Ace of spades (Original)

由 Pride_Eye

28.1K 1.3K 199

The Ace of Spades is seen as a legend a story to tell your kids at night. A story that will forever be told... 更多

chapter 1 (edited)
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
filler chapter
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
A/N important must read
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
A/N new book
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33 (new)
chapter 34 (new)
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
A/N ace of spades sequel
Extra #1 cybernetic meeting
Extra #2 the truth
Extra #3 thanksgiving
A/N sequel over
A/N please read
ace of spaded rewrite

chapter 3

1.6K 64 11
由 Pride_Eye

her hair after all the transfroms
for the next month that i am at the new pack theo cryed all night every day but every time i got up to get him either one of the twins would get him or nathin would, sometimes even harley and she was another floor down some days it was just me because the rest were exausted. I really need to see if we could either get a loft for all of us or have the whole top floor. well whats happened over the past month was that the five of us have gotten closer, I caught up in training in the first week and was in alpha training with Nathin by the end of the month. my birthday was actually today and for some reason I felt weird like something was going to happen. well the day started as usual I went to training while Theo slept in the room with the twins. when I finished training me and Harley took Theo out to the mall to go eat like we do always do, then I went home watched tv with Theo on our bed even though he is still a few months old so I put him on a pillow and watch cartoons with him while he laughs the whole time. then we go to dinner and spend time with the rest of the pack but tonight the old alpha came because it was a special occasion for there best warrior which was me. I didn't want an entire party so I just had the old alpha come i needed to talk to him anyway.

"so Harlow why did we need to talk." we were in the alphas office.

"i want to know if me and the rest of my group so Nathin, Kyle and axel, and Harley can get a loft close to the pack and before you say no let me explain why first it will help nathin know how humans live, people will stop complaining about a baby crying, and it will help get Harley out of your hai..oh sorry, so what do you say the boys will be together while me and Harley will share a loft with Theo." when I finished he looked like he was in thought befor he answered.

"fine and i really need to get that delinquent out of my house." he said and I did discuss this with them before when he left I did a happy dance calmed myself down and went back out.

"ok guys I have some news this may be good for some and bad for some, well this is mostly good for Nathan, Kyle, axel and Harley, well guys us 6 are moving out." there was a moment of silence before there was cheering from the 4 people I call close friends then there was a bunch of questions coming from people we took one at a time.

"what will happen with the pack while you are gone Nathan and you Harlow you are beta you will also be gone then you also have the gammas gone and you to Harley I don't know what you do but what will happen when you are gone." oh yeah forgot to tell you I became beta in the month time and the twins became gammas.

"this is just for a short time the old alpha will take back over while I go away I will visit but I will not be alpha this is preparing me for being an alpha I might even start a pack of my own." also forgot to say that we will be seen as part of the pack but live like humans.

"well is that all the questions because i think that was the only one that needed to be answered." no one asked anymore and every one went to their room when I got Theo to bed and was getting In I felt this pain coming from my back it felt like something wanted to come out I screemed in pain this was worse than my wolf transformation i screemed in pain axel came running.

"get Theo and leave I ugh..dont know whats happening." he nodded and grabed Theo and ran out Im guessing he told Kyle to tell everyone what was happening because only Harley came up to help me and thats what I wanted she put my head in her lap I'm still screaming in pain into her shirt clutching on while she held me tight.

"you'll be ok I don't know what's happening but you will be ok." the pain started to get worse and I had the feeling to stand up I pushed Harley away and stood in the middle of the room the pain is to much that I go in a fedal  position a few minuets later it stops and I feel changed.

"uh uh Harlow lo-look in the mir-mirror." she started to stutter like she was afraid I turn to look in the mirror Infront of me is a person with pure white hair, in a white crop top, gold shorts and, complete gold eyes, and last but not least Angel wings, gold Angel wings that touched the ground I move my hand and so does the reflection I'm an Angel.

"Harley,um please go get the boys." she nodded her head and ran out of the room she came back all i heared was three gaspes.

"Harlow what happend." I shook my head In disbelief.

"I felt pain in my back screamed in pain, axel came in told him to take Theo, Harley came in, I felt the need to stand up I went to the middle of the floor got in a fedal  position to try and lower the pain the all I hear is Harley say to look in the mirror and this happens." I explain touching my wings and still looking at myself in the mirror.
'hello darling.'
'who was that your not ace.'
'I'm your Angel dearie call me purity.'
'hellow purity one thing why do I have you.'
'oh you don't just have me darling you have 6 other species in you.'
'what do mean?'
'all in good time but for now I have to go you can talk to me at anytime also your wolf ace, the one thing I can tell you is that you are rare and that the next 5 transformations will happen in the next 5 days each more painful so get ready I'm sorry but your about to pass out.'
"oh head rush head rush." I then collapsed to the floor with Nathin catching me.

The next time I woke up I had one tiny body hanging on to me for dear life. I looked down and saw Theo curld into me holding on to me tight he looked like he was scared for me. I look over the rest of the bed and saw Harley on the other side of the bed before you get and ideas we are like sisters, I looked around the rest of my room to see the twins on one side and nathin on the other i woke all of them up.

"hey we have to start packing we have to also say goodbye and get some stuff unpacked we have a long day ahead of us." I said with a gravely voice while every one started to go to their respective rooms I linked the pack to help get our furniture to the new lofts while the pack was doing that everone was packing cloths and everything else.

A few hours later I had my entire room cleared out the furniture was already set up in the new house. they sent a picture of the lofts the boys loft is blue and white while ours is black and silver when ever one is done packing we say goodbye one last time and we head off to our new home.
when we get there it close to midnight which means something bad I leave Theo with the boys while I go out to the woods out back. when I get far away enough I just sit down near the pond there I think this is the same place the boys found me. when it hits midnight I feel my body burning mostly my mouth this goes on for a few more minuets of me screaming in pain I go over to the water to see what I am this time when I get to the pond my hair was now black, pitch black my eyes were a dark red, and I was in a black shirt that said 'sleep tight I bite' and black leather jeans, I was as white as paper. I opened my mouth to see fangs they reatracted when I close my mouth they are as sharp as a knife, I had this hunger and it wasn't for food I went around the woods and found a Deer. I waited for it to stop.  it starts to drink from a lake I attack and bite it's neck I drink the whole deer dry. well looks like I found out my next species I'm a vampire looks like I have to stock up on blood and regular food.
'oh that was fun.'
'I'm guessing your my vampire.'
'yes i am kid my names quinn nice to meet cha."
'nice accent sound likes Harley quinn. hey quinn I see what happend there.'
'i would get back befor ya fall asleep.'

I bareley made it back to the loft before I passed out. it looks like Harley took Theo back home because he is in the crib. I go back to my regular self but my hair and eyes are different, my hair Is white with black streaks and my eyes are half gold half red. this is just going to get more weird. I went to lay down and passed out. through the night Harley came In to take care of Theo because I was completely wasted from the events of tonight and it's going to get worse.

when I woke up I picked up Theo went to go get him ready we had school In a week and he will be watched by the old alpha he fell in love with the kid so he said he would come over and watch him.
"hey what are you doing...ohh my god your hair is amazing."
She hasn't seen my eyes when I turn around she freaks out.
"woah what happend to your eyes they are so cool." I picked up Theo and went to go and get him dressed.

"I will explain to everyone when they get here just for now start getting ready to go out." I said while putting Theo in a black onsie black pants and a tiny leather jacket which I think we got it from Build a bear because he is so Tiny and he fits, it's adorible.

when the boys get to our loft I tell them to go to the living room and sit down I sit on the other couch facing them with Theo on my lap I was looking down so they wouldn't see my eyes and i had contacts in when they came in.

"let's start shall we well as you can see with my hair that I have had some changes over the past 2 days and I have." i move my hands to my eyes so I can get out my contacts.
"so you know I'm part Angel because you saw me for that one, what you don't know is I have had another transformation since then and I will have more." when my contacts are out I look up they all gasp when they see the half red and gold eyes.
"you guys are not going to like this, the next thing I was, was a species we do not really get along with but can. I'm Angel, vampire and werewolf and I was told I will have more." just then I turned into purity all white and my gold wings and eyes. when she talked her voice was like silk I let her talk and get full control.

"hello dearies I'm purity. I am just here to show you who I am and I need to stretch my wings."  she said, she got up and put her wings to full length she put them back in and sat back down.

"ready for quinn because she is wild and will be very hyper think of her as Harley quinn it gets annoying." she said and closed her eyes in a seconds her hair turned black from the roots her cloths changed and she opened her eyes.

"oh hi kids, I'm quinn nice to metch ya. do any of ya have gum." Harley handed quinn gum as she got up and started doing back cartwheels, jumped on the window sill and up into the rafters.

"Quinn come down." Harley said while quinn climbed across the rafters and acted to fall then catch herself with her legs she starts to swing on her legs.

"nah I'm good when did you become such a party pooper come on live a little." she said as she fliped down from the rafters into a tumble and roll. Harley just stared at quinn like she was a busted child that got caught Stealing a cookie. quinn started to pout.

"I'm hungry." quinn said in a low voice that sounded like a demon.

"ok ok please give us back Harlow and we will get you blood ok?" quinn smiled showing off her pearly white fangs that grow out when she is hungry that they went so far they touched her lips.

just then Harlow had appeared white and black hair mixed, gold and red eyes.

"what happend did I do anything why am I hungry." I didn't remember anything that happens all I know is feeling light headed and then blacking out and waking up here i have small visions of their reactions but that's it.

"uh purity was ok just stretched her wings, but quinn on the other hand she climbed up to the rafters, walked on them fake fell caught herself came down and almost ate someone. it was so nice and we need to get you blood hey tewiddleDee tewiddleDum go get that mask your scent." Harley was scary when she was commanding but it was getting close to midnight and I had to have one of them watch Theo.
'ok change of plans the rest of the transforms will happen tonight.'
'what do you mean the rest will happen tonight."
'the rest will happen tonight. strap in for a wild ride."
i went to go and talk to to Harley. I hope I can survive the night I'm fucking scared.
"um Harley I need you to watch Theo, I want you to watch over him ok, I want him to know he is loved that he has family, can you do that for me?" I said with tears in my eyes. I am about to break down I can't leave, not me, my brother needs me I can't leave.

"hey hey calm down what's wrong why are you saying this." she starts to sit me down on the couch and hold me close.

"the transformations all of them will happen tonight all 4 and I don't know if i will make it so please promise me." I was full on breaking down now,I can't let him go i can't go knowing he will not feel loved I need to know that before I leave.

"i will ok and you will come home tonight I know it ok so do not say that, I need you, i need my best friend i can't do this without you so you need to fight for me, Theo the boys come on we are supposed to explore the world start our own pack get revenge on your old pack and I can't do that without you so you will fight got it?" her voice started to crack and her eyes were watery we sat there for half an hour befor I had to go i kissed my baby brother goodbye hopefully not for the last time. I started to head out farther in the woods it's going to be harder to get back but I can't be caught so i went really far out made it to a water fall with a cliff i went the small clearing that was at the bottom of the lake the water fall should drown out my screams.

thirty minuets later the pain started more painful than the last, i had the pain on my back again I got in the same position as last time and waited it felt like hours but it was really only a few minuets. when I got to the water I looked at myself. i was in a blood red crop top that said 'fallen' in black, tight red leather pants, my hair was red and my eye were completely black not just the pupil i looked like a demon i had black wings like my angel ones coming out of my back that were burning like ashes.
'hi I'm Lucy short for lucifer I'm your fallen Angel we don't have enough time I'm sorry but I will talk later my child.'
The pain started again but it went all over my body this was worse I was slowly losing energy before It stoped again I looked back into the lake and I had teil blue hair I was really pale like I was see through, my eyes were white the entire thing it had no pupil and I was in a teil crop top that said 'ghosted' and I had black high waisted shorts.
'hello fleshling nice to see you I am mist your ghost I have to say goodbye for now.
The pain started again it was in my back this one was less painful which means the next will be way worse.
minuets later I looked in the lake, my hair was pink my eyes were pink I was in pink crop top that said 'peace' and pink high waisted shorts I was pale but not as pale as mist I had fairy wings.
'hello I'm Cindy I'm your fairy it's so good to meet you. but we have one more left I'm sorry but this is going to hurt.'
The pain i was in was 10 times more than any other transform I felt like I was burning from the inside out. when the pain was done I looked up and passed out my whole world going black

A/N cliffhanger oh what do you think her last one is? and will she survive? find out next chapter please vote and comment well sweet nightmares my dear readers


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