Darkness Rises-Harry Styles

By TheBlondeAdventurer

136K 5.5K 883

"Before you can see the light, you first have to deal with the darkness." More

Darkness Rises-Harry Styles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

1.9K 110 20
By TheBlondeAdventurer

"It's funny how the people that hurt you the most, are the ones who swore they never would."

Rose's POV:

I grinned at Luke, who was looking at me terrified. This new power was exhilarating, it made me feel like I had all the power in the world. I could do anything right now if I wanted to.

"Be careful, Princess." Reyna chimed to me and I snickered. "Why be careful? I like this new power I've gained." I say lowly, making my way over towards Luke.

One thing still bugged me though: how did I release my power?? Reyna didn't release me, I wasn't touching the pendant so I couldn't have been able to do it. So how?

'Your emotions went out of control. I warned you before to control your emotions and they spiraled away from you.' Reyna says and I stop to think.

The feeling in my stomach when Harry was getting hurt? I knew my emotions were going out of control, but I didn't think that I would actually trigger myself like that. But I did, and now I have this power inside of me, one that I can win with.

'Remember what I said about not losing control!! Don't lose sight of who you are, Rose!' Reyna yells to me, and I nod my head. I wasn't going to lose myself. No, I wouldn't go that far. I just want to make sure that I can end this once and for all.

And now, I finally can.

Hurling one of the fire balls I had in my hand, I watch as Luke quickly moves to the side, easily dodging my blow. I throw the other one, watching as he dodges it too.

"I guess fire isn't as effective then, huh?" I say to him, smiling as he grits his teeth together angrily. "You can't have that much left in you." He snaps and I begin to laugh.

"Oh, no Luke. You're dead wrong about that." I snarl, holding my hands out as I think of what I should do next. Gathering up some of my strength, I slam my fists into the ground, watching in success as the ground rumbles before sharp rocks begin to jut out of the ground right where Luke was.

He jumps out of the way, dodging them easily and throws his hand out, casting out shadows towards me. I flip backwards, my hand hitting the ground before I flip myself back up, landing on the ground lightly and cast out another red shield, blocking my body as the shadows slam into the shield, going away as my magic overpowers his. My graceful movements left him stunned, his eyes wide as he stared at me.

"How did you..." Luke asks shocked and I can't help but grin at him. "I'm not that clumsy girl that I am normally. Not only are my powers enhanced, but also my balance and flexibility." I say smartly and he glares at me. He's too fast to throw fire or earth at, I just can't hit him with those. I have to think of something else.

'Princess, you have a wide variety of powers. I suggest you go with the one that's hardest to dodge.' Reyna instructs quietly and I smirk, knowing exactly what she means by that.

"Let's see how you handle this." I say coolly, summoning the powers I possessed to let my new offensive attack come to me: lightning.

As the lightning began to go around my body electrifying the ground, a light purple circle glowing underneath me from the power I possessed. I saw Luke's eyes widen in both shock and fear. As I remember Harry telling me before, it is rare for someone to be able to control lightning. But as a half-breed, we can control many things, as I have learned. 'You have one power that I will not let you release, Princess. You do not need that.' Reyna whispers and I just nod my head, not concerning myself with this other power at the moment.

"This is why we are more powerful than you could ever be, demon." I snarl at Luke and he glares at me. "How can you possibly control lightning?? It's impossible!" he shouts and I laugh, feeling myself reeling with glee at his obvious frustrations.

"I can control many things, Luke. This is just the beginning." I say coldly, hoping that I would frighten him even more. Much to my success, his eyes widen further and I can see him shaking.

This man that I've always disliked, always been afraid of, is now trembling before me. I think, the thought of it making me smile. I knew the reason that I was making him afraid of me is to defeat him.

Once Luke is out of the way, Harry and I will have saved the Kingdom and we can forget that this even happened. We could live forever in peace, not having to worry about anything anymore.

I thrust my hands forward, the lightning shooting forward with such an incredible speed that Luke couldn't dodge it. The lightning struck him directly and he screamed out, his pained screams echoing through the center as he was being electrocuted.

I lowered my hands, the electrical charge stopping as I did. Luke collapsed to the ground, gasping and panting for air as his body shook from the aftershock.

"You really should have never threatened Harry. I don't care who you are, if you threaten someone I love and cherish deeply, I will destroy you." I growl, the demonic side of me playing into my voice, making it sound deeper than it would normally be.

But then again, right now I was no where near to what I would normally be.

"You love him?" Luke spits out shakily and I look backwards, seeing Harry get off the ground, his body slowly healing itself. Harry gives me a shaky smile and I return a bright smile to him, feeling much happier now that I see him up and moving again.

"Of course I love him." I say to Luke, turning to face him with my eyes narrowed. Luke begins to laugh, looking down at the ground while he's on his hands and knees. I raise my eyebrows, confused at what he was getting at. There was nothing funny about me loving him.

 "This is perfect, this is absolutely perfect!!" he says maniacally, laughing even harder than before. "What is?" I snap at him, getting annoyed with how he was acting.

"How can you love someone like him? Even after all he's done?" Luke says and I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What do you mean 'all he's done'? All he has done has helped my Kingdom survive and he's helped me save it!" I yell at him angrily, mad that he would be accusing Harry. Harry hasn't done anything wrong, Luke's just trying to stall now.

"She doesn't know, does she Harry?" Luke antagonizes and I roll my eyes, turning to Harry irritably. "Harry, what is he talking about?" I ask and Harry gives me a blank look.

"I don't know, Rose. He's going mad." Harry says confused and I turn back towards Luke, who can't stop laughing. Luke finally gets to his feet, holding his side in pain but still laughing at me with crazed eyes.

"You're so naïve, Rose. Just like you were with James." he says and my heart stops for a moment. "How did you know about that?" I ask lowly and Luke gives me a crooked grin. He looks possessed right now, or something has gone completely wrong inside his mind and it's really freaking me out. Maybe I electrocuted him too long, and I fried his brain cells.

"I know everything, Princess. I would definitely know about my partner." he says and I glare at him. "James would always tell me when you would have him take me away, he'd tell me how stupid you were, how trusting you were, and how incredibly annoying you were to him. He wanted you out of the way so badly, but he just had to wait for the right moment." he continues on and my body begins to shake. 

Tears prick my eyes and I hold up a hand, fire shooting out directly at Luke, nailing him in the leg and making him collapse to the ground. "Shut up!!" I scream out and Luke just laughs, standing up again and giving me a crazed look. He should be rolling on the ground with pain, so why is he being like this? Can't he just give up already? We've won this war.

"But then, you had us all fooled I suppose. We all thought you were a human. But you aren't human, you're a half-breed. Harry must've figured it out as well, or you told him. I bet that's another reason he stuck by you." Luke sneers and my blood boils.

Holding both my hands together, I feel the ground shaking beneath me as I summon up all the power I can. I'm tired of him degrading me, I'm sick of it!

'Be careful, Princess!! You can't use too much power, or else you'll be defenseless.' Reyna's voice warns in my head and I take note of her words, but I still don't stop.

The ground in front of me breaks up, all the rocks coming up from the ground and hovering in the air. I was going to do something much stronger, but I have to heed Reyna's warning. Throwing my hands out to my side, the rocks fly forward, pelting Luke multiple times.

He takes the hits, but begins to dodge them, jumping high into the air and escaping where they were being thrown. When he lands on the ground, he gives me a smile that will be permanently engraved in my head. It has to be the scariest smile I've ever seen in my life, even beating out Seth's.

"I guess she doesn't know, does she, Harry?" Luke asks slowly, turning his head towards Harry and I see Harry's face pale. "Know what?" I ask angrily and Harry gives me a desperate look.

"Don't listen to him, Rose. He's trying to pin us against each other. He's trying to stall us now." Harry warns me and I nod my head, knowing that it was the truth.

"Against each other? No, not at all. I'm just making sure our dear, dear Princess knows who she is putting all of her trust in." Luke continues on and I glare at him. He doesn't know anything about Harry. Harry isn't anything like Luke, he's a much better person than that.

"I know who he is!" I shout and Luke looks from Harry to me, a knowing smile on his face and he begins to chuckle. "So you know that he came here because he was assigned?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Of course I do." I growl and Luke's smile begins to grow. "So, you knew what his orders were?" he taunts me and I pause for a moment. "His orders? They were to help the Kingdom of Light." I say and Luke laughs.

"You're so wrong, Princess. It's quite hilarious that he was able to keep it up for this long." Luke says with a laugh and I see Harry glare at him. "Shut up, Luke." he growls but Luke just continues to smile.

"Harry hasn't been helping you this entire time. His orders were to destroy you! He's supposed to kill you!" Luke says and I freeze, my eyes widening as I look from Harry to Luke, seeing Harry's face fall and Luke's smile grow.

"He's been playing you this entire time."

Please don't hate me. Yes, major cliffhanger, but...well, I don't have a positive right now. Haha, I hope you like this chapter, even with the ending. Did any of you suspect Harry to do this? If you did, props go to you. I tried to keep it hidden. But please tell me what you think!! Please continue to Comment and Vote!

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