I am and He is Sam Lee Garcia...

By CountingBackwards

14.8K 396 213

If you are, by any chance, named Sam Lee Garcia Concepcion. Then, Join Sam and Sam, two different people, who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

202 8 1
By CountingBackwards

Life is a 

I started to write down, but quickly crossed it out. It's not very catchy and deep down I think it's lame. Cradling my head with my arms, I tried to think of a better slogan. Cause apparently, we had to make a slogan. For the freaking contest introduction. 

Standing up, I trudged my way downstairs. Its hot and I need a glass of water. Or else I'll die here all dried up from brain cells and dehydration. It's Sunday morning, thankfully we have no practice. But, unfortunately even if we don't, we still have to worry about it. Talk about time-consuming, not to mention extremely stressful.

At the kitchen door, I saw Sam gulping in a nice cold orange juice. Immediately, I battled with a decision. To die getting my water or to die not getting it. I didn't have chance to choose when Sam saw me throught his already empty glass.

I bit my lip, rooted in place. His brows knitted together and I can see he clearly remembers what I did. I didn'nt expect otherwise anyway. In fact I think he won't forget it until forever.

"You punk," he said with a glare. I smiled sheepishly as I slowly back out. Fight or flight. The latter seems to be a much better choice.

"Yes. Hi. Punk," I replied, with a forced bright smile.

"You owe me. A lot," he stated after a few seconds. The angry face he wore eased up a little. And then with a scowl he left me alone, brushing with my shoulders as hard but painless as he could.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I proceed to the refrigirator and got some water. But decided against it and got the carton of milk instead.

"The milk's mine!" Sam shouted from the living room. As if he knew I was about to drink some. Sorta creepy if you ask me. Pursing my lips, I bent down to get the jar of orange juice.

"The orange juice is mine too. Don't you dare drink a drop of it." Sighing, I went for the jug of water. Only to be stopped by Sam again.

"I was the one who filled, carried and gott that jug there. Technically it's mine too. Back off!" I bit my lip to prevent myself from cursing him. What a selfish selfish jerk. >.<

I straightened up but quickly bent over again and got a glass of cold water from the jug. Moisture blurred the glass and I gulped it slowly. Letting it wash my parched throat. Not caring if Sam will go nuts after this. 

After I satisfied my thirst, I refilled the jug again and put it back to its original space. Giving some respect to the devil who 'owns' it.

As I passed by him on my way upstairs, he gave me a slip of paper. Frowning, I read his messy scrawl.

Do my slogan. Punk.

"I'm not done with mine yet!" I cried out.

He looked over his shoulder and said, "Whatever. You did get me in this position." He played right through his best argument. Which made me grit my teetch. But also suck it all up.

"Fine. PUNK." I said, laced with so much poison I wondered if it burned him. I wish it did. Storming off, I went to my room.


The week passed by slowly. Every dismissal, we get to be with Aria. She did eased up on me a little. A little being an overstatement. On monday, we got Sam in. I told them about his decision and they allowed him to join. Thankfully. Tuesday to Thursday, we practiced. And practiced. Endlessly. At home, Aunt Filarme already started making plans on everything. On the other hand, when I'm at home, I'm worrying about the talent portion. I honestly don't know what to do with that. I tried asking Sam what he is going to do but he doesn't want to tell me and ignores me evey single time I try to talk to him. Even if I apologized. Sincerely. For over five times. He's so stubborn, it's so annoying.

Today, we don't have a practice. Plus we will be dismissed early. Thank goodness, finally! A break! 

"Hey," Alisa poked my ribs. I flinched and pouted at her.

"Stop doing that." I told her, she grinned and then said,

"You look so haggard, Sam. Why don't you relax a little?"

I managed a weak smile before answering, "I can't. It's crazy, I've never been so stressed like this before. I hate it." 

She smiled warmly. As warm as the air that blew around us. We are under a tree, at the lawn. It's lunch time and we're tired of the cafeteria buzz so we decided to bring our lunch here.

"Can you help me with my slogan?" I asked, after a few minutes of silence.

She smiled at me and then nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, sure."

I jumped up and down, "Omy! Really? Gosh, you're the best Alisa!" At least, one less problem. All I have to worry about now is the thousand more that awaits me. Couldn't be much happier. And do, that was not sarcastic. 


It's dismissal already and Alisa told me that she had to go home early. She'll visit her grandmother at the hospital and she has to drop their laundry on the way. So, I'm walking alone, toward my home. Ready to brainstorm on what 'talent' I should show the people about two weeks from now.

My feet were moving slow, maximizing the time I currently have for a relaxing walk. And I'm listening to Lady Antebellum's Need You Now. I think it's a good song. Suddenly, someone covers my eyes from my back. A whiff from the person told me just who it was.

"Stop it, Luis," I said, in a bored tone. He seems to be so fond of doing things like this.

Luis grinned at me, shoving me a rose. "For you."

I was skeptical. I'm not really sure where he got that, maybe picked it at the school garden. Ms.Dandi would definitely kill me when she saw me holding her plant. But in the end, I took it. After all, Luis was getting tired of holding it up for me.

"You're going home? This early?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Don't go home just yet. Let's go out," he proposed. I smiled as I felt my cheeks grew warm. He is the first one to ever ask me out. 

"Go out?" I questioned.

"Yes. Like a date," and then he chuckled while scratching the back of his neck. Like a shy boy confessing his love for a girl. 

Gulping the saliva that was not present, I bit my lip. He did not just ask me to go out. But a date. A date! I think I'm hyperventilating.

After a few minutes I realized there is no way I can go. There's so much more things to do and worry about. I don't need another problem.

"I ca-," I started to say, but he interrupted me,

"Of course you can," Being the stubborn boy that he was. He grabbed my hand and whisked me away, not giving me a chance to tell him no. I went with it, tired of arguing. 

I'm convincing myself, although I don't really need it. Maybe a date wouldn't hurt. Maybe it'll be fun. Maybe it wouldn't really be a problem.   

Or so I hope.


I typed this for two times. =.= There was a power shortage here last night and because I'm an impromptu writer, I didn't have a back-up file. And I didn't save a single paragraph I wrote. Argh. Plus I was almost done last night! The heck. And so I had to redo it again today. Psh. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this update. Which came waaaayy toooo late. Sorry. (:


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