She Wears Toms, He Wears Conv...

By Broken_Dream76

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Carter Daniels is the new kid at Riverbank High. He chooses to sit next to Astrid Linnea who is one of the ou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29

Chapter 28

353 13 0
By Broken_Dream76


Astrid's P.O.V

When I heard the scratch of a chair being dragged against the floor, I never knew just how much that one sound would change my life. I didn't expect to befriend him, I didn't expect to be saved, and I certainly didn't expect to help him pack the boxes for when he'd be moving away again.

A week ago, when I heard that he'd be moving, I was okay with it, but now that there were only three days left, I felt like I was losing a better part of me. For his sake, I consistently held back the tears, threatening to pour from my eyes. However, I knew that the day he was leaving, I wouldn't be able to. His last memory before boarding the plane would be my hysteria. Great.

I was currently taking down the numerous posters that covered the walls of his room. Carter was nice enough to give me all of his band posters since he didn't want to package them up and fly them to Paris.

My orbs feverishly examined his favorite poster; how was I supposed to look at that every day without being overwhelmed with memories?

The Beatles walking across Abbey Road was quite legendary, and by seeing the photograph, most people would appreciate their musical talent; however, I would be bombarded by thoughts of a boy.

I let out a soft sigh before turning to glance at the explanation of me acting like a real girl with a fragile heart. Carter Daniels stood at his towering height of 182 centimeters (6 feet) looking as handsome as ever; somehow, his distressed state enhanced his features. Sweat coated his forehead while his shirt hung loosely around him, and it took every ounce of control I had not to go over to him and distract him.

I heard his usual deep chuckle rumble at the base of his throat. I immediately turned back to the posters while my cheeks began to burn. Why couldn't I take a quick glimpse instead of gawking? My actions undoubtedly caused him to laugh; he was unable to suppress his amusement with the situation.

"Shut up." I hissed, trying to sound angry.

"You're cute when you pretend to be mad." He spoke; the playful smirk clearly audible in his tone. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes; his constant compliments - no matter how cheesy - didn't help to veil my crimson cheeks.

"And you seem to grow more annoying every day." I smiled while keeping my gaze fixed on the half-filled wall.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It wasn't meant to be..." I whispered.

"Don't make me come over there, Linnea." He growled; his flirtatious tone still lingered in his threat.

"You just want an excuse to come over here and forget about working," I stated.

"You've figured out my true intentions." He voiced while adding his usual musical laugh at the end, a rather attractive conclusion. I didn't dare steal another glance at him; the mere sight of his tousled dark locks would draw me in.

Curiosity overpowered my senses and dragged my unwilling eyes to gape once more at Mr. Daniels. He knew that I was thoroughly examining him, so he took his bottom lip between his teeth while tossing another shirt into his suitcase.

"Do you really have to do that?" I blurted. I couldn't believe I had just allowed my thoughts to exit my mouth.

"Do what?" He wondered while raising an eyebrow.

"... Nothing." I breathed in an attempt to conceal my lack of a filter.

"Can't you just tell me?" He wondered while meeting my gaze; the eye contact sent an unhealthy jolt to my heart.

"Certainly not." I denied it. A frown began to tug at his lips as he furrowed his brow.

"Why not?" He pried.

"Drop it, Daniels," I warned. I desperately wanted to face the posters once more; however, my limbs had turned to stone. I was stuck facing the nerve-racking scrutiny of Carter Daniels. He rapidly searched my expression for clues of what I was hiding.

"Astrid." His voice drew my name out as if pleading for a genuine conclusion to his question.

"You still aren't getting an answer," I told him. Apparently, it was the wrong response since his mischievous smirk yanked at his mouth.

"Don't you smirk at me," I uttered with my regular eye roll.

My words and my behavior was all the fuel Carter needed to let the white button-down shirt slip from his fingers. He began to step towards me; even his unhurried movements were flawless - just like everything he does. Okay, maybe he's just clouded my senses.

My breathing hitched in my throat when he was three long strides away; the distance would surely be no match for Carter's enormous legs. I began to lose control of my thoughts. In a few seconds, we would be close enough to touch.

Carter reluctantly removed any distance between us.

"Why do you always have to distract me?" He whispered in my ear, his warm breath teasing my skin. His arms protectively knotted around me, driving my senses - and heartbeat - insane.

"Distract you?" I managed.

"Distract: to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention." He explained. I was familiar with the word and its definition; for the past week, I had been distracted by his every movement. He was my current infatuation. It was the first time in my life that I could come to admit that I was obsessed with a boy - a real being; my unreasonable passion had always been directed to band members that I'd never stand a chance with or fictional characters, but now Carter has taken my interest.

"Are you going to tell me?" He asked while pulling back to peer into my orbs. His face was an arm's length away; his lips merely inches from mine. Why must he have this effect on me?

"Eventually." That was the only answer I could achieve while my thoughts were elsewhere.

"Why won't you tell me now?" He inquired. I remained silent, ignoring his question as I studied his impeccable features.

"Do you think it'll upset me?" He questioned. I snapped back to reality and thought of an answer.

"No, it'll only fuel your flirtatious actions," I mumbled. Carter raised his eyebrows while taking his lip between his teeth, and for the second time tonight, his lip-biting made me mentally sigh.

"Now, I'm curious." He said. His voice was deep and velvety - mesmerizing.

His slender, yet powerful hands snaked around my waist. His luscious lips traveled to my collarbones, bringing me indescribable warmth. He peppered delicate kisses along the protruding bone until they came into contact with the base of my neck. I was 99.9% sure that his scheme was going to cause me mental - and physical - instability, not provide him with the answer he seeks.

"Will you tell me now?" He voiced, allowing his lips to drag against the base of my neck with each syllable he pronounced. His spontaneous decision to envelope me in affection was almost unbearable; my legs grew weak, and if it wasn't for his firm grip that drifted to my hips, I was surely going to fall. His strength was undoubtedly an advantage right now.

"No." I croaked, hoping that he'd continue. My thoughts were incredibly chaotic; in one way, I wanted him to stop so that I could focus and regain control, but on the other hand, I didn't want him to finish this bittersweet game.

My lips trembled as he brushed his lips against my neck. My head subconsciously tilted to the side, providing him with an advantage. He knew exactly what effect he had on me. My blurry vision focused on a lamp a few feet behind Carter, allowing a dull glow to flow a fair distance from the object.

My eyes clamped shut, and I suppressed a groan as his lips touched my neck more roughly than before; his light pleading transformed into a demand.

"Now?" He urged. I couldn't even speak, so I just should my head 'no.'

As if my words were indicators to continue, his mouth wandered up to my jawline. His warm breath caressed my skin, sending tingles throughout my body. His parched lips seemed to melt my bones; I quickly began to question how weak bones are, and I ridiculed myself with the thought that Carter could disintegrate bones with his irresistible lips. Desperate kisses traced my jaw as his arms tightened around my hips.

"What about now?" He pried while lifting his face to mine. He allowed our noses to come in contact; his piercing gaze was impossible to hide from with our proximity.

I wanted to tell him the truth. However, I was tongue-tied. Part of me couldn't string together a coherent sentence, and part of me thought that once he found out, he'd return to packing up his clothes. When I should've been plotting out a witty reply, my mind had drifted elsewhere; I couldn't help but notice how inviting Carter's lips looked when they were so close to mine. I mentally scolded myself for being so influenced by a boy.

As if he was reading my thoughts, he crashed his lips onto mine. That kiss didn't miss a detail; it contained passion, insecurity, desire, and even fear. My infatuation with Carter Daniels had unintentionally become an obsession. His lips danced on mine, which sent my heart skyrocketing. The room around me began to spin, leaving me lightheaded and disoriented; my fingers intertwined with his silky locks in an attempt to steady myself. My teeth clamped around his bottom lip, and a soft angelic moan escaped him; my confident movements didn't only shock him. I certainly didn't let this newfound confidence slip away from me; Carter Daniels had just paralyzed me with his charm, and now it was my turn to use his game against him. This might have been the first time I had confidence in my actions, and quite frankly, I liked the sensation. I let my lips escape him, an irrepressible grin commandeered my features; my contagious expression then forced itself upon his heavenly appearance.

"Are you going to tell me?" He wondered, completely breathless. I began to consider that maybe I affected him as well.

I drew my bottom lip between my teeth and nodded.

"You are?" He asked in disbelief, a look of shock enslaved him. I just continued nodding while peering into those enthralling azure orbs. No wonder girls typically fall for him, one look into his eyes, and you'd be trapped.

I took a monstrous step towards Carter, and he took one step back. He was allowing me full control of his limbs. I took another long stride towards him, and once again, his movements mirrored mine. His ragged breathing didn't go unnoticed by me, and it took a lot to fight back the goosebumps that threatened to appear when each shaky breath glided over my skin.

My fingers untangled themselves from his hair and slithered down to his chest; the throbbing heartbeat began to race underneath my fingertips. I certainly affected Carter Daniels, and with every palpitation that I felt under my fingers, my confidence grew. I liked this situation way too much. I allowed my fingers to trace along his toned stomach. My touch brought an unwilling blush to Carter's cheeks.

His hand traveled up, and his fingers knotted around mine, preventing me from moving my curious fingers.

"You're distracting me again." He grumbled. I felt like replying with sarcasm - I felt like telling him exactly how he made me feel. Does he think that I was distracting him? This entire week was filled with watching him like he was my favorite YouTuber - it was quite creepy. Not only was I turning into an unintended stalker, but my grades were dropping. I was used to getting 90's and occasionally an 80; however, I was only getting low 80's. Curse that boy's charm.

"You're supposed to tell me." He urged. I had strung this out as long as I could, but I know as soon as I tell him, he'd be biting his lip continuously for the next three days. I let out a soft sigh and suppressed the ordinary eye roll that usually followed.

"When you bite your lip..." I began.

"Yeah?" He wondered.

"It drives me crazy." I finished.

And just as I suspected, Carter Daniels drew his bottom lip between his teeth for the third time tonight, causing my heart to go berserk. Curse that boy's charm.

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