Ace of spades (Original)

By Pride_Eye

28.1K 1.3K 199

The Ace of Spades is seen as a legend a story to tell your kids at night. A story that will forever be told... More

chapter 1 (edited)
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
filler chapter
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
A/N important must read
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
A/N new book
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33 (new)
chapter 34 (new)
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
A/N ace of spades sequel
Extra #1 cybernetic meeting
Extra #2 the truth
Extra #3 thanksgiving
A/N sequel over
A/N please read
ace of spaded rewrite

chapter 21

444 23 7
By Pride_Eye

Harlow above
A/N hey guys I usaly do these at then end but you need to know we made it about a hundred more views in a few hours and this makes me so happy that people actually read this I want to thank you so fucking much thank you so much.

1 month later
my phone started to ring while I was laying in my bed curled up to raven still in a depressed state the only time I get out is to eat or get stuff for raven. I get up to answer my phone to see it's the council I answer it hoping I have a new case.

"hey ace we have a new case it's easy so don't stress all you have to do is do one of you alpha kills I will send you a file soon." he hung up knowing I don't talk i haven't talked to anyone I have gone mute and it makes raven so angry but I don't want to talk. I got a file on my phone and started to get dressed into my hood strapped all my weapons to it and jumped out the window it the middle of the night so no one saw me I started to fly with my only wings and made my way to the pack, it was the usual stuff with this guy abusing pack members, not training them treating them like absolute shit. I landed on the balcony not even caring if someone see me. I walk in behind the alpha and put a knife to his neck I cut a broad line and his body falls in the chair I put a card in his desk and take off again. now I have to go to school in the morning you may be wondering why are you going to school didn't you finish that. yes I did but raven wants me to do something and not just sit in our room, so I went back in our room changed and got in the shower to wash off the blood I got dressed again and went back to bed with raven cuddling my pillow I laid my head near her stomach and listened to the heart beats and fell asleep.

3 hours later my alarm woke me and raven up, I kissed her and she went back to sleep I got up knocked on jades, the couple's, and theos room to wake them all up there was shuffeling noise going from jades room and the rest were just getting up. i started to get ready with raven asleep on the bed. I looked in the mirror when I was done with my dark mascara that I usualy do and black lipstick with my blond hair me Theo and jade dyed it so we don't stand out to much i still had my eyes as rainbow I chose not to wear contacts. I had on a black crop top that said 'fuck off' they won't say anything to me I own the school,if a teacher say something their fired, then I had on high waisted leather black shorts, my leather jacket that has embroidered white wings on the back of it I had it done a week later after the incident. nathin is still at the blood moon pack and it's just the twins, mason, Harley, Ryder, jax, and raven that our staying home they come over for lunch though. I started to head out to see everyone in the living room when the saw me they all grabbed their keys and we headed downstairs.

i got on my motorcycle with my helmet and attached the jacket to the helmet to hide my hair. we started our way to school with me in the front. the rest of the group in the lambos that are our pack colors one is red the other black. we pulled up to the school with people staring at us again the rest of the group got out of their cars and I sat their staring I don't want to do this. Theo and jade came up to me still sitting on my motorcycle the rest stood near the door.

"Harlow you need to get off the bike and come inside." I shook my head no Theo reached for my helmet i stoped him with swat of my hand.

"fine if you don't go in I will tell raven that you are being stupid and annoying how will she take that." I look over to her with anger in my eyes that glow through the tinted helmet, she wouldn't so that, that would get me in alot of trouble no matter how childish it sounded. I sighed in defete and started to undo the straps of my helmet and jacket I took off my helmet and shook out my hair. I got off the bike up on my sunglasses and garabed my back pack from the seat. people then recognized me from a few months ago and backed off I started my way to the school with the rest in tow befor I got stopped by the jock that ruined my bike.

"hey hot stuff why dont I give you one last chance at this." he said guestering to himself as this. I shook my head no before he stopped me again grabbing on to my arm. I stared at him with a glare that can take down an army.
Theo then came running up to the guy.

"I would get your hand off her or there will be hell to pay." the jock laughed and didn't let go of me.

"what are you..." he stopped his sentence when I flipped him over me.

"she will do that if you touch her and she is in a relationship douchbag." we walked away from the groaning jock on the floor. we walked in to have a girl run up to jade and to tell you she looked scary not as scary as me but she's up there, jade whispered in her ear and and the girl moved over to me sticking her arm out.

"hi my names Alexandria but you can call me lexa im a..friend of your sister, I will guide you guys around the place of you need to?" she seemed nice but there is something up with her i didn't take her hand and just looked at her with a blank look still on my face she lowered her arm. jade went over to her and whispered in her ear again but I used my vampire hearing do these people forget I have that.

"she's the alpha and also owns the school she is going through something right now so she won't talk sorry." I tilted my head to the side and them jade starred at me she knew that I heard some how and had a look of curiosity I pointed to my ears she still looked confused I grabed out my phone and started to type.

'vampire hearing just because I lost my wings doesn't mean I lost the rest of my abilities.' I threw my phone across the room almost hitting someone who looked at me with anger i flipped him off. I then started my way to the office with people looking me. the rest of my group just watched with sad eyes I went to the office and went in. the secretary didn't notice me so I tapped on the counter it's the same girl from last time she put up her long pink finger saying wait oh I am not having it today. i slammed my fist on the desk causing it to crack. she looked up at me with scared eyes and directed me towards the principles office looks like he has to talk to me. I walked into the office and sat down in the chair across from the principle.

"hello Harlow nice to see you, so your luna called explained what's happening that you are not talking for some reason she didn't say why but we told the teachers and you won't get bugged about it that's all I wanted to tell you oh and that we need you to take an elective this time because you are staying for awhile so I suggest mma with Alexandria as the captain is that fine." great now I have to deal with her and learn stuff I already know. I nodded my head and headed out to get my schedule to see the group and lexa in the room guess she came along. jade handed me my schedule and we headed off befor jade pulled me to the side.

"ok I know you are mad at everything right now but please don't take it out on lexa she is really nice so please don't be mean." I looked into her eyes to see pleading eyes I nodded and headed back to the group we made our way to the first period. the teacher greated us and told us to introduce ourselfs first was jade and so on.

"well I'm jade I have a robotic hand and that's all." she showed her hand and everyone gasped. next was tempest.

"I'm tempest and I'm non-binary that's all." she sat down then laurel went.

"I'm laurel I'm in a relation ship with tempest and that's it." next was me everyone looked at me. no not doing that. Theo stood up for me.

"she goes by ace and nothing else don't ask her what her name is because she won't answer she mute right now so she won't talk to anyone don't try, and if you touch her she will flip you over her or worse just ask Chase." he sat down with people staring at me the teacher then went back up the front.

"well that was interesting well welcome the new people be nice and yeah I will he passing out papers now." she started her way around the room i started on the math paper and finished it in 5 minuets and just sat there looking around. I dicided to text raven on my back up phone because i knew i would throw it at some point befor a hand slammed on my desk.

"ace I know that you own this school
but that does not mean you don't do work." oh this girl has balls. I grabbed my paper and showed it and the back all done she started to cower away to the front with just a glare taking my paper with her.

The rest of the day was not that eventful until we got to lunch and sat outside lexa came to sit with us and the rest all talked until I heard a large engine I know that anywhere. I got up and ran to the front to see guys trying to hot wire my bike I went up behind one of the and threw them far away causing some damage he's human so I can't hurt him to much, the rest were not human and they don't know there place I picked the two up by there throaght and looked at them.

"learn your place." I said this in my alpha tone with alot of gravel in my voice because of not using it I threw them into the building and walked back to my table.

"where did you go your mate will be here soon." I was about to grab phone that I always cary because of what happened this morning that is what I used during the periods. I started to type.

"three dick heads trying to hotwire my Harley i took care of them don't worry." they nodded and them I heard a car pull up I looked over to see a 3 month pregnant raven getting out of the car with Harlow behind her and Ryder and jax, jade stared at me, I was smiling and lexa looked confused. I got up and started running at human speed so no one would see me and went over to raven and kissed her i put my hand on her stomach. I went to hug Harley. I went to ravens ear.

"i love you." I said it in a whisper so I didn't hurt my throught it's going to be awhile befor I talk again but its a start.

"I love you to." she kissed me and we went over to the group everyone else smiled, lexa was just staring at raven. raven looked at her with wide eyes and jade blushed ok I'm confused.

"hi I'm lexa nice to meet you guys for the first time." ok that is also wierd we sat down with the rest of the group and ate lunch Harley brought pizza.

"wait so she is your girlfriend and mate no ring yet going to have twins and they are both yours." I nodded and ate my fourth slice of pizza. we were having fun until Jack dicided to come up he was the jock from this morning.

"hey hotstuff I just wanted to say sorry for the way my boys acted they were mad at you so they went after your bike again. hey cutie next to hot stuff who are you." he was talking to raven and her stomach was below the table if he did see it he would have ran. I started to laugh.
"why you laughing mute." oh that got everybody to growl. I calmed them down and moved my hand telling raven to get up she knew what I was doing right away we have done it multiple times to get boys to run she stood up with her hand in her stomach to show it and went to a sad face.

"will you be the next provider for my babbies because the last three ran out on me and they need a dad." he went wide eye and ran from our table we all started to laugh even me.

"I have heard you guys do that but I never saw it and that was amazing where did you guys come up with that?" jade said I started to laugh again as I thought of the story.

"ok so we were out to dinner a month ago befor everything happened." I coughed signaling that lexa doesn't know.
"well befor that we were at dinner and this guy came up to our table mind you it was the waiter he started to hit on me Harlow got up and said will you be the new daddie of my sister's babbies in a baby voice it was so weird I was so confused but she looked at me to go with it i got up and put my hands around my stomach to make it look bigger and he ran saying he was going to get our food, Harlow then proceeded to fall on the ground laughing and old lady stared at us all judgemental then Harlow flipped her off and we left after paying. we have done that ever since." the entire table laughed until jade coughed oh no.

"ok this might not be the right time but I found my mate." I looked at her confused then realisation of what she said I moved my hand in a continue motion.
"well it's lexa." I started at jade and everyone else cowered away from my stare I slowly got up went over to lexa and made a motion to come with me.
she started to follow me.

"babe you better not kill her." I looked back and mouthed I won't, Mabey. she looked at me scared. jade looked terrified.

when we made it away from the group I stoped befor whispering.
"jade don't listen in block off the hearing now."  I heard her grunt because I caught her and all I had to do was whisper it. i grabbed out my phone and started typeing.

"if you hurt her i will gut you hang you out side our house and then hide your body for no one to find trust me I know people and they are not very nice so I would treat her right got it?" she swallowed hard when she read it.

"I will never hurt her. I swear." I nodded and headed back taking my phone. jade started at me.

"ok one more thing and Harlow do not get mad at me but I knew this befor I'm sorry jade told me to tell you because she didn't want to have more for us to be mad about." I started to sign forgot that we all learned that because of axel and Kyle.

"it's fine I understand if I was her i would do the same I'm not mad." I really wasn't mad raven put her hand on my back and started to trace the wings on the back.

"babe when did you put this on your jacket." I looked down i didn't want her to worry for me.

"a week ago I needed something that is on my person to represent what I lost." I started to cry again and raven held me she started to get up she knows how much I hate to cry in front of people. we walked a little away they could still see me but not fully so thats better.

"hey it's alright and we are still having cyb make you some new ones on she will take awhile with it but that girl has thousands of years of experience ok." I nodded into her shoulder.

"we are still getting them framed up right because that will make Lucy and me happy." she started to laugh because I mentioned Lucy.

"yes we will ok." we headed our way back lexa is confused again god this is going to he complicated.

"she will explain after school just head to our house." I nodded in confirmation to what jade said. the group left to the rest of the classes while I said goodbye to raven.

A/N sorry boring chapter but it shows some of her depression and jades mate so I like it well sweet nightmares my dear readers.

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