Forsaken Blood [Weekly Update...

By OneLessFantasy

8.1K 743 635

| Galaxy Book Contest - First Prize in Fantasy | | Golden Weekly Awards Winner | One queen, two kin... More

Bonus Chapter: The Letter
Eleven (I)
Eleven (II)
Bonus Chapter: Once Upon A Time...
Seventeen (I)
Seventeen (II)
Eighteen (I)
Eighteen (II)
Twenty (I)
Twenty (II)
Twenty-two (I)
Twenty-two (II)
Bonus Chapter: Gabriel's POV
Twenty-seven (I)
Twenty-seven (II)
Twenty-eight (I)
Twenty-eight (II)
Twenty-eight (III)
Twenty-nine (I)
Twenty-nine (II)
Thirty (II)
Thirty (III)
Thirty-One (II)
Thirty-four (I)

Thirty one (I)

55 5 2
By OneLessFantasy

"This is the weirdest island I've ever docked on," Ford mused aloud as he helped haul the small boat onto the sand.

"What did you expect from something that's not supposed to exist?" Graham growled.

Rochelle ignored them and walked a few feet across the soft sand towards the looming treeline. The water that lapped against her ankles shimmered in varying colors of green and blue but her attention was fixated on the forest ahead.

Giant trees that clawed through the low-hanging mist towards the morning Sun stood as silent pillars guarding their island. In between these ancient sentries smaller trees of every hue and size imaginable filled the forest. Small tributaries of the glittering water made their way in curving paths to the Great Sea.

But it was the utter lack of sound that unnerved her. No bird called from the colorful jungle, not even a rustle from the underbrush reached her ears. There were fruits the likes of which she had never seen or heard of hanging abundantly from the boughs but she didn't dare pick one.

There was something wrong about the island. As if the mist and shadows had eyes and they didn't like their paradise being disturbed.

"I think we should hurry up." She said over her shoulder, swallowing the feeling of unease.

"If I was an all-powerful ancient being where would I hide on an island more colourful than Clara's wedding dress?" Ford mumbled.

"Mother had a colourful wedding dress?" Jimmy asked in confusion.

Both of his uncles and even his great-uncle Alexander shuddered.

"You were too young to remember the wedding but I always thought that of all my brother --- brood she always did know how to make a statement. But that's a story for another time." Captain Alexander smiled and clapped Jimmy on the shoulder before they all came up besides her.

Ford had left Finn in charge of Vermilion and the great war ship bobbed in the deep waters, it's flags flapping wildly in the wind as if it too was urging them to hurry.

"I suggest some of us stay here with the boat. It wouldn't be wise for all of us to venture into the forest," Ford said with his arms crossed. He threw a pointed look at Jimmy who was gaping at the colourful foliage.

"I'll stay behind with James." Captain Alexander volunteered.

Jimmy's head snapped up and he shook his head. "I want to go on the adventure with them! I always get left behind!" He whined.

"You'll be our backup, Jimmy." Rochelle clapped the young boy on the shoulder. "Who knows what's going to happen on Caim. We need you and captain Alexander here so you could signal the Vermilion for help if something happens. Our very lives could depend on it!"

"Well...that does sound like an important task.." Jimmy considered for a while and then a wide smile broke across his features. "You can count on me, Rochelle! I'd be right here! Nothing could move us from the spot, right great-uncle?"

Captain Alexander lightly chuckled and lead Jimmy towards the small boat. He glanced over his shoulder and nodded at them, a silent plea to be careful.

"Our very lives depend on it?" Graham asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rochelle shrugged and started towards the colourful treeline, "it very well could, you know? And besides Jimmy seems happy and that's what counts."

"Well I think you handled that wonderfully, Rochelle." Ford put in.

They all paused as they reached the edge of the forest and looked into the gloom and mist that shrouded the paths ahead.

"I think this is a bad idea." Graham mumbled.

"Well if you're scared you can stay back with the boat. I'm sure Ford and I can take om Eldritch by ourselves." Rochelle couldn't help the teasing remark especially since she knew exactly how Graham would respond.

And just as she expected, Graham huffed and stormed on before them into the silent darkness of the forest.

Rochelle took one last look back at the sparkling water and the soft sand before she followed after Graham and took her first step into the unknown wilderness of Caim.


"Not here again..." Rochelle groaned rubbing her tired eyes as they emerged into the exact same clearing for the third time. No matter how far or in what direction they walked they always seemed to tumble out at the same place.

"The forest wants us to be here." Ford said as he untangled a fluorescent vine from his uniform.

Rochelle looked around at the treeline that encircled an outcrop of smooth rocks overlooking one of the gurgling streams. The rush of water was the only sound to be heard for miles around.

"But why? We've scoured this area but there doesn't seem to be anything important here." Graham grumbled shaking off some of the puce coloured leaves that stuck to his hair. The brilliant colours all around them were distracting but the only thing remotely familiar was the sparkling blue stream.

"Maybe we've been looking at it wrong." Rochelle mused aloud, her mind going back to a story Jimmy had told her on the ship. The water was the only thing that made any sound on the island, maybe it was a sign.

"Ford," Rochelle strode forward until she stood at the very edge of the fast flowing stream that surged towards the sea, "do mermaids really exist?"

The captain's brows furrowed as he joined her on the rocky bank, "I've met a few and...

Ford's eyes instantly brightened and he brought a finger to his lips to keep them quiet while he squatted down closer to the water, "...they are the most enchanting creatures I have ever laid eyes upon."

A glint in the water near the bend in the stream caught her eyes and Rochelle tried to keep the excitement from her voice as she asked, "truly? I've also heard that they are very helpful."

She had heard nothing of the sort. In fact from Jimmy's story she had learned that mermaids were particularly unhelpful and liked talking in riddles just to seem mysterious. But the one thing Jimmy had stressed upon was the merefolk's vanity. It had saved Ford and his crew on Valtura and it might get them to Eldritch on Caim.

"Yes, you have heard right!" Ford continued the charade, "I would still be stranded on Valtura if it wasn't for the benevolence of the mermaids!"

Not a complete lie but he didn't mention the fact that he had held their queen hostage in exchange for a means to escape. In response to his declaration Rochelle could've sworn the stream sparkled as if the Sun reflected off more than just the water.

"Delightful creatures, mermaids are." Ford drawled, "I would love to see more again if only to marvel at their breathtakingly dazzling tails."

"They must be a very striking sight." Rochelle added as her eyes searched the water keenly for any signs of movement.

She noticed Ford motioning for Graham to say something but he stood resolutely on the edge of rocky outcrop with his arms crossed. He didn't seem impressed by their display and seemed just about ready to tell them that they looked ridiculous.

Rochelle threw him a warning glare and after a silent battle of wills he sighed and walked closer to the edge.

"Yes," Graham cleared his throat before continuing, "I heard that they are very good..."

He trailed off and Ford was motioning frantically for him to continue. Rochelle could've thought of at least a dozen things Graham could say and she was trying to mentally communicate with him. The Jadus' mental links would come in handy right about now. But they were on an island very far from home, trying to woo a bunch of mermaids and luck was most definitely not on their side.

"They're very good at..."Graham started again, confused at Ford's frenzied signals, "...swimming. Yes, they are very good swimmers."

Rochelle closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wondering why she had fallen in love with someone who was so bad at compliments.

Wait, did she love Graham?

She shook her head to rid herself of the thought and instantly opened her eyes when she heard a small splash.

"That's true, we are good swimmers."

"I'd say I'm an excellent swimmer."

"I'm the best swimmer here and you all know it."

Before her eyes three female heads broke through the surface of the water, their glistening tales flapping in the shallow waters behind them. One mermaid had hair the color of autumn leaves and her scales were different shades of fall. Another was a blonde and her tail was a brilliant golden. The youngest of the three had hair the colour of moonlight and a deep purple and silver tail.

Rochelle feared she was gaping at the stunning creatures as they continued to bicker over who was the better swimmer.

"Ladies, ladies," Ford cut in and instantly the mermaids turned their attention to him, "I'm sure you all are brilliant swimmers! We should host a contest one day to see who is the best but for now I believe introductions are in order."

The captain flashed his most charming smile and reluctantly the mermaids nodded

"I'm Rhea," said the autumn coloured mermaid. She seemed to be the eldest of the three.

"I'm Orla," said the one with the golden scales. Her eyes were stunning pools of molten gold and the calculating glint in her eyes made Rochelle wonder how much she could trust these creatures.

"And I'm Visola," said the silver haired mermaid with a bright smile.

Ford sketched a shallow bow to the mermaids. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, ladies. My name is--"

"We know who you are." Rhea cut in, tilting her head to one side. "You're the captain of the ship out in the waters."

"Vermilion, yes." Ford's cheerful tone seemed a little forced and Rochelle also found herself wondering if all was well with their friends.

"Don't worry." Orla said with a sly smile as if she could read their thoughts. "We've not hurt anyone on board your vessel."

But what about Jimmy and Captain Alexander? A cold shiver of dread snaked its way down her back.

"And the old man and the human-fry on the shores are just fine!" Visola added, "our master forbade us from harming any of you, and besides what fun would that be?"

Rochelle sighed in relief but there was a lingering prickle of unease that didn't allow her to relax in the company of the mermaids.

"Well...thank you..." Ford cleared his throat, "but we would like to meet your master. Can you lead us to him?"

"That's what we were sent here for!" Visola grinned and splashed her tail in the water. "We were told to ask you a riddle but I can't think of any good ones right now. Rhea, what about you?"

"I think they've proven themselves enough by drawing us out." The eldest mermaid said with a sharp look towards Visola. "And it does not suit us to tell everything to the visitors."

"Sorry," The young mermaid apologised but she didn't seem sorry at all. She was smiling brightly at all of them but her eyes lingered on Rochelle.

Rochelle smiled tentatively back but she couldn't hide the distrust in her eye. But that didn't seem to bother Visola whose bright Violet eyes glistened with excitement.

"She's been like this ever since she came back this morning from her secret mission," Orla rolled her eyes, "whatever that was."

"You're just jealous master chose me for the task." Visola crossed her arms and threw a glare at her golden haired sister.

"Maybe he hoped you wouldn't come back." Orla harrumphed.

"It wasn't that dangerous." Visola broke out into giggles and Rochelle could see that behind her sneer, Orla was dying with curiosity.

Before Orla could snap a retort, Rhea swam in between them and said, "both of you need to stop bickering as if you were still little fry. Another argument or even a snappy remark and both of you shall be on reef duty for the rest of the lunar cycle. Am I understood?"

Visola pouted but nodded while Orla twisted without a second glance and swam downstream towards the Sea.

Rhea watched her sister leave with an unreadable expression before she turned her orange hued eyes towards them. "Come, we have kept our master waiting long enough."

Rochelle didn't think it wise to comment on what had just happened and instead took up the lead in the single file line as they trudged along besides the river. The mermaids would swim some way ahead against the current before waiting for them to catch up.

They continued on a slightly steep path leading inland and this time the forest did not hinder their progress. No matter how long or far they walked they never left the small stream. It was always to their right as they trudged deeper and deeper into the heart of Caim.

The forest around them remained cloaked in silence but it's beauty was breathtaking. Rochelle's eyes couldn't seem to settle on one spot for too long before something else would scream for her attention.

A small verse started to take root in her mind and a part of her soul rejoiced at hearing the thrum of the poetry in her veins. It had been so very long since she had felt the faint beat now ringing through her.

The beauty cloaked in silence,
portraying signs of devils absence.
If only the reality was not this cold;
like the tales and myths that were once told.

She couldn't stop the wide smile that spread across her face as she let the forest tell its story through her in the eternal silence. Rochelle closed her eyes to savour the peace but was jolted when someone grasped her arm.

Her eyes flew open and she realised that she had been about to slip into the stream. Her right foot was half off the loose rocks that made up the banks.

"Be careful," said a familiar voice as Graham helped her regain her balance and inch away from the edge.

Rochelle gulped and tried to calm her racing heart. But that was proving difficult especially since Graham had not let go of her. Her mind flashed back to a morning in the palace when she had found herself saved from a tumble down the stairwell.

"Oh thank you gracious saviour." Rochelle mumbled barely loud enough for Graham to hear. But his answering smile was enough to show he remembered that morning Amberley had arrived at Havsham Castle.

That seemed like such a long time ago but in the near silence she could've sworn she was again standing in the early morning glow atop the great staircase.

Tendrils of fog settled around her and in them she could catch glimpses of her home. The high arched windows of the palace and the great gardens beyond.

If she concentrated hard enough she could almost hear it too. The low chatter of the servants, the doors banging open and close, the scuttle of many feet on the polished floors. In the distance she could also barely make out the clang of steel as Damon lead his guards in the morning practice.

Graham grip tightened around her upper arm as if he could see it too. So much had changed since that day but Graham seemed to be the same knight who had been a welcome thorn in her side since the day they met.

Well that wasn't entirely true. He had changed. They both had. But maybe for the better.

A loud splash was the only warning she got before water splashed onto her.

Rochelle let out a startled screech as she moved her dripping wet hair away from her face to find that Graham was similarly drenched to the bone.

"Be careful of what the island shows you. Caim likes playing tricks with its visitors." Rhea's voice cut through the silence like a knife and the last tendrils of the haze seemed to vanish as if reprimanded.

Rochelle clutched her arms as a shiver racked through her. Suddenly the warmth of the Sun was not enough and she tried to repress another shudder.

"Here," Ford moved forward and shrugged off his long brown coat.

"Sorry brother," the captain said to a shivering Graham as he passed her, "ladies first."

Rochelle accepted the overcoat graciously but didn't meet Ford's eyes.

How long had she and Graham been under the island's influence? It seemed like a few moments to her but to have had an audience to what felt like such an intimate moment twisted something in her gut. She ignored the feeling and turned towards the two mermaids in the stream.

"How much...further" She stammered through her chattering teeth.

"It's not much further," Visola declared pointing to the next bend in the river which hid what lay beyond out of sight.

"Then let's just get this over with," Graham grumbled and stomped on ahead, going back to his sullen mood.

Rochelle followed but was careful to maintain a healthy distance. As soon as she rounded the next corner, tingling electricity danced across her skin. She shook her head and was about to ask if anyone else had felt the peculiar sensation.

But her words died on her lips as a shrill scream rang across the silence of Caim.

"Jimmy." Rochelle intoned. She gazed back down the path they had taken from the beach as her gut twisted in dread.

Only one thought was on her mind; was it really Jimmy in trouble or was the island playing a trick on the them?

She shared a look with Ford and Graham and knew that they couldn't risk it. With a deep breath she rushed back down the bend, trampling the fuchsia flora on the banks in her haste.

But she didn't make it far.

She ran smack into an invisible wall and struggled against the insistent pressure holding her back.

"What is this?" Graham bellowed from right besides her as he pushed against the blockade.

Ford who had run further ahead realised that they weren't followed and jogged back. The captain's face was lined with worry and his body was still angled towards the beach.

Rhea pulled herself onto the river bank and smiled apologetically, "once you cross the barrier, you can't go back without our Master's permission."

Rochelle swallowed down the string of curses and composed herself. "You said you wouldn't hurt our companions--"

She trailed off as the mermaid shook her head sadly. "We were ordered not to. But the island made no such promise."

Ford instantly cursed and ran a fustrated hand through his hair. "What do we do?"

"Go." Graham ordered. "Go to them. We'll be right behind you."

The captain seemed relieved to hear Graham's calm tone and nodded to them once before sprinting down the path and out of sight.

"Where is your master? I've had enough of these games!" Graham demanded.

"I'm right where I've always been. But you young knight need to learn your place."

The voice was a mere whisper that ghosted across her skin and Rochelle shudderd.

This time it was not from the cold.

The mermaids had vanished, leaving them besides the sparkling stream in the bright sunlight. But try as she might she could not feel the sun or appreciate the beauty of the island around her. Her body locked up as every nook and corner of her being seemed to be invaded by a never-ending darkness.

Rochelle's heart thundered in her chest and her very soul was screaming at her to run. But she grit her teeth and dug her heels into the ground.

A hand brushed against her own and her body relaxed at the familiar presence. Graham had moved closer to her and was visibly shaken.

Rochelle entangled her fingers with his and gleaned some warmth from the contact. She took a deep breath and sent up a prayer to the Queen to watch over her friends and make sure that they were safe.

She knew that she was about to meet a creature who none had even glimpsed for over a millenia and she would need her wits about her.

Rochelle cleared her mind of all thoughts and concentrated on her breathing. It was just like her practice sessions with the guards. She could almost hear Damon drilling them through the sets.

And in that monent she realised that the island was not evil. It had tried to help them. It had shown her exactly what she would need to face Eldritch. She needed to think of home to anchor her and she needed to keep Graham close.

She squeezed Graham's hand tightly as if her life depended on it and waited for him to look at her. When he did, his eyes seemed haunted as if the darkness that was eating up her soul had already conquered his.

Rochelle wanted to scream but as she frantically searched the empty dark green voids, she saw a sparkle. A star fighting against the smoldering darkness threatening to engulf it.

Heartened by the sight, she willed Graham to hold on. They would get through this. Together.

Graham squeezed her hand and Rochelle took a deep breath before they turned together to face the Master of Moira.

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