As We Are

By ElisiaWrites

8.7K 469 1K

"Everything is fine until you come back." He mutters, kicking a rock. "Some people never get to come back." ... More

2 - Raised Anything Whatsoever / Decorated Anything
3 - Never outloud said the word "fuck"
4 - Gone to a Coachella show
5 - Send A Message in a Bottle
6 - Gone on a hot air balloon
7 - Numbers 2 and 16.
8 - Gotten a tattoo
10 - Never smoked weed or a cigarette
11 - Gone Camping Itself / Had a Campfire
12 - Gone hiking / Jumped off a cliff
13 - Never Have I Ever Drove a Car Just Because
14 - Gotten My Future Told / Gone Rollerskating
15 - Gone To The Zoo / Ridden a Camel / Kissed Anyone
16 - Gone on a date.
17 - Make a Donation / Kiss a Stranger
18 - Forgive someone
19 - Make any type of impact on a person, or the world.
20- Swam In a Public Pool / Had Sex
22 - Fallen In Love
23 - Seen the Eiffel Tower
24- Had an Actual Birthday Party/Built An Igloo
25- Ridden a Motorcycle/ Slept Under The Stars/ Gone Fishing
26- 44&47
27 - 13 & 23
28 - skinny dipping / streaking in a park
Ally's List of Why She's Such a Loner

9 - Kissed anyone

242 15 49
By ElisiaWrites

"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you."

-Breakeven, The Script.

Can I get 1 more follower plz?
Then I'll have 400 and I'll probably cry.
So you should follow, whoever you are.

(Update from like 5 years later, that's so funny^)

(Loosely edited btw)


"Uh.. Question..." Parker trails off, jogging up to me with the rest of the team behind him.

"Yeah?" I question.

"Can we get out early today? We have plans after practice and I blew off two parties for this." He says as if exasperated.

"I didn't ask you to blow off those parties, now did I? I have a treat for you boys for working so hard though." I tell them with a smile.

My brother pulled a few strings.

I lead them all out to the back of the building, where a huge new building waits.

"What's this?" Leroy asks.

"Go in." I tell them. They all excitedly run towards it, and Parker throws the doors open, and they all yell in excitement before charging, ripping off their shirts and taking off their shoes and socks before jumping into the pool. "Now, its not only for you guys, its donated to the entire school, so don't be all: 'this is our mancave, get out', because that is not fair." I tell them. Parker, dripping wet, comes creeping into my line of sight, and pulls me in for a hug.

He pulls back, his eyes suddenly lit up. He grabs my bag from my shoulder and pulls out my bluetooth speaker and my phone. He hooks it up before going to YouTube.

What comes out of the speakers makes me contemplate suicide for the third time in my life.

Its out with the old, and in with the new. Goodbye clouds of grey, hello skies of blue.

I put a hand over my face, and Parker starts dancing like twins wearing purple in Charlie Brown. I cringe.

(The video above shows the scene. Look for the twins dancing, however you perceive Parker in your mind? Yeah imagine him dancing like that lmao)

A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa. Endless days in my shades. The whole world according to moi!

Parker starts to do.. I don't know how to describe it. He puts his hands in the air and shakes.. No.. Rolls his hips in different directions as if he were a girl grinding on a male in a club.

Iced tea imported from England. Lifeguards imported from Spain. Towels, imported from Turkey. Turkey imported from Maine.

We're gonna relax and renew.

You go do!

Parker grabs my purse as the last line goes and takes out my hair brush.

He starts to runway walk down the isle, swaying his hips dramatically.

I want FABULOUS! That is my simple request. All things FABULOUS! Bigger and better the best. I need something inspiring to help me get along.

I need fabulous, is that so wrong?

Parker turns around dramatically at that last word, and slips on stray water, tumbling into the pool but not after hitting his head on the side. After making sure he wasn't unconscious, I pause the song and burst out laughing.

"Stop laughing every time I fall!" Parker whines, causing me to smack the nearby table with my fist, laughing harder before dramatically putting up my knee and slapping it.

Bad move.

He grabs my lower leg and yanks me forcefully into the pool.

I smile to myself, the plan already forming.

I start thrashing around, and he clearly can't tell I'm serious because he's too busy laughing.

I give up and slowly sink to the bottom of the pool. Just to make a show out of it, I release some air so bubbles come up.

"SHIT!" I hear several voices scream above before about five guys dive after me. Parker is the first to make it. I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I feel my body get pulled from the water, and placed on the cool tiles. I let my body fall limp, and let some water dribble from my mouth.

"Your such an idiot, Parker!" Someone yells at him.

He shakes my shoulders, but I keep up the act. Suddenly, my stomach is being pushed on twice. I open my eyes just quickly enough to see his face collide with mine, his lips roughly pressing against mine to blow air into my mouth.





His lips, soft, with a bit of edge from being cracked, just perfect, fitting nicely against mine. I wont deny the series of fireworks exploding throughout my entire being, but after all, this is kind of like a first kiss anyways?

There's no way you can catch feelings that quickly.

Can you?

I realize he's still blowing air into me, and shove him off, screeching slightly.

It happened in all but three seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.

(I love writing.)

"You're okay!" He says, pulling me to his chest. I feel his heartbeat. Its so fast. "Oh god. I thought I killed you. I thought.. I thought I lost you." He breathes.

"Dude I was acting." I squeak.

"I don't care. God that was so scary."

Is he as afraid to lose me as I am him?

"You... You... You...... You... You NEANDERTHAL!" I scream out. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!" I scream, pushing him away from me.

His friends go back to splashing each other, but I notice them glancing over, clearly listening.

"What?" He asks.

"Number 5 on the list, Parker!" I hiss at him quietly so the other's can't hear. His eyes widen.

"At least it wasn't with a stranger?"

"Fuck. Off. Parker. You. Fuck.Ing. Id. I. Ot." I speak the syllables as if they were separate words entirely.

"Use your wo.rd.sss." He says sarcastically. I smack him upside the head before grabbing a towel and my stuff and stomping out.

I don't deny the smile as I burst out the doors.


We're currently walking around Walmart, Jordan in the stroller strapped in because he learned how to fly, and I made some improvements so he shouldn't be able to get out. We're looking for some little human baby spoons. I'm pushing the stroller, Parker's holding the basket.

"WOMEN DON'T DESERVE RIGHTS!" Parker suddenly screams out, making me drop the baby spoons I'd bent over to grab.

"FUCK OFF DOUCHEBAG!" A random voice comes from somewhere in the store. I smile and grab some more of the spoons and putting them in the basket.

"You really need to stop doing that."

"WE SHOULD GET ALL GENDER BATHROOMS!" He yells out, and I shake my head before grabbing some of the banana baby food just because I enjoy eating those myself, and because I made Jordan eat it once and he ate it really quickly, so I assume he likes it. Don't worry, I checked the ingredients, its fine.

"YEAH!" Someone yells out.

"Parker shut up before you get us kicked out." I hiss at him. He looks at the floor. I put the stuff in the basket and push the stroller. I peek underneath the little shade I have down to see Jordan looking up at me. He squawks. I smile and shut it. I love life as of the moment.

"Fine, fine." He mutters. I grab some more ducky bibs and throw those in because Jordan chewed up the one I got him in the beginning, and I lead Parker to the check-out lane. He puts the stuff up.

"Awww. Young couple goals, thank the lord you guys are doing it together." The sixteen year old looking girl named Mindy checking us out says with a hand over her heart. Parker and I just smile. That's all we've gotten from people since we got Jordan, so we just started not denying it. It gets tedious.

I like the ring to it.

Ally West..

Shut up subconscious! We aren't allowed to think that way!

"Do you mind if I see the baby?" Mindy asks. I smile and turn the stroller towards her before lifting it. Her eyes widen. "That's a...." She grabs her phone, and I hear the recording button go off. Oh well.

"Yeah. This is Jordan, our adopted pet duck. We saved his life from a rabid, cruel, harmful seagull." I tell her. "We agreed that I get the duck on weekdays since I have more free time, and I can take care of him other than the ducky-day-care he goes to - totally kidding the duck does go to a sitters when I have class though - and he gets the duck on Friday mornings to Sunday evening." I let her know.

"Why did you decide to keep him?" She asks, smiling, clearly amused.

"I couldn't bare to give him to the ASPCA and have him killed. And I don't know where his flock is, so we filled out papers for both of our apartment buildings and adoption papers, and well, yeah." I finish.

"You guys are amazing. I'm posting this everywhere." She says. The recording ending sound goes off. "Also.. Bill is on me." She says, taking out a shiny platinum card and swiping it through before I can deny.

"Thanks." Parker says, grabbing the bags. I put down the shade thing, and as we walk away, I notice the girl grab a coworker aside and start telling the person. The person laughs.

"I feel happy." I state randomly, a lingering smile on my face.

"You too? Good to know."


Later on, me and Parker are lying on his bed opposite of each other, staring at the ceiling which has a Power Puff Girls poster. His wall also holds posters such as:

Power Rangers
Teen Titans Go!
Girl Meets World
Selena Gomez and The Scene
Dove Cameron
13 Reasons Why
Stranger Things
Mean Girls
A random Disney World resort poster.
Wonder Pets
Wow Wow Wubsie



You heard me right. A Teletubies poster.

I have never been more fucking terrified in my life then the second I laid eyes on that black and white Teletubies poster. Like, what the hell?! Why?!

"Why the random disney resort poster?" I ask curiously. Its just a poster of the park.

"My - uh - my dad promised me he'd bring me when he was little.. He uh... He committed suicide after my mom died of colon cancer." He murmurs quietly. I instantly turn and hug him. He puts one arm around me in response.

"My mom died giving birth to me. My dad abandoned us. Never knew them." I mutter, letting him know that I understand his pain.

"I'm sorry." We both say, even though we both know it won't help anything. Never does.

We both give one single breathed laugh. I sit up and look at him.

"I promise you, I'm bringing you to Disney World, okay?" I offer. His eyes flash with emotion.

"Don't make me promises, please. It always ends up bad for me when someone does."

"Not this time. I promise."

"You know, Ally, you don't cut yourself enough credit." He states with a pondering voice.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Your actually really cool."

And with that, he turns over and falls asleep. I put a blanket over him and put Jordan in the stroller. Tis Monday.

I smile as I walk home.

You too, Parker. You too.


You heard right at the top!

One more freaking follower and we hit 400. That's some crazy shit to me my mates.

How do you like Ally's acting game? One to ten?

Are they catching the feels after just a few weeks?!

(how scandalous)

Do you think they'd be a cute couple?

Or do you think Parkly/ Appler / whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-them-because-I-haven't-decided-yet---- is never going to happen?

You know what. I'll keep that ship name just like that: Parkly/ Appler / whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-them-because-I-haven't-decided-yet.

Its good.

Hello. This is me again 5 years later. Why and how did I have so much energy 🥲 and where did it go?



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