Darkness Rises-Harry Styles

By TheBlondeAdventurer

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"Before you can see the light, you first have to deal with the darkness." More

Darkness Rises-Harry Styles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35

Chapter 34

1.9K 106 7
By TheBlondeAdventurer

'It's almost like you had it planned. Like you smiled and shook my hand and said "I'm about to screw you over..." '

Rose's POV:

My heart felt like it was about to crumble and shatter into a thousand pieces. Luke must be lying, right? Harry wouldn't do anything like that, not to me. He's not like that. He isn't...is he?

I turn to Harry, hoping that what Luke was saying is false. "Harry, is that true?" I ask and he just gives me a desperate look. "Rose, it's not what it seems like." he says and I feel the beating of my heart getting faster.

"He came here because he was assigned to take the Princess of Dragmere and hold her hostage in the vampire's stronghold. He was sent here to destroy you, ultimately." Luke continues and I cover my hand with my mouth, feeling the power I had slipping away from me. It was going away, knowing that the little emotional spurt I was experiencing was quickly disappearing.

"Harry here was supposed to take you back so that they could kill you. You see, they wanted you dead as well. Harry was doing their dirty work for them, and he did it so perfectly. He acted as the protector to gain your trust, so that when he was done with that, he could take you back for himself." Luke says and I now have both hands over my mouth, muting the sobs that are escaping.

Tears are falling down my face as I stare at Harry, who's head is down solemnly. Luke is grinning like a madman, proud to have exposed Harry in our most important moment. He must've been waiting for this to happen so that he could tear us down.

"How does it feel, Rose? How does it feel to know that, yet again, the person you trusted had betrayed you in the end?" Luke sneers at me and I look at Harry, who is now looking at me with desperate eyes.

"Is it true?" I ask, my hands falling to my side as I struggle to keep what little composure I have left. "Rose, I-" he starts but I cut him off.

"I asked if it was true, Harry!! Answer me!" I scream at him and he takes a step back in shock. I've never yelled at Harry, not like this, not the entire time that I've known him. It must be surprising to him to see me yelling at him.

"It's...it's true, Rose. I was supposed to take you back. But I changed my mind. I wasn't going to!" he tells me but I shake my head at him, not believing his words. That's what they all say, they all say that they were going to change. They say that because they know that they've been discovered for the monstrosity that they are. But they say those things to cover up their lies. Harry was lying to me. He has been this entire time.

I feel all my energy fading away from me, and I see the pendant glowing on my neck. A small pillar of black smoke swirls up around me, and I feel myself changing back into my normal self.

The pillar disappears and I fall to my knees, my strawberry blonde hair falling in my face as I stare at the ground. When I finally thought that I could trust someone, I'm betrayed yet again. He's been planning this since the beginning.

I feel completely drained of energy and I know that I'm now useless again. This must be why Luke told me. He knew he couldn't defeat me when I was like that, so he destroyed what I was fighting for to make me give up.

And it worked.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go this far." Harry croaks and I look up, seeing him trying to walk towards me. I stumble away from him, tears staining my cheeks as I give him a glare.

"Stay away from me!" I yell, making him freeze in his tracks. His eyes hold hurt and regret but I don't care anymore. I'm done trying to let people in, all they do is hurt me.

"Such a sad fate, isn't it, Rose?" Luke says darkly and soon Harry is bound up by the shadows again. He yells out in anger, trying to struggle against Luke's shadows, but he can't break free. I stare at him with pain in my eyes before I look down at the ground, crying.

"No matter what you do, it's never good enough, is it? It never has been and it never will be." Luke continues and I see him walking up to me through the corner of my eyes. He picks me up harshly by the hair and I yelp out in pain.

"Don't you touch her!" Harry growls and I look down. "Stop acting like you care about me Harry! The joke's over! It's done." I say, my voice cracking at the end and I see Harry's face fall.

"No, Rose you can't give up! Don't give into him!" Harry begs but I shake my head at him. "Shut up Harry! I'm tired of listening to you! I...I wish that I had never met you at all!!" I scream out, not meaning what I said but hoping that it would hurt him the same way I was hurting inside.

Luke just laughed as he saw us fall apart right in front of him, the sight clearly amusing to him. "This is going as planned. Too bad that you couldn't have kept that information from me, eh Harry? Then you would've had her all to yourself." he taunts, patting me on the head before standing me up on my feet, shadows binding my hands together.

"As of now, you two are my prisoners. Killing you right now would be all too easy. I want to see you two break down completely. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll put you out of your misery." Luke says and I begin to cry as he leads me and Harry away, each of us on separate sides.

Luke whistles, and soon four demons appear from the shadows, coming up to Luke and bowing to him. "Take her up to the chambers we have prepared in our new palace. I am going to hand deliver this one." Luke says, smiling cruelly at Harry before I'm shoved into another demons' hands. Three of the demons escort me while Luke and the fourth demon begin to take Harry away.

"Rose, I'm so sorry." Harry tries again but I ignore him, my strength and hope crushed completely. If only I had seen this coming, I could've prevented this. But no, just like with James, I was too naïve and too stupid to see the betrayal coming. This is what I get for trusting people.

I begin to cry again, being led away by these demons as I approach the palace. When I see it, I gasp in shock at it.

The palace is now black, the normal white walls and light complexion now distorted into a ragged, sharp edged black prison. "No." I cry, realizing that while I had been fighting Luke, they were back here finishing off the palace.

I had been losing this entire time.

I get drug into the palace, and at first I don't recognize the place. The halls are dimly lit by candles, not the normal bright lights that hung high in the ceiling. "She walks too slow." one of the demons complains and the other two agree.

Soon, I'm being lifted into someone's arms and I feel us sprinting through the palace to decrease the time spent getting there. The next thing I know, I'm being placed into a room that was dark and empty.

"He'll be seeing you soon." a demon says, a dark smile on his face as he slams the door in my face, the three demons' laughter echoing through the halls as they disappear.

I finally let myself completely break down, falling to the ground in the fetal position and crying out in pain. Screaming out in betrayal, in pain, and in agony of failure, I let myself cry more than I have cried in a long time.

Everything I had hoped for, everything that I had dreamed of...was completely and utterly...


Well, this isn't good. Luke has taken over, and Harry and Rose are not in good terms anymore. I don't know if this is a good time to say this, but this book is practically over. Only one chapter remains, and I'm sorry about that. You'll have to see what happens in the finale!!

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