off a monument that decided to change it's vertical alignment.

The Eiffel tower didn't seem to hit the ground, but whatever it did hit, jolted everyone violently. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something falling. I instinctively reached out with my free hand to it, suddenly realizing it was a toddler.

The little girl screamed as I caught her. Then when she realized I had caught her, clutched my arm tightly.

"Oh no!!!" Fuko began flying around in circles frantically. "WhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo?!?!?!"

I glared at her irritably, hoping it was enough to get her to shut up since her panic was not helping.

Just as quick as it happened, there was a mob of ladybugs swirling around us, and everyone who was on the Eiffel Tower was now on the ground below it. I found myself standing with the young girl being held comfortably in my arms, as if the magical ladybugs could also control my body.

The little girl was sobbing into my shoulder.

"Elma!!" I heard a woman cry out and she ran in my direction. Before I could even react, she took the girl from my arms and began cooing her. The father seemed to join them straight after with their other little girl.

The father grasped my hand and began saying thank you over and over again with a German accent.

I pulled my hand away from his and gave him a curt nod. I then stomped over to Ladybug and Chat Noir's direction. Before I could chew Ladybug out for her reckless behavior however, she swung away on her yo-yo.

I sighed and stopped in my tracks. Irritably glaring after her as she swung away. At least I knew her partner, and could take it up to him.

Chat Noir pole vaulted away. I crossed my arms impatiently, knowing he would be here soon.

No sooner did I think it, did Paws appear nearby, walking towards me calmly.

"Hey Félix!" he greeted me casually and waved at me.

When he was close enough I hissed at him, "Look, I know you're head over heels for Mlle Spots, but next time she has the bright idea of using a national monument to distract the akuma, tell her to check for people!" I snapped at him under my breath.

Paws furrowed his eyes confused, "What are you talking about?"

"I'll give you three guesses as to who was on the Eiffel Tower just now," I gave him a stink eye.

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that..." Paws admitted, looking up thoughtfully.

I shook my head exasperatedly. "What time does the show start?"

"Um..." Paws checked his phone, "in a couple minutes, we should probably go find our seats," he gestured for me to follow him. "Oh cool!" he commented, "Alya and Marinette are here next to us!"


"That was so cool!" Paws commented excitedly, "I wish I knew how to mime!" The show had finished and Paws and I were walking away from the stage as the sky darkened further and the Eiffel tower lit up.

"What would you do with miming?" I raised at eyebrow at him while we waited for his ride to show up.

Paws shrugged, "I dunno, but it'd be cool right? I could make people laugh anywhere without anything at all!"

"Oh that's easy," I teased him, "all you have to do is tell people that the legendary Adrien Agreste is a total weebo,"

"Do we really need to go there?" he interrupted me, but his grin told me that he wasn't actually bothered.

I gave him a little nudge.

Out of nowhere, my mom appeared with Claude and both Paws and I stared at them while they approached me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them. Instantly feeling tense at the sight of my mother. We hadn't spoken in about a week since I sort of yelled at her.

Claude smirked and waved his phone at me from behind my mom.

I scowled at him, "I deleted that app!!"

"And I reinstalled it! Maybe you should change your password," He then stuck out his tongue at me.

"Great idea, give me your phone!" I made a grab for his phone.

Claude's eyes widened and he jumped out of the way, "I meant your phone! You don't even know my password!" I started chasing him around my mom.

"I bet I can figure it out!"

"Enough!" my mom said sternly to both of us. Then she looked at us gently, "I need to talk to my son privately, is that okay?" she asked Claude and Paws.

Claude walked over to Paws nonchalantly, "Sure, but what would the two of us talk about?"

"Easy," haha payback time! "Paws," I looked at him, "get this, Claude thinks I'm Chat Noir."

"PFFFFTTTT him?!" Paws snickered. "Have you met him?"

"Hey! I've since dropped it!" Claude looked down defensively and crossed his arms. Clearly the whole episode with my mom was a sore spot for him.

"Ah but you still think it, don't you?" I shrugged.

"Look, somehow you managed to save your mom all by your lonesome," he eyed me suspiciously.

"Of course you can't think of anything else. My plan was far too advanced for you to understand it," I flicked my bangs at him.

"Does making fun of my intelligence make you feel better about your sad tragic life?" Claude eyed me irritated.

"Oh yes, absolutely. You should try it sometime, you look like you're getting upset," I replied.

My mom rolled her eyes, "Alright, I hope you two got it out of your systems. C'mere Félix." She grabbed me by my arm and dragged me off into a less crowded area. She sighed and crossed her arms protectively, seemingly chewing each word she would say in her mouth.

The last time we spoke got pretty intense (mostly my fault), so I was a little worried as to where this conversation would go, or if it would even be long enough for a conversation.

While she stood there gathering her courage, I avoided looking at her. My mother likely understood now what it meant to have a ring of bad luck, and by extension, how I felt about everything. Something I had tried very long to hide from basically everyone, especially her.

"So," she finally sighed, "I'll be honest, I know what I want to tell you, but now that we're here I realize that I have no idea how to start..." My mom mulled over what she wanted to say a little longer before she spoke again, "I was upset at first," she admitted, "upset that you were keeping secrets from me. I mean, I always figured you were holding something back these past five years, but I never expected it to be guilt of all things, and you know..." her eyes drifted towards my ring for a moment, then she looked back up at me.

My mom took a few pensive steps.

I watched her her every move. Even when a breeze would slightly move a loose strand of blond hair, or when she twitched her lip.

"Then I realized, I had also been keeping a secret from you," she faced me.

No duh. Dad. But I knew that, it was different in my case because she hadn't even known there was a secret.

"And it was something I needed to have told you a long time ago," she looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"About my dad?" I raised at eyebrow. Part of me was mad at her for only telling me now, and for using it as a way to get leverage against me in the future in case I didn't tell her the rest of the story.

She gave me a small nod, and then added, "And.... about your brother."

"Adrien?" I furrowed my brows confused, "I know everything there is to know about my brother."

My mom tilted her head with an odd expression on her face, "Errr, not quite..." she gestured for me to come closer. This was something she really wanted to make sure nobody knew about, not even in passing, accidentally eavesdropping on a private conversation sort of way.

I leaned down a little so that her mouth could reach my ear. Her breath felt warm and moist on my cheek and it smelled of chocolate. Fuko nosily shoved herself onto my shoulder to hear as well. My mom used but a total of two sentences, and when she was finished, I backed away two steps from her shocked.


"This changes everything..." Fuko murmured completely shocked.

Before we had a chance to talk about what she just told me, Claude and Paws appeared, "Everything alright over here?" Claude asked, looking at both of us concerned. He had his hand warmly clasping Paws' shoulder, as if he were also keeping an eye on the child, and indirectly protecting him. By Paws' face, I could tell they had been getting along.

"Does he know?!" I gestured angrily to Claude, snapping out of my shock.

"Know what?" Claude asked tilting his head.

Paws couldn't decide if he wanted to look at me, my mom or Claude and kept frantically moving his gaze around in between all of us.

My mom shook her head, "No. Of course," she gave him a nod, "I'll have to tell you sometime in the future, but I'm not ready right now."

Claude let go of Paws' shoulder and gave my mom a hug, "You don't even have to tell me if you don't want to," then he pulled out of it, "but I will bug you about it more as our relationship goes along," he winked at her, then put his arm around her.

There was a beep and we all looked at the street.

"Oh, I guess my ride is here," Paws noticed.

"I-I'll walk you to it," I offered. Truthfully, I needed a moment away from my mom, and with this tiny ball of sunshine-happiness-goodness kitten.

Paws nodded, "Okay! Let's go!" I followed him.

I watched him as he walked, hoping my poker-face wasn't going to fail me now.

"Hey Félix?" Paws looked at me shyly.

"Yeah Paws?"

"Thanks for coming here with me," he thanked me. We now were standing outside the car, "It um.... it really...." He stammered, and then looked up at me, "Just thank you!" Paws climbed into the car.

I found my eyes following it as it drove further down the road. Fuko floated next to my shoulder and stared after it too, then she gazed at me.

I heard footsteps behind me, but since Fuko didn't tense up, I figured they weren't anything.

"Félix..." It was my mom, "I know you probably want to talk about this."

"I..." I thought about what it was I really wanted for a few seconds, and then I answered, "I want to be alone." I didn't look at her or Claude.

"I understand," she accepted my response, "Don't be out too late okay?" she threw some of her mom voice in that last sentence, although her voice was still gentle, "Claude bought you some pajamas, and he'd like to know what you think of them before we go to bed."

"Hey don't tell him! I haven't wrapped them yet!" Claude exclaimed flustered.

I scoffed, suppressing surprised laughter. My mom probably told him I loved pajamas more than the average person. "Alright," I consented softly. Claude's little bribe would work this time.

I waved in farewell and began walking away.

"What are you going to do now?" Fuko asked me.

I sighed and hunched my shoulders forward. There were too many people around for me to answer Fuko, but honestly I had no idea. As Fuko had pointed out earlier, this small piece of information changed everything. Whether it was for good or for bad right now, was up to me.

"Um... What exactly did you tell him?" I overheard Claude ask my mom as I walked away staring at the Eiffel tour glowing against the starless sky.  

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