As We Are

By ElisiaWrites

8.7K 469 1K

"Everything is fine until you come back." He mutters, kicking a rock. "Some people never get to come back." ... More

2 - Raised Anything Whatsoever / Decorated Anything
3 - Never outloud said the word "fuck"
4 - Gone to a Coachella show
5 - Send A Message in a Bottle
6 - Gone on a hot air balloon
7 - Numbers 2 and 16.
8 - Gotten a tattoo
9 - Kissed anyone
10 - Never smoked weed or a cigarette
11 - Gone Camping Itself / Had a Campfire
12 - Gone hiking / Jumped off a cliff
13 - Never Have I Ever Drove a Car Just Because
14 - Gotten My Future Told / Gone Rollerskating
15 - Gone To The Zoo / Ridden a Camel / Kissed Anyone
17 - Make a Donation / Kiss a Stranger
18 - Forgive someone
19 - Make any type of impact on a person, or the world.
20- Swam In a Public Pool / Had Sex
22 - Fallen In Love
23 - Seen the Eiffel Tower
24- Had an Actual Birthday Party/Built An Igloo
25- Ridden a Motorcycle/ Slept Under The Stars/ Gone Fishing
26- 44&47
27 - 13 & 23
28 - skinny dipping / streaking in a park
Ally's List of Why She's Such a Loner

16 - Gone on a date.

240 12 58
By ElisiaWrites

"I feel like I'm losing control. Maybe I should let myself go because this is so predictable."

-Runaway Runaway, Mars Argo.

Side note: I have the last chapter completed. The sequel is pending. When this is done, it'll all be up to you guys. :)

*smiles innocently*



"W-what? Parker, I only have a towel on right now, why the hell would you ask me- no demand this- at a moment like this?" I ask him with wide eyes, back to the wall in shock.

"Yeah, I am pretty turned on right now."

"Parker!" I screech. His lips tug in a lazy, dimpled, sexy smile. He runs a hand through his hair, making it even messier.

"Ally, get dressed, and we'll talk." He says in an authoritative tone. A very hot authoritative tone.

I nod silently, unable to speak, submissive. He walks out and shuts the door. I let out a breath and slowly slump to the ground.

Jesus, Ally, you need to snap out of this!

I get up and walk to my bag. I open it and quickly change into my soft cotton shorts and favorite tank top. I blow dry my hair and put it in a high ponytail before nervously walking out and into the living room of the hotel room where Parker stands with his back to me, facing the window, looking out.

I stare at him for a moment, and when his ears perk slightly, I can tell he's smiling.

"You, me, on a date, now," Parker says before turning around.

"Parker it's 10 at night and look what we're dressed in. That's so... Unplanned."

"Ally, everything that you do is always planned planned planned. I'm trying to teach you how to live, and people that live don't plan out every move that they make." He states with a smile.

"Yes, Parker, but I'm not them."

"Planned is overrated. Dates are usually planned out. If you're the opposite of them, you wouldn't plan on it happening, you'd just do it randomly because, in the real world, dates are planned for a specific time and place. So come on." He says.

Goddammit, does he always have to be right?!

"Parker I-"

"Before you try pulling the: 'I don't want this to ruin the friendship' card, I'm sorry, but shut the fuck up." He says, stepping towards me. "Ally, there's this thing between us, and I'm too blunt to not do anything about it. I believe wholeheartedly that we are meant to go on this date."

I stare at him before walking to him slowly. I take his face in my hands before leaning up and kissing him. He responds instantly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to his defined chest. Our lips move in sync with each other's, sending my heart into a frenzy, an electric buzz all over my skin.

Screw getting drunk! This is better!

I pull away a little, resting my forehead on his, on my tip toes. His eyes stay shut for a moment as he smiles.

"Girl. Y'all are fuckin' beautiful."

We turn to see Hendrik recording us from the side. I shake my head and he starts typing away. Soon enough both mine and Parker's phones are going off with the notification that Hendrik tagged us in a video of us kissing.

Parker looks at me as if waiting for an answer.

"Give me a moment to think," I tell him and awkwardly walk back to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I look in the mirror and start to low-key hyperventilate. I quickly put on foundation, eyeliner, and mascara within about three minutes of a Trap City song. I change into ripped jeans, a crop top, and a Nike windbreaker jacket - leaving it unzipped - and slip on a pair of white-on-black Adidas.

Ok. Basic white Tumblr trash outfit goals!

I nod before grabbing the phone and walking out.

"Gee. I assumed you were just contemplating how to get out the window without breaking anything." Parker states upon seeing me, now in khaki joggers, a university sweater, and Jordans. He takes my hand and pulls me out. He even opened the door to the car and the hotel for me.

He drives, to where? I don't know. I grab my phone and hook it up to the aux cord.

I put on Fabulous from High School Musical 2, to resurface the memory of our 'first kiss'.

He smiles and rests a hand on my thigh. It sends me inwardly freaking out. I don't know what a relationship even is! What do I do? I didn't plan for this to happen all of a sudden! What do I do?!

"Stop freaking out." He says, lightly squeezing my thigh for a second. "Just let this happen. Let us happen."

I relax in my seat put one of my hands over his, and play with his pointer finger. I look out the window into nothing. Next, I put on Wet Cigarette by Mars Argo.

Let's just see where the night takes us.




"JUST DO IT! YOU'RE IN A NIKE WINDBREAKER AND THEIR MOTTO IS JUST DO IT! NOW KILL IT!" He screams back from where he stands on the counter of the restaurant. People are recording, but I really couldn't give a fuck.

"UM excuse me! You're the man here!"

"Yes, but this place has a large kitchen, and women belong in kitchens and working and stuff so kill the damn spider!"

Well, we were eating, this was the best day of my life, but then suddenly a spider dropped onto our table. See, me and Parker both have a huge fright of spiders. So naturally, he jumped onto the counter, knocking over a napkin thing, and I onto the backrest of the booth we were in. Now, with people telling us to shut up or calm down, or petty threats, we were arguing on who kills it.

People are so dramatic, is it really an issue that we're yelling?! It's freaking 11 at night! Go to bed old hags!

"That was so sexist I have half the mind to slit your throat!"

"And what you said about me being the man here isn't?!"

I freeze.

"Okay, I see your point, but as the person who demanded I go on this date in the first place, kill it, or I don't go on any more dates, and you don't get kisses."

He flies towards the table and quickly kills the spider. He grabs a napkin, saying "ew ew ew ew ew ew" on the way to the trash with the dead spider n-

a scream resonates from Parker, where baby spiders start to crawl over his arm, going all over him. I scream as well.

"NOT THE SEXY BODY I ADORE!" I scream, grabbing the booze hose and spraying the spiders off of him.

At least to say, the restaurant is now trashed.


Me and Parker make a run for it, and we scramble into his car. There were no cameras inside or out, so we should be in the clear. The manager with a cell phone in hand screams at us as we take off.

When we get back to the apartment, Parker instantly goes for the bathroom, ignoring Hendrik and his boyfriend who stare at us with confusion.

"Just.. Don't ask."

I take off my shoes and jacket and climb into bed. I snuggle into Parker's scent. The lights flicker off and I see Hendrik and + get in their respectful bed. Parker eventually comes out of the bathroom freshly showered, smelling of Axe, only in a pair of basketball shorts.

H O T.

He climbs in and stares at me. I open my eyes fully finally and look back. He smiles.

"Can I hold you?" He asks as if he's a child asking for candy. I nod slowly. He pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. He puts his head on my neck.

Does he hear my pulse?

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers. I nod again. He presses a light kiss to my neck, then my jaw, then my lips. He smiles against my lips and lies down again with me against him. Then, a quick, three taps against the door, followed by:

"Parker West and Allison Smith! We know you're in there! It's the police, open up!"




"Oooh long days, spent wasting awaaaay! Get me out of here, Mommy, Daddy, please please, aussi, wi wi, I need to pee-pee!" Parker sings.

"Shut the fuck up." I groan loudly. We are currently in a waiting cell. Luckily, my brother was only a few towns over and would be here in about five minutes. Parker marks minutes down on the wall with chalk he found.

"I wanna go hhhoooommme oohh ohh hhooommee, I wanna go hooome!" He sings straight out of Spongebob.

"Why am I dating you?" I ask myself more than him. He looks over and smiles.

"So we're dating now?" He asks, approaching quickly and leaning over me. My eyes widen as I take in what I just stated.

"I mean- uh - I just.. I-"

He cuts me off with a kiss. "I'm kidding Ally. Jeez. I was going to ask you momentarily. Way to steal my roll there." He sighs.

He lies next to me and pulls me to him. I sigh.

"Allison Smith you are dead!"




"Who are you again?" Ty asks Parker.

"Parker.. My boyfriend." I state meekly. His eyes widen.

"You're only 19 Ally!"

"There's a girl who just got knocked up at 19 Ty, this is my first relationship, and it legit just started like an hour ago so let's not start?" I say angrily. "Listen," I say breathing out, "I'm sorry you had to drive all the way out here. But please, give me a break. It was all a spider's fault."

He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Fine. Just this once because this is the first thing bad you've done. Hell, you've never even drunk before. I should be glad."

Parker and I share a look.

"Oh, there's the look. See you ratted yourself out. You have drank. Jesus Ally, what the hell?"

"Wow for someone who hates when I swear you sure use your words pretty loosely."

"That's different, I'm like, your dad as much as that makes me cringe." He states. I roll my eyes at him.

"You're going to be a dad in a few months anyway. What's the big deal? You're my brother. B r o t h e r. Take a chill pill. If I start going haywire and become a badass smoking, drinking, tattoo-full person then blame it on our biological dad."

"You've smoked and you have a tattoo? That's funny."

I sigh.

"I have a duckling tramp stamp," I admit. He lets out a harsh breath.

"We are going to talk, Ally. I don't need this AGAIN."

"Again?" Parker asks, confused.

"Oh, you haven't told your lil' boyfriend, Al?"

"Ty, do not be a douchebag right now," I demand, stressing, not wanting Parker to find out my ages-old secret.

"Ally, I think he has a right to know," Ty says with a slightly cocky expression.

"He does, he does, I don't want to tell him now. Please, Ty."

"This is your punishment, Ally."


"When she was the wee age of.. oh.. 14? 15? Ally was addicted to heroin."

I move away from a totally-fucking-shocked Parker, as far as possible. I rest my head on the window as I already feel the tears building. "She'd gotten it from a total douchebag guy. He was a hockey player. He convinced her into it. See, Ally is gullible and easily convinced. Her fatal flaw. Addicted. Not for too long. About three months before I found out and packed up and moved. Even had to go into rehab for three weeks. It was bad. I could tell something was different."

Parker looks frozen. Slowly, he turns his head towards me. "Ally?"

I let my hair fall in the way to act as a curtain. "Ally."

My body twitches for a second, and I know what's coming. I shout at Ty to pull over. He does. I get out and grab onto the guardrail, heaving slightly, waiting for the puke to finally come to me. It doesn't, which shocks me, and I slowly sit on the ground. I put my head against the rail and breathed deeply, my hair blocking my face from sight, letting it stay a secret that I was crying.

"Ally," Parker's voice reaches me. I glance through my hair to see him crouch beside me. He moves my hair out of my face and turn my head towards him. He smiles lightly. "I don't care about something that was like 5 years ago. It's okay." He whispers. I blink rapidly. He leans down and kisses me softly. I nod when he pulls away. He helps me into the car. Ty looks a bit guilty. I curl up, feeling tired as hell.

"Go to sleep, Flower. I'll make sure everything will be okay."




Its midnight. You guys are lucky I felt bad that this chapter wasn't done yesterday.

If you have not known already, sorry for my absence, my laptop broke, and then the day after my dad did, but he just got fixed so luckily I'll be able to update maybe twice to three times a week. Sadly mine will not be getting fixed for possibly 6 weeks longer.

These exams are a hell bust. I know I'm going to fail my math and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm going to be so stressed.

Anyways, onto the questions.

1. What are your thoughts on dates? Is planned overrated?

2. Would you go on an unexpected date with Parker?

3. Were their reactions to the spider justified?

4. Do you think her brother should have punished her or was that a little too harsh?

5. Was it better for Parker to know about her past addiction now, or better if she'd waited to tell him?

6. What are your thoughts on that hella awesome mashup?!

Till next time!



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