For the Better

By inactiveuser

4.9K 36 12

Elise was a normal 16 year old living in the middle of nowhere. But soon, her life gets turned upside down wh... More

For the Better
Phone Calls and mad Best Friends
The bestest fan
Backstories and Movie Night
on the road
Time to go out!
a Black Jack birthday
New experiences...
Concert time!!!!!
Oh no...
Just a rant from Challen, please read.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
Skyping hurts
Life's a Bitch
Happy times!
Well, Dang.
Mr. Perverted Little Creeper Man
Insert Chapter Name Here
Pranks and Latin Yelling
The Affects of Multiple Calls
The Long-Awaited Concert
My Gay New Friend
Mickey D's
Author's Note

Now, why did this happen to me?

228 1 0
By inactiveuser

A/N hope you enjoy! vote fan comment!

Don’t get me wrong, I was sort of a fan, and I had seen enough interviews to where I could match the names with faces. But I was not going to fangirl on them and beg for forgiveness for walking in front of their speeding van. I was way too pissed to be gracious.

            “We are so sorry!” Niall said while supporting my right side. I looked over into his bright blue eyes, and almost lost myself in them. No! I am supposed to be mad at these people!

            “Honestly!” Liam said, with a look of complete guilt on his face. I looked at each one of them, and wondered how I could be so lucky. Woah, quit getting starstruck, Elise! These five gorgeous teenagers with angelic voices just hit you with their van!

            “Alright,” I said hoarsely while breaking free of Niall and Louis’ grasp, “which one of you was driving?” Harry sheepishly put his hand up.

            “I am so sorry Beautiful!” He said while giving me a wink. I woke up early, got bitched out by Jamie, and hit by a car in less than two hours. I will not tolerate flirting. I took a step towards him, and instantly regretted it. Pain shot up my leg as I cried out and fell to the ground. Tears welled up in my eyes and I willed myself to not let them escape.

            “What’s wrong?” Niall said, instantly kneeling beside me. I turned my left leg around to face everyone. As soon as the wound was visible I turned my head and shut my eyes tight.

            “No no no! I did not see that!” I said quickly while the boys just chuckled. As a result of sliding on gravel, my leg had a lovely set of scrapes and scratches down the side. Each one bleeding.

            “Here, I’ll go get some help.” Louis said and started walking towards the park.

            “NO!!!!” I yelled and grabbed his pants leg. Seriously? Who wears pants in May?

            “Why not, love?” Zayn asked.

            “I, er, have some towels in my car. Plus there is a park full of girls who will instantly mob you guys!” My first thought was of Jamie and her herd of Barbie Dolls. But I just kept that part to myself. Niall picked me up bridal style and ran in the opposite direction of where my car was.

            “Wait!” I laughed.


            “My car is the other way!”

            “Oh.” He stopped and turned back around. Soon we were speeding down the parking lot with the rest of the boys following us. I pointed towards my car, and the guys stopped and busted out laughing. I hopped out of Niall’s arms and stood on my good leg.

            “What?” I said whilst putting my hands on my hips.

            “She’s a feisty one, ey, Niall?” Louis said while elbowing him in the side. All Niall did was stand there and blush. OMG THAT’S THE CUTEST THING EVER!!

            “So what’s wrong with my car?” I asked.

            “It’s… uh…” Harry mumbled, “yellow.”

            “And?” I asked while hopping toward the trunk.

            “Nevermind.” He said softly. I smiled and opened the trunk to reveal two beach towels, a large water bottle, soccer cleats, my soccer bag and ball. I grabbed a light pink towel and heard the boys gasp from behind me. I turned around and lost my balance, which resulted falling into Louis’ arms.

            “YOU PLAY FOOTBALL!” Liam and Louis said in sync. I gave them a puzzling look. Niall informed me that in Europe and around the rest of the world, soccer is known as football.

            “Oh,” I said stupidly, “for around 11 years now.” The boys all just stared at me.

            “Do you want to have a match?” Louis said in a very girly voice. I just stood there and laughed.

            “Louis do you think she is able to have a match right now?” Niall said in his cute Irish accent that almost made me blush.

            “Oh yeah, right, Harry broke her.” Louis said sadly.

            “He didn’t break me!” I said while playfully slapping his arm. I got out of his arms and regretfully limped to the driver’s seat, mouthing the word ‘ow’ with every step. Before I could even open the door and sit in my car, I felt strong arms pick me up from behind and throw me over someone’s shoulder.

            “RAPE!” I yelled while hitting Harry’s back. Everyone, including me, started cracking up. Harry sat me down on the trunk.

            “You are not driving!” He said while pointing at me.

            I shoved his finger out of my face, “Well I know that you are not driving me either.” I pulled the towel from my leg and saw that it had stopped bleeding, but it was still a pretty awful sight to see. I hopped up off of the trunk and threw the towel away in the nearest trash can. I turned around to face the five pop stars.

            “Who all can drive?” I asked. Niall, Louis, and Harry raised their hands.

            “Let me rephrase that. Who can drive without crashing or getting pulled over?” Harry put his hand down.

            “K. Niall, you drive me home, and Louis drives the van behind us so you can pick him up after. Lets go!” I said while grabbing Niall’s wrist and pulling him towards my station wagon.

            “Wait!” They all said at once.


            “We never got your name!” Louis said fairly loudly.

            “Elise.” I replied, “Elise Richards.”

Niall’s POV

            “Elise. Elise Richards.” She said confidently. I think I was really starting to like this girl. I don’t know why, considering I just found out her name. Even before Harry managed to run her over, I could see her crying and turning round the corner. Even through her tears, I thought this girl was beautiful. Long light brown hair pulled back to show her nice heart shaped face. Her bright blue eyes were stunning, and I couldn’t help forgetting to tell Harry to stop until we hit her. I was the first out of the van to help her up, and when I grabbed her hand to help her up, I felt a spark.

            But when this girl spoke, that’s what captivated me the most. And I think it’s what got the other lad’s attention the most as well. Her thick southern accent made me speechless, until I realized that she was not in awe of One Direction standing before her.

            “Niall,” Liam said putting a hand on my shoulder, “you okay lad? You just zoned out on us.”

            “Oh, yeah. Are you riding with us?” I asked him.

            “Yup.” He said while popping the ‘p’.

            “K. Let’s go.” I said, rather excited. We piled into Elise’s car, and drove out of the park.

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