For the Better

By inactiveuser

4.9K 36 12

Elise was a normal 16 year old living in the middle of nowhere. But soon, her life gets turned upside down wh... More

For the Better
Now, why did this happen to me?
Phone Calls and mad Best Friends
The bestest fan
Backstories and Movie Night
on the road
Time to go out!
a Black Jack birthday
New experiences...
Concert time!!!!!
Oh no...
Just a rant from Challen, please read.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Skyping hurts
Life's a Bitch
Happy times!
Well, Dang.
Mr. Perverted Little Creeper Man
Insert Chapter Name Here
Pranks and Latin Yelling
The Affects of Multiple Calls
The Long-Awaited Concert
My Gay New Friend
Mickey D's
Author's Note


186 2 0
By inactiveuser

 A/N Sorry i havent uploaded in a while, i have been busy with school, plus a tournament in Decatur this weekend. Hope you like it! VFC!

            At first, everyone was silent. It wasn’t one of those what-are-we-going-to-do-now silences, it was one of those creepy-eye-contact-agreement silences. When I found that I couldn’t take any more silence, all hell broke loose.

Niall’s POV

            Everyone started freaking out at the same time after Elise announced that we were dating. Alexa and Lauren were squealing at the same time, which was quite deafening, and the boys were clapping me on the back and congratulating me. I could tell that all of the commotion was bothering Elise, so I pulled her closer to me and wrapped both of my arms around her.

            “Hey!” she yelled to end the commotion, “Yes, Niall and I are dating. Yes, this happened today. No, you did not have to act all surprised when I told you. Now, can we watch Titanic and finish movie night because I am very tired.” We all agreed and put in Titanic.

            Lauren and Alexa started off sitting on the floor eating out of separate tubs of ice cream, Elise and I were sharing a bag of popcorn, Harry and Louis were fighting over the last bag of crisps, and Liam and Zayn were playing on their phones. By the time the ship hit the iceberg, Lauren was in Harry’s lap while Alexa and Louis were whispering in the armchair. Elise was snuggled into my chest, intently keeping along with the film.

            “SO GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT OF MY HEAD, AND FALL INTO MY ARMS INSTEAD, I DON’T I DON’T DON’T KNOW WHAT IT IS, BUT I NEED THAT ONE THING, YOU’VE GOT THAT ONE THING” started playing as Lauren answered her phone. After nodding a couple of times, her and Alexa left. When they left, Elise stood up and stretched.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked when she turned off the TV, she turned around and had tears streaming down her face. I hopped up and rushed over to see what was the matter.

            “What?” she asked confusingly, “Oh, I always cry at the end of this movie, it’s no big deal.” After a slight nod, the lads and I helped clean up the mess.

            “No more big movie nights for a while!” Liam flopped on the couch when the mess was cleaned.

            “I second that.” Zayn added.

            “Fine, y’all do whatever you want. I’m going to bed, night guys.” She said while walking up the stairs. We responded and hung out in the living room for a bit.

            “So,” Louis said, breaking the silence, “our little Niall has a girlfriend!”

            “And an amazing one at that.” Zayn muttered

            “Thanks lads.” I smiled, “I really do like her.”

            “So do we, now lets all get some sleep. Night lads.” Liam said while trudging up the stairs. Soon after I followed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Elise’s POV

            “Why are we doing this?”

            “We’re going to wake her up!”

            “Yeah, but she looks so peaceful, all scrunched up in the covers like that!”

            “It’s 10:30 and she needs to get up!”

            “She had a long day yesterday, either way, maybe she’ll get up soon!” These were the whispers that were slowly pulling me into consciousness. Why they were doing this to me, I wasn’t sure, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to get me to move from my comfy spot. They tried talking to me, singing to me, and even sitting on me to try and get me up. Then finally someone got the bright idea to rip the covers off of me, revealing my tank top and short, blue sleep shorts. I heard someone whistle and had to force myself not to smile. Finally, the lights turned on and hurt my eyes, even through my closed eyelids. I pulled the other pillow on my queen sized bed onto my face and rolled onto my back.

            “Elise, you get up right now or so help me I’ll…” Louis stuttered, trying to think of what to say.

            “You’ll what?” I mumbled through my pillow shield.

            “I’ll read everything you have in that book you write in and post all of it on the internet.”

            I pulled the pillow off of my face, “I swear, if you do that I will murder you in your sleep and not even bother to make it look like an accident.” The boys all laughed and got up off of my bed. Except for Louis. I wonder what he was doing?

            “What’s up Lou?” I asked when the other guys have left.

            “I need your help with something.” He said while sitting down on my bed.

            “And that something would be…” I said while bringing my knees up to my chest.

            “I want to ask your friend Alexa out on a date, but I need your help with that. Since you and Niall are together, maybe a double date would be better to ease some nervousness.” He explained slowly while a huge grin spread across my face. “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

            I nodded and got up and started pushing him out of my room. He asked why I was doing it, and I simply shrugged and said, “I don’t really think you want to stay in here while I shower.” A flirty smile came on his face, “I have a boyfriend Lou, remember that.” I said and shut the door.  I walked over to my bathroom and inspected myself in the mirror. Not too bad for mornings, some bags under my eyes, but nothing makeup couldn’t cover. I walked to the shower, turned the water on and stripped. I stepped into the tub, closed the curtain, and let the hot water fall over me. Once I shampooed and conditioned my hair, I started shaving my legs. I was almost finished my last leg when a knock on my bathroom door startled me and made me cut myself.

            “What?” I asked, trying to keep the pain out of my voice. I put my ankle under the water and felt a sharp pain where I cut myself.

            “Can we borrow your laptop?” Liam’s thick British accent filled the bathroom.

            “Yeah, sure, just don’t download any music or let Louis mess with it.”

            “Alright,” Liam chuckled, “I’ll keep it safe.”

            “Wait!” I yelled, poking my head out of the curtain. He raised an eyebrow as in asking a question. “Can you get me a really big Band-Aid and leave it on the counter?”

            “What’s wrong?” I put my head back in the shower and stuck my leg out to show my wound.

            “Oh my gosh!” Liam yelled. I splashed my foot back in the water and almost screamed myself. I suck my face out of the curtain, to find it inches from his worried one.

            “Do you want them to hear you?” I whispered, “My computer is on my desk and the password is 4412mockingjay. Now if we can please keep this a secret, I would greatly appreciate it.” He sighed and agreed, and after a kiss on the cheek from me, he went downstairs. I finished showering and got out. I was greeted by a gust of freezing cold A/C as I wrapped my towel around me. I walked up two my sink to find a pile of multi-sized Band-Aids. I laughed quietly to myself and grabbed the biggest one I could find, which happened to have Mickey Mouse all over them. I myself am more of a Kermit the Frog fan, but this will do. I put the Band-Aid on over my cut, threw on some green short-shorts and a white, blousy shirt over a peach tank top. When I had dried and straightened my hair, I braided my bangs back and pinned them on the side of my head. I put some foundation on the bags under my eyes and brushed my teeth. I pulled on my white Toms and walked downstairs to find the boys hunched over my computer.

            “Having fun?” I asked while walking into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Mountain Dew, popped open the top, and took a sip of my favorite drink in the entire world. I skipped over to the living room and gave Niall a quick peck on the cheek.

            “Someone’s happy.” Harry stated.

            “Sure am!” I sang.

            “And why would that be?” Niall asked.

            “’Cause Louis and I are going shopping!” I said as he shot his head up at me and flashed me a huge grin. “Where’s my mom?” I asked.

            “She left for Kansas City when you were asleep.” Zayn answered, his eyes never leaving the computer screen.

            “Of course she did.” I muttered in annoyance. “What are y’all doing on my computer?”

            “We are trying to find you on Twitter.” Harry replied.

            “Oh, I can help you with that.” I said. “I don’t have one.”

            “YOU DON’T HAVE A TWITTER?!” They all screamed at me at once. I didn’t even react, I just got up and walked up out of the room. It’s not that I don’t want one, but I already have a facebook and I barely get on it anymore. I walked into my parent’s room and plopped down into my dad’s red recliner. I turned on the TV and found an episode of Glee that I haven’t watched yet. When it was over, I was jumping up and down while turning the TV off. QUIN JUST GOT IN A WRECK HOLY FUDGECAKES! The scene was so sudden that I was shaking. I walked back into the living room and started pacing back and forth in front of the boys.

            “You alright?” Niall walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

            “Quinn’s dead.” I muttered, barely even noticing that he was there.

            “Who’s Quinn? What happened?”

            “She- she was texting while driving on the way to Rachel and Finn’s wedding and a truck slammed into her car!” I said while looking up into his gorgeous blue eyes.

            “Well are you alright? Should we visit her? She might not be dead.” He said. What in the world was he talking about?

            “What?” I said, and then I got it. “OH! Quinn’s not real. Do you guys watch Glee?”

            “Please do not scare me like that ever again.” Niall said very seriously. I chuckled and apology and pulled him into a hug.

            “Come on Louis! Let’s go!” I grabbed my purse and Louis hand. We got into my car and drove out of my neighborhood.

            “Why are we going shopping?” Louis asked me when I pulled into the parking deck of the Galleria.

            “Because,” I explained while getting out of the car, “we are getting you two new outfits.”


            “One to ask her out in, and one for the date.”

            “Which will be what exactly?”

            “Dinner, at Bistro V, HUNGER GAMES, and then us two couples can split up and do one or two more separate things.”

            “Ok then. Do I need a fancy outfit for Bistro V?”

            “You need to be casually dressy.” I stated. By this time we were in Belk, looking at Polo’s and pants. Louis came out with a red and white striped Polo and a pair of dark Levi’s which flattered him nicely. This was a nice Bistro V outfit for sure.

            “EEEK!” I squealed, “Definitely!” We brought the outfit up to the cashier where she smiled kindly at us. I paid for the clothes and we head out to Delia’s to get me a dress.

            “You didn’t have to by it for me.” Louis said as we walked arm in arm down the mall. People kept looking at us and girls were giving me death glares. Gosh, it reminded me so much of the crap I put up with when Jamie is around. I turned my head and saw some other girls snapping pictures of Louis and I with their phones. I stopped when my phone started buzzing and pulled it out of my purse.

            Lauren: Dude you are all over Facebook and Tumblr!

            Me: what?! I don’t even have a Tumblr!

            L: Drag Louis into a candle shop or something and Google Image him RIGHT NOW.

            I dragged Louis into Bath and Body works and Googled his name. About a dozen pictures were of us looking at clothes in Belk, not to mention the countless others of us linking arms and walking down the Galleria. There was even one picture of us with bold lettering that says ‘Who Be-ith Louis’ Fair Maiden?’ That one made me laugh a little.

            “Give me your phone.” I said as he questionably handed me his iPhone. I got on his twitter and typed this in: @Louis_Tomlinson the girl in the recent photos is not my girlfriend. Just a close friend! Although she isn’t mine, she does belong to someone else in the band ;)

            “Why did you do that?” Louis asked while reading the tweet. I showed him the picture with the writing on it, and he understood immediately. We skipped out of the store, our arms linked together, and stopped in Delia’s. I immediately saw a gorgeous dress and dragged Louis over to it. I searched every dress in the rack and found one in my size.

            “OMYGOODNESS LOOK IT’S SO CUTE!” I practically screamed throughout the store. Louis laughed and shook his head at me, and I replied with sticking my tongue out at him. I grabbed a pair of black flats and walked into a dressing room. The dress actually looked really good on me. It started off with a thick-strapped, grey, scoop neck tank top. At the end of my ribs, a black elastic belt cut off the tank top fabric, and white, layered, cottony-type fabric flowed ended around two inches above my knees. I slipped on the black flats and walked out to show Louis.

            “What do you think? Not too casual? Is it too short?” I rambled, desperate for an answer. I just got a long whistle, like the one I heard this morning. “That was you that whistled this morning?!”

            “No, that was Niall, the boy’s got a filthy mind!” He joked. I laughed and walked back into the dressing room. When I was back in my normal clothes, Louis and I walked up to pay for my dress and shoes. I began to get my wallet out, but Louis stole it from me!

            “Lou! What are you doing!” I asked.

            “You paid for mine, now I’m paying for yours!” He said cheerily. I reluctantly agreed and watched him hand the young cashier his credit card. She looked oddly familiar, but when she looked at me I realized it was a girl who used to live in my neighborhood.

            “Bye Elise!” She chirped while she handed me my bag. I smiled and waved before we left.

            “You want some food before we leave?” I asked when we left the store.

            “What type of food do they serve here?” Louis asked. I spotted the all-in-one kiosk in the middle of the food court, and a smile spread across my face. I pulled his hand down to it and went up to the vendor.

            “Two cotton candies, please!” I asked as Louis’ eyes grew wide. The old vendor man walked us over to the machine. He stuck a clear stick into the machine and spun it around until he got enough pink fluff to fill the cotton candy bag. He handed me the bag and gave a similar one to Louis. I started to hand him some money, but he put his hand up and stopped me.

            “Cotton Candy is on me today! You two kids have fun!” He said with a twinkle in his eyes. We thanked him and found a table next to the McDonalds.

            “So, tell me stuff that I don’t already know about you!” Louis said suddenly.


            “Because we are best friends now and that’s what best friends do!”

            “Alright,” I chuckled, “What do you want to know?”

            “Enough to where I can give Niall advice about you. But don’t go overboard with the mushy stuff.”

            “Well,” I began to shoot off random facts about me, “I can play piano; I sing; I can’t dance to save my life or anyone else’s; I get pissed when people mess with my friends; I can’t stand it when girls wear cute tops, skinny jeans, and running shoes (it completely kills the outfit); I eat like a pig; I don’t drink coffee; I am waiting for Harry to ask Lauren out. Anything else?” He shook his head and we left the mall.

            “You guys have been gone for hours! I was starting to think that Louis abducted you or something!” Niall said while hugging me when we got home. I looked at the time on my phone.

            “It’s only 3:15, we left around  12.” I stated. I looked over at Louis who was whispering to Harry, whose eyes went wide.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked while Harry got on the computer. Right when Harry got on, my phone immediately started buzzing.

            Mac: JAMIE. IS. PISSED.

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