Gravity Heroes

By HarlieKreiger

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(Wendip) (Mabcifica) A few months after the Mystery Twins head home from Gravity Falls, Mabel gets a call fro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 15

61 2 0
By HarlieKreiger

Gravity Falls 7:30 PM

Mystery Shack

Former Wax Museum room

"Alright Candy, have you been keeping up on the movement of the tracker. We want to have a good idea where to start looking tomorrow once we have all of the supplies here and ready." Wendy said, still trying to figure out how she had become the de facto leader of their motley crew since the twins and the Stan's aren't here.

"Yes, and I have the program set to run all night to keep track of his movements. By tomorrow we should have a complete analysis of his movements and be able to find out if he is able to help us find the creature. I have also been in touch with Fiddleford, he will have a better analysis of the tail by the morning." Candy said as she was sitting at the computer. "He has also said he, Nate, and Lee will be bringing the gear tomorrow, plus something else in case we need it."

"Well, that all sounds good. For now I'd say let's have everybody go home and get some rest. Tomorrow we go hunting.", Wendy says as she get's up and looks around at the group that was already gathered; Grenda, Candy, Pacifica, Soos, & Melody. The rest will be here tomorrow. Just then her text message goes off, she looks down and it's from Mabel. "Soos can you run the girls, home. Dad knows I'm staying the night here, I'm gonna go get some roof time for a bit."

"Alright," Soos says in his normal jovial manner before turning to the girls, "Ok lil ladies, who's house first?"

"Well we've both told our mom we're staying at Candy's house, so...", Grenda said not finishing the statement.

"Ok, let's go." Soos said leading them out the door.

Pacifica pausing to look at Wendy seeing if she could read the look on Wendy's normally passive face. As far as she knew just her, Wendy, and Soos were the only ones here to have seen the pics of Dipper and since then she was worried for all of her new friends.

Roof top relaxation spot

Wendy opened up the text as soon as she got to the lawn chair:

'Sorry, it took so long. Unka Cowboy told Dip to lay down for a bit after making sure he didn't have any concussion symptoms. Bro-bro just woke up. So anytime is good. Hugs.'

Once she saw the truck pull through the treeline Wendy grabbed her right forearm and pulled out the ax.

Piedmont, California

Dipper's room

"Well this pic definitely helps out a lot, the coloring is wrong for both the Rock Boa and the Cockatrice. I believe they're gonna be hunting a Basilisk.", Dipper said as he looked at the picture that he'd transferred to his phone. Sitting up was a little painful but he wasn't gonna let that get in his way. If he can't be up there to help hunt the creature he would do everything in his power to help from here no matter how much it hurt.

"I'll text Tambry to see if she has found out anything towards the remedy yet?", Mabel said as she stood in the doorway partially to watch out for any parents coming up stairs.

"What's worrying me some is it's getting bolder," Dipper continued, "trying to attack the twins in broad daylight. Luckily..."

"Luckily, I was there to save them." Wendy finished his statement as she appeared in his room. "Dag, man. You looked better after the car crash."

"Well this time I didn't have a seat belt to help protect me." Dipper said with a smirk that hurt just a little.

"You big doofus." Wendy said as rushed over and hugged him, not thinking about either his ribs or the fact that she was still powered up.

"Oof, I'm glad to see you too," Dipper said "But careful, I'm still damaged goods here."

"Oh, Sorry." Wendy said standing back up.

"No problem," Dipper said rubbing his injured side before realizing it wasn't hurting as bad as before. "I'm guessing the lineament that my godfather gave me is working."

"Uhm, Dip we haven't changed your wrappings yet." Mabel commented from the doorway, "We haven't put any of the lineament on you yet."

"What?" Dipper said. "I thought you put some on before I laid down?"

"Didn't get the chance, you went all morose about not being able to help out in Gravity Falls and as I was went to grab the stuff you went to NightNight Land.", Mabel said sticking her head in, "Uhm, Dippingsauce. The bruise on your face is going away some, too."

Wendy turned to take a better look at his face. The bruise has shrunk to almost 2/3rds it's previous size. "What the?"

She powered down and went to get a better look. It appeared as if he had just healed instantly. "Ok, what just happened."

"No idea," Dipper said trying to figure it out himself.

"Well now that I'm here, how are doing?" Wendy asked looking down at her boy. She sat down in the chair at his desk and then scooted it next to his bed.

"Well, I've been better." Dipper smiled just having her here made him feel better, then realizing it's only for a short time his mood began to sour some. "I won't feel 100 percent till I'm back up there with you guys. I, no," he pointed over to include Mabel, "we should be up there helping you guys fight this creature."

"Right now you should be worrying about the fighting you're doing down here. I mean, I know you two are learning how to defend yourself better down here. But man, I can't stand to see you like this. Mabel is over there with some bruised knuckles, and you." she said waiving towards his jaw and ribs. She looked down expecting to see his knuckles looking like Mabel's, but they looked almost baby soft. "You did throw some punches, right?"

"I think so, I know I nearly cracked a knuckle when he threw me down the alley." Dipper said as he too looked at his finger's and realized the scratches he had earlier were gone. "Ok, this is weird."

"Man, I also heard you intentionally took a tackle from a guy who regularly does it against armored idiots for fun. You have to learn to fight smarter, I know you are smarter than this.", Wendy said looking a little mad at him.

"I was thinking, I figured it would get Jimmy down to his knees if nothing else and I would be able to do something to prevent him from getting close to Mabel." Dipper said as he looked down at hands instead of at either of the girls that he felt staring at him.

"Broseph, you know I can take care of myself," Mabel said a little mad that he still thought he had to protect her.

"I know, but I've seen the way he looks at you and it still creeps me out even more than Gideon. Why do you think I've been his favorite target. I've been keeping him bothering you since second grade." Dipper responded in an octave just barely above a whisper. He raised his voice to a normal tone and continued "I remember how much he weirded you out back then and it really hasn't ever changed, you didn't even like him once he went all jock and had half of the girls at school after him. He was still after you though, so I was still an obstacle in his mind. Believe me I heard it enough."

"You mean I was the reason he keep bugging you. Why didn't you tell me?" Mabel said confused.

"And give you another reason to not smile, not on my watch sister.", Dipper smiled at his sister as she realized how much he'd done for her that she never knew.

"Man, you've been watching out for each other forever probably. It's what siblings do, you should've seen what Rudy, Lucas, and Seth did to Robbie after we broke up, you know when he wouldn't leave me alone." She laughed a little bit at the memory of seeing Robbie hanging up side down from the High School's flagpole in a cheerleader's outfit, though she thinks that may have been the push that sent him into the grave they found him in before he and Tambry hooked up.

"But seriously man, you need to think about it. What if he had caused you to hit your head or knocked you out somehow, you wouldn't have been of any use to yourself or Mabel. You know I don't like fighting. But when you have to do it, you do it right. Never let yourself get taken down, at least not with out a plan before it even happens. You'll probably hear something similar from your teacher, but it's always best to be on your feet as much as possible." Wendy said "And remember if you're not doing it for yourself or your sister, you're doing it for me." She gave him a wink.

"Ok, time to change the subject," Mabel said from the doorway, "Tell Wendy what you've figured out from the pic she sent."

"Ok." Dipper said shooting Mabel a look, "With the research I've done and add in the tail pic, I'm pretty sure you're dealing with a Basilisk. The coloring helped narrow it down. I'm thinking that what McGucket and Candy made, from what they said about the tests, should be able to help to catch it."

"Ok, that sounds good. Right now I'm thinking I'm gonna take Grenda, Tony, Nate, & Lee out with me. I'll probably have Robbie, Soos, Thompson, and McGucket stay back with the trap till we feel we need it. Tambry, Melody, Candy, and Pacifica are gonna be at the Shack as Tech support and the last line of attack. McGucket said He's bringing something he put together in case they needed it."

"Still would rather be there to help. I feel so useless down here while everyone is trying so hard up there." Dipper said as he again thought about how much he missed his friends.

"We'll try to set it up so you can at least be on the video contact. And remember with out your research we wouldn't have been able to figure any of this out. We wish you were gonna be there too." Wendy said as she reached over and hugged Dipper again

"Also someone, no names mentioned, Mabel" Wendy said half covering the last with a bad fake cough, "has told me you've turned down a dozen girls since you went back to school Wednesday, are they liking the new badboy Dipper?"

Dipper shot Mabel a halfhearted dirty look, "Actually it's closer to sixteen, but they're just after me due to the fame. I'd rather wait for someone who I know likes me for me." he then shot a wink back to Wendy.

"I better be going, Soos should be back from taking the girl's to Candy's." Wendy said as she got up and grabbed her forearm. "I haven't told him or Melody yet. So..."

Mabel ran over and hugged her, "See you soon, Wenders." As she backed away, she looked at her knuckles and saw they hadn't changed, 'Well there goes that idea.'

Wendy turned from her hug to see Dipper had gotten out of bed and came over to give her a hug of his own. "Man, are you sure you want to be up, you're still banged up."

"Yeah, but I had to say good bye." Dipper said as Wendy returned the hug. "You're the one to possibly be in danger tomorrow, so be careful you're important to me."

"You too.", She said as she faded away.

After she was gone Mabel looked at Dipper, "Dips, you facial bruise is almost gone."

Mystery Shack

Roof top relaxation spot

Wendy was feeling a little weird as she reappeared on the roof, the last time she had done this trip she was wiped out. But she felt sore this time. Her side hurt a bit and her cheek felt sore also.

"W-w-wendy, is that, that you?" she heard Melody say behind her. Reflexively she powered down as she turned around and wished she hadn't, she was even more sore after she had dropped her ghostly. She dropped down to her knees.

"Wendy," Melody yelled as she rushed over to help her red headed friend. "What was that? What happened to you? You look like you've been in a fight."

"I'm fine, I haven't been fighting. Not sure why I'm hurt. As for what that was, it's me." Wendy said through clenched teeth. "Let's get me down stairs. I'll explain everything once Soos get's back."

After gingerly going down the ladder Melody helped Wendy get into the chair in the living room. Wendy's text tone went off shortly after she sat down. It was from Mabel; 'Wendy, I'm thinking you may have somehow healed Dip. His face is barely bruised and I can poke his ribs without them hurting. Not sure how though cause you didn't heal me."

As she was getting ready to reply Soos came in as Melody was bringing in an icepack for Wendy. She sat her phone down on the table next to the chair as Soos asked, "Whoa Wends, What happened?"

"Thanks Mel." Wendy said as she held the icepack to her face for a few moments. Once the pain had died down some and she felt her energy seem to replenish she started to fill them in on everything that has happened. As she was finishing she stood up and grabbed her right forearm and withdrew her ax. "I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I wanted to tell you on my own terms. But apparently I used too much of my spectral powers traveling to check on Dipper and apparently taking some of his damage into myself."

Her cell received another text alert. Melody motioned as if asking Wendy if she wanted her to see who it was and not know for certain yet if her phone was ghost proof, she nodded yes. "It's from Mabel. Want me to open it?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I'd melt it while I'm like this or not." Wendy said, not wanting to change back as she is starting to feel better and better the longer she was in this form.

"It's two pics of Dipper, the first is of a slight bruise on his cheek and the other shows him having slightly bruised ribs. You know from what I remember of Soos's description it's gone down significantly. And it looks like it was about where you were hurt, you may have healed him." Melody said trying to wrap her head around everything that's happened in the last twenty minutes or so.

"So, Wends. Where does Dip's hat go when you change. It's not on your head?" Soos asked, already accepting all that was explained to him and trusting Wendy and the twins.

"You know, I have no idea." Wendy realized. She felt along her waist and felt her normal hatchet and it had a cloth casing. Lifting up the back of her shirt, she went to lift it up and realized it had some how turned into some type special case that was whit with the blue pinetree in the center of the head holster. "Well it's here apparently. It merges with my normal hatchet holster."

Feeling much better she put the holster back on her belt and decided to power down. Both Melody and Soos watched in awe. And once she was finished she reached up on her head and the hat was back in place. Getting her phone back from Melody she replied to Mabel; 'Well got caught, Melody & Soos are up to date. Apparently it was a subconscious action, I didn't even realize I had done it. Though I paid for it. Powered down too soon and was sore where his injuries were. Tell parents it was the lineament that did the work. Hugs.'

"Alright this night has gone on longer than I had planned, I'm gonna go crash. Sorry for all the worry." Wendy said as she hugged both Soos and Meloy. "We have a long day tomorrow."

She then headed up stairs and laid down on Dipper's old bed.

Gravity Falls Saturday October 27th, 2012 11:30 AM

Mystery Shack

Attic bedroom

Wendy sat up with out remembering this wasn't her bedroom and wrapped her head on the slanted ceiling. Her phone was going off so she answered it, "Hello?'

She got up and grabbed the clothes she had brought with her when she came to 'work' yesterday. She put on the black jeans and the long sleeved camouflage shirt, topping off the whole look with Dipper's hat. "I didn't know I was doing it, dork. All I know is I was upset at seeing you so hurt, that apparently I drew some of you injuries into me. I'm so resilient in that form I didn't even realize it till I got back and the strain of the traveling hadn't allowed me to heal. All I could figure out."

She bent down and tied her boots on tighter than she normally would do. "No, I wasn't intentionally trying to get myself hurt. Remember this didn't com with an instruction book."

Grabbed her hatchet and tucked it into belt. The last thing she grabbed was her crossbow and quiver. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Last minute hunting jitters. Do me a favor, stay at home today. No point in trying to attract any danger today. Ok, you too." she finished off the conversation before heading downstairs.

"Well there's the sleepy head," Nate said when he saw her, then realizing she was armed, he added with a smirk. "Just joking."

Both Nate and Lee were dressed in camouflage pants and dark colored shirts covered with paintball padding, Tony had on a black sweatshirt and bluejeans, and even Grenda had traded in her normal pink shirts for a gray sweater and sweatpants. McGucket & Candy were handing out the goggles to everyone, even those staying at the Shack. They then went on handing shields to Nate, Lee, Tony, and Grenda, Wendy just waved it off. "Save one back in case you guys need it. I wanna be able to use one of these if it's needed," she said motioning to the crossbow and hatchet.

"Well I reckon those'll do for ya," McGucket said before walking over to a case sitting on top of the prototype cell. "For the rest of you I've worked up a couple of thing-a-majigs." Reaching in he pulled out three pistol looking object and a something that looked like a mace. He handed it to Grenda, "Candy told me that you prefer to be up close and personal. For you guys these are taser pistols with enough energy for seven shots and here two spare batteries each if needed."

"Tambry, have we got a position on the Leshy?" Wendy asked as she walked over to her friend.

"Yeah. It's been fairly stationary since I got here. Probably resting." Tambry replied "Be careful out there, I don't want to be the one who has to tell Dipper something went wrong."

"I know. Thanks. How's the research for the cure coming?", Wendy said with a wane look on her face.

"So far it's not, I'm wondering if we'll have to kill it to cancel it's effect." Tambry said with a sad smile as she looked over at Tony as he was saying goodbye to the statue that is his brother.

Wendy saw McGucket talking to Candy and Pacifica off in one corner as everyone was saying goodbye wishing each other well.

Loaded up the headed outside where Wendy saw a Humvee waiting on them. "Had to get some way ta be able to carry all this around." McGucket said, "Soos you get on in and drive. Well head to the closest glade we can reach in this big boy and then you'll have to hoof it. We'll keep in contact over these two way radio buds. He said handing one each to the hunting party and the transport group. "Do you hear us Tambry? Candy?" he said after tapping the bud.

"Base hear's you loud and clear. Once you get to the next clearing you have approximately and hour's walk." Candy said over the radio system.

"Patching in Piedmont crew. PC, you are a go." Tambry added.

"Remember guys, as far as we know the vision attack is it's main attack, but most of that is based on classical mythology. This creature's biology is still not readily documented so be prepared for anything." Dipper said as a response to being patched in.

"Be careful guys," Mabel added for good measure, "Break a leg."

"Melody here, Candy asked for me to cover for her for a couple of moments while she helps Pacifica with something.

Gravity Falls Forrest 1:45 PM

"You guys should be almost upon him, his signal is just over the next ridge." Melody said watching the overlay of the topographical map and the positioning map that is tracking the movement of the hunting party and the Leshy. Candy was still helping Pacifica with whatever she was doing.

"Hold up guys," Wendy said in a loud whisper. "he's just over there. He's looking over the stream at the bottom of the hill. Get your goggles down and have your shield ready." as she cocked her crossbow and loaded a bolt.

She motioned for Nate & Lee to take a trail around so they can cover them from two directions. She was glad she and her friends used to do paintball a lot, the experience looks like it may pay off.

"In place," she heard the barely audible whisper over the ear bud.

"On three," she held up her three fingers and slowly counted them down. "go."

Grenda, Tony and Wendy rushed towards the Leshy from his left, while Nate & Lee came in from the right.

"We got you," Tony said as he fired his taser straight into the now stone chest of the Leshy. "Wait, he's been petrified."

"And the tracker is laying flat in the palm of his hand." Lee pointed out.

"Bravo, my young detectives." said a man the Wendy instantly recognizes.

It was the White Horseman, and he's petting some sort of yellow bird, it had the head and legs of a rooster, the tail of a snake, the body of a bird and was yellow in color. It seemed to be growing back the part of the tail that Wendy had chopped off. The weirdest part is that the Basilisk and the White Horseman have made eye contact more that once and nothing seemed to happen to him.

"I guess it was an ok plan to follow him to attempt to find my little pet, but I knew it was a set up as soon as he told me how he escaped." the Horseman said as he set his pet down.

"He was expendable, a good lesson for anyone who dares to fail my mistress." he continued as he brushed a stray feather off of his jacket. "Basil, it looks like you'll have a fine feast tonight."

Basil the basilisk ran towards the group. Nate lifted up his taser and fired barely peeking out from behind his shield. The taser line hit the ground just as the basilisk leap up and tried to go for Tony, only to be batted away by Grenda slamming her mace into it's gut.

Meanwhile Wendy fired her first bolt at the White Horseman, thinking she had a good shot only for it to hit the shoulder of his jacket with a resounding 'CLANG' almost as if it was made of metal. Reaching under his he pulled out a three foot long sword and ran towards her. She blocked his first swipe at her with the stock of the crossbow and she kicked out at him causing him to jump back. While he was dodging Wendy pulled her hatchet out of her belt and dropped the crossbow.

At his next swing she parried him with the head of the hatchet and then saw a taser wire hit him to no effect. He turned his head to see who dared to attack him, "Ah, so you brought the paper golem with you, very well. Ladies if you would please." It appeared as if the two Rusalkii she had fought with the Leshy had survived their battle or he's gotten more.

They made as if they were going straight towards Tony, till one of them took a mace to the gut. "I've got your back Tony, let's get this done so we can figure out how to get your brother back!" that was enough to shake Tony out of his shock and her raised his taser and hit the other firing off two shots in rapid series.

Nate and Lee were having their hands full with the basilisk, everytime they thought they had it, it would jump away and the try to again attack them. One attack it jumped up and attempted to scratch Nate in the face only Lee to slam his shield across it's body throwing it a good ten feet giving them a chance to regroup.

"So what happened my little ginger, why do you still attempt to attack? All you have been able to do is to parry and defend yourself from my blows. Where is the spitfire I saw the last time we met?" the White Horseman said goading her.

And she hated to admit it, he was right. She would not be able to do much if all she can do is parry. "Nate, Lee, sorry you had to find this way." Jumping back in order to give her time she grabbed her right forearm and with a scream of rage pulled out her other ax and transformed. Now armed with both the ax and her hatchet she was able to block with one and at least attempt to fight back with the other.

Tony pulled hard on the taser wires and pulled the Rusulka jerked forward off balance. Grenda was defending off blows with her shield and swing at the other Rusulka with her mace causing it to dance back towards the stream.

"What happened to Wendy," Nate said distracted long enough for the Basilisk to land a scratch across his chest ripping through his padding and shirt. "Argh."

"Nate," Lee yelled surprising the basilisk enough that he caught it with a shot from his taser.

The Rusulka Tony had hit recovered enough to pull out the taser wires and dodge the next shot. She jumped over him and with a mighty shove pushed him towards the stream. "NO!" he yelled

"Tony!" Seeing this happen and knowing the consequences if he hits the water, Wendy reacted to save him. Just before he hits she reaches out and turns him to wood. 'Hopefully I will be able to reverse it.' she thinks. While distracted the Horseman swings and hits a glancing blow across her back.

"So now you even attack your allies? How long until even they begin to fear you?" the Horseman asks and then he let's loose with a loud whistle. She spins and attempts to slice him across the chest only for him to knock away the blow. The next thing she noticed is his horse galloping into the clearing and he reached up and pulled himself up on it. "Farewell, till we meet again."

Wendy rolled forward and grabbed up the crossbow. She rapid loaded a bolt and fired as he rode away. This time it lit with a bolt of blue fire as it hit.

Grenda had beaten down the two Rusulkii and was now trying to get Tony back on to the higher ground, Nate & Lee were almost playing a game of ping pong hitting the basilisk in between their two shields. In a moment of anger Wendy turns her power against the basilisk turning it to wood.

Still in shock at what their Nate and Lee rushed over and helped Grenda with Tony. The wooden statue was soaked so she couldn't even try to reverse him currently.

"Wendy, what is the situation?" she heard over the radio. Apparently her ear bud still works. She tapped it and responded. "The Leshy was stone when we got here. There's been a fight though. We have three wounded,"

"Uhm, Wendy. You don't appear to be hurt anymore." Grenda said coming up behind her.

"Uhhm, make that two injured and we've got the basilisk. We'll need help getting out though. And guys there's gonna be something I need to talk to everyone about when we get back." Wendy said as she powered down. She didn't think she had taken a head shot but the was some sort of high pitch whine ringing in her ear. Putting her hatchet back in the back of her belt, she tapped the bud again. "We'll need some help getting Tony back to the Shack."

"Uhm, that bad?" Tambry asked as she realized what was said. "Help should be almost to your location now."

Realizing the whine wasn't just in her ear Wendy looked up to see some kind of robot looking thing heading right for them. As it landed Wendy noticed it had the word CHARGE written down one leg.

"Well it took so long to get this thing on I got here too late for the fight. Like, I really wanted to test this thing out," the robot said before the it raised the front of what looked like an old knights helmet...

Piedmont, California 4:25 PM

Pines family home

Adam Pines was sitting down to watch Indianapolis take on San Diego in the afternoon game when he heard a knock on the front door. Grumbling a little bit but knowing the kids were upstairs he went to answer it. Keeping the chain on he opened it enough to see a gentleman standing at the door.

"Yes can I help you?"Adam asked the man at the door.

"Why yes Mr. Pines, my name is Sol Rouse and I'm a reporter with the Piedmont Star." He said pulling out a set of press credentials, "And we're doing a series of stories on anti bullying and I have recently came across the videos of your children standing up to a trio of bullys that is quite popular among the circuit of Anti Bullying Organizations. I was hoping to be able to set up an interview the two of them about the videos."

"Well I'm not sure, We'll have to discuss it and get back to you.", Adam pines said not sure how the kids especially Dipper would react to being interviewed.

"I totally understand sir, here is my card." Sol said as he pulled the card out of his red leather jacket. "Thanks again for talking with me. Please let me know if they'll be up to the interview. Have a good day, Mr. Pines."

Shutting the door Adam Pines watches as Mr Rouse heads back up the sidewalk, hops onto a red motorcycle, and until he rides away.

Well all here's another Chapter, I want to thank everyone who has favorited and followed this story. I enjoy hearing from everyone. One final chapter coming in the first storyline. I'm thinking of continuing the storyline here and not starting a second story.

Dipper is getting better thanks to Wendy. The Basilisk has been captured, but at what cost? Nate is injured, Tony is a Wooden version of Francis, and Wendy's secret is becoming more exposed. The next Power set has now made an appearance, but what all will it entail and who is in the armor? Finally the Motorcycle guy has came to the Pines house.

I thought I'd share a few of the songs I listen to while I'm writing (or usually when GF or one of my other shows aren't on at least): Gwendolyn from the Spiderman: Rock Reflections Of A Superhero gobacktothepast spider-manrock-reflections-of-a-superhero/, Little Dipper and Billy Boy by Kayla Berrie soundcloud kaylaberrie/little-dipper-demo, the Battle Scars by Paradise Fears (from the GF AMV with the same name), Could It Be from the Kim Possible So The Drama Movie, What Might Have Been from Phineas & Ferb, Buddy Holly by Weezer, The Lumberjack Song from Monty Python (and I'm always picturing Manly Dan singing it at karaoke with out ever hearing it before after being told the title by Tyler and yes this is headcannon for me and probably will be written at some time), and Riders In The Sky (which ever version I put in my playlist, I have it covered by about 12-13 different bands).

13-15-18-14-9-14-7, 14-15-15-14, 1-14-4 14-9-7-8-20, 20-8-5-25 19-8-1-18-5 1-12-12 9-14 20-8-5 6-9-7-8-20. 4-1-25 2-25 4-1-25 23-8-15 1-12-12 19-8-1-12-12 3-15-13-5 20-15 16-12-1-25?

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