Royal Pain (Rewritten)

By romolavinia91

568K 25.9K 4.8K

This newer version of Royal Pain has a few mature scenes and more added detail. I hope if you're a rereader o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Ch. 31 The Origin
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (Embracing Pain)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 39

6.9K 358 53
By romolavinia91

Sitting at the breakfast table Deva concentrated on her food rather than the heated stare from Adamarius. The intensity of him in general was giving her anxiety.

"So my birthday is coming up?" Izzy struck up a new topic of conversation.

Deva could use the distraction. "Really?"

Izzy pursed her lips and groaned, "Yes and mother insists we make a big deal out of it."

Marcus' eyebrows rose in surprise. "Do you really want everyone to know you're turning 424 years old?"

Deva smacked Marcus' shoulder. "That's not very old at all?" She tried to sound as convincing as possible.

Izzy laughed. "It's alright Deva. You'll be that age too one day."

The thought began to haunt her. To live 424 years was definitely something to wonder about. It was an extremely long time, almost unfathomable to her. The more Deva thought the more she questioned her choice of existence. Did she really want to live that long?

"I don't typically celebrate my birthday but this year mother wants to make a spectacle of me. She usually tries to hide me from the rest of the world. I don't know what changed her mind. I don't mind being invisible."

"I can totally volunteer to kidnap you. I'd love to get out of here for a few days, years maybe." Deva wished that was an option.

"And maybe that would have worked if you didn't have three over protective princes already on your tail."

Deva frowned but was thrilled that the great distraction would take the light off of her for once.

"What about the dog? Do we put it out for the night?" Darius' sarcastic remark was accompanied by a smirk.

"The guests will talk. Adamarius looks exactly like us. They'll want to know who he is."

"Then it's about time we tell them." The Queen graced her children with her presence at the table.

The sun beating down on her only brightened the warming smile on her face. Every time she glanced as her newly found son nothing could bring down her luminous joy.

"It can also be his coming out party." Izzy was willing to compromise.

"Is that wise?" Marcus knew his father wouldn't agree with the idea and if he was there he would have voiced his own opinions.

"It's about time society knew beside the council seems to have accepted him."

The princes remained silent not wanting to push their mother or question her authority. After all it was only a matter of time till the world would find out about the scandal surrounding the royal family.

"You know the best part about parties is the shopping. I need a new outfit. Julia and I are going to the mall later today after her date. Want to come with us Deva?"

Deva swallowed. She wasn't too sure she could be in the company of humans. The nightmare of tearing Evie to pieces was just too much of a high risk possibility for any human around her. Deva would never be able to forgive herself if she hurt her best friend.

She was in a sense very relieved that her new situation meant no humans around her because that especially meant Red. Not seeing her was the best part of the whole predicament.

"No Iz. I don't think I can handle being around her just yet."

Izzy understood all too well. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think about that."

"It's fine. Have fun and tell Julia I love her and miss her."

Izzy nodded before bending over and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "We'll plan something else together."


Nobody dared squash Izzy's dreams or darken the mood. Everyone around her always seemed to accommodate to her needs and wishes. Those were the perks of being the only sister and the baby of the family.

Marcus got up. "If you'll excuse me I have a date with a gorgeous woman in half an hour."

"Where are you taking her?" Deva asked happy her two closest friends were sparking a love.

"For some ice cream." He winked before disappearing into thin air.

That was where he took her on their first adventure together.

"Adam did you still want to join me for my meeting with the Duke?"

Deva caught Adamarius staring at her again but even as she witnessed him he bared no shame. He looked almost disturbed, like his mind was clashing with a million thoughts.


By the even tone in his voice Deva knew he was forcing out his answer. He didn't want to go but Deva could respect that he only said yes to please his mother.

Five minutes later there were only two left at the table basking in the outside nature on the patio.

Darius took a deep breath and she already knew what he was going to say.

"Are you alright?"

"I've been better," she answered bitterly.

He leaned closer. The concern etched in his silver eyes was no doubt meant to melt her hard exterior. This was who she was now. She couldn't be that little fragile Deva he was used to swaying every which way he pleased.

They always told her she was too headstrong but when it came to Darius she was helpless. Darius was the only one who could make her do things she never thought she could do.

"I can't begin to imagine what you have gone through since you were brought here." Darius chose his words wisely so he wouldn't offend her. "But you are not alone. If you ever need anything or anyone I am here for you."

She refused to fall prey to his charm. "I'm practically queen now," she raised her brow intimidatingly, "as if you'd have a choice otherwise."

He had helped create the cold monster she was becoming.

Deva pushed back her chair getting ready to leave but Darius couldn't leave things like that.

"I am yours Deva," he blurted out. "My body may not belong to you but my heart and soul will forever be eternally bound to you."

"Stop," she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Do you think I like being reminded of this? Does it make you or even me feel better about our situation? I'm sick of our Romeo and Juliet romance. I can't take it anymore."

Deva paced the open space of the stone pavement while clawing through her hair.

"I can't take the sight of you with another woman."

She finally looked up and saw Darius' eyes in a conundrum of anguish and despair. It was the same replica of hell in her heart.

"I will be damned if I have to be constantly reminded of what could have been if we were allowed to love each other. One of us has to go," she threatened.

They both knew it couldn't be her. Deva was the future queen, heir to the throne. No, Darius knew in his crumbling heart that he would eventually have to leave everything he loved behind.

Deva drove like a bat out of the cave down the empty roads. Her mixed emotions were like a tornado destroying every ounce of her mental strength. It was all coming at her too fast and strong, hitting her in every direction.

Love felt like a horrible plague killing every kind of happiness in her life. Nothing felt right or good anymore. Deva never expected a fairytale ending but to not even feel content with her life was just unfair.

Love sucked.

Love was something she couldn't afford. It wasn't worth getting her heart ripped out. She vowed never to love again; never to let a man sweep her off her feet. The sense of vulnerability he could bring out of her was too heart wrenching.

Somehow she found herself driving towards the old beaten down gritty, abandoned hotel Darius had taken her to.

It saddened her to know that Darius would have made an amazing king. He was passionate about his people and wanted to cater to their needs. Not many kings did that. They could have done incredible things together as king and queen.

Deva shook the stupid thoughts away, not wanting to dwell on the pathetic consumptions of what could never happen. She was slowly convincing herself that Darius and Red would live happier lives in the human world. There he could be a father without the distraction of a kingdom or titles. They were better off in the human world and Deva was better off without him in her life.

The place was more rubble than shelter but she did see serious potential. Besides what better use was there for spending the kingdom's money. It should go back to the people. If she was meant to lead the people then she couldn't let them starve.

The echo of faint footsteps crashing against the descended debris caused Deva to snap her head towards the noise.

"You've got the wrong address. Little red riding hood lives three houses down."

Her big bad wolf reference was answered with a soft sarcastic chuckle from Adamarius.

"I'm not in the mood right now so don't start." She warned knowing very well he wouldn't heed her request.

"Yes, I overheard. The star-crossed lovers finally calling it quits."

She turned to view him in full with venom spilling through her death glare. "Don't presume to know what happened."

Adamarius maneuvered over the random blocks of rocks and stone without drifting his locked stare from Deva. He stopped short of a foot away from her.

"I presume nothing. I heard and saw the destruction of Darius' love for you."

Why was he taunting her with this? Was it not bad enough she had to live through it?

"What do you know about that?" She challenged. "Your black heart isn't capable of love or showing affection."

His green eyes softened to an unknown shade of unfathomable proportions.

For once in her life Deva desperately wished she could read his thoughts. Why was he so intriguing and such an unnerving mystery?

"You have no idea what my heart is capable of?" He cautiously inched closer. "Or what it already contains."

Slowly he began to bare his soul.

What was the strange feeling he was mustering up inside of her? Could she even begin to imagine what he meant? Not really. She couldn't trust him. It seemed everyone she let in was turning into a disappointment.

"Just leave me alone." She was done fighting and didn't care if she was showing a side of weakness in front of him.

Deva moved around him but stopped at the sound of his voice.

"I never meant to cause you more pain." He understood she had enough of that from Darius.

"You forced me to kill a human being." It was difficult concealing her anger.

"Sometimes we need to do things we don't want in order to realize who we are." Adamarius knew what it meant to be pushed to the limits.

"I know exactly who I fucking am." Deva's creepy cynical laugh echoed in the air. "I don't need your help to remind me how much I hate myself." The laugh was the only way to cover up the hurt burning within her.

Her situation was beyond repair. Humor was all she could turn to instead of losing her mind.

"That's not what I-"

"I don't give a shit." She fumed, darting her eyes into his soul. "I don't want your help. You are a lying manipulating egotistical asshole."

Adamarius shook his head moving closer to her but she scooted back. "That's not who I am."

"That's who you've proven to be."

"No. No I haven't." He needed her to open up to the possibility of the true him. "I've never lied to you. I've never hurt you."

"What about the first time we met? I don't believe that was just bloodlust." She asked disgusted.

He dropped his head shamed and somewhat embarrassed. "You know how it feels now, when your lycan takes over and nothing you do will stop it. I didn't...we didn't want to kill. We wanted...."

His expression changed.

Her curiosity was dying. "What?'

"You," he confessed. "We wanted to claim you."

A floodgate of emotions spewed into action as her hard fist colliding with his face. He rocked backwards from shock.

"You're a disgusting liar." She didn't believe a word out of his mouth.

He raised his hand to his busted lip, smirking and admiring her hook. "Afraid of the truth?"

With the bent up anger accumulating she rammed her knee into his groin. He bent over to dull the pain and groaned.

A few seconds later his eyes flashed with a lethal hunger. "You really shouldn't have done that." He slammed her up against the crumbling wall not in the mood for gentleness.

She clinched her jaw when her head hit the hard surface. "I hate you."

"So you keep telling me."

His eyes traced her face and she used the distraction to elbow him in the chest but it didn't do much for her situation. His features turned dark and he slammed her again.

"Now pet I need you to calm down."

"Why? So you can finally claim me?" She grunted wiggling in his arms.

His close hot body was pressing against her and again she was hit with strange feelings of misconception.

What was going on?

There was this pulling sensation inside of her trying to force its way out. This gut wrenching fib was scaring her.

"Get off me."

"I don't think you really want me to." He mocked as his nose grazed the skin on her neck. The tingling sensation began to lift the hairs on her body as he lingered on her skin.

"I do."

"Mmmm." His teeth playfully pinched down on her skin where his mark remained intact.

He controlled the undeniable chills running through her body. He controlled the sensations and with that her body.

"You feel it. You feel the amazing things I can do to you." She was, without question, his prisoner. He was only granting her freedom for her own sanity.

"But it's all a lie. Isn't' it? This connection, this stupid claim; what does it mean?"

"It's a real physical and mental connection. I claimed you when I bit you. That mark you have on your neck means you're mine."

The sudden burst of sincerity was the slightest retreat she needed in order to spin them around and slam him against the wall. She didn't like the idea of being owned.

"You wish." She growled. "Am I some game to you?" She couldn't identify his character anymore.

Who was he? What did he want with her?

His breath tickled her skin, teasingly. "No. You never were."

"Am I supposed to believe you? I don't know anything about you."

"I've never lied to you."

Her palms pressing on his chest were an insurgent to the mysteries of his soul. It was like an electric shock pulsing from him into her.

"Even if I tried to lie, you'd see right through me." His collective thoughts were designating conviction. "You have this incredible ability to see through people. Every royal has a gift. Darius' blood triggered your best quality. I believe you can tell when someone is lying or telling the truth."

That interesting part never occurred to her. The possibility of having an ability wasn't a ridiculous notion. She did have an unfathomable way of getting the true out of people.

The touch of his lips on her cheek pulled her back to reality. He traced her jaw with tiny soft kisses. The warm sexual sensation of his lips was driving her mad with lust and hunger.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

His lips quivered up into a smile. "I want you." His teasing touch moved closer to her lips. "And deep down you want it too."

She did. She wanted to feel his lips on hers like she needed it to sustain her sanity; as if his touch was the cure to everything ailing her.

But images of Darius forced her back into a safety box where she could stay untouchable. He was a haunting figure she couldn't erase from her mind.

Deva shoved Adamarius back and he stumbled away. She took two steps before he spoke again.

"You're pathetic," his anger was seeping through his words.

He was starting to crawl into her head; leaving an impression. His voice wasn't something she could ignore anymore.

"Excuse me?"

"You still love him even after he broke your heart." His devilish expression added salt to her open wound. "He is moving on while you are stuck in your own self-pity."

Darius was only partially moving on. He still claimed to love her but ultimately he was living another life with Red. He had someone to fall back on while she had no one.

Hate was an emotion she felt far too frequently since she had arrived to the vampire world. No matter what Deva did, no matter the power she would gain as queen, she still couldn't be with Darius.

With her thoughts in shambles Deva surrendered to the radiating heat of Adamarius' body.

She kept her eyes on the rise and fall of his chest as it calmed her chaotic nerves. His heart beats were like a rhythmic song that she never heard with Darius. Darius' heart stopped beating the moment he was turned into a vampire.

"He just let you fall and the sad part is you're not picking up the pieces." His sweet velvet voice hugged her with a string of vigilant strength.

His warm fingers traveled up her neck to cup her cheek to sway her to look up at him. His beautiful captivating eyes were shinning with compassion.

His thumb rubbed against her skin and wiped away a fallen tear she didn't know she had.

"Let me help you pick up those pieces."

She swallowed. "Why?"

"Because not only are you mine but I am yours. Our lycans are connected. I can never hurt you. I will do everything in my power to protect you. I couldn't just watch you fade away. There is a fire in you that you are letting go out. Let me help you." He leaned closer; his lemon lavender scent filled her lungs.

"Let me care for you." His lips touched the corner of her lips." Let me help you forget about him."

She felt like he was the only one that could erase the memories of her past. She felt the unexplainable hold he had over her. Deva couldn't resist. A dominate part of her wanted to give in and let him take over.

He could be her escape, her freedom.

The natural, mental gravitational pull tore her defense down to let him in. Deva tilted her head crushing her lips against his. They melted in urgency as if it were depended upon.

Her arms laced themselves around his neck and his extremely hot body engulfed her small frame. Their passionate kiss intensified when he bit her lip and they tasted blood. Their hungry beasts fed off each other because they needed one another.

Deva peeled back to catch her breath. She only had a second before he covered her lips in a sweeter, gentle approach. His lips' tender caress lingered in unspoken affection.

He cared for her. It wasn't an act.

Deva rested her forehead against his. Their jagged breathing was equal in every way.

"How is this going to work?" She asked mostly to herself.

"One day at a time," his smart remark made her want to bite his lip.

"I hate you."

He smiled against her cheek. "Not completely."

He was right. "You're growing on me I guess."

"Deva," he entranced her eyes to spill his feelings. "I should have told you sooner but you had so much going on. I thought the last thing you needed was me declaring my devotion to you. I don't think you would have believed me. You needed to feel it."

"So you purposely made me hate you?"

"I guess it was my way of giving you a choice. You weren't ready for another brother to fall in love with. You needed a punching bag." How could he have known that? "I know you're still hurting from what he did to you." He moved in and pecked her lips.

"What is happening? What are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be; whatever feels right."

Whatever they were needed to be a secret. "I need you to promise me one thing."

He simply nodded.

"Promise me you will always tell me the truth no matter what. Promise me you will never lie to me."

He was already fulfilling that promise. "Yes, my Queen."

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