Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Annie Pov.

After we get home, Finnick and I go to bed. I can't believe what he told me at dinner tonight. I don't get jealous easily, but when I think about all the girls in the Capital all over him, I can't help but feel a little sad about it. I think he would be to though if the roles were reversed. I hate Snow and everything he does to people.

Tomorrow Finnick has to leave for the victory tour, then he comes back and two weeks later is the reaping for the 66th hunger games. He won't be entered again, but I will. And I'll be fourteen tomorrow, which is when he's leaving. I try my best to remove the bad thoughts from my mind and I fall asleep.


When I wake up, Finnick is standing there with a present and a vanilla cupcake.

"Happy birthday Annie." he says quietly with a smile.

I look up smiling at him. "Thanks Finn."

I sit up and he sits at the foot of the bed. He hands me the box and I open it. It's a pearl necklace.

"It's so pretty." I tell him, "Thank you"

"No problem, want to see something?" he asks. I nod my head. He takes the necklace and puts it under the lamp. On the pearls, it spells out, "I love you."

"How does it do that?" I ask.

"They paint on the letters, and when you hold it under a lamp you can read the letters." he explains.

"Thank you." I whisper.

We stand up and he hugs me. He takes the necklace and puts it around my neck. We go downstairs, and I cut the cupcake in half so that we can share it. We chit chat and then we hear knocking on the door.

"I'll get it." Finnick says.

I follow him to the door, he opens it and finds Pearl, the tribute escort.

"Finnick!" she squeals. "How are you my darling?"

"I've been doing good." He says.

I walk slowly towards the door.

"Finnick, is this Annie?" she asks happily.

"Yes. Pearl this is Annie, Annie this is Pearl." Finnick introduces us.

"Annie, you're all Finnick could talk about in the Capital. Everyone in the Capital wants to know about you." she says excitedly.

I smile. She comes in with Finnick's stylist and prep team. I go in my room and close the door. This is too much. He's leaving and he's going to be gone for another week and five days. I hear a knock on my door and Finnick comes in with a nice suit on.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yea I guess... I'm just um I uh-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Annie I'll be back before you know it." he tells me.

"I'm just tired of it. You always having to leave me." I say honestly.

"It's not like I want to." he says.

"Is this how it's going to be from now on? We have a nice couple of days together and then you have to leave?" I ask.

"Annie as long as we are together I don't see how it matters." he says.

"That's what I'm saying though. We aren't together. It drives me insane." I tell him.

"It makes me go crazy to. We just have to accept it. After this, we have another two weeks together, then we have the reaping. I have to go and I'll be back by the next month. We can make it work if we don't give up." he says.

"I know. It's just hard." I say sadly.

"I know it is." he walks out of my room. "I'll see you at the train station."

It's time for him to leave and I walk him to the train station, the cameras walked him to the station to though. It's weird with them following you. But I ignore them. When we get there and the train pulls up, I hug Finnick and tell him goodbye. He tells me happy birthday but I feel like we can't say that much more with the Capital listening. At least they know they're taking him away on my birthday. His parents said bye to him to before he got on the train. The train leaves and I walk to his/my house alone. When I get there, Mick, Jerry, Sarah, and a bunch of kids from school jump out and say 'surprise!'

"What's all this?" I ask.

"What do you think?" Sarah asks. "Finnick set all this up."

I smile "Thanks for coming guys. Lets have some fun then."

We hang out, play games, and eat a bunch of food. I'm so tired, and I feel so sad that Finnick's not here, but I still put on a happy face at the party, and act like I would if Finnick was here.

Driven By Love (Finnick and Annie's story Hunger Games fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora