Royal Pain (Rewritten)

By romolavinia91

570K 26K 4.8K

This newer version of Royal Pain has a few mature scenes and more added detail. I hope if you're a rereader o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Ch. 31 The Origin
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (Embracing Pain)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 41

7K 340 52
By romolavinia91

Deva was thrust out of her comfort zone and forced to do her first interview. The magazine would be the first ever to get an exclusive piece on the princess. They spared no expense. She had worn 20 different outfits in less than two hours of the photoshoot. Some of the pictures were taken in the woods, her natural element, others in various rooms of the palace. Izzy was by her side the entire time acting as her personal manager, and dictating members of the staff.

When the photography aspect was over Deva was put in a chair to answer one on one questions about her life. They held the interview in the connected greenhouse with numerous exotic flowers as the perfect backdrop. The sun was shiny just enough to give Deva the most stunning natural glow.

The reporter was a petite woman with enormous kind eyes and conspicuously optimist attitude. Her intolerable smile faded as the camera men took longer than she liked. Deva crossed her legs and relaxed her shoulders so she wouldn't look arrogant.

The first few questions were basic: favorite color, style of clothing, inspirations. But eventually the egg needed to be cracked.

The reporter dove into deeper water. "What sort of problems will you address once you're queen?"

"I'm still fairly new to this world but one thing I've noticed that needs improving is blood supply. No one in this kingdom should ever be hungry."

The reporter smiled like she agreed. "You know every little girl dreams about becoming a princess and marrying a prince. Do you feel like the luckiest girl in the world having that fulfilled?"

Deva exaggerated a laugh darting her gaze towards Izzy for guidance. Should she lie?

"Maybe a little but honestly I'm terrified. I'm so new to this world, but that might be an advantage. I have a new perspective. I wasn't born into royalty. I know what it feels like to be on the other side and I will do everything in my power to make this kingdom prosper."

"You're not the only one not born into royalty and joining the family. What's the half lycan, half vampire prince like?" Any gossip about the love child was bound to be on the front of every tabloid.

Deva had to choose her words wisely to sell Adamarius as a harmless member of society and wonderful contributor to the royal family.

Deva traced her lips with a precarious finger to reflect a mysterious affection for him. "Adamarius is..." Her dramatic pause magnified a suspicious crush. "He is sublime. I say this because he is something majestic, impressive, and intellectually inspirational."

Adamarius popped in just as she finished describing him. His playful smirk gave her a good sense that he heard the praise. Before the reporter could plunge any deeper into the discussion, Deva rose, in order to shine the light on him.

"How about some photos with the dashing hybrid? I'm sure the kingdom is dying to put a face to the rumored prince."

The reporter turned her attention to Adamarius and blushed. "Your highness, I did not see you." There was no doubt she wouldn't take the bait. "We would love to take your photos, if we may."

She side glanced Izzy who nodded in agreement.

"I'm a little camera shy maybe the princess could join me." Adamarius' emerald eyes sparkled in Deva's general direction.

The reporter acted as if she struck gold once Deva accepted. Izzy sprang into action like she had envisioned the entire scene way before it was written in stone.

Adamarius and Deva were tossed into an array of magical decor. Deva had to wear gowns that weighed more than armor while Adamarius was groomed into the alluring prince charming. In the photoshoot they were portrayed as a darker version of star-crossed lovers.

Of course it was all pretend for the magazine but for Deva she felt like it was a portrayal of the potential power couple they could be; two hybrids running a kingdom of vampires.

She was threw in an endless bed of crimson red roses when she realized how meticulously important Adamarius was in her new life.

The continuous flashing camera lights and tyrant voices had vanished once her eyes were set upon his. Adamarius swept back her wavy hair ending the photoshoot with the magazine's cover shot. It would read 'The Kingdom's New Royals'.

"Admit it, you enjoyed being pampered."

Adamarius discretely led her down the stone path, through the maze and into the woods unseen.

"Oh yes. I always enjoy when women make a mess over me."

"Hey," she smacked his chest. "What happened to you're mine?"

He caught her hand and lovingly kissed her knuckles. "I will always, 100% be yours." He took note her reaction. "You like hearing that; knowing it's true."

"You're right. I feel it." Her lycan gave her confirmation. He couldn't look at another woman the way he did her. "Now where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to feed. No one has showed you how."

They stopped in front of two conspicuous black trees. The trees were perfectly replicated and almost looked fake. Even the leaves were unnaturally black.

"Why are these trees so different from the rest?"

"Because they are linked to the portal that transports to the human world."

Deva was awestruck. The whole time she wanted to go home; she couldn't believe how close home was.

"How did you know where to look?"

"It's a royal thing. Our blood is linked to it because only a royal can use it. If you concentrate hard enough you can sense it."

Deva only nodded while Adamarius tightened his grip. "Are you ready to walk through?"

"Where are we going?"

He forced her to move a step forward. "You'll see."

They entered into the portal and a huge gush of wind flow around them. Their surroundings were dark but Deva knew immediately when they reached their destination because the sound of cars and alley commotion filled her ears.

The narrow brick alley ways were damp and crowded with random scattered trash. Adamarius led her towards the entrance of what looked like a bar. Deva's jaw dropped when she noticed the sign above the bar was written in Romanian.

"We're in Romania."

He smiled at her reaction. "Yes but this is more of an American styled part of town."

The bar was crowded with grungy European bearded men and a few slutty girls trying to get some attention. The room was modern fashioned but still had a pool table that looked out of place in the back.

As soon as they reached the middle of the room most of the people turned to stare. Deva and Adamarius were uniquely beautiful. They were dark creatures with enhanced physical features. Everything about them from their glowing skin to their ridiculously radical eyes were tools of allure and seduction.

They made their way to the pool table and instantly a girl in a short black skirt and apron showed up. The pretty natural blonde's eyes loomed over Adamarius' body with lust than she worked her way towards Deva.

She licked and bit her lips at Deva. "What can I get you sexy lady?"

Her thick accent was almost enough to distract Deva from being hit on by a girl.

"Can I get a whole bottle of tequila, please?"

"Anything else?" Her desperate eyes were going from Deva to Adamarius as if praying they would ask her to join them later.

Adamarius shook his head and the waitress reluctantly walked away when her boss waved his hand for her to get back to work.

"Question: have you ever been with a girl or thought about it?"

There was no doubt he was already dreaming up a threesome with himself, Deva, and the little waitress.

Deva pinched the bridge of her nose. "No. Have you even been with a man or thought about it?"

"I might for Henry Cavill. He can be my superman any day." Adamarius put a little sass in his voice.

Deva laughed. "We'd have to share him."

"Now," Adamarius whispered into her ear. "Which one would you like to have a nibble of?"

Deva scanned the room to find the perfect victim. There were many people she could have chosen but when she spotted a very attractive man drowning down a bottle of rum she knew he was the one she wanted.

Her eyes shot up to Adamarius who was studying her face with curiosity. "I want him," she turned her head back towards the man she was admiring. "The guy in the leather jacket."

"You're kidding right?"

She narrowed her eyes at him and emphasized the word 'no'.

He shook his head with disappointment. "Of course you pick the guy that's five times your size."

"He is not," she pouted.

"Deva he's my size."

Her eyes instinctively ranked down his glorious body before swallowing her pride. "So, what are you trying to say?"

He huffed. "Nothing, I was just hoping you would pick a girl to be your first."

"You would like that wouldn't you?"

He smirked. "Yes I would."

He didn't say anything else so she wasn't sure if he approved. Deva tried a different approach to win his vote. She began to run her hands down his muscular 8-pack and wrapped them around his torso before pouting her lips again. She felt him slightly shiver at her touch and knew her plan was working to her advantage.

"Please Marius." He didn't reply so she stood on her tippy toes and placed several kiss on his collar bone and neck.

Adamarius groaned with pleasure and submission.

"Fine but if he touches you in one wrong move he is getting his hands ripped off."

She pecked his lips and turned to the direction of her victim. The man was nodding his head to the music and sipping his drink when Deva's figure came into view. She used her eyes to silently communicate with him then turned in the direction of the exit sign. Adamarius noticed the man's besotted and lustful stare as his eyes followed Deva's fading figure.

The man didn't wait long before setting his drink down and following her. The cold air greeted his face as he stepped out into the dimly lit alley way.

He called out to her, "Leaving so soon?"

Deva found men easy to maneuver. "Perhaps."

"Where are you going?" His thick accent reminded her of home.

She finally started up at the beautiful blond haired, blue eyed man. "Why do you want to know? Will you follow me?"

"Yes," he declared.

Deva moved closer to his towering figure. Even with heels on the man was a good eight inches taller than her.

"What is your name?" She asked in Romanian.

The man looked shock to find out she spoke his language. "Silviu."

"Silviu," it rolled off her tongue like silk. "Have you ever wanted something so bad, needed something so much that you would do anything to have it?"

She whispered as her hand found the back of his neck and lips barely touched the base of his throat. She could smell and almost feel the sweet intoxication of his blood.

"Yes," he nodded and she noticed the shaky and huskiness of his voice.

"So have I and I'm afraid I can't resist it any longer." With that Deva sunk her newly sharp teeth into his neck penetrating his skin so deep that the blood came gushing into her mouth. The sweet taste of the thick liquid wasn't anything like she ever imaged it would be.

Silviu tried to jerk back but Deva's hold was much too firm and strong. Soon his body did not resist her but pulled her close as if enjoying the sensation she was giving him. All she could think about was the amazing liquid running down her throat and filling her stomach.

Deva sensed Adamarius' dark figure leaning against the brick wall with his arms crossed observing her with admiration and intrigue. After a few more moments Adamarius went to stand next to her.

"You know darling I'm not opposed to killing a human but I'm not sure you feel the same way." He leaned in and made sure he had her full attention while her teeth were still latched onto her victim. "If you don't stop soon that is exactly what you will be doing."

She forced her mind to concentrate on his words and not the wonderful sensation she was receiving from the blood. She didn't want to kill anyone and with that realization Deva found the will power to pull away from Silviu and lick his wound.

Her bite mark eventually disappeared from his neck before his limp body fell to the floor. For a second she thought she did kill him but his shallow breathing told her otherwise.

"That was very good pet. You even had the will power to stop despite what your instincts were telling you, you wanted."

His commentary really did make her feel better about herself. Maybe this life wasn't going to be that bad or hard after all.

Adamarius continued their night by venturing onto the streets.

The main street had plenty of cars waiting for the light to turn green. Adamarius went up to a blue Mercedes and opened the passenger's side door. He ushered Deva into the seat before walking around to the driver's side. The man who was already in the car got out without hesitation or asking questions. Deva wasn't sure how Adamarius did it but asked him as soon as he pressed the gas pedal.

"How did you do that? How did you get him to get out without even opening your mouth?"

"I have mad skills," he replied without taking his eyes off the road.

"No seriously."

He let out a breath. "Every royal has an ability, you know that. Well mine happens to be persuasion, a very intense unbreakable persuasion."

"Force? You can force anyone to do what you want?" She asked in wonder.

"Yes. I can just think it and most of the time they have to do it. But it's not that easy. The mind is very complicated and complex."

She began staring out of the window, distracting herself with the blur of the city lights. There were so many questions she wanted to ask.

"Did you ever use your ability on me?"

"No," he quickly responded making Deva turn back to him. "Deva I never used it on you. Use your ability on me if you don't believe me."

She didn't have to because the evidence was in his eyes. "Why is that? How do I have an ability when I'm not even a royal yet?"

"You still had Darius' blood in your system when I turned you. The vampire blood transfused with lycan cells in your body and manifested. They combined and forced your body to take in both species. You have royal blood in you Deva."

They drove half the night reaching a very old and abandoned cathedral. It had ancient statues of wolves guarding every angle. There was an allure to their unique dark beauty that enchanted her more than any other creature.

"These are what lycans looked like before they evolved." Adamarius ran his hand down the stone architecture. "They were just simple wolves basically shape shifters."

When Deva first saw Adamarius in his cell he reminded her of the beast from "Beauty and the Beast". He was hairy all over with sharp teeth and a long snot but he was standing like a human.

"How did I not know about my ancient blood line? How did you know?"

"My father would speak wonderful things about the first lycans. He made sure I knew what they were and who they are. I suppose your family branched off and eventually the lycan gene wasn't as potent. "

Deva sat on the stone hedge and watched as Adamarius plunged into the history.

"So it was always with me. I was born with lycan blood."

He nodded, pleased with her sudden interest about her roots.

"Can I ask you something?"

He waited but she hesitated to ask. "What is it Deva?"

"Why is it that you and your brothers like me so much, like you can't resist me?"

She had to admit she sounded conceited but she really wanted to know and hoped he had the answer.

"There are stories that explain how some people are destined to be together. You were meant for us, like you were made specifically for us. It's a genetic thing with your blood Deva. We can't resist you because of our infatuation with what you are."

Deva felt bothered by this new fact. The brothers couldn't resist her blood because it was like she was made for them.

He was ready to reveal a part of his story because he knew it would dissolve doubts she had about his devotion towards her.

Adamarius stood in the gap between her legs, rubbing her thighs because the physical contact calmed her nerves. His lycan could to wondrous things to her beyond even her own recognition.

"Remember when I was having tea with my mother and you strolled in. You hated me then." She shifted through the memory. "I told you I went to Portland, Oregon."

"Oh yeah."

He took a relaxed breath. "I was watching you."

"What?" She tried pushing away from him but he held her in place.

"Deva listen to me. My father gave me the names of the bloodlines. I don't know how you ended up in the human world but you did. I stumbled upon you by chance. It never would have occurred to me to check in the human world."

She controlled her heavy heaving. "You were passing through?"

"Yes." He leaned in. "I was exploring a new world. I went to a little library in front of Mimi's café." Deva's eyes sparked in remembrance. "I wanted to read up about your history and cultures but then I saw the most beautiful creature."

He brushed his lips lightly against hers.

"You were only sixteen. I wasn't just drawn to your blood. Deva you are...sublime." He had stolen her word; her description of him. "You are everything I was looking for." His voice was milked with honesty.

"Why didn't you come up to me? Why didn't you say anything?" Their lives could have been so different.

"Like I said you were only sixteen. I couldn't complicate your youth any more than it was. I wanted you to live a normal life. You deserved a normal life."

How could she be so wrong about him? Adamarius was selfless. He could have easily seduced her but instead he let her live the life she wanted. A boring human life but it was more than the other princes would have done for her. They didn't care about her happiness not in the beginning. They only wanted the throne.

Deva flung her arms around his neck to trap him in a passionate lick lock. He was morphing into her trusted knight in shining armor.

"Thank you."

He was winded from her intimate gratification. "For what?"

"For putting me first."

Adamarius hugged her. "You always will be." 

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