Realm of Opportunity

Wordsmith-Rain द्वारा

8.3K 525 51

Enter the Realm of Opportunity, a realm-fiction from the world of DanMachi. --- Xavier doesn't hope for a bet... अधिक

1: Piracy is a Crime, You Know
2: Guts and Magic
3: Medical Bills
4: Orario
5: Working Man
6: Trickster God
7: One Tough Bastard
8: Money Bags
9: Lucky Number 3
10: Non-Stop
11: Pep In My Step
12: Challenger
13: Mage
14: Beer Solves Everything... Right?
15: Ravenous
16: Chimera
17: Impatience and Feminism
18: Good Deals
19: Superstition
20: Trickster
21: Twisted Cinderella
Part 2-1: Turn Down Service
2-2: Green Light
2-3: Bastard
2-4: Corpus Fulminate
2-5: Witch Boy
2-6: Runes and Kin
2-7: Ruthless
2-8: Kitchen Gossip
2-10: Playing With Fire
2-11: Decleration of War
2-12: Juggernaut
2-13: Date With a Goddess
2-14: Champion
2-15: Mystery
2-16: Addio, Mia Cara
2-17: Return of the Giants
2-18: Second Class Adventurer
2-19: Beginning an Expedition
2-20: War-Mage
2-21: The Alchemist
P3 will be in new book

2-9: Wardrobe

146 10 0
Wordsmith-Rain द्वारा

^^ the Mama Glare, and <~Sage ^^

--- Sage Dorian ---

I sat down next to Hector, reflexively cleaning his cheek with a napkin when he ate sloppily. "So. After you two are done eating, we're going shopping. We'll drop Hector off at your house, I suppose, Otto, and then to the Market, then to meet this 'Loki' woman."

Hector looked up defiantly. "I can make my own way home! I don't need a baby sitter!"

"Shush, child." I said off-handedly, and looked at Otto. "So?"

"I hate to disagree with you, but his job is running all over the city. He can take care of himself, once we're out of the Pleasure District." He hummed.

I smirked. "And? I like children, and my son is grown. I have... what do you call it, Zoë?"

"Empty nest syndrome." She shrugged.

"Ah. Sì. So, he either comes with us, or I walk him home. Simple." I shrugged.

He nodded. "Okay. I'll make it happen. His sister might be pissed I held him all day, but ah well. I'll kiss her and she'll forgive me." He grinned happily.

"Ew." Hector stuck his tongue out at him, and finished his stew quickly.

I set the rest of it on a warming plate, and scribbled a note. 'Open Season, leave critique on back of card.'

"So where first? I'm looking for some nice Dresses, but also tough leathers and denims." I looked at the clueless giant, then down at Hector. "You'll be more useful than I thought, hmm, courier?"

He grinned. "Sure! I know where all the best Ladies' clothes stores are! Let's go, then!" He hopped down from the stool, and I caught him, simply hugging him to my chest and walking, like he was a large, squirmy teddy bear.

I smiled and handed him to Otto, and then when he set him down, I frowned. "He's 11, Miss Sage. He doesn't need help." He said calmly.

"11? But he's..."

"He's a Dwarf, Miss Sage. He'll never get much taller than he is now." Otto shrugged.

I blinked slowly. "Oh. I thought dwarves would be... bigger." I mimed a big belly and muscles.

He laughed loudly, and rustled Hector's hair. "Some are, don't worry. But some aren't. Now lead the way, Hector. And no short cuts, you understand?"

Hector mumbled a mildly offensive term, and then shrugged. "Whatever. But you're paying me, Otto!" He started off, and I smiled, following.

We walked through the mostly empty streets, and suddenly why they were empty occurred to me. The Red Light District was only open at night.

I smiled at the realization, and then looked at Hector, who was now speaking like a tour guide.

"Ya see, the Red Light District is under the control of the Ishtar Familia. Ishtar is a goddess of beauty and love, so her Familia members are primarily prostitutes, though they are also Amazons, and they are very dangerous if angry." He began.

"I'm sorry, Goddess? Bit over-exaggerated, eh?" I asked.

He blinked. "No. She's a Goddess of Beauty and Love. Literally."

I blinked, and then stopped walking as everything that had been said clicked into place.

"Ares is the Greek God of War... Isthar is a Hindu Goddess... Loki is a Viking God... mother of god I thought they were just taking the names of gods..." I breathed.

Otto hummed. "Oh, right, the Gods left your Midgardian Realm around 2000 year ago... yeah, each Familia is run by a different god."

I shook my head to clear it. "I... I see. Ahem. Continue, then, Hector." I smiled at him.

Zoë hummed, looking around critically. "That makes more sense than it should... ah well."

"Ahem. Anyway, the Ishtar Familia is in control of the Red Light District, but they don't do bad things anymore. No forced Prostitution or Slavery, and so on. The Club is just outside their Territory, so you don't have to worry. We're entering the normal Market now, but these are the items you won't want. You want the Tower of Babel, and the Shops inside!" Hector grinned amiably.

"Hmm... I see. Then lead on, child." I pet his hair gently, and smiled at his little blush.

We walked for a bit, and I smiled at the sight of a little boy pulling a woman who could only be his mother along, practically singing about a 'Date'.

I looked away, then halted when he spoke words that were familiar. "Composure, Manners, and Respect!"

I whirled around, and stared at the small red-headed child.

Hector noticed my stop, and then grinned. "Oh! That's Oscar! OSCAR!!!"

The little boy's long ears perked up animatedly, and he looked at us. "Oh! Hect'r! 'N Otto! Mama, c-can we go talk r'l quick?"

She smiled indulgently. "Sure, Oscar. Your master plan can wait a few minutes."

He grinned and pulled her over, never releasing her hand. I blinked as I remembered Xavier doing the exact same thing, over and over.

The stutter/speech impediment was new, though.

Hector grinned. "Hey Miss Vivaldi!"

She smiled. "Hello, Hector. Not causing trouble again, I hope? I'd hate to arrest you, you know."

I smiled. "He's my guide, actually. He's showing me where in the city to get a Wardrobe filled. I don't have one at the moment, and it's horribly challenging to read a lot of these signs around everywhere."

She blinked. "Hmm... I see... your name?"

"Sage Dorian. This is Zoë Dorian, my twin... and you, little man, remind me much of my own son!" I smiled at 'Oscar', kneeling a bit.

He blinked. "Y-you have a son? You're w-way too youn' for that!! Is he a baby?"

I laughed, and shook my head. "No, he's grown. You're very polite, however. Where did you hear those words, though; Composure, Manners, and Respect? I taught that to my boy when he was much younger than you, I think."

He grinned. "M-mis'er Xavier said that pr'tty w-women liked that, and poetry! And he said I should take mama on a date, cause her first date was a-"

"Oscar!" She halted his no-doubt barbed comment. "Sorry about that, he likes to talk to people..."

"Let me guess. Your first date was rude, and so Xavier stepped in, and then told Oscar to take you instead?... hm. I raised that boy well, I think." I stood up, dusting my knees.

"Wait, raised? I thought you might be his cousin or... something... but..." she blinked.

I laughed again. "I had him very young, yes. Anyway, I'm happy he's doing some good, not just fighting a lot. So how do you know my son?"

She eyed me slowly. "I can't really divulge information, as a member of the guild..."

"His full name is Xavier Leopold Dorian, and he hates his middle name." I said dryly.

"... oh... well, in that case. I'm Isabelle Vivaldi, his Liaison at the guild. Any questions he has, he can ask me. Have you and your sister been registered at the Guild?" She asked, sounding rather official, like a police officer, instead of the Femme Fatale she looked right now.

"Maaaa! No off'c'l business!" Oscar complained.

"Oh! I'm sorry, baby boy. I nearly forgot our little date! It was good to meet you, Miss Dorian, but I must be going. Pressing dinner plans, and all." She smiled at him indulgently, and kissed his cheek. "Now, as for wardrobes, a quick tip... for the more... delicate items, the shop 'Bast's Room' on the 16th Floor is quite good, and discreet." She winked.

I chuckled. "Yes, of course... thank you, and please, have a good night. And remember, Oscar, those three things!" I waved to the small boy, and hugged Hector to me, smiling happily as I walked away.

He squirmed, and I simply looked at him. He sighed, and submitted to being carried.

We reached the tower, and he grinned, hopping out of my arms. "Okay! This is the Guild! Here, adventurers, like mister Dorian, trade in items for currency, or store currency for later use! There's also quest boards, which mister Dorian is famous for clearing in just a week, which is an entirely new record! No ones ever cleared it before!"

He opened an elevator. "Come in, and the stores you're looking for are on the 10-20 floors."

I nodded. "I need shoes, shirts, pants, and underwear, and then I'll look for a nice dress, and then I'll look for my delicates... Zoë?"

She shrugged. "Sounds good, but I don't need the dress. A Suit, however, like Xavier was wearing, would be lovely."

Otto cleared his throat. "Uhm... Xavier only gave me 100K Val, for the essentials... the items you're talking about... he told me his Suit was almost 350K Val..."

I hummed. "Ahh, then just the necessities... some blouses, pants, and underwear, then. And boots."

We started up in the elevator, and Zoë looked down. "Interesting... no electricity."

"Magic and lightning don't get along." Otto said simply.

I smiled and shook my head. "I'm liking this place more and more..."

We exited on the 16th floor, and I took Zoë inside 'Bast's Room', finding simple delicates for both of us rather quickly. I wanted to try on some of the nicer things, but I restrained myself, and then restrained Zoë, as well.

We spent 40K Val, which, from my estimates, was about $400, which was actually an absolute steal, considering we each got seven pairs of everything we needed.

Everything was then placed in a thick white bag, and then tied shut. We exited, and gathered Otto and Hector, who seemed shocked by the amount of money we'd spent.


I grinned, standing in my newly-furnished closet. Zoë hummed, leaning against the door. "Very nice, yes... do you think Xavier will mind that we turned one of his rooms into our closet, and knocked down a wall?"

"Hmph. I dare him to say anything at all." I snapped.

She laughed. "I suppose. Now! Food, yes? We still have 6K Val, right? Food is important." She nodded.

I chuckled. "Always. Speaking of- do you hear that?"

We wandered to the window, and I saw several men and women roaming around the street, most wearing little to nothing.

"Oh... looks like the Red Light is Flashing..." Zoë giggled, eying a group of dark-skinned women.

"Hmm... well, a bath, food, and then we may... test the waters. I wonder how expensive they are?"

"Those? Very. Those are Amazons, and trust me when I say, you don't want that type of trouble. Hello mother." Xavier kissed my hair, and then Zoë's.

I smiled. "Hello, and that type of trouble..."

"I'm serious, mother. Trouble as in bad trouble, not fun trouble." He said sternly. "Ishtar and Loki are on thin ice with each other already. Starting trouble could be very bad."

I shrugged. "I'll be careful."

"I'll believe that when I see it. The Bathhouse is downstairs, and I've reserved it for you for the next two hours. And Otto will have your dinner funds, but I need to get more work done before I get paid again, so don't go crazy." He smiled, and then blinked. "Oh! And Otto said you wanted a dress and a suit..." he sat two covered hangers on the closet poles, and walked out, whistling.

I smiled. "That boy... what did he get us?" I opened one of the hangers, and gasped. "Dios..." I breathed, and stroked the Scarlet silken evening gown.

Zoë opened the other, and smiled, holding up a baby blue velvet suit. "He knows us very well, doesn't he?" She grinned.

I smiled and set it back on the hanger, then grabbed some of the new underwear, and a fluffy towel. "Then the Baths it is!" I smiled.

As we walked, I looked at Otto, who was clearly thinking seriously.

"What are you thinking about, Otto?"

He snapped his gaze forward. "I... my wife. I was thinking about her in that dress." He blushed.

I giggled. "Good answer. Now, get comfy, dear, we're going to be in here a while." I opened the doors to the bathhouse, and entered the dry room.

He nodded and sat down inside the dry room doors, after checking the bath for security threats.

Zoë smiled and patted his cheek. "You're a good guard."

He grinned easily. "I'm well trained, or so my wife says."

I laughed loudly, and stepped out of my clothes as he studiously studied his knuckles.

I set them on a ledge, and then stepped into the hot bathing room, relaxing with each step. Zoë and I each conquered half of the bath, relaxing slowly, but surely.

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