Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Finnick Pov.

I hear my Mom's voice trying to wake me up. My dad finally gets me to wake up and I see my parents and Annie standing there in front of me. Annie must feel awkward since she hasn't been alone with my parents before. She also knows how I don't like my birthday. I already can tell she didn't want to come wake me with my parents just by the look on her face.

"Happy birthday Finnick!" Mom exclaims.

"Oh, thanks mom, dad, Annie." I say in the most grateful voice I can. I don't want to hurt my parents' feelings.

"Ok kids, why don't you get ready for school?" Dad asks.

"Ok Dad I will be out in a second" I say. Annie hasn't left my room yet and I know why. We haven't discussed our plan for school. My parents would be suspicious if Annie wasn't going to school. We have to figure something out and we have to figure it out fast.

"So what are we going to do about school?" She asks me. "am I going to go to school? If I do go to school, how will we explain the new student thing?"

"We can say that you transferred to 4 because your family in your district died and you have family here." I tell her the first idea that pops in my head.

"We can try it, worst thing that happens is they send me back to my district or something." she tells me.

She must be crazy I don't know what I'm going to say I care about this girl too much all my feelings rush out of me and I say "Annie, you must be crazy if you think I would ever let anything like that happen to you. Have you realized that I could not live with myself if something bad happened to you because of me? Annie I drive myself insane a little when I realize that you could get hurt one day. Don't say things like that ok? I wouldn't be able to deal with you being taken away and possibly hurt by the peacekeepers because you left home." Where did this come from? I think to myself.

"I'm sorry" Annie says. "It's just I haven't met people like you who care this much about me." She starts walking over to me and she gives me a hug. I except her hug and she starts to talk again. "I know we haven't known each other that long Finnick but you're my best friend." She says with no lies in her voice she speaks the honest truth. I feel a different feeling right now. I've never felt like this about anyone ever.

"You're my best friend Annie." I tell her.

We stop hugging and I get upset because I don't want the hug to end. But all good things must come to an end right? "So what do you want to do about this school situation?" I ask.

"I just remembered something!" Annie exclaims.

"What?" I ask hopeful that this is the solution to our problem.

"My friend he's a peacekeeper back in 6, he was always really nice to me and my family. I could give him a call and he could tell the school that I was transferred because the community home didn't have room for me." She tells me happily.

"Annie you're brilliant!" I yell happily.

"Let's go call him then" Annie says.

She goes into the kitchen and calls the peacekeeper from her district after about two to four minutes she comes out of the kitchen.

I see Annie running towards me.

"He is going to tell the peacekeepers that the community home is full and that I was transferred to district 4." She practically yells.

"That's great!" I exclaim.

"I don't have any clothes." Annie says.

"I'll be right back" I tell her.

I go in the kitchen and I tell my mom that Annie doesn't have any clothes and I ask her if she has any old clothes that she could loan to Annie for now. She tells me that she will get her some clothes. I sit down across the table from my dad.

"I've been wanting to talk to you." Dad says.

"Okay" I say nervously.

"You know son, I remember my first crush." He says oddly.

"Um okay dad.." I say kind of awkwardly. This is kind of uncomfortable to me.

"Son you and I both know you like that girl, I can see it by the way you look at her, that you're crazy about her." He says quietly.

"Dad I appreciate your well intended advice but I don't know if I feel about Annie that way." I say not knowing what else to say. If I said I don't feel anything about Annie that would be a lie. So if I just say I don't know, there's nothing wrong with that.

"Ah ha! I was testing you! If you said I don't think of her that way I would've known you don't have a crush on her you said I don't know." he says. "Trust me son, you're going to ask that beautiful and lucky girl out one day. And I know she'll say yes." He says excitedly as if he just solved some kind of mystery.

I think about this to myself. My dad legit believes that I'm crushing on Annie. And I really don't know how I feel. She told me that I was her best friend this morning. But everyone knows about the dreaded friend zone. Best friends but nothing more. Once you're in that zone, there's almost no escape. I do care about Annie. I care about her a lot. Is dad right though? Will my feelings for her grow stronger? Am I falling in love with Annie?

"Good morning Mr. Odair." Annie says as she comes out of the hall.

"Good morning Annie" he says politely "Finnick and I were just talking about you." he says with a smirk.

"Dad" I say embarrassed. Annie cannot know what we were just talking about.

"You were?" She asks. "what were you guys talking about?"

"The future." Dad says as he breaks into a laughing fit.

I'm so embarrassed right now. My dad is making this one of the most awkward moments of my life. He is so embarrassing. Why can't he leave me alone about this? I just met Annie I don't have a crush on her... Right?

"So after school, we are going to the beach for Finnick's birthday right?" Annie asks changing the topic. Did this make her uncomfortable to? Did she know what we were talking about? I would freak out if she knew.

"Yup is that still what you want to do kiddo?" Dad asks.

"Yea." I say.

Mom walks into the room now. "Ready to go to school kids?" She asks Annie and I.

"Yea" we both say at the same time. I wonder if Annie is nervous about her first day of school. But I do know one thing. I will protect that girl from any mean girl or bully, no matter what the consequence for me.

Driven By Love (Finnick and Annie's story Hunger Games fan fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя