Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Annie Pov. (Short chapter)

When Finnick leaves, my heart starts to hurt. It burns. It's like you're having a heart attack but you never die from it. I walk home with Finnick's parents. We were all crying but I haven't stopped. When we get home I go in my room and cry more as I stare at the pictures that he made me. Us on the beach, at school, the last one he made was of us holding hands. I can't stand it! I can't believe he's gone. We haven't left each other's side for the past three years! Finnick's mom walks in. I still cry and I feel like I can't catch my breath. I've been crying for about two hours straight.

"Honey, I know this is probably hardest on you. When you have a child or a adopt a child, you know that your child could be taken from you. But when you're in love with someone and they are taken away from you, it's incredibly hard to deal with." she tells me.

"I love him. He's done so much for me. And so have you guys. It feels like someone just ripped out my heart and then crushed it in their hands." I tell her. "It's a pain that I can't describe."

She hugs me and tells me that she'll bring me in dinner. I thank her and I continue to stare at my wall. I look at the first one he made me all the way to the last. I take the latest one off of my wall, and I place it under my pillow.

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