The Army Baby

De IrumBashir

198K 6.7K 1K

Alexandra Phoenix Hunter. Daughter of Skyler and Phoenix Hunter. Niece of Derek Hunter. Being born and bred i... Mais

Chapter one*Alexandra Phoenix Hunter
Chapter Two*Mission Minions
Chapter Three*Training
Chapter Four*Party
Chapter Five*A soldiers punishment
Chapter Six*A jump to Russia
Chapter Seven* Her song
Chapter Eight* Pack your bags
Chapter Nine* He's a murderer!
Chapter Ten* Derek's Agents
Chapter Eleven*The 320s
Chapter Twelve* Baby Lo
Chapter Thirteen* Tough love
Chapter Fourteen* A Classic drunk
Chapter Fifteen* Bodyguards?
Chapter Sixteen*What's with all the questions?
Chapter Seventeen* Special Meetings
Chapter Eighteen*Neighbours
Chapter Nineteen* Judgement day
Chapter Twenty* I need to go home
Chapter Twenty-One* Oh Hell No
Chapter Twenty-Two* Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch!
Chapter Twenty-Three* No more secrets
Chapter Twenty-Four*The Skyler Mellow
Chapter Twenty-Five* A.P.H
A/N (part twenty-six)
Chapter Twenty-Seven *The dog cage
Chapter Twenty-Eight* Don't Jump Alex!
Chapter Twenty-Nine* Leave the kid alone!
Chapter Thirty* She's Crazy
Chapter Thirty-One*The prodigy child returns
Chapter Thirty-Two* Goodbye
Chapter Thirty-Three* Home
Chapter Thirty-Four* Rumours
Chapter Thirty-Six* Old VS New Punishments
Chapter Thirty-Seven* Snitches get Stitches
Chapter Thirty-Eight*She's Out Of Control!
Chapter Thirty-Nine*We need to talk
Chapter Forty* Intervention
Chapter Forty-One* What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened?
Chapter Fourty-Two* Walk us through the Mission
Chapter Forty-Three* An Unexpected Visit
Chapter Forty-Four* Want to hear a story?
Chapter Forty-Five* DENIAL
Chapter Forty-Six* ANGER
Chapter Forty-Seven*BARGAINING
Chapter Forty-Eight* DEPRESSION

Chapter Thirty-Five* You have to kill him...or else.

2.7K 108 11
De IrumBashir

HEY YOU! yes you! please can you do me a huge favour? Please go and check out my NEW challenge video on YouTube!


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Anyways! I'm sorry for the long wait! Lets just say university Isn't as easy as I thought, especially with all the exams I have these next few weeks!

Hope you enjoy this hella long chapter!


Alex's P.O.V

After gym glass was over I quickly showered and got ready. Standing in front of the mirror in the changing rooms I finished with a light coat of mascara and turned around. Picking up my gym bag I put the strap over my shoulder and let the bag fall to my left side. Just as I was about to walk out a familiar body bumped right into me causing me to drop my bag.

"Watch where you're going rat." She huffed and stepped over me as I bent down to grab my bag.

"Wait...what did you just call me?" I laughed

"You heard me..."

"If you have a problem with me, come say it to my face, stop hiding Kristal." I smiled politely and walked out not caring. Expecting her to ignore me and carry on with her day I was shocked to see her follow me out and into the hallway where Linc and Connor were waiting for me.

"'I'm not scared of you, you're just a pathetic lonely wanna be dude..." she attempted to insult.

"Hahah ... okay." I rolled my eyes and laughed sarcastically which caused both boys to snicker.

"Whatever, Linc did you want to see me?" she smiled and walked in front of him.

"Actually, I was waiting for Alex... oh... did you want to talk to me?" he questioned which caused me to laugh out loud.

"Oh....well no, never mind." She turned around and walked away, handing my bag to Linc I told the boys to wait for me as I needed to say something. Running towards her I called out for her.

"Hey, wait up..."

"What do you want now?"

"Look, what is your problem? Does it have to do with Linc?" I asked honestly

"I'm not talking to you about this... bye Alex."

"Well whatever it is, im not dating Linc so he is available, so don't feel like im getting in your way."

"But that's the thing, you are! Before you got here I was on a good page with him, I've liked him since we were freshman's, but since you got here he has been so hooked on you that im invisible to him now.... So yeh, it is your fault..." she confessed.

"wow....look im sorry but what Linc feels or doesn't feel for you is between the two of you, but honestly, you bullying kids and being racist isn't exactly helping your situation any further..." with that I turned around and walked towards the two boys.

"Oh shut up..." with that she walked off. I said what I had too so I think it's best for me to just keep my distance now, she obviously doesn't like me and there isn't anything I can do about it.

"What was all that about?" Linc asked as he handed my bag over.

"Nothing you need to worry about..."

"Okay, so what's your plan?"

"Gonna go home and do some work... you?"


"Alex, want to do last minute training tonight before the fight tomorrow?" Connor asked as a favour.

"Sure, take my number and send me the address of the place, I will meet you there later." Repeating my number he nodded and both boys walked away as I made my way out of the school. Jumping into my car I started it up and looked out of the window.

Not going to lie, but this is the life, only having to go in for my lessons and not socialise with people, finally this place is looking more like heaven than hell... or at least purgatory. Content in my thoughts I heard the brick of a phone beep from my pocket. Taking it out a message from Derek popped up.

-ALEX, I know your lessons are over, come 2 my office, need 2 talk-

This is going to be fun.

As I made my way into the district I smiled at the officers I passed and made my way towards the familiar set of stairs.

"Hey Alex." I was instantly greeted by his unit as I made my way in. Smiling I sat on Axels desk and turned to face the usual board at the front which had a new set of crime scene photos and victims.

"You shouldn't be reading that." Vicky interrupted as she handed me a hot chocolate, oh how I love the fact that they know me so well.

"actually, before I get dragged away can I just say something to you all since you're here anyways...." This caused them all to turn and face me.

"I'm sorry for everything you saw back at the base. My relationship over there is very different compared to here, I grew up there with my family and them not being there ... was different. So the drinking, smoking...fighting.... That's just a coping strategy because I have a lot going on at the moment, just know that im not actually like that and that I am so thankful to you all for being there, even though I didn't seem like I was.... It meant a lot.... For once, Im starting to feel like my family's starting to expand..." I rambled to the group who just smiled.

"Alex..." Derek stopped me, turning around I jumped off Axels desk and smiled at the bunch.


"Come on, let's go..."

"Where are we going?"

"To work.... The rest of you carry on with what we were discussing and someone locate the husband." With that we left the station and jumped into his car.

"That was sweet."

"Don't... I had to force myself to say it." I smirked and looked out the window.

"So, what's up?"

"I want you to explain everything that's happening, I need to know the full details so I can piece all the evidence together and help you."

"It's complicated, but my pact are going to sort it..."

"Isn't it better to have an extra pair of hands? Let me help you, I have people...." Not wanting to refuse anymore, I filled him in with all the details and we made our way to the 320s. Walking in, the older kids were sat around a table looking at a case, immediately they jumped up and stopped us.

"It's alright guys... I told him everything... we need the full case and the evidence...." By now we had all the boxes and made our way back to his office. I didn't want this situation to escalate and go on forever; I needed it to end so I could go back to being a regular army kid.

Jumping out of his car I made my way back to my own.

"You sure you don't want to come in and work on it together?"

"I can't today; I have something to do... I will be home before 12."

"Make it 11." With that I jumped back into my car and drove to the location.

"Nice to see you could finally join us." Connor smirked as he carried on training. I jumped right in with a bit of sparring and taught him a few new strategies and a new way of thinking when fighting. A few hours later it was now 9pm and I was starting to get tired and hungry, so we all decided to ditch the training and go eat. There were around 9 guys with us making it 11 in total including Connor and I. 3 of the lads jumped into my car and we all set off to an American diner they loved. Not complaining we basically raced to the place and all jumped out at the same time. I don't know why but as we walked in it looked like the popular kid scene from a movie or a book where everyone watches the group walk in together as the wind fiercely blows their hair backwards perfectly... but in this case, the guys all looked hot and I was stood here like a potato.....nothing new there. Laughing to myself we all sat down in a big ass booth and scanned the menu. The night was going so well, we were all laughing and enjoying the food and after 20 minutes Linc, Nessa, Amber and Penny all joined us. I felt so good, I felt happy and was actually laughing for once, without any bad thoughts in the back of my mind... that was until the boys all got the same message at the same time. Connor threw his phone in my direction and I read the message...


"Oh shit...they changed the date......"

"Well it's now or never boys....let's do this." Connor smirked and we all left the diner in a hurry.

It was now 9:35pm and we were all waiting for the match to start, Connor was going against a lad called Theo and then whoever wins, moves onto fighting Lukas and then the winner of that moves onto the finals. As we walked in I noticed a familiar smell as did the guys, but the girls on the other hand clenched their noses and gagged slightly. As I knew what they were about to see or witnessed I stopped them in their tracks.

"Girls stop.... I really don't think you should watch..."

"Alex, what are you talking about, we are fine." Amber laughed

"No seriously, this isn't going to be the same as a normal school wrestling match, this is a lot more intense..."

"Seriously Alex, we are good." Just then a loud gunshot came from inside causing their eyes to widen.

"Yeh I don't think they should be....Nessa go home." Linc stopped the girls

"If Alex is here....." Penny started but Nessa straight away understood why I didn't want them to see the fight.

"Penny stop, once the boys go in the ring.... Only 1 guy comes out....lets go." this caused both girls to huff but leave anyways.


"No Alex, I get it. You're used to seeing it.... we're not ...especially when it's those who are close to us." With that she walked out... ouch.

"Don't take it personally." Linc smiled and pulled me along to the main room. As we walked in, it wasn't as I expected. There was a massive hole in the middle of the room. Walking towards it the smell finally made sense. Blood staining the walls and floor, there were 2 lifeless bodies in the corner.

"Connor.... For fuck sake what have you got yourself into?"

"Alex, I have to... my family need this money..."

"I can give you the money; please don't do this if you're not ready..."

"Don't worry Alex, I got this." With that he made his way to a group of older gentlemen.

"Alex, he's made it this far, and anyways if it's not going well....we will jump in." Matthew calmly spoke.

"If you all jump in there, none of you are ever leaving. Just listen to me, if it goes sideways and it comes to that, all of you leave as fast as you can and I promise you, I will get Connor out myself."

"We're not letting you get hurt Alex..." As Matthew and the rest chuckled at the idea, I turned and faced Linc who nodded at me.

"She's right guys, I know Alex....she's the best chance we have of us all leaving here alive. But anyways it's not going to get to that, Connors going to be fine...." As the boys made their way to find a place to watch I ran out to my car with the excuse of having a cheeky cigarette when really I went to grab my gun ... just in case.

Once I grabbed what I needed I ran back in and watched as the fight started.

"Hey Connor, listen to me...remember the steps, and remember to go straight for the throat, that will wind him and then you can go in...and remember to watch your back, you got this." With that he placed his mouth guard in and jumped into the pit as the boys called it. Moments like this makes my heart pound, seeing someone else fight when you know they're not ready is petrifying. I watched as he made his way in and faced his opponent. Similar age and build it didn't look too bad. That was until the fight started. Watching closely Connor went straight in for the move I thought him which took the other lad by surprise and caused him to drop on the floor, the fight was going well until Connor got a few too many punches to his chest and started to give up. I could feel the boys concern starting to arise as they were screaming for him to get up. I knew he must have heard as he flipped over and was now forcing the guys arm backwards until we could clearly see the bone pop out its socket and the loudest scream erupt. Fast forwards a few minutes to spare you the details and Connor had basically won but was in agony. I knew I didn't want to watch anymore so I backed away and turned around...until the gunshot stopped me in my tracks. My heart couldn't take the suspense anymore, turning around both guys were laid on the floor...but then Connor rolled over and got himself up which led to the crowd cheering. The boys and I ran to the gates to let him out to see how he was.

A few minutes later we were in the back and he was shaking.

"I didn't kill him....I didn't want too.... I couldn't..."

"That's why the other guy did.... But if you freeze for the next round, they will take you both out."

"Guys... we have a problem, he's not going to be able to fight in the next round, he's got broken ribs and obviously a few fractures of his knuckles and 2 dislocated elbows, im surprised he's not crying right now..." one of the older guys responded

"He's in shock, lay him down." I added as his injuries presented themselves.

"What do you mean he can't fight... he has to go on next ...."

"Can't someone take his place?"

"Can anyone else see double right now?" Connor added

"He needs to go to the hospital..."

"No one here can fight well enough, hence the reason he is in the semi-finals and not us." Matthew added to our previous question.

"Fuck sake, why did I know it would come to this." I rolled my eyes

"You're not stepping in for him Alex." Matthew refused

"Why not...?"

"Because you're a girl..."

"Last I checked, we were in the 21st century and I clearly whooped your arse last shut the fuck up and go sort it out." I ordered him. Before I knew it, I was now stood in the middle of the underground cage.

I could hear whispering and laughs from above me, clearly everyone was laughing at the idea of a girl fighting. Sexist motherfuckers. I was actually excited to fight again, to finally show all these fuckers who I really was.

I watched as the next opponent Lukas walked towards me.

"Connor give up I see?"

"Gave up? Please....I had to force him to let me fight..."

"Why are you even here? Let the big boys fight and go back to the kitchen you child."

"Funny, are we going to fight or just stand here and talk?"

"I'm giving you the chance to leave before it's too late, I don't want to kill a girl."

"Between you and me, I've hurt and killed more men than you could imagine, so let me just return the favour, feel free to leave...before it's too late." I winked and walked away.

"Alex, you don't have to do this, what happened to keeping your past quiet? This isn't exactly quiet." Linc whispered.

"I have to do this, if not for Connor then for his little sister." I smiled

"Okay...what do you want me to do?"

"When it looks like I need it.... call out to me by my full name....don't ask why, just do it." nodding he stepped back and locked the gate. This was it.... no turning back now. It was finally time for everyone to see the real me.

Turning my head so I could hear the faint cracking of my neck, I positioned myself and watched as he got ready to fight. I did all the steps and smiled as I knew exactly where he was going to hit first. He mimicked my smile and ran straight at me, moving out of the way he ran straight into the fence.

"Amateur." This caused him to growl and swing for me. Ducking I swung my fist and went straight for the pretty face. The quick hit threw him out of my way allowing him to create distance from me. The crowd was going wild as to this moment he still hadn't laid a finger on me. But was already losing balance. How the hell did this kid get so far up to becoming the next street king?

The fight went on for another few minutes, he finally hit me a few times and had cornered me, but luckily I knew exactly how to get out seeing as my father and my pact used to gang up on me all the time like this. I guess they were right... I would thank them in the future... the pricks.

I could feel a bruise forming on my eye but ignored it and carried on with the fight. I wasn't a superhero in an unrealistic film, so of course I got hurt, but I was born into the life of fighting and self-defence, so I wasn't new to these surrounding.

Grabbing his arm and flipping him over me, he was laying on the floor in agony as I twisted his arm similar to how Connor did. I knew his shoulder was about to pop and I wasn't going to stop, moving an inch to the left, the familiar scream filled my ears. Using this as the perfect slot, I jumped on top of him and started hitting, well punching. That was it... I wasn't Alex anymore; I was in a trance again. I felt as if I had blacked out because I was not where I was supposed to be right now; around me was the smell of the cell where I was held the day the Russians captured Nika and I. I was on top of one of the Russian Mules who was about to rape me, I remember him un cuffing me and unzipping his pants, I used this chance to attack him and before I knew it I was on top of him punching and punching until...his body flopped.

"ALEXANDRA PHEONIX HUNTER!!!" My eyes widened as the whole room was quiet. Gasping I realised I forgot I was on top of the kid not the Russian; I rolled off him and checked his pulse.


"He has a pulse..." I sighed and moved towards the gate. The room got much louder now as everyone was cheering and hooting. Selfish bastards, how did they find me nearly killing a kid amusing? The sick twisted human beings.

"Alex, you have to kill him or..." before Matthew could finish a gunshot made me jump out of my skin. Turning around, there was no blood coming from anywhere, not even from the kid. I ran towards him and covered his body. I wasn't going to let this kid die. No chance.

In the corner of my eye, 3 grown men were running down towards the gate, they all had guns and were headed my way. Fuck.

I bent down, grabbed my gun and loaded it. Pointing it towards the guys I was just about to fire when the door above me slammed open and the SWAT team, hundreds of cops and a few familiar faces ran in screaming. The 3 guys who were about to shoot me ran in the opposite direction and tried to escape as everyone in the room did the same, it was going crazy! People were climbing out of the windows, others fighting cops. Turning to face the boys they all looked at me, and then looked at the back room where we were stood before.

"GET OUT OF HERE....NOW!" I screamed at Linc and the boys. They called my name but ran as I gave them the death stare.

What the hell was I supposed to do right now, I had 3 dead bodies and 1 unconscious kid in the same cage as I was plus a gun in my hand. I was officially screwed.

The SWAT team all ran towards the cage and looked at me.

"DROP THE GUN AND MOVE AWAY FROM THE BODY!" I did as they said and laid on the floor with my hands above my head.

"Derek is not going to be happy about this..." I huffed to myself in defeat.


The video above is a small mix of some fight scenes from the amazing series NIKITA! Watch it if you want a small insight on how Alex fights!

Let me know what you thought of the chapter? Was the fighting too much? Do you prefer the fighting scenes or rather me leave it out?!

Hopefully i willl be uploading the next chapter this weekend after my exam on friday!

Remember to follow me on...

Wattpad: Irum Bashir

Instagram: Irumjb

Twitter: Irumjb

YOUTUBE: irumjb irumjb

And don't forget too: Vote, comment and share this book !!

Thank you!

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