The Prince's Hired Girlfriend

By ladyhushy

80.8K 2.4K 171

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Who are you? What are you doing in my bed?! Oh my God aaaaaaahhhhh! What did you do to m... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 20

1.3K 32 1
By ladyhushy

Mona woke up feeling strange. Today is the beginning of everything. She went to bed feeling so happy and loved but woke up feeling worried and the fears she's been trying to fight back came back. She doesn't know what will happen today but she felt like it's not going to be good. Her bedroom door opened, revealing Jane and Mary. She checked the time at the bedside table clock and it was already 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Daym I overslept. She thought.

"Good morning Miss Moonlight." The two said together.

"Good morning ladies." Mona said, smiling.

"We brought your breakfast, you may eat now while we prepare your bath and your wardrobe." Jane said smiling sweetly. Mona wanted to protest and say she can do all that by herself but she knew the two will insist because they were given this job.

"Okay. Thank you." Mona said instead and got out of bed to eat her breakfast by the window. She's surprised to see a traditional Filipino breakfast in front of her. There's corned beef, sausages, sunny side up egg, slices of tomatoes and fruits, and fried rice. Then there's fresh orange juice and coffee. She looked at Mary, who's smiling sweetly, obviously waiting for her reaction.

"We thought you might miss home already so we asked Monica to try to prepare a Filipino breakfast." Mary said smiling.

"Awww thank you so much Mary. This is a lot tho. I'll make sure to thank Monica later." Mona said smiling sweetly, before eating. Mary just smiled.

"Is Chiqui here already?" Mona remembered to ask.

"Yes Miss. She's outside waiting for you." Mary answered smiling.

"Oh alright, then. I must hurry." Mona said half laughing.

"You don't have to Miss. You can take your time." Mary said nicely. Mona smiled on her politeness.

Just as Mona finished eating, Jane came out of the bathroom to tell her that her bath is ready. This whole scene felt so familiar...she just nodded before entering the bathroom and brushed her teeth once inside.

All through her bath, she wondered how this day will go. Harry hasn't called yet, she wondered what he's doing right now and if he will call to check on her. She haven't gotten the phone that Hanna said that will be given to her for use yet and she doesn't have Harry's mobile number so she couldn't initiate the first move of contacting him. She misses him already eventhough they were together just hours ago.

When she finished her bath and got out of the bathroom in the white robe that Jane prepared for her, the two ladies are signaling her to sit down in front of the vanity table. Mary started drying her hair while Jane went to the shelf with casual clothes. When she came back, she brought a brown leather skirt with a side slit paired with a brown turtle neck, long sleeves cropped top. She then went to the jewelry sets and brought back a gold layered necklace. Then she picked a brown heels with a long string that goes around the knee. Mona couldn't help but admired her taste. She felt excited to wear them.

When Mary finished drying and setting Mona's hair, she started doing her make up. Mona wanted so much to tell her that she can do it by herself but held her tongue so she just let her finish. Mary is good and Mona was satisfied with her work. She looked really beautiful. Jane signaled her to put on the wardrobe she chose, excitement was all over her face. Mona put on the wardrobe and was amazed of how good it looked on her and how it fits.

"You look gorgeous Miss Moonlight." Mary said, smiling. Jane agreed and couldn't help but admire Mona.

"Who picked the clothes in my wardrobe? It's amazing how they got my exact size!" Mona finally asked.

"The modeling agency that you will be working for provided most of the wardrobes, shoes and designer bags in your closet Miss Moonlight. The formals and semi-formals, including the hats and jewelry sets are by the palace's stylists, intended for your appearances with His Royal Highness, especially during the palace's events and socials. The sizes came from Miss Hanna." Jane answered politely.

"Ohh..judging by what I am wearing now, I take it I won't be seen with the prince." Mona murmured to herself.

"Ready Miss?" Mary asked. Mona looked at the phone on her bedside table again and felt sad. She kept hoping it will ring and she could hear Harry's voice at the other end of the line before she starts her day but it didn't. She sighed and tried to comfort herself by thinking that his crazy schedules have started. Harry told her last night how crazy his schedules will be in the coming days.

"Yeah. Let's go." Mona answered politely. Jane handed her a gold clutch and a brown leather long coat.

"You need it once you're outside." Jane said referring to the coat. Mona forgot again that the weather in the country is different from the Philippines. Just like the previous day when she wore a sleeveless shirt and didn't bring a jacket with her. She ended up wearing Harry's jacket the whole time they were together. She loved it tho.

"Thank you ladies." Mona said smiling.

When they went out of the room, Chiqui is in the living room, waiting for Mona.

"Good morning Miss Moonlight. You look gorgeous." Chiqui greeted Mona with that same warm smile she gave her yesterday.

"Good morning to you too Chiqui. Thank you." Mona answered with a sweet smile.

"Did you have a good sleep, Miss?" Chiqui asked politely.

"Yes. I did. Thanks for asking." Mona answered, still smiling.

"That's good to know Miss. Before I go through your schedules for the day, I'd like to discuss a few things first. I'll start with the protocols and etiquettes during your appearances with His Royal Highness." Chiqui started, Mona just nodded and gestured for her to continue after she sat down across her.

"First, with regards to how you dress. When attending the palace's events and socials with His Royal Highness, refrain from wearing revealing clothes. You have one shelf of wardrobes to choose from for this occasions so you will be guided accordingly. During morning events, you are required to wear a hat, that explained the many hats in your closet. Lastly, you were provided with jewelry sets for evening and formal events, I'm sure you've seen this already, along with formal wears. On regular days, like today, you may wear any casual clothes, the modeling agency sent a lot for you. You need this to pull off the image of being a model." Chiqui explained, Mona nodded and smiled. Now she knows what are the hats for. When Chiqui noticed that Mona don't have questions, she continued.

"Second, when you're around the royal family. You address the King and Queen as 'Your Majesty', and 'Your Highness' for the Princess. When eating with them, the King eats first and the rest follows, once the King finished eating, everyone must finish too. These are just the things that we want you to remember, the rest you will learn in your every encounter with them and I trust His Royal Highness will help you through them too."

Mona nodded again which impressed Chiqui on how cool she's taking everything in, like it's not new at all to her. Realizing that Mona don't have any questions and clarifications, Chiqui proceeded to Mona's schedules for the day.

"Now, your schedules for today Miss Moonlight. In an hour, you are expected at the modeling agency to start your training, it's just a 30 minutes drive from here. This training will be 2 hours daily for a month, then you will have your first fashion show. After the training, we'll have lunch and we will then proceed to the bank afterwards. You have an appointment there to open an account, this is where your monthly payment will be deposited...."

" know about the contract?!" Mona cut her off, surprised and embarrassed.

"Yes, Miss."

"Are the other staff in the house knew too?"

"No Miss. Aside from the Royal family, only me, Hanna and Donald knew."

"Did Hanna tell you that the contract is now good as nothing?"

"What do you mean Miss?"

"That Harry and I are no longer pretending, that we are now together for real?"

"I'm afraid, Hanna hasn't mentioned anything about that?" The surprise look that she gave Mona made her want to shake her head. Mona could not believe that Hanna didn't tell Chiqui the whole story. She was wondering earlier why she said you need it to pull off the image of being a model. Oh God, I need Harry right now. She thought.

"Well, I am telling you now. Please set an appointment with Hanna. I need to discuss a few things regarding the contract. I don't want the palace to pay me. I will be fine with whatever I will earn from modeling, I mean, the agency will pay me, right?"

"Yes Miss. You will be treated and compensated like the other models."

"Okay, good."

"I can schedule your appointment with Hanna after the bank appointment Miss, if she is free. I will check with her right now."

"Please do. Tell her it's really important. Thank you."

"I will Miss. Are you ready to go?"

"You're coming with me to the agency?"

"Yes, I am, Miss. It's my job to accompany you at all times."

"What are you going to do for two hours there? You will just get bored Chiqui."

"I will wait for you Miss. I will be fine, I will work on some stuff while waiting."

"Alright. If you say so. Let me go check on Dane first." Mona said before turning her back on Chiqui. She felt guilty for acting rude to her but this set up is now irritating her. Not only will she have guards and maids, she also have a nanny that follows her around. She doesn't like this set up at all.

When she knocked on Dane's door, noone answered. It was unlocked so she just let herself in. She found Dane curled up on her bed. Mona panicked.

"Hey...are you okay?" Mona ran to her, checking her. Feeling her head if she has a fever or something.

"I don't feel well but I will be fine if I rested more. I'm sorry lovey, I can't go with you today." Dane said in a weak voice.

"It's okay. I have a nanny anyway. Have you taken meds? Is someone taking care of you?" Mona worriedly asked.

"Yeah, one of the girls brought me chicken soup and meds earlier. Don't worry. I will be jumping up and down already when you get home later." Dane said with a smile.

"Are you sure you don't need me to stay?" Mona asked, still worried.

"Yes, I am sure. There's so many maids fussing around already. I don't need another one! Get out of here, princess!" Dane said with a weak laugh.

"Fine. I will come back home as soon as I can." Mona said before kissing Dane's forehead.

"Bye lovey."

"Bye. Love you!"

When Mona came out of Dane's room, Chiqui immediately stood up and followed Mona to the car.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Chiqui...if I was being rude. I was just not aware of a few arrangements around the house." Mona said to Chiqui once they were inside the car.

"It's no problem Miss Moonlight. I understand." Chiqui said with a warm smile which made Mona feel better.

"Thank you. By the way, can you call Donald for me? I need to speak to him." Mona asked.

"Sure Miss. I will call him right now." Chiqui said politely. She dialed Donald's number on her phone and gave the phone to Mona when he answered.

"Hey Mona...what's up?"

"Donald...Hi! I just want to tell you that Dane is sick. If you have a free time today, can you check on her, please? I left her at the house and I am worried. I know there are people who will take care of her there but still..."

"What do you mean sick? Is she okay? Is it serious?"

"I don't know. I want to take her to a doctor but I have schedules that I need to follow today, can you take her?"

"Of course! Let me talk to Harry real quick."

"Harry is with you?"

"Yes...hold on." Mona felt a kick at her heart. Will he talk to me when he finds out I'm on the phone with Donald? She thought while waiting for Donald to come back.

"Hey, Mona?"


"Harry let me go to check on Dane so I'm going there now. Don't worry anymore, okay? Just concentrate on what you need to do today."

"Did he know I'm on the phone with you?"

"Yes." Mona got quiet, feeling hurt that Harry didn't even say hi to her on the phone.

"Mona, you there?"

"Yes..yes. Thank you Donald."

"It's my pleasure to take care of her Mona, you know that."

"I know, that's why I called you."

They hung up. Mona absentmindedly returned the phone to Chiqui who noticed how sad she looked.

"Everything okay Miss?" Chiqui asked worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about my friend." Mona lied. Deep within, she felt like everything has changed between her and Harry. Last night was perfect but now, not even a 'hi' from him. Is this going to be like this from now on? She thought.

The day went by so slow. Mona has been dreading to go home to Dane. She did well on her first day of training. The coach did not believe her when she said she has zero experience in the runway. She was glad it was bearable and it wasn't so hard to do. She has been hearing compliments all day...on how beautiful she is, how perfect her body is, how beautiful her skin color is, how beautiful her eyes and perfectly she carried the wardrobe and that they will make sure to tell the designer about it so they took a photo of her in it...everything about her were being noticed. She felt like she was being stripped naked but Mona didn't give a damn about them. Her mind is still at Harry, whom she felt have forgotten her already.

They had lunch silently. Mona is thankful for someone like Chiqui, who seemed to understand her mood and the fact that she didn't want to chit chat at that time. When the bank appointment came, she signed everything absentmindedly. She did everything quickly because she wanted to talk to Hanna already about the contract.

"What do you mean the palace don't need to pay you anymore?" Hanna asked, irritation showed in her voice.

"What is this all about now? You signed the contract, you can't just change the stipulations." She added.

"You know why I can't accept the payment anymore, Hanna." Mona said calmly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Enlighten me."

"We're not pretending anymore. We're together for real. That contract is now good as nothing."

"Whatever changed between you and Harry won't change the stipulations in the contract. Let me lay this out for you Mona. First of all, you are already adhering to some stipulations in the contract...with the apartment, the maids, etc..your life here in this country is one of the stipulations in the contract." Hanna explained in an unfriendly tone. Mona just kept quiet, holding her tears.

"If Dane and I find a place and live on our own, would it terminate the contract?" Mona asked politely.

"And how do you think you'd support the lifestyle we created for you without the support of the palace? The modeling agency is also part of the stipulations Mona so that would mean you will have to find another modeling agency on your own. And one more thing, the most important thing. Your visa. Without that, you think you can continue living in this country? You need to drop this insanity this instant!" Hanna said, now raising her voice. Mona felt so insulted and embarrassed. It took all her strength to control her emotions. Not only did Hanna belittle her but she talked to her like she's so stupid. And that's what hurts her the most. It sank in to Mona that she really is trapped in the stupid contract.

"Then I would only violate one stipulation in the contract Hanna and I won't accept 'no' on this one." Mona said calmly, with a forced smile.

"You're in no position to negotiate here Mona...but let's hear it." Hanna said with no emotion.

"I won't accept the monthly payment. The rest of the stipulations, I will live by for the duration of the contract just so I can portray the life you created for me. That's final Hanna." Mona said firmly, still with a forced smile before standing up to leave. Mona heard Hanna called out to her but she pretended not to hear because she knew if she faces her again, she will totally lose all control.

Hanna sat there, shaking her head, still didn't understand what just happened. She doesn't get why Mona wouldn't accept the money involved in this mess. You have no idea how lucky and privileged you are! She thought, still irritated.

When they got back the apartment, Mona went directly to Dane's room. She needed to confide on her about all the heavy feelings she have but when she was about to knock on the door, she heard Dane and Donald's laughter. She didn't want to intrude so she stopped herself from knocking and went to her room instead.

Jane and Mary greeted her politely with smile on their faces, followed her to her room, asking if she needs anything prepared. Mona forced a smile and told them that they can now leave for the day since she wants to rest already. The two looked at each other and happily thanked her. Mona stripped out of her clothes as soon as the two left her room. She went to shower and there, she let her tears fall. She didn't know how long she had been in the shower but she got out when she felt numb already and the tears stopped falling. She changed into a white tank top and black panty shorts, not caring, what she looked like and jumped on her bed.

She looked at the phone on her bedside table again. Her mind traveled to Harry again and how she needed him. He really won't call, will he? She asked herself. She knows she's acting selfish right now but she can't help feeling like he has forgotten her and that he doesn't miss her at all. You're acting like a clingy girlfriend, Mona. She scolded herself. But I miss him so much and I need him to tell me everything's going to be just fine. She thought. The tears started falling again. This is just the first day and I am already struggling, can I really do this? She asked herself while crying. She started to sob and cried herself to sleep.

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