Driven By Love (Finnick and A...

By JustKeepSwimming4712

71.5K 2.1K 503

This is about Finnick and Annie's story from Finnick and Annie's perspective. Hope you like it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

1.6K 50 30
By JustKeepSwimming4712

Chapter 15

Annie Pov.

A week later...

The tribute interviews are on tonight. Finnick and I are going to watch them because Bethany is on them and we want to know what she's going to say. The kids at school don't know we've been going out. After our first date we've gone on about four more. I feel like I know so much about him. I thought he was annoying, then I thought he was nice, then I thought he was sweet, then I thought he was cute, now I just like everything about him. Good and bad. When he apologized to Jerry, Jerry excepted his apology and Jerry even said sorry to me. We all hang out together now. But it is kind of awkward. I really like Finnick. It's definitely hard keeping our feelings for each other on the down low at school though. Like when we have art class three times a week, Finnick always makes me different things to hang on my walls. By the end of the school year, I'm not going to have any room on my walls. But I still hang all of them up, because he gets so happy when he sees me tape them on my wall. After school, we invite Jerry, Sarah, and Mick over to watch the tribute interviews. We all walk to our house together.

"Do you kids want a snack? I can warm up the bread rolls I bought from the bakery this morning." Mrs. Odair asks.

"Yea that sounds good." Sarah says

"Thanks Mrs. Odair." Mick says.

"No problem kids. I'll get the bread ready, and then I'll be in my room watching the interviews if you need me." she tells us.

"Okay thanks mom." Finnick says.

Jerry sits at the end of the couch, Sarah sits next to him, I sit between Sarah and Finnick, and Mick sits next to Finnick. Mrs. Odair brings out a plate of bread with butter and cheese on the side. She also brings out some water with five glasses.

"Welcome to the 63rd hunger games tribute interviews!" Caesar Flickerman, the hunger game host says.

The crowd starts cheering. He introduces the girl from district one. She's tall and strong, she has light brown hair and bright colored eyes. She practically flirts her way through the entire interview.

"Oh, she's hot." Mick says.

"Yea she is." Jerry says. "don't you think so Finnick?" this is one of those moments that's awkward. Finnick and I are going out so he's not going to want to say that she's pretty in front of me. Even though I don't really care.

"Guys be quiet, I'm trying to watch the show." he says.

The guy from one goes on. I think he's eighteen, the oldest you can be. The other districts go on. Both tributes from two are strong like the ones from one. The tributes from three seem very smart. When it's time for Bethany's interview everyone is practically leaning towards the TV.

"Welcome Bethany! How are you?" Caesar asks.

"I'm doing okay Caesar." she says with a smile. She is wearing a pink ruffly dress with sparkles all over it. Her hair is curled and poofy and she is wearing a ton of makeup.

"She has never looked better." Jerry says.

"I want that dress so bad!" Sarah says.

"Volunteer next year. You'll get one to." Mick says. I laugh and Sarah rolls her eyes.

"So you are a very attractive young lady Bethany, I'm sure the young men back home go crazy for you." Caesar says.

"Well, I have been told that some guys have crushes on me. But there's only one guy that I've ever wanted." she says sweetly.

Finnick and I look at each other. We know she's talking about him. But Mick, Sarah, and Jerry are at the edge of their seats.

"What is this lucky fella's name?" Caesar asks encouragingly.

"His name is Finnick Odair, but he is dating someone else." she confesses.

"Oh, that's... awful. I'm so sorry Bethany. You seem like a lovely girl who did he turn you down for?" he asks her.

At this point, Finnick's friends are staring at us.

Bethany starts 'crying' but to me it looks fake. "Her name is Annie, she's everything I've wanted to be. She's pretty, she's smarter than me, I can't compete. When Finnick met her he fell for her, just like when I met him I fell for him. I just wanted to show him how much I love him by telling the world." she says wiping her 'tears'.

"Bethany, I know if you win these games, you will show him how great you are. Good luck sweetie." Caesar says.

"Is there something you two would like to tell us?" Sarah asks.

"Yea, is Bethany telling the truth? Is this the reason you guys are 'too busy' to hang out with us? Because you have been out on dates?" Jerry asks.

"Guys we didn't want to tell you because it would have been awkward." Finnick tells them.

"We just... thought that it would make things you know... complicated." I tell them.

"Guys leave em' alone. Sarah you would keep it secret if you were dating Jerry or I." Mick says. Mick is by far my favorite between the three.

"Yea I get it, but I'm happy for you guys." Sarah says supportively.

"Thanks Sarah." I say.

Finnick's mom walks out of the door.

"Finnick, Annie, is there something you want to tell me?" she asks.

"Mom we haven't done anything bad we've just hung out." Finnick says.

"Yea we aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend or anything." I say.

"Annie I don't mind you living here, but if you guys break up or stop dating or whatever, your guys' friendship could get messed up." she explains.

"Mom, even if Annie and I don't date anymore, I wouldn't want her kicked out of the house." Finnick tells her.

"Okay. Good." she says with a smile. "Well why don't you finish watching the program and you can walk your friends home after." she tells us.

"Okay we will." I say.

"Okay, I'll be in bed if you need me."

We finish watching the show. The boy from our district doesn't seem like he has a chance. I feel bad for him. At the end of the show, Caesar tells us that tomorrow is when the real fun starts because it will be time for the hunger games. Finnick and I walk to Jerry's house first, then Sarah's, then Mick's. Finnick and I walk home together.

"Well they took finding out about us pretty well thanks to Mick." I say.

"Yea he's always been my favorite until you came along." he says.

"Oh by the way, you could've answered the guys when they thought the girl from one was hot. I don't get that jealous." I tell him.

"I didn't think she was pretty. She doesn't compare to you." he says.

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Oh by the way, what are we? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Just going out? I'm confused about our title." Finnick says.

"Yea me to." I tell him.

"Well what if we make it clear. Annie will you be my girlfriend?" Finnick asks.

"Hmmm I don't know." I say. "I guess so."

"You guess so?" he says sarcastically.

"Okay yes I'll be your girlfriend." I tell him. "So much for not rushing things."

"It doesn't feel like rushing with you." Finnick says sweetly.

"Finnick, what happens if we do break up?" I ask.

"Annie, it would take a lot for me to break up with you. I don't plan on being with anyone else anytime soon." he says.

"I don't want to be with anyone else. You're the guy that I've always wanted to be with." I tell him.

"You're the girl that I've always wanted to be with." he says.

We walk the rest of the way home holding hands, I have my head on his shoulder. We get home and he walks me to my room. He gives me a hug goodnight and I hug him back. It's kind of different, living in the same house as your boyfriend. But I don't mind it. I like living in the same house as Finnick. I can see him whenever I want. I lay in bed and I keep thinking about him. He now means everything to me. I've never had a crush on a guy, never dated a guy or had a boyfriend. It's just never been something I was interested in. I feel like Finnick and I found each other though, we didn't mean to but we did. It was as if fate wanted us to be together.

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