The Quarterback Still Like Me...

By afiyaedwards123

83.4K 2.4K 446

-Sequel to The Quarterback Likes Me?- Must read The Quarterback Likes Me? before reading this book. YOU... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Party Part 1
Chapter 26- Party Part 2
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Epilogue- Part 1
Epilogue- Part 2
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Last Chapter

Chapter 15

1.2K 41 15
By afiyaedwards123

Vanessa's  POV:

Jake is doing his assignment with a partner and that partner is no other than Quinn, I don't know know how that happen but it isn't a good thing. 

The girl who wants your boyfriend is suddenly his partner which means every course they got to do together and work on it alone in a room or library or something.

"You should calm down Van, Jake would never cheat on you or else", Jackson says and punch his hand.

"I know, but why her?" I pout.

"The universe works in many mystery ways", Aden shrugs.

"Definitely because, you can't even find a decent one night stand", Jackson says and I laugh.

We are in the park, Jake and I didn't go for our lunch date again because of that stupid course of his.

Stacy and Carter went out, Archer went to his room.

"I'm bored", I say.

"Me too", Aden says.

"Let's go for a drive", Jackson suggests.

"Sure", I agree and get up from the seat.

We walk out the park and call  a cab.

"Where to?" The driver asks.

"The city's best pizza place", Jackson replies and the driver nods.

"Nice pizza place", I comment as we walk in.

"I know right, you sit while I order", Jackson says Aden and I went to find a table.

"Too bad Jake is going to miss out on this delicious pizza", Aden says and I nod.

I got out my phone and text Dianne.

Me: How's the flight?

Di: Fine, we almost reach Kevin and Isabel are sleeping

Me: Already? They got enough sleep last night

Di: I know right, anyway where's Jake? He didn't come to see us off

Me: He's doing an assignment with Quinn who is his partner

Di: Wait so guy  didn't go for lunch again?

Me: Nope you guys left for the airport when he was coming for me, maybe he got held back that's why I left with Archer

Di: I hope he make up tonight for ditching you out on lunch

Me: Same here

Di: Well if you need anything or want to come for a weekend just text me okay?

Me: I will, I'm going to eat pizza now

Di: Cool

"One large  pepperoni pizza", Jackson announces and place it on the table and hand us the plate.

"What about the drinks?" Aden asks.

"I'll go back for it", he says and went back to the counter.

I laugh and shake my head.

"He is sure something", Aden says and I nod.

I wonder if to text Jake?

No why would I? He has my number, he'll text me when he wants.


7:00 pm

There is a knock on the door and Stacy got off her bed to open it, we're already in our pajamas and is watching a movie on the same flat screen television.

"Jake, what you're doing her?" She asks and step aside to see Jake dress up and his hair comb.

"Where you're going?" I ask.

"I am thinking about carrying you out for dinner", he says.

"You could have told me that earlier when you're done with your assignment", I frown.

"I did."

He did?

I turn on my phone and see five unread messages.

Oh, I forgot I power off to save battery.

"Sorry my phone was off", I chuckle nervously.

"So are you up for it?" He asks.

"Not sure, the city is an hour's drive and I have classes in the morning also I'm in my pajamas", I reply.

"Its fine, I'll see you tomorrow for lunch", he mumbles and leaves.

"Why you said no? Get dress and go", Stacy says and open my closet then throw a short dress with heels and me.

I roll my eyes and put in on quickly, then brush my hair and put on lip gloss and leave with my  small purse and phone.

I got into the elevator and press down.

I step into the main hall and see Jake outside texting on his phone; I walk up behind him and tap his shoulder, he turns away and check me out.

"I thought you didn't want to go?" He frowns, his eyes going back to his phone.

"Well Stacy practically kick me out" I say.

"Well I'm not going again, Lucas, Austin and I are going to play video games in our dorm's video game room", he says and leaves without even sparing me a second glance and on his phone.

I wipe my eye quickly so the tears wouldn't fall, then I decide to go to the campus park and clear my mind a little.

I sit on the bench and wipe my nose with my head down.

"Are you okay?" Someone asks and I keep my head down.

"I'm fine leave me alone", I snap and person sits next to me.

"You're not fine I can tell and the way your boyfriend blew you off just now that definitely isn't helping the situation", he says.

"Thanks for the reminder", I say and get up then walk away.

I unlock my phone and call mom.

"Hello mom."

"Oh Vanessa, I thought you would never call and tell me all about your weekend."

"Sorry, can I come home tomorrow evening and come back on Wednesday evening?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'll explain when I come."

"Okay I'll tell your father to book you a flight."

"Thanks mom."

"No problem, I'll make your favorite dinner tomorrow."

"Thanks again, I'm going back to my room now."

"Take care and call me if you want anything else."

"I will and tell Paul I'll see him tomorrow."

"Will do."


I wake up and got ready for class, Archer text me early this morning and said that Jake texted on his phone till after 11 last night and didn't went to the video game room again.

No one knew I'm going home later, expect Stacy. Riley will be back tomorrow so it's just Caleb and Carter I get to meet with to go to class.

"Bye see you later", I say to Stacy and leave.

"Why can't you come back tomorrow evening instead?" She sighs.

"Because Jake would know how it feels to miss someone", I say and close the door.

I meet up with the guys and we went to class together, most people are use to seeing us hanging out, so its not a big deal.


I see Jake and Quinn talking as they get their lunch.

"Don't jump to conclusion", Archer whispers to me.

"I'm not", I say, he knows I'm going home later.

We got our lunch and went to our spot, I watch as Quinn give a flirty wave at Jake and went to her friends.

"I wonder who he was texting last night?" Archer asks.

"Probably his sister", I shrug.

"But smirking every minute, no way", Archer frowns.

"Hey guys", Jake says and they nod, he sit next to Carter since  Archer is on my left and Caleb on my right.

"What's the plan later?" Stacy asks.

"Well we got practice around 5:30 our first game is on Friday", Lucas says and I look at Jake. 

He didn't even told me, at least Archer did yesterday.

"And I got another part of my assignment to do later", Jake says and avoid my eyes.

"Where you going?" Jackson asks.

"To the city library I guess, we need more information", he shrugs.

"Quinn will be travelling with a taxi, right?" Harry frowns/.

"She has her own car and I'll be taking mines", he replies and eats.

Archer and I share a look.

I don't trust Quinn alone with Jake, especially in the city library.

Anchor:I can spy on them for you later and give you updates

Me: No need, I trust him and there will be lots of camera men in the city to keep an eye on them

Anchor: Okay


I make sure that no one sees me as I got into a taxi to the airport, Stacy is with me.

Jake left fifteen minutes ago to the city and guess what? Quinn was with him and was in the front seat also.

"Text me when you land and I'll make sue to get all the work you'll miss out tomorrow and Wednesday", Stacy says and I hug her.

"Thanks, you're the best", I say.

"And if Quinn tries anything with Jake tomorrow, I'll rip her head off", she grins and I laugh.

"Okay", I smirk.

We arrive at he airport and I hug Stacy then went to catch my plane.

I can't wait to see mom again and dad with Nathan and Natalie, if Jake wants me he'll text me.

Jake's POV

I drive to the city, while Quinn takes out selfies and text on her phone.

"Since we'll be finishing a bit late, we should eat in the city before heading back to campus", she suggests.

"I can't, I got football practice our first game is Friday", I say.

I can't believe I forgot to tell Vanessa, she's my girlfriend anyway.

"Its cool, we'll get our coffee and go straight to the library then", she says.

I park my car in front of the coffee shop, the library is right opposite it.

"What can I get you?" The waitress asks  as we sit by a table.

"Two coffee please, extra smoothie" I reply and she nods.

"Tell me why did you decide to come to Yale?" Quinn asks.

"Well because my girlfriend is here and also the courses here will help me when I'm taking over my family's business", I reply.

"Cool, so how's your relationship going with her?" She questions.

"Fine I guess, I'm going to take her out for dinner tonight last night didn't go according to plan", I sigh.

"Yeah you was to busy texting me", she smirks and we got our coffee.

"No she was in her pajamas and didn't want to go, then she changed last minute and I turned her down saying I was going to play video games", I say.

"But you didn't because you texted me till after 11", she smiles her green eyes shining.

I sip on my coffee.

"Lets go shall we, those press wouldn't take long to find me", I say and stand up.

"Yeah, although I look good in magazines", she winks.

We enter the library and got a table with good light and close to the shelf.

"The professor said to look for this kind of text book", Quinn says and show me the name on her phone.

I got up and went to the shelves.

"Found it", I say after five minutes.

"Brilliant", she smiles.

"My followers wants to know what I'm doing, can I post a picture with you in it?" She asks.

"Sure", I say and sit down then keep my head down, some of my curly brown  hair falling in my face.

"Perfect", she says and I look up.

"Doing my assignment with my handsome partner", she mumbles and winks at me then type on her phone.

I didn't see Vanessa till lunchtime and after her classes she went to her room when I was going to class.

I feel  like she's avoiding me.

"Earth to Jake", Quinn snap her fingers in front of me.

"Sorry", I say and continue to write my piece. 

I can feel Quinn's stare on me and I don't dare to look up.

"There's a party after the game on Friday you should come", she says.

"Who's hosting?"

"One of the fraternity house that wants you", she replies.

"I like living in the dorm, maybe next semester I'll join", I say.

"Okay I'll let them know", she says and writes her piece.

I look at her red hair falling in her face and she tuck it behind her pierce ear.

There's a tattoo on her neck.

I look away when she glances at me and continue to write.


"Dude you're five minutes late", Carter says.

"I had to wait for Quinn while she brought a new pair of lipstick", I say.

"That's a lame excuse, she's not even your girlfriend", Archer hisses.

"I suppose Vanessa is not yours, but you two act like a couple", I growl.

"If you was acting like her boyfriend then you'll know where is she right now", he smirks.

"In her room or something", I say.

Nnope", he shakes his head.

I frown when I see Stacy sitting in the stands.

"See you don't even know, we're not close friends, but I know where she is", Carter says.

I text Vanessa earlier, but she didn't reply.

"Where is her?" I demand.

"Let's just say you're not seeing her till Wednesday", Jackson says.

What? She's gone?

"She went home man, its a shame that she didn't tell you after all you was busy with Quinn and it is pay back for not telling her about your game on Friday", Lucas says.

I clutch my fist and storm off the field.

"James where are you going?!" Coach shouts after me, but I ignore him.

I can't believe she didn't tell me she was leaving.

That means she wouldn't be here tomorrow evening.

I got my phone and send a message.

Me: After the library we'll go have dinner then head somewhere before coming back to campus.

If Vanessa doesn't want to talk to me, then I'll make a female best friend she has a guy best friend so what's wrong with a female friend?


What you think about Vanessa and Jake's relationship?

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