My Daily Devotion (Book 1)

By x3mjom07

47.6K 1.4K 85

I yearn to have more of God's Word in my life as a Christian. I created this daily devotion to demonstrate to... More

Two Families
Give Insistently
Disgraceful Thing
Be Fruitful and Increase
Great Blessing
Tell the Truth
Highly Favored
Interpreting Dreams
High Position
The Man of God
Emotional Man
He Knows Better Than I
The Father and Son
Saving Lives
Things That We Never Knew
The Word Will Be Fulfilled
Always Be Good
Grow in Affliction
The Covenant
Moses and Egypt
God's Spokesman
Questioning the Lord?
Look To Jesus
Pharaoh's Heart
We Are Different
God Has A Purpose
The Power of God
Great Man
The Exodus
God's Protection
The Lord Will Fight For You
The LORD is our Healer
Against the LORD
Support Our Leaders
Take Counsel
Special Treasure
Don't Create God
Importance of Parents
Do Not Revile God
Serve the Lord
Act Your Words
Give With A Willing Heart
The Veil
The Oil
Anointed, Consecrated and Sanctified
The Lord Dwell Among Us
The Incense
The Sabbath Day
Intercede For Sinners
God Is Good
Amazing Things
Full Support
Pure Gold
Full Obedience
Make Our Leaders Happy
God With Us, Day And Night
Burnt Offering
The Salt
Fat and Blood
Sin Offering
Sin is Sin
The Great Offering
Blessed Family
Moses and Aaron
Listening To One Another
Be Holy
Cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb
Spiritual Leprosy
Cleanse the House
The Unclean
Atonement for Sins
Live By The Word
Observe and Perform
Owned by God
Tell The World
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Always Rejoice In The LORD
Keep The Fire Burning
Commander of Blessings
God Confims His Covenant
The Tithes
The Levites
Live Your Life According to the Word
The Curse
Speak Blessing
Hear The Voice
At The Command of the Lord
What the Lord Do to Us, Do to Others Also
God Has No Limitation
Do Not Speak Against The Man of God
Do Not Go Without The Lord
The Tassel
A Leadership of Moses
A Gift
Purify Ourselves
A Test of Obedience
Take Possession
Speak The Word
God's Word Is True
The Star and The Scepter
Godly Zealous
No Inheritance
Holy Convocation
Tell Everything
Don't Break Your Word
Do or Not
Christian Journey
The Inheritance
Small or Larger, Give!!!
Think of What is Best
Choose Wisely
Life Testimony
Fear Not
Seek the Lord
Walk in His Ways
Multiply Greatly
The Least of All People
God Chastens His Children
Not Because You Are Righteous
Awesome Things
Nothing Can Be Against Us
Be Careful
Because You Listen
People of God
The Poor Will Never Cease
Give According to God's Blessings
Do Not Choose A Foreigner
Be Blameless
Don't Worry, God Will Save You!!
Be Settled
It Is Because God Loves You
Own Sin
Unrighteous Behavior
Special People
Blessings Follow God
The Secret and Revealed
He is Your Life
With God
Set Your Heart
Everyone Receives God's Word
Spirit of Wisdom
Meditate the Word
Amazing God
God Will Exalt You
God Will Make Your Name Great
Accursed Things
Word for the World
They Need to be Saved
Word of Victory
The Conquerors
Leader's Reward
Time is Gold
Strength from God
The Jebusites
The Canaanites
You Are Strong
Go and Possess the Land
Cities of Refuge
God's Words Never Fail
Hold Fast
Serve the Lord
God Speaks Victory
Covenant of God
The Father's Heart
Stay Strong
Heart for People
Ask God for a Sign
Arise and Go
Let God Rules
God's Vengeance
True Repentance
Leaders Are Needed
God is Your Help, Love People
Let The Children Grow In Spirit
Love At First Sight?
Victory In The Spirit
Wrong Love
Blessed, Because of the Man of God
Let God Be Your Guide
Sin vs. Love
Never Stop Until You Succeed

God's Pattern

208 6 0
By x3mjom07


Memory Verse

    Now this workmanship of the lampstand was hammered gold; from its shaft to its flowers it was  hammered work. According to the pattern which the Lord had shown Moses, so he made the lampstand.
Numbers 8:4 NKJV

God's Word

   Our God is a Great Architect, Designer and Inventor. He knows every part of us:

   “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV

   And His plan for us is good and not for bad:

  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

   God created us in a design of His own image and likeness. A perfect being on which God's pattern had been revealed. But because of sin, we do our own pattern that is not according to God.
   So that, for us to bring back to the original design that God made us. The Cross became the pattern of life on which His One and only Son Jesus Christ was crucified. The Cross is the pattern of God on which He demonstrates His great love for us.

      So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:27 NKJV

     For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Romans 3:23 NKJV

    But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 NKJV

    Because of Jesus, we're back to the original design that God made us. So that, we are no longer live in the pattern of this world but we must live according to God's pattern for us, a Christ-like pattern.

   Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2 NIV

God's Character

   He is Great Designer

God's Promises

   He will continually develop ne according to His pattern

Life Application

   I will no longer live in the pattern of this world but will live according to the pattern of God through His Word

For Your Support:

Union Bank Account:
Jomar G. Geronimo

BPI Bank Account
Jomar G. Geronimo

Jomar Geronimo


Thank You And May Our Lord Jesus Christ Bless you...

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