As We Are

By ElisiaWrites

8.7K 469 1K

"Everything is fine until you come back." He mutters, kicking a rock. "Some people never get to come back." ... More

2 - Raised Anything Whatsoever / Decorated Anything
4 - Gone to a Coachella show
5 - Send A Message in a Bottle
6 - Gone on a hot air balloon
7 - Numbers 2 and 16.
8 - Gotten a tattoo
9 - Kissed anyone
10 - Never smoked weed or a cigarette
11 - Gone Camping Itself / Had a Campfire
12 - Gone hiking / Jumped off a cliff
13 - Never Have I Ever Drove a Car Just Because
14 - Gotten My Future Told / Gone Rollerskating
15 - Gone To The Zoo / Ridden a Camel / Kissed Anyone
16 - Gone on a date.
17 - Make a Donation / Kiss a Stranger
18 - Forgive someone
19 - Make any type of impact on a person, or the world.
20- Swam In a Public Pool / Had Sex
22 - Fallen In Love
23 - Seen the Eiffel Tower
24- Had an Actual Birthday Party/Built An Igloo
25- Ridden a Motorcycle/ Slept Under The Stars/ Gone Fishing
26- 44&47
27 - 13 & 23
28 - skinny dipping / streaking in a park
Ally's List of Why She's Such a Loner

3 - Never outloud said the word "fuck"

344 24 23
By ElisiaWrites

"I'm going to destroy you." He states as he begins to dribble the ball. I smirk.

"Mm. That's where you're wrong." I state before surging forward, ducking under his arm and gaining control of the ball all in one swipe.

"OOH!" I hear his 'friends' yell out. He pays no mind.

"What the fuck...?" He murmurs as he turns to look at me. I giggle as I dribble the ball, moving backwards, using my tactic perfectly on him. "Short people, I tell you." He mutters.

"I am not short! Your the one that's 6'5'' here, I'm 5'9'' that's tall for a girl!" I hiss at him angrily. He shrugs.

"You do have a pretty nice pair of legs on you." He says, his gaze lowering.

"Step one in the game of ball: don't get distracted." I state as I toss the ball.

Soars over his head as he finally looks up with confusion, then, swoosh.

"You suck. You really do. That was... Stop." I say. I smirk in satisfaction at his dumbfounded expression.

"But I just.. I just looked for two seconds!" He hisses angrily.

"Two seconds is all it takes to lose, West!" I yell at him while running to the ball, bending down and grabbing  it.

"Who is she?" I hear a voice bellow. I toss the ball to Parker while the metal gates open. The coach with a bunch of players come in.

"Oh, hey coach. This is my friend Ally. Ally, this is Coach Derek." He introduces.

"You dare insult one of my best players?" Coach asks. I shrug simply.

"One, your tactic on the game sucks, two, the way your coaching is just... Stop please, three, you're clearly not working hard enough because from what I've seen and what this season so far has seen alone.. Mm mmm mm." I say slowly, shaking my head. Some of the players try not to laugh.

"Oh and you think you could coach a bunch of college boys?" He challenges.

"Yes." I answer simply. His eyebrows raise.

"Alright, little Ally. Let's see what you've got. Boys, listen to her." He says.

A smile grows over my face.

When did my life get so interesting? Wasn't it just yesterday I was still sitting on my bed eating while binging Euphoria and secretly wishing I was Lexi?

"Alright, you four over there, you four over here." I say, making them separate. They go to either side. "Coach, why don't you take that team," I say, motioning to the left side, "and I'll take my side, and we train and by the end of the day we come back here and have a little match?" I offer. He purses his lips.

"Sure, sure." He says sarcastically. I look to the boys.

"Alright, come on. I have somewhere better to practice."


"What are you doing here, sis?" My brother asks as he leans against the doorway of his house - mansion - casually. He gives me a quick hug then I push him aside and lead the guys in.

"I have people to train. I have a match to do. Its a long story." I throw over his shoulder. "Hey Sally." I throw to his wife who smiles in return and follows him following the boys who follow me. They all look around.

I open the door to the private gym and let them in. They whistle in appreciation.

I lead them to the center of the gym.

"Now, first, I want you to stand in defense mode. Believe it or not, defense is one of the very most important things in the game of basketball, obviously." I say. I see Ty take a seat, Sally sitting on his lap. The guys - Danny, Parker, Leroy, and Jose - all take defensive forms. Me and Ty both put a hand over our faces. Sally giggles. I look up. "No, no, no." I mutter before walking over to the tool table. I grab the duck tape.

"What?" Parker asks.

"Shirts off." I command. They all smirk at the same time, doing the same slow motion ripping it off. I shake my head at their weak attempts to flash their muscles.

Though, Parker, when I see his muscles, this is what flashes in my mind: 👌👌👌

I go behind them and begin putting waist trainers on them.

"What is this for?" Jose asks as I strap him up.

"This is to train your back." I answer, and go in front of them. I toss the tape aside onto a mat. "Now go back into your normal defense stances." I command. They all do so, and looks of discomfort begins to show instantly. "This is what I mean." I say. I go up to Parker and push on his shoulder to where it rolls back, and he's crouching more straight. I put my left hand to his waist and swallow as I move it forward slightly.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for a v-line on hips. Jeez. I step back. He looks a lot better.

"Still uncomfortable?" I ask. He shakes his head. The other guys' follow lead of the stance. My brother nods slowly from his seat. "Practice it, engrave this position into your soul." They start getting into the new and improved stance. My brother pulls me aside to his tool shelf and starts rummaging through.

"Leroy has an injury on his left knee, see it?" He asks. I look over and see it easily. Its painfully obvious. He looks as if he's putting all his weight into the right side of his body. "Tell him he needs to start going to physical therapy and to wear this during games." He says, handing me a knee brace. I nod and go to Leroy. He stops.

"Put this on your bad knee." I tell him. He nods and pulls it on. "You need to start going to physical therapy weekly, maybe twice a week, or you won't be able to play and you'll get permanent damage to your knee. Got me?" I ask. He nods quickly. "Keep going." I tell him. He smiles as he keeps doing it.

After a few minutes, I tell them to stop. I pull over the ball wrack. I toss them each a ball.

"Dribble." I command. They look at me weirdly. "Dr-i-bb-le." I say very slowly so they get it. They start.

"Really, I mean, dribbling is step one in basketball, Ally. How is this supposed to help?" Parker asks sarcastically.

"Its supposed to help because I want and need to go over every thing with you." I snap at him. He visibly cringes, looking as if regretting that question. "Leroy, don't put so much pressure on your lower back, straighten up." I tell him. He nods and does so.

"Yeah that feels a lot better on my knee." He comments. I smile.

"Jose, you on the other hand need to loosen up a bit. Along with you, Parker. Jose, put a slight bit of pressure on your lower back. Good. Okay, Parker, really. Just, loosen." I command. He does so. I walk forward and push his shoulders back to a normal and good place. I push his hips forward a tad bit and step back. I nod. "Just like that." I say with a smile.

"Danny, don't be so loose. Put a tad bit onto your lower back.. Yeah, now push your shoulders back a little. Yes, yes, yes. There we go, boys. Do this for ten minutes please." I state. I go over to the speakers and connect my phone. I turn on Spotify and turn on the 'Motivation' track list which starts with the song Purple Lamborghini.

I see the guys nod along to the song, getting more comfortable by the minute with how they're going.

Then, we're working on passes, then on shots, and finally jumps for finishing. When over, I give the guys drinks, and they all eagerly take them.

"Good job, sis." my brother says while passing with a light smile. Getting appraised by him sends pride bubbling through my chest. He's the only parent I ever knew, so it feels good.

He'd begun to raise me alone at 17. Our mother died giving birth to me, and our dad abandoned us because he blamed me for it. We'd started on the streets but soon Ty got a job and raised me. It'd been tough, but he went to college, and later became famous in modelling. Its weird seeing your brother half-naked on magazine covers, but that's how it is. I couldn't be more proud of him, though.

He'd always loved basketball passionately, and I personally believe he should be a coach - which he says he plans on being when modelling starts to fail - which drove him to build this gym in his mansion.

"You guys ready to kick some ass in an hour?" I hear Parker ask them. They all whoop.

"Hey, Ally, heads' up!" Parker yells. I turn at last second for the ball to hurtle into my stomach.

"OH FUCK!" I screech as I bend over in pain. It just slipped. I don't know how. I'd just completed a number on my list.

"WOOH NUMBER 24 COMPLETED BITCHES!" Parker yells out in glee. I glare at him.

"You better win this match you douche."

In the end, we did win. 1-9 because we were going 10 points in the game.

In the end, I was named Student Assistant Coach.


Can I just say I'm in love with Parker's character? He's always so excited and happy.

How twas chapter 3?

Do you think the team will benefit from her being the new student assistant coach?



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