Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Annie Pov.

I wake up in my new beach themed room. I sit for awhile in my bed doing nothing. I decide to try to find Finnick. I hope he's not still asleep because I would hate to wake him. But I wander through the halls. Finnick never told me which room was his. I open the first door and it was a bathroom. I turn around and open the next door, and it's Finnick's room. He has pictures that he has taken of the beach all over his walls. He has two dressers. I'm so curious, so while he sleeps, I quietly start opening each dresser. It's all clothes so far. Then I find his birth certificate. His last name isn't Odair, it's Johnson. Finnick Johnson. How can that be? Is he adopted? That's the only thing that makes since. Which means he lived in a community home.

"You gotta search warrant?" Finnick says.

"Sorry." I say "I just came in your room to see if you were awake and I saw that your drawer was open, I went to close it but I saw your birth certificate in here." I explain with a little lie behind it.

"Aren't you the little stalker?" He asks jokingly.

"I'm not a stalker! I'm just curious" I say with a small smile on my face.

He laughs. "A curious stalker" he mumbles.

"Whatever" I say while rolling my eyes.

I walk over to his bed. His hair is messy, but still looks nice. He just stares at me and I stare at him.

Then he says "I never thought I'd say this, but I like it when you stalk me." Then he laughs like it's the funniest thing in the world

I hit his arm and laugh with him. We sit there again staring at each other. I hear his parents starting to wake up, and he does to so we get off the bed and go sit on the couch and watch TV. Caesar Flickerman is on the TV.

"Well folks, I'm sure that we are all very excited for the upcoming Hunger Games." He says.

Finnick frowns. "Finn?" I ask.

"My birthday is tomorrow" he says "but you already know that since you read my birth certificate."'he says in his normally goofy tone of voice.

"You won't get picked, you only have to be entered once." I tell him. He won't get picked he can't get picked.

"Even if I'm entered once, it just decreases my chances of getting picked. It doesn't guarantee that I won't get picked." he tells me.

I don't say anything, I don't know what to say. I wouldn't know how to react if Finnick was picked for the hunger games.

We continue to sit and watch Caesar Flickerman talk about the hunger games. "Want anything to eat Ann?" Finnick asks.

"Sure" I say.

"Ok I think we have some eggs that I could go make real quick." he tells me.

"Ok cool, let me help." I tell him.

"Ok" he says. It's funny how he didn't argue he probably knew that I wouldn't take no for an answer.

We go in the kitchen and start making the eggs. We scramble them and put on some cheese. We sit down at the dining table and eat.

"These are good" I say.

"I gotta say you're quite the chef." Finnick says sarcastically.

"So are you" I say in the same tone he used.

We finish our eggs and wash the dishes we used. And go back to watching the Hunger Games show. They talk about the victor from last year and tell us that tomorrow, they will replay that hunger games. I hated those hunger games. The game-makers threw them into a freezing wasteland where the people would freeze to death or camp on the frozen lake and fall in and die from hypothermia. It was an especially gross hunger games with the killings to.

Finnick's dad left for fishing, it was Sunday so Finnick's mom didn't have to go to work. So we hang out watch TV and chit chat.

When it's time for dinner Finnick's mom cooks some fish that Finnick's dad brought back. We all sit at the table and Finnick's parents bring up his birthday.

"Do you know anything that you might want for your birthday?" his mom asks.

"Mom I don't need anything, lets just go to the beach and hang out." he tells them. Finnick said earlier that he doesn't like celebrating his birthday. And who can blame him, in two days he will be entered in the reaping.

"If that's what you really want to do, then let's do it." Finnick's dad says.

We go brush our teeth and Finnick walks me down the hall to my room. We say goodnight to each other and I fall asleep. I can't help but feel bad about how Finnick's birthday is the day before the reaping.

Driven By Love (Finnick and Annie's story Hunger Games fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora