The Army Baby

By IrumBashir

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Alexandra Phoenix Hunter. Daughter of Skyler and Phoenix Hunter. Niece of Derek Hunter. Being born and bred i... More

Chapter one*Alexandra Phoenix Hunter
Chapter Two*Mission Minions
Chapter Three*Training
Chapter Four*Party
Chapter Five*A soldiers punishment
Chapter Six*A jump to Russia
Chapter Seven* Her song
Chapter Eight* Pack your bags
Chapter Nine* He's a murderer!
Chapter Ten* Derek's Agents
Chapter Eleven*The 320s
Chapter Twelve* Baby Lo
Chapter Thirteen* Tough love
Chapter Fourteen* A Classic drunk
Chapter Fifteen* Bodyguards?
Chapter Sixteen*What's with all the questions?
Chapter Seventeen* Special Meetings
Chapter Eighteen*Neighbours
Chapter Nineteen* Judgement day
Chapter Twenty* I need to go home
Chapter Twenty-One* Oh Hell No
Chapter Twenty-Two* Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch!
Chapter Twenty-Three* No more secrets
Chapter Twenty-Four*The Skyler Mellow
Chapter Twenty-Five* A.P.H
A/N (part twenty-six)
Chapter Twenty-Seven *The dog cage
Chapter Twenty-Eight* Don't Jump Alex!
Chapter Twenty-Nine* Leave the kid alone!
Chapter Thirty* She's Crazy
Chapter Thirty-One*The prodigy child returns
Chapter Thirty-Two* Goodbye
Chapter Thirty-Three* Home
Chapter Thirty-Four* Rumours
Chapter Thirty-Five* You have to kill him...or else.
Chapter Thirty-Six* Old VS New Punishments
Chapter Thirty-Seven* Snitches get Stitches
Chapter Thirty-Nine*We need to talk
Chapter Forty* Intervention
Chapter Forty-One* What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened?
Chapter Fourty-Two* Walk us through the Mission
Chapter Forty-Three* An Unexpected Visit
Chapter Forty-Four* Want to hear a story?
Chapter Forty-Five* DENIAL
Chapter Forty-Six* ANGER
Chapter Forty-Seven*BARGAINING
Chapter Forty-Eight* DEPRESSION

Chapter Thirty-Eight*She's Out Of Control!

2.2K 103 11
By IrumBashir

As soon as I walked back into Derek's house I ran into his study and barged in.

"Alex? Back so early?" He smiled.

"KL can I speak to Derek please?" He nodded and walked out; as he did he grabbed the briefcase and left the room.

"KL? I didn't know you were on first name basis." He laughed.

"You killed them ..."


"You know who.... WHAT THE FUCK DEREK!"

"Don't raise your voice at me Alexandra! Sit down." His cold passive voice caused shivers down my spine.

"I did what I had to do..."

"What you had to do was put them into place... not MURDER THEM!" I cried

"What I do is my business not yours ..."

"It is my business when I'm staying in the same house as you!"

"Don't make me laugh, you've been there and you've done the same, so has your father and your mother ... we are all the same..."


"AND I FOUGHT FOR MY FAMILY!" He finally shouted back.

"NO YOU DIDN'T! You did that for your reputation... Hunters don't kill to threaten, we do what we do to help better the world..."

"The men who did that to you Alex...have been killing kids for god knows how many years ... so don't you DARE QUESTION ME ON WHAT I DO!"

"You used the word family as your reason, but families don't do that shit, that's not the example they should be setting, once you learn to grow up and earn respect the REAL way... that's when I will give it back to you Derek." With that I walked out and slammed the door shut. KL handed me my briefcase and I walked up to my bedroom.

The day shone bright as I ran back inside the house from my morning run with KL. I smiled and carried on as normal... well that was until I got into school. I decided to let 4 drive me instead of Linc and Nessa as I didn't have to be in until 3rd period so I had a pretty chilled morning. Walking into the boring building I smiled as I locked eyes with Nessa and the rest of the group.

"We have a problem." Nessa grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

"Now what?" I groaned not wanting to deal With whatever shit was happening.

"Everyone's been talking about some fight, apparently Kristal and her mates are going to jump you today."

"That's the big news?" I laughed at the thought. "What time?"

"Lunch ... please don't entertain it Alex, you're better than them." Nodding I rolled my eyes and made my way back into school and carried on with my day.

It was finally lunch time and I wasn't the only one who noticed this. As soon as the bell rang everyone in my class looked at me. Standing up I walked out and into the cafeteria where I was met with my friends. We ate, laughed and didn't give two flying fucks about anyone around us. That was until a kid walked up towards us.

"Alex ... we need your help, there's a fight happening outside...Kristal is beating a freshman up! Please help!" With that he ran away. Standing up Linc grabbed my arm.

"You do know it's a trap right ...."

"Oh I know, I just want to get this show and tell, over and done with." With that being said we all walked out.

I could see a group of 5 girls at the end of the field.

"Don't do anything stupid." Connor spoke

"Don't fucking tell me what to do." I smirked. I swear, only I could get a thrill out of the thought of having a fight.

"Alex! Stop it! You're going to get kicked out from here if you fight back. Just leave them." Linc warned me as they all looked at me.

"Fine, let me go finish this then."

"No" Amber pulled me back, ignoring my friends advice I walked towards the group of girls, behind me everyone once again followed.

"Here she is, the bitch." Kristal laughed

"If you have something to say, why don't you come and say it to my face than chat shit behind my back?" I walked close to the group. By now a small crowd formed around us.

Before they could reply I turned to face my group of guys.

"Do NOT get involved, you all have a life at this school, do not get kicked out because of me, I can look after myself."

"Don't worry no one is going to help you, seeing as no one gives a fuck about you here, why don't you go back to your old life, wherever you came from."  One of her friends spat

"What are you even talking about?"

"Oh wait she can't, because mommy and daddy left you didn't they ... they shipped you off to live with your uncle DEREK HUNTER didn't they!" Kristal announced to the whole group.

"Look why don't you walk away, you know you're not going to win whatever this is and I don't want to hurt you." I calmed myself down as their words about my parent burned me.

"Oh you think you're so tough because you're the street queen, don't make me laugh." Another girl spat underestimating us street kids.

"Let's see how tough you are without the help of your uncle." With that one of them walked up to me and pushed me, she grabbed the two dog tags, or should I say my parents ID tags from my neck and threw them. This was the last straw. No one messes with my parents.

"I hope your parents die and rot in hell" Kristal laughed...


Before I knew it I wasn't Alex anymore, but Alexandra Phoenix Hunter, the army baby. There was no stopping me when I was like this.

I turned back round to face the girls and jumped them. They started to scream and run toward me and attempt to hit me but I ended up punching them really hard as if they were trained soldiers, I punched one of the girls causing her to fall back unconscious, everyone started to scream and panic set off. I could hear everyone calling the name "Alex" but I ignored it. Before I knew it I had kicked and pinned every one of the 5 girls down. 3 unconscious and 1 heavily bleeding. I was now on top of Kristal who was crying and screaming for me to stop as I kept on punching and punching. My knuckles throbbed but I ignored the pain and started to cut off her supply of oxygen.


I kept on going at it until I was dragged off her by a strong grip, I was swearing and I kicking and got out of the grip. I went back to one of the girls and started to kick. I couldn't stop myself! It was like someone evil had taken over! By now all the teens had been replaced by teachers and security guards, I was tackled by two guards who pinned me down. I was screaming "YOU FUCKING BITCH" repeatedly as I was dragged up and handcuffs were placed onto me.

Two security guards lifted me and detained me as they dragged me away from the girls. I looked back to see all 5 bullies crying on the floor with teachers and a few people helping them. I caught a glance of my friends as soon as I got dragged away as they were following me.

"Where are you taking her?"

"It wasn't her fault"

"Alex please calm down"

"She's innocent" my friends all hollered as I was thrown into a police car which had been called as the fight started. I was still screaming at this point as my heart felt empty. Not having my parents tags on my neck sent a sharp pain across my whole body in which I felt like a different person without. 

Dereks P.O.V

I stood up left my room at the district as 5 men in their army uniform walked in.

Shaking their hands  I introduced myself as did my men.

"I'm glad you're here guys, I don't know what's going on with Alex recently, she's been in a number of fights, and is purposely trying to find trouble. She's out of control. It's like she isn't the kid I first saw she's ... different. "I explained to Phoenix's team or as Alex calls them, the pack/pact.

Before they could say anything, Vicky came running upstairs towards my men and Phoenix's men.

"Derek! Alex's been in another fight and been brought in, she's freaking out!" With that we all ran down the stairs and came in view with 4 officers trying to calm her down as she was screaming at the top of her lungs.


"Take her to the second cage" I responded to the officers who quickly removed her from the front desk and into the isolated room.

"What the fuck." Mack responded obviously shocked.

We all marched into the double room, the first room where we could analyse what was going on by a two way mirror, we all watched as she was thrown into the cage. One of the agents took off her handcuffs and locked her in leaving the room. Assuming she was going to calm down like the other fights, this time it was different. She was still screaming and had turned her attention to the chair in the cage. She picked it up and threw it at the gate screaming for someone to open it. No response came in which led her to start scratching at her face and arms. She dropped onto the floor and hugged her knees. She started to rock back and forth in the corner and was still scratching her arms causing blood to start trickling.

"She's having a breakdown. "Vicky's voice broke.

"We need to sedate Alex ." Mills ordered.

"She's not Alex anymore..." Brennon laughed

"What do you mean? Is this a joke to you all?"

"She's had episodes like this before, we've put her in episodes like this..." Ian responded calmly

"This is funny to you? She's hurting herself and she knocked out 3 girls at her school."  Vicky argued back concerned for Alex.

"What do you mean it's not... Alex?" I questioned emphasising her name.

"Some people may call it a split personality, when put under an extreme situation... like being tortured; she switches from this innocent girl to a trained soldier."

"Let us go and calm her down." Dawson got up.

"You can try ..." with that Dawson, Jay, Ian, Brennan and Mack all walked into the other room."

Alex's P.O.V

She took them away from me. I want them back! I need them back.


Another "Alex" was called but I once again ignored it not paying attention to the name, until.

"ALEXANDRA PHOXNIX HUNTER!" A loud voice boomed causing me to completely freeze. Only 1 group could snap me out of this but they weren't here, they've not been here for months ... but to my surprise I looked up only to notice my family standing there.

"Oh my god." Was the last I said before I passed out.


A big thank you to everyoe who leaves such amazing and positive comments on every chapter! It really does mean a lot to me!

ooo so the pact finally make their return! what do you think should happen next? let me know what you think!!!

Dont forget to: Comment, vote and share!

instagram: irumjb




-Irum Bashir

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