Ninjago: Yin vs Yang

By RS4ever101

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(Takes place after Hands of Time and before Sons of Garmadon). Since Kai and Nya found out what happened to t... More

Chapter one: Unexpected
Chapter two: One of Us
Chapter three: What's Up and Why?
Chapter four: The Third Wheel
Chapter five: Mind blown
Chapter six: In Helping Hands
Chapter seven: Not Who He Seems
Chapter eight: The Unwanted Scheme
Chapter nine: Disaster to Disaster
Chapter ten: Bad Blood
Chapter eleven: Unbelievable
Chapter twelve: From Friend to Foe
Chapter thirteen: What Came In Must Come Out
Chapter fourteen: The Story of Zira
Chapter fifteen: Outrage
Chapter sixteen: A Heartwarming Recovery
Chapter seventeen: One Step Closer to Chaos
Chapter eighteen: The Ambush
Chapter nineteen: Three Ninja Short
Chapter twenty: Getting Back on Track
Chapter twenty-one: Caged Animal
Chapter twenty-two: A Ghoul-tastrophe
Chapter twenty-three: Jailbreak from Hell
Chapter twenty-four: Over the Top
Chapter twenty-five: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter twenty-six: Breakthrough
Chapter twenty-seven: Five Rings, Five Scars, Five Problems
Chapter twenty-nine: This Means War part 2
Chapter thirty: In Each of Our Hearts
Any Questions?

Chapter twenty-eight: This Means War part 1

547 21 5
By RS4ever101

Merry Christmas everyone!

Cole's POV

I couldn't take it anymore.

I got up then leaped off the cliff. Dad and Nadine gasped as I activated the Yang Blade.

As soon as Zira was about to strike, I slammed the Blade onto the ground, which made a huge green explosion.

I was surprised on how powerful it was. Everyone except me and Nya flew backwards. The entire building colapsed. Dust and debris were flying everywhere. Everyone was screaming because they had no idea what just happened, not even me.

I looked around and saw all of the ghouls and Zira were in one spot. I then looked down at Nya, who was rubbing her head.

I smiled then took out my hand, "Hey, you okay?"

She jumped when she heard my voice. She slowly lifted up her head with a complete surprised look on her face, then down at my hand.

"Y-yeah...," Nya stuttered,"I...I am now...."

As soon as I helped Nya up, she immediately wrapped her arms around me. I stumbled a bit as she tightened her grip. Honestly I don't blame her at this point. I was happy to see her too. I smiled then tightly hugged her back.

"COLE!!!" Everyone cheered.

Nya and I let go of each other then I got everyone out of their chains. They all came up to me then came in for a group hug. I saw most of them had tears in their eyes.

"Ha! I knew you were still alive!" Jay exclaimed, "I told you he was INDESTRUCTIBLE!"

"I can't believe you're alright," Lloyd replied.

"It's a miracle!" Zane cheered.

"Ah yes," Master Wu sighed in relief, "Thank Ninjago you're back. I'd never thought I'd see you again honestly."

"Me neither," I said.

I saw Dad and Nadine coming. The others came over to reunite. And then I saw Kai, who was facing away from me.

"Kai," I paused, "Are you alright?"

I heard a sniff. Was he crying? I was a bit concerned. I don't know why he was upset.

I walked over then put my hand on his shoulder. Kai turned to me with a depressed look on his face.

"Cole..." Kai sniffed, "I can't believe that you survived. I actually thought that...that..."

"There's no reason to be upset, Kai. I'm okay, a little rusty but okay."

"You don't understand! This is my fault! I'm so sorry for saying all of those terrible things to you! I've been an awful friend! If I haven't made such a big deal out of it, then-"

I knew what he was talking about. He was upset about he didn't want to help me. Honestly, I'm not mad at him....not anymore at least. Anger won't solve anything.

Kai covered his face as I gave him a soft smile. I slowly walked over to him then wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Kai looked surprised, he was probably expecting me to punch in the stomach or something.

"Kai, it's alright," I said, "Don't blame yourself. This was my fault from the very beginning. I'm sorry for pushing you. I overreacted, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just looking after me, like all of you always had. I should've been more open with you guys. Either way, I forgive you..."

After I said that, Kai hugged me back. I heard him crying softly. He laughed after a few seconds we let go of each other.

"Oh wow," Kai chuckled, "Look at me. I look like a walking waterfall heh."

All of us laughed. Suddenly we heard a few people calling our names. I turned to the left and saw Ray and Maya waving their arms in the air.

Kai gasped, "Mom!"

"Dad!" Nya cried.

Both of them ran over to their parents and had a group hug. It warmed up my heart to everyone reunite.

"Woo-hoo!" Jay cheered, "The gang's all here...wait a minute where's Ronin?"

"I think he chickened out," I said, "He was with us but then he left."

Kai grunted, "Don't get that guy."

We all gathered in a group, finally calming down. I knew what I had to do. I owe them an apology. This has gone far enough.

"Guys..." I began to speak, "I just wanna say-"

Suddenly, a massive explosion came out of nowhere. All of us screamed then flew backwards. When I lift my head, I see Zira and the Alpha ghouls staring at us.

"Ah Cole," Zira sighed, "I could've sworn I got rid of you. No matter, now that everyone's here, lets have a real battle!"

I held the Yang Blade in the air, "Bring it on Zira! I'm not scared of you anymore! I'm ready to destroy you for good!"

The Alpha ghouls stood beside her and hissed. I turned to see the others getting in their battle position.

"Ninjago is ours," Lloyd stated coldly, "You weren't meant to keep it in your grasp."

"This is where we draw a line in the sand," Zane said.

Eloc laughed, "Finally a real rematch! Let's kill these humans!"

"Be ready," Master Wu told us, "Stand your ground. This is a battle to the death."

"Have each other's back," Nadine replied, "And never let guard down."

"Let's do this!" Kai exclaimed.

"What do you think you're doing!" Zira protested, "You're really going to attack, what for? The Etherial Realm will open any second now! There's nothing for you to fight for!"

"As long as there's no opening we have a chance!" I cried, "Enough talk! Talk is cheap! Ninja-GO!"

We charged at the them. They did the same thing. We activated our powers and weapons, so did the ghouls.

The fear in me was gone. Now it's my time to shine. These ghouls are nothing to me now. I'm gonna end their beginnings!

Within a flash, I used my RX powers to push everyone back. Kai and Zane jumped over me and attacked in mid air. Nya and Jay stood beside me then combined their powers together. Most of the regular ghouls were already wiped out

Suddenly the Alpha ghouls came in. I used airjitzu to fly over the electrified water to get where I needed to be.

"Alright you monsters!" I shouted, "Let's dance!"

I held up the Yang Blade and charged. I was literally ready to destroy them. Nadine and Lloyd actually caught up with me to help out.

Out of nowhere, a green tentacle grabs me then throws me at the wall. That move caught me off guard. I turned to Eloc with a nasty look on his face.

"DIE!" Eloc shrieked.

Before he could do anything, Lloyd used an energy blast to send him back into the sky. Nadine helps me up and squeezes my hand.

"Here's the deal," Nadine said, "That weapon you're holding, you have no idea how powerful it is. The move you pulled off only did 10% of damage. Don't use it constantly, because you'll waste most of your energy."

"Got it," I replied.

She was right. That blast made me a bit light headed. I have to be careful with what I'm doing. After all, I still have my actual earth powers. I'll have to save the blade for another time.

"Nadine," Dad called out, "Tell Cole the plan!"

Nadine gasped, "Right. Cole do you remember me telling you the second part of the plan?"


"It's the rings. They're the ones that create the gateway to portal. We have to destroy them. See where beams come from? That's where they're hiding."

I sighed, "I bet each of them will be well guarded. Don't worry, I know what I need to do."

I ran off to where Nya and Jay were. They were fighting side by side. I leaped forward to use spinjitzu to shake them off.

"Guys!" I called, "We have to destroy the Five Rings of Socery. Do you see the beams? That's where they're at. Jay, go to green ring. Nya you go for the red one. We don't have much time so use the Criss Cross spell!"

"Wait how do you cast it!" Jay screamed.

Nya put a hand on his shoulder then casted the spell. Once I was done with them, I went over to Lloyd, Kai and Zane.

"We have to destroy the rings," I told them, "Lloyd, go to the blue ring, Kai, you take care of the purple one and Zane will go to the silver one.

"What are you gonna do?" Kai asked.

"I'm going for Zira," I growled.

"Good luck," Zane says as they all took off.

I caught up with Nadine and the others standing. I had to trust the others to do their tasks on their own.

"Where did the ninja go?" Ray asked.

"They're going to the rings," Nadine answered for me, "Now let's deal with the rest of these ghouls."

We all nodded in agreement. More ghouls came after us. We charged back at them. As I was fighting them off I tried to see where Zira was, but I couldn't find her.

Suddenly, a ghoul tackles me down. I tried to push him off me, but from where I was positioned I couldn't break free. The ghoul takes a knife and tries to stab me in the throat.

I gasped then held his arms to push him back. I struggled to keep my distance. He was too close. I began to lose strength.

As soon as the blade was inches from me, Dad shoots him in the head. I sighed in relief then helped myself up.

"Are you alright son?" Dad asked.

I smiled, "Yeah I'm good, thanks to you."

Suddenly I winced as there was a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I gasped as I saw a dagger went straight through it. It burned as blood began to drip off my arm.

Dad noticed and covered his mouth with his hands. The others gasped.

"Cole..." Dad whispered, "Are...are you.."

"I'm fine," I sighed and carefully took the knife out. I uttered a cry as my wound began to sting.

"Don't worry, there's a first aid kit to patch that up," Misako replied.

"Thank you Misako," Dad said dryly.

Misako took out some peroxide and bandage tape. She and I sat down and began the treatment.

"Have any of you guys seen Zira at any chance?" I asked.

Everyone shook their heads. I sighed again. What a coward. I had to find her before it's too late.

"Come to think of it," Ray peeped, "The Alpha ghouls disappeared too."

"It's quiet, too quiet if you ask me," Maya said.

"Ooohhh no!" Nadine cried, "I sense it! I sense it good! Voodoo magic! Criss Cross magic! They've escaped!"

All of us gasped. I had a feeling this would happen. I forgot that the rings are the Alpha ghoul's "life line" or something. That means they're after my friends.

There's nothing I can do for now, but when the time comes, all 6 of them will be begging for mercy.

I had faith and prayed they wouldn't hurt themselves. I almost lost them once, I can't lose them again.

I wished them good luck, hoping they can take them on.

I'm counting on them.

To be continued....

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