Divergent: I can't believe you

By Bookworm4and6

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In the process of being edited. Also I wrote this as a fetus literally I was 13 and finished it by 14 but sti... More

Divergent: I Can't Believe You You Cheater
chapter 1 .
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (2 years after Tobias cheated)
Chapter FOUR (; Lunch
Chapter 5 Pre Zekes party
Chapter SIX:- Let the games begin
Chapter 7:- Things Start to Heat Up
Chapter 8:- The Morning After
Chapter 9:- Later at Tris'
Chapter Ten:- The Intruder.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12:- Marcus
Chapter 13:- Abnegation.
Chapter 14 Can you keep a secret from Tris?
Chapter 15 The ring (;
Chapter 16 Just Jump !
Chapter 17
Chapter 18:- Jealousy
Chapter 19 Fights!
(SPOILER) Authors note !
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Finishing touches.
Chapter 22 Bacholorette Party
Chapter 23 Bacholors Patry!
Chapter 24 I Do?
Chapter 25 The After Party
Authors note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28 Part 2
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authors not sorry if you thought it was a chap
Chapter 32
Divergent Movie Venting
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Please Read!
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Sequel Information !
Bonus Chapter
Check It out
Thank You
Finale A NOTE
I need an editor.
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4.4K 100 60
By Bookworm4and6

No ones point of view.

Five years later (everyone's at tris and Tobias place)

"Tris, hurray up, I got Arabella and Chir ready get Maggie dressed everyone's gonna be here so---" Tobias was cut off when he heard a knock on the door. "Scratch that, their here."

"Okay chill she's ready." Tris shouts from the bedroom. She exits holding her two year old toddler Maggie. Once she gets too the living room she sees here two twins, Arabella and Christopher playing with Christinas daughter Bea.

Christina was right about them being "Besties for Life."

Arabella has her mothers facial structure and hair color, with Tobias nose and eyes.. Christopher has ddark brown hari and Tobias features with Tris eyes.

She also notices Christina and Will holding their three year old Jamie. Off on the couch is Zeke and Shuana, sitting next to Marlene and Uriah. Zekes holding Marlene and Uriahs New born, Jake. Shauna and Zeke decided otherwise on kids because "They arent the parenting type."

"Chris! Thats not nice!" screams Arabella.

"Bella. Don't tell it was an accident! " whispers Bea, making all the adults laugh because when a five year old tries to whisper its loud. Tris walks over and picks up Bella.

"What's wrong sweetie. What did Chris do?"

"He didn't do anything aunts Tris!" Chirps Bea.

"Awwww my baby has a crush!" Squeals Christina excitedly.

"Their five! " complains Will!

"Young love!" Chirps Christina. "Bea do you like Chris."

"Duh mommy! You have to like your boyfriends!" She says proudly hold Christopher's hand.

All the girls in the room coo and Anabella says, "but mommy! He has two! And he made Leslie cry when he said he liked Bea better! And Leslie's my friend, Bea is my best frwand but I still feel bad." Everybody's laughing know.

"That's my boy!"says Tobias high fiving Chris earning a elbow to the stomach from Tris. "What? He's five and already knows how to okay a girl!" He defends himself.

"Yeah thanks to me!" Says Zeke, "c'mon Four, we all know you a big softie!"

"Guys settle down its time for presents everyone's supposed to get along o Christmas." Complains Marlene "I want presents!"

"Let get the kids theirs first," Tris says.

"Chris, Bea, Bella, Maggie. sit in a circle." Christina announces. They promptly sit in a circle next to their pile of presents.

Each of them got a variation of toys, clothes, a book or two, and candy.

"Daddy!! Chris is stealing all of my candy!" Cries Maggie. Tobias walks to wear Maggie is and picks her up, then sits down with her in his lap.

"Its okay sweetie. You can have dauntless cake tomorrow!" He bargians.

"Yay!" She shouts and wiggles out of his grip. Tris walks towards him and takes Maggies place in his lap, he wraps him arms around her and kisses her cheek.

"She is such a daddies girl!" She says laughing.

"Why you jealous? She loves me more?" He  questions jokingly.

"Nope. Cause Chris is a mommas boy and  You get to deal with periods and the talk with the girls." she teases him and his face pales.

The room erupts in aughter and Tobias buries his face in Tris Hair.

"Your making him give them the talk!" Christina says through laughter.

"YU-." But shes cut off by Bella.

"Mommy? Whats the talk?" She questiosn making Tris laugh harder.

"Its about girls and boys kissing," Tobias explains in the least sexual way possible.

"Shouldnt you have givin Bea and Chris 'The talk' already them?" SHe questions innocently.

"No, Sweetie why would we do that?" Tris questions her.

"Because their boyfriend and Girlfriend and they kissed yesterday!" She  says making Christian squeal, and coo.

Will goes pale and says "Okay, I think its time we the kids home and to bed." He says

"Yeah," Marlene and Uriah agree, "Merry Christmas."

"Wait, You cant leave yet Aunty Chrisy." Says Bella.

"Why not sweetie?" She questions.

"Look! Bea and Chris got stuck under the mistletoe!!" A series of awws and oohs, erupt. Chris quickly gives Bea a kiss on the cheek and Bea hugs her best friend bye then everyone leaves.

They all go into Bellas room and Tris and Tobias read them a bed time story and before we know it their asleep. Tobias carries Chris into his room and  Tris carries Maggie to her bed.

Once their done, Tris goes into the bedroom to change. She looks at her reflections, though shes wearing a sports bra, since her pregnacy she has more to her. She thinks 'I have wider hips, a bigger chest, and I dont have my flat stomach anymore,'

"You look beautiful no matter what." Tobias tells her.

"Did I say that aloud?" She questiosn him, He wraps his warm arms around her and says yes.

"Can I tell you something?" SH eask.

"You can tell me anything Beatrice." He says soothingly.

"Im pregnant." She tells him, and his face lights up brighter than their tree.

"Really?" He ask an dshe nods. "Lucky number Four huh" He says with a wink.

"Yup!" SHe chirps throwing on one of Tobias shirts and a pair of black shorts/

"Maybe we can go for Six." He says making her laugh.

"You know how painfull it was popping out three kids? The day you carry a kid for nine months then go through labor, we can have six kids." He face pales nad mumbles a sorry. "Its okay. And anyways Im happy with four, We only have for room and a a 'office' bedroom sized room anyways." SHe tells him.

They lay down and he says "I cant wait, I love our family, these past five and a half years have been amazing."

"Yeah I know, I love you." But before they could fall asleep their dor opens to reaveal Bella, Chris, and Maggie.

"Mommy, they were scared and we wanted to sleep in here." Chris says

"Okay c'mon." Tobias groans and Tris hits his arm, before scooting to the other side of the be.

Once everyone was comfortable It went Tobias, Maggie, Bella, Chris, then Tris.

"Night Mommy, Chris, Daddy, Arabella, Love you guys," Maggie chirps before cuddling into her dads side adn falling asleep.

"Night Maggie love you too," They all reply in sync.

Soon enough all the kids are asleep again and Tris Intertwines her fingers with TObias placing them about their kids as if one big hug.

"I love you Beatrice Eaton," He tells her.

"I love you too Tobias Eaton." She says and they fall asleep

AN: Hey guys so that was the End! Sad BUt a sequeal will be made soon. Read my other stories on @famouslyinfamous_ please!! Ill start the editing process soon!

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