The Fire Angel (ATLA Fanfic)

By Darkninja7

297K 9.8K 2.6K

Water.... Earth... Fire... Air A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The skies were fi... More

Book 1 - The Beginning
Training 101
Following Orders
Grandpa Ping
Visited By Royalty
The Prince and Angel
Goodbye or See you Later?
You've still got a friend in me!
General for the Crew?
Shadow Snake
Packing up!
The Open Ocean
Beneath the Scars
Time, friend or foe?
Lillian AN
Shattered Glass
Sibling Salute!
The Thorn in my side
The Avatar
The Harbor
Island of Kyoshi
Blast from the Past.
The Necklace
Winter Solstice Part 1
The Winter Solstice Part 2
The Scroll
Crystal Nightmare Part 1
Crystal Nightmare Part 2
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Why Me?
Lillian Alone
The Siege of the North
Book 2
The Path of three flames
Royal Pain
Iroh & Lilly's Journey
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
New Beginning
The Freedom Fighter's
Walls, Walls and Tea!
The tales of Lillian in Ba sing Sai
Authors Note
Lake Laogai Part 1
Lake Laogai Part 2
The Earth King
The Jasmine Dragon
Author Note
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3 - Operation "Extinguish Fire"
The Awakening
Arty stuff
The Beach Part 1
The Beach - Part 2
I Got Tagged
Lillian's healing.
Rise again
Nightmares & Daydreams
Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1
Day of black sun: Part 1 The Invasion Part 2
The day of black sun Part 2: The eclipse.
A Crazy Escape
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Master's Part 1
The Firebending Master's Part 2
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
Manly Arts... (Special chapter)
The Southern Raiders
Why didn't We Listen?
The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!
The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Ember Island Players
Sozin's comet Part 1
Sozins comet Part 2
Sozin's comet Part 3
The Prophecy (Teaser for Part 4)
Sozin's Comet Part 4
Dying in Agony
A Time for Peace
The Sequel is OUT

The Headband

1.8K 58 19
By Darkninja7

Lillian's eyebrow twitched in irritation as Sokka kept shuffling from side to side in Appa's saddle. Katara rolled her eyes at her brother while petting Kasai, "He seems to like you" Lillian smiled. Katara nodded, "He reminds me of a sealcat I had once." Katara cooed, "I think I see a cave!" Aang burst, "Shhhhh!!!! Keep quiet!" Sokka hushed, Lillian threw her head back and groaned. The mist that Aang bent to cover the bison disappeared and Lillian looked over the rocky beach, "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut." Sokka said dusting his sleeves. Lillian jumped off and landed beside Toph, "I'll shut it for you." Lillian mumbled crossing her arms, "Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in." Toph's sarcasm clear in her voice, "Hey! We're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds." Sokka pointed back at a boulder, "Actually Sokka those are toucan puffins, they're known to be extremely friendly and if trained properly could make a great watch bird." Lillian said matter of factly. Katara and Aang burst out laughing as one of the Toucan puffins landed on Sokka's head. Sokka is un-amused by the bird and shakes his head. The group walk towards the cave, Lillian watches Sokka lurking behind them on all fours and raises her brow, "What are you-"  suddenly, Sokka leaps over everyone's heads to ward off some threat but Lillian just sees a cave hopper bounce away. Peering suspiciously about, Sokka dashes into the cave, followed by the rest of the gaang. "Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave...after cave...after cave..." Sokka groaned, "Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes." Katara shrugged, "Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave." Aang added, "Plus...they have real food out there. Does anyone wanna sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?" Toph says while punching the wall of the cave causing a bunch of cave hoppers to come out of hiding, "I know exactly where to go for some new clothes!" Lillian fist pumped the air, "Let's get some new clothes." Sokka shrugged and smiled. 

Lillian led the group to a small laundry house, "Here we are." Lillian smiled looking at the different clothes, "I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody." Aang said guilty, "I call the silk robe!" Katara called before running to gather her clothes, "But if it's essential to our survival...then I call the suit!" there was a gust of wind as Aang ran past. Lillian rigged her shoulders and then proceeded to do her own 'Shopping', "Would you mind getting me something?" Toph asked Lillian sheepishly, "No problem pebble." Lillian said over her shoulder.

Lillian grabbed a clothes for herself and Toph and met Katara behind a boulder to dress, "Feels so weird wearing red again." Lillian mumbled as she pulled her singed earth kingdom clothes over her head, "Feels weird wearing red in general for me." Katara said while undoing her braid. Toph huffed as she felt the clothing that Lillian got her trying to make sens what is what, "Let me help you pebble." Lillian smiled walking over to Toph in her under garments exposing her scars to Katara, "I could do it." Toph groaned as Lillian pulled her shirt over. Katara stared at Lillian's bare bottom back that was covered in scars and then two single scars just beneath her shoulder blades. Lillian placed her hands on her hips as she admired the outfit that she picked for Toph, "I was never the type of girl that enjoyed dress up... but I must say, you look amazing in red!" Lillian cooed Toph in a big sister manner, "What do you think Kat-" Lillian swallowed her words when she saw Katara's eyes filled with tears, "Hey, what's the matter?" Lillian whispered. Katara shook her head and wiped her tears away, "The firenation do suffer at their own hands, don't they?" Katara choked. Lillian raised her brow confused, "Where's this coming from?" Katara looked at the floor guilty, "Your back.... It's-" Lillian raised her hand, "It's from protecting the people I love. Same as my arm..." Toph stood closer, "What scars are they?" Toph asked gaining a smile from Lillian, "Here, feel for yourself." Lillian said taking Toph's hand and placing it on her lower back. Lillian watched as Toph's milky green eyes widened, "Those are burn marks." Katara said slightly angry, "And these." Lillian guided Toph's hand to her shoulder blades, "Are where my wings expand from." Toph smiled softly, "Their so smooth. Almost like your own skin." Lillian nodded, "Yeah. Although every time I release them it feels as if my flesh is being torn open." Toph pulled her hand back nervously, "Let's finish up." Katara said while fixing her skirt. 

"So? I think this should do." Lillian said stepping out from behind the boulder. Aang smiled at Lillian and gave her a thumbs up. Sokka looked up from tying his shoe to see Lillian wearing tight dark red pants, a crop top that crossed over her stomach and a  jacket with long slits on the side that covered her arms with a pair of short finger less gloves. Sokka felt his throat suddenly tighten as he felt his face heat up, "Uh, that's um great." Sokka coughed and continued tying his shoes, "Thanks wolf tail!" Lillian grinned. Lillian looked over her shoulder to see Aang staring at Katara and smiled, 'he's got it bad.' Lillian though to herself, Suddenly a dark grey cloak fell over Lillian, "HEY!" Lillian cried, "Relax would you!" Sokka groaned as he adjusted the cloak around Lillian's shoulder's, "Your hair color is kinda obvious that you are a Tenshi, you know?" Sokka said rolling his eyes. Lillian huffed as her cheeks turned pink, "I'm going to check on Appa and Kasai." Lillian said over her shoulder, "We're going into town to find something to eat!" Sokka called, "I'll catch up, don't worry. Firenation girl remember?" Lillian grinned.


Lillian POV

So? We're in Hira? no no no, then we'd be closer to the capital! UGH! I wish I paid attention to Geography in school. This map that Sokka has is so confusing! I grab a bunch of my hair and pull slightly... Ok! If we're here then the capital is here? Nope... Roku's island, Ember island, AH! Sozin's cove! That's wear grandpa Ping's place is! It's just.... no way...." IT'S ON THE NEXT ISLAND!" I cheered aloud! 

I ran over to Kasai and gave him a large hug, "We're so close boy!" I snuggled his mane, "Close to what?" I heard Katara ask, "Never mind that, Have you seen Aang? We can't find him anywhere." I frowned, "What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked trying to understand clearly. That's when Sokka stepped forward, "We went to get meat and he waited outside the shop. When we walked out he was gone and so is MOMO!" Sokka cried dramatically but I rolled my eyes, "Well, his clearly not in trouble." I said feeling confident, "What makes you say that?" Toph asked. I grinned, "Because if he was in danger I would know. He has a silver feather." Katara seemed to relax, "Your Right Lilly, I'm sure he'll turn up." Sokka walked over to the map that I was looking at, "What you looking for?" Sokka asked me and I couldn't hide my excitement, "See this Island over here?" I gestured with my hand. Sokka nodded placing his hands under his chin, "That's Sozin's cove. That's where I grew up. My grandfather's Aquarium and lodging is over here." I smiled but noticed Sokka and Katara's sad expression, "What?" I asked worried. Sokka sighed, "I don't think we should go anywhere where you stayed or knew of or even favored." Sokka said placing his hand on my shoulder, "Azula still know's that you're alive and she could be after you... We need you to stay safe with us." I felt my eyes sting, "But I haven't seen my grandfather in over 4 years... I miss him Sokka...." I felt Sokka pull me into his chest, "I'm sorry Lilly... but we need you here. You'll have to teach Aang firebending and-..." I stepped away shocked, "Woah! ME?!? Teach Aang???" Sokka nodded, "Who else?" Katara added, "I'm honored and all but... I don't think I'm meant to teach the Avatar, I mean... sure I taught Zuko a few forms but," Sokka interrupted me, "Which means your perfect!" I shook my head, "You don't understand... Tenshi are originally bender's yes.... But once our true power blooms we lose the bending technique and rely on our powers in our Tenshi form. I am a strong firebender I'll admit but it's because I'm a tenshi that strengthens it. I can show Aang some basic forms and try but he will have to find a pure firebender in order to truly master firebending." I finished to find Sokka giving me a defeated look and Katara slightly agitated, "Sorry guys..." I kicked the dirt and blew some hair put of my face. Sokka groaned and then began thinking, "A problem for another day." I heard Toph say from behind me, "Yeah... I guess." I say as I watch Sokka take out his schedules and paper work. I feel horrible that I can't teach Aang... But I can help him find the right one when the time comes!


Normal POV

Lillian laid on the cool beach sand outside the cave where they were hiding in, "Hey Lilly!" Aang's voice called. Lillian turned her head to see Aang in..."Is that a school uniform?" Lillian questioned while looking at the slightly singled scarf, "Yeah! I guess I got someone's uniform." Aang said sheepishly. Lillian smiled, "looks like you had fun." Aang nodded and began walking into the cave, "It was great!" Lillian hummed before counting in her head, 


"Where have you been!? We've been worried sick!" Katara's voice echoed through the cave. Lillian smirked, "Peace and quiet over."

Lillian sat up and gazed over at the thin line that separates the sky from the ocean, "Don't worry grandpa, I wont just fly by." Lillian grinned to herself, "Lillian! Please could you come help!" Lillian heard Sokka cry. Lillian rolled back onto her feet and waltzed into the cave, "I guess we'll never find out about the secret river then. It goes right to the Fire Lord's palace. We were supposed to learn about it in class tomorrow..." Aang said as Lillian walked in, "Hmm... I am a fan of secret rivers." Sokka said with his hand under his chin, "Flamey-o, Hotman!" Aang cheered and then ran to the back of the cave, "Flamey-o?" Lillian questioned. Katara shrugged her shoulders.

The next day Sokka and Lillian were going through the schedule when Aang rushed in huffing and puffing, "What's the rush little buddy?" Lillian asked raising her brow, "Got in fight....head master meeting...parents!" Aang huffed falling onto his back, "uh? Could you translate that?" Sokka asked confused. Lillian shook her head, "The headmaster has requested a meeting with his parents for getting into a Fight?" Lillian looked over at Aang as he gave her a thumbs up, Sokka groaned, "Katara!" Lillian lifted her hands in defense as she backed away from Sokka, "I'm going to go for a walk." Lillian hummed stepping away.


"I'm gonna throw them...a secret dance party!" Aang said tapping his knees, "Go to your ROOM!" Sokka ordered, "What did I miss?" Lillian asked stepping into the cave with a small bag of money, "Where did you get that?" Toph asked gesturing to the bag, "I stopped a few thugs from robbing a shop, triple triad or something like that. So the shop owner gave me this as an reward." Lillian shrugged. Aang charged at Lillian and then hopped from foot to the other, "Will you please oh please!! help arrange the secret dance party???" Aang begged Lillian, "okay? I guess." Sokka stood in the back trying to gain Lillian's attention to let Aang down but he was too late, "We'll need candles, food, drinks and and? um..." Aang tapped his chin thoughtfully, "Music?" Lillian suggested, "Yeah! Lets go!" Aang cheered as he grabbed Lillian's arm and pulled her out the cave.

Aang and Lillian returned with hundreds of candles and different types of food, "Let's start setting up!" Aang said excited. Lillian shrugged at Katara before they began placing candles all around the cave, "I guess I'll start lighting these." Sokka said taking the lighting stick and started lighting the candles. Lillian smirked, "Should I leave him or help him?" Lillian whispered to Katara and Toph, "I have a better Idea..." Toph grinned, "Hey Sokka!" Toph yelled picking up another stick, "I'll do this side. First one finished wears the belt!" Toph said causing Sokka to turn around in a flash, "Your on! " Sokka agreed before running over his candles, "Your up dragon girl." Toph snickered stepping aside, "Oh well, some fire bending will do me good. Pay attention young Avatar." Lillian winked walking to the center of the cave closing her eyes. Lillian took a deep breath before stepping forward and shooting tiny sparks out of her fingers in all directions towards all the candles, "Wow..." Aang gasped as the cave begin lighting up, "Hey! That's not fair!" Sokka whined stopping halfway, "Why is she smirking like that?" Sokka asked as Lillian turned with her eyes still closed and shot flames to his unlit candles, "Ahhh!" Sokka yelped as he ducked with his hands over his head. Lillian bought her hands together and released the rest of her breath before opening her eyes, "Sorry wolf tail." Lillian winked causing Sokka to blush slightly, "whatever..." Sokka grumbled, "Their coming! Everyone stop bending!" Toph warned. 

Aang took charge right away and showed the band where they would be playing. soon enough the cave was full of children and Aang was way too excited, "Ladies and gentlemen, The Flamey-os! Yeah, this ought to get everybody moving." Lillian watched as all the other children just stood and stared at Aang, "Now what do we do?" Shoji a boy from Aang's class asked, "Now you dance?" Lillian stated leaning back on the wall, "I don't think my parents want me dancing in a cave." another boy said disappearing into his colar, "Yeah, what if someone finds out?" A scrawny boy said running around anxiously, "Oh, boy. Listen, guys...dancing isn't something you think about. It's a form of self-expression that no one can ever take away from you." Aang explained trying to get everyone to understand, "Maybe it was different in the colonies, Kuzon. But we don't do that here." Shoji said sadly. Lillian watched as Aang's eyes fell, "Alright kiddo's, I come from the capital... and there, we dance at least once a week!" Lillian spoke shrugging her shoulders. There were gasps and oooo's as Lillian walked closer, "Nobleman's and their families must learn all traditions of our nation, even dancing. For example," Lillian grabbed Sokka's arm and swung him around so that he stood before her. Sokka seemed confused but blushed as Lillian placed his hand on her waist and held the other, "These are the four spinning forms of the phoenix waltz!" Lillian grinned at Sokka before spinning him clockwise, "The flying Eel!" Lillian demonstrated, "The falling maiden!" Lillian dipped Sokka into another spinning fit, "The screeching eagle!" Lillian pulled Sokka back up and spun him anti clockwise, "And Finally!!!!" Lillian winked at Sokka as his face turned green, "I think I'm gonna be sick-" Sokka weezed, "The fire ferret head spin!" Lillian backed away as Sokka spun on his head. The children cheered as Sokka stood up and Lillian placed his arm over her shoulder, "Have Fun everyone!" Lillian grinned before walking Sokka off the dance floor.

(just a picture to the idea... my fav part in this anime)

Lillian looked over her shoulder watching as Aang demonstrated some odd bird mating dances, "Give a man a little warning next time." Sokka whined holding his head, "Oh don't be such a baby. If Zuko could handle....uh never mind..." Lillian's face fell sad. Sokka rubbed the back of his neck, "You know, I bet I can dance circles around Honor boy." Sokka said attempting to make Lillian smile but failed, "Yeah... I guess..." Lillian pulled her cloak over her head and walked to where Appa and Kasai were hiding.

Kasai's tail wagged as his master came around the corner and Appa growled softly, "Mind if I sit over here with you guys?" Lillian whispered as she sat beside Kasai. Appa and Kasai gave each other an odd look, "This is harder than I thought..." Lillian whispered as a single tear slid down her cheek, "I miss him so much..." Momo crawled onto Lillian's lap and Kasai snuggled his master's back. 

The Gaang rushed in a 30 minutes later with mischievous smiles, "We need to go!" Aang panicked as he led Appa and Kasai out through the back of the cave. Appa flew into the night sky causing the silence to feel over whelming as everyone burst into a fit of giggles, "You need to show us some of your other crazy moves dragon girl!" Toph said wiping a tear away from laughing. Lillian threw her head back and giggled, "Sure, Sokka and I-"  "No, Not Sokka and I. I'm never dancing with you ever again." Sokka said slightly ill at the thought of being spun around so much. Lillian rolled her eyes, "Fine, Aang?" Lillian winked at the Avatar who seemed unsure but gave Lillian a thumbs up anyway, "Where to now?" Toph asked. Sokka stroked his fake beard, "Where ever the Bison may take us." The group fell back into a fit of laughter. Lillian's sadness was forgotten quickly and replaced by her new found happiness.


In the Fire Nation

"You're sure you weren't followed? I've heard about you. They say you're good at what you do. And even better at keeping secrets. The Avatar's alive. I want you to find him.  And end him. Capture the light haired girl and bring her to me! No harm is to come to her unless I say so." Zuko ordered the assassin that stood in the shadows.

Zuko was unaware of the extra set of ears that hovered above him as he paid off his assassin and headed back to the fire nation palace.


"My lady, I bring news." Mac said as he held his hand over his heart and bowed before Azula, "Speak." Azula hummed as she held a silver feather between her fingers, "Your going to love this..." Mac growled gaining a smirk from Azula, "Our Prince is in doubt and seems to be searching for his broken Princess." Mac said dramatically. Azula stood from her chair, "Then I guess we should help him mend his broken heart." Azula said staring at a black crystal that laid on her night stand, "The Princess of the Tenshi is always welcomed here..." Azula smiled, "And the Fire Lord?" Mac asked, "My father is aware of my plans. I just have to inform him that it will be a month early." Azula said grasping the silver feather in her fist and then ignited a blue flame causing the feather to break.....


Hello my Zuko Love Rivals!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

Until next time....

below is a pic of Lillian's outfit...

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