Sailor Twilight Moon (Usagi X...

By Megan22998

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Mizuki Tsukino. The daughter of two legendary Senshi, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Star Fighter. She was the child... More

Chapter 1: The Future Changes.
Chapter 2: Telling the World
Chapter 3: Neo Queen Serenity.
Chapter 4: New Baby.
Chapter 5: The Paino.
Chapter 6: New sister.
Chapter 7: First Day At A New School.
Chapter 8: Sailor Chibi Moon.
Chapter 9: People in black
Chapter 10: The Decision
Chapter 11: Journey to Kinmoku
Chapter 13: Back Home
Chapter 14: The Danger is Named
Chapter 15: Charon Palace
Chapter 16: Triton Palace
Chapter 17: Titan Palace
Chapter 18: Mercury Trouble
Chapter 19: Silver Millennium
Chapter 20: Collect the Past Scouts!
Chapter 21: Kinmoku Falls.
Chapter 22: Return to Earth
Chapter 23: The Dream
Chapter 24: Chibi Chibi
Chapter 25: Starlights Return
Chapter 26: Television Appearance
Chapter 27: Television appearance.
Chapter 28: Sailor Serenity.
Chapter 29: The Past
Chapter 30: Gain their Trust
Chapter 31: Cosmic Sailor Moon
Chapter 32: Telling the past scouts
Chapter 33: Confrontation
Chapter 34: Concert Day
Chapter 35: Cosmic Scouts Transform!
Chapter 36: Identity Revealed
Chapter 37: Journey to the Future
Chapter 38: Past Revealed
Chapter 39: Getting to know me
Chapter 40: Princess Kakyuu?!
Chapter 41: Sailor War
Chapter 42: Galaxy Cauldron
Chapter 43: Battles End
Chapter 44: Peace

Chapter 12: Awakening

581 14 9
By Megan22998

Mizuki woke to a knocking noise on the door, opening her blue eyes Mizuki pushed the covers off her body and laughed at her self. She was so exhausted that she didn't realise that she'd gone to sleep with all her clothes on and even her shoes! The knocking continued so Mizuki walked to the door and pulled it open, on the other side Princess Kakyuu was smiling at her.

"Did you have a good rest Princess Mizuki?" Princess Kakyuu asked.

"Oh yeah." Mizuki said rubbing her eyes. "And please, just call me Mizuki. Only mama's guardians called me princess Mizuki."

"Very well then, there should be a dress waiting for you in the wardrobe. Please wear that and then come to the dining hall, someone should be around to help you." The princess said and then walked down the hallway away from the bedrooms.

Mizuki walked to the wardrobe and pulled open its doors, inside was filled with different clothes. Dresses, tops, shorts and shoes, there was even a section that was filled with training clothes. Mizuki saw a dress that she thought was beautiful, it was thigh high and had thin straps that went across her shoulders. Along with this there was a top that could be worn underneath, it went from her shoulders right down to her wrists. On the waist of the skirt was a thin layer of fabric which then went to the floor, and lining the waist was two chains of pearls and a small accessory on the bust of the breast holding the two straps secure. In the centre of the pearl chains was a flower that reminded Mizuki of the one that was around Princess Kakyuu's neck. Mizuki pulled off the clothes she traveled in and put the dress on, the main colours of the dress were dark and light blue. It perfectly fitted Mizuki's slim form and Mizuki then looked for some shoes to go with the dress, finally she decided on a pair of flats which curled at the toes and were the same colour as her dress. Mizuki then walked over to Zeke and stroked his fur, which resulted in a soft purr.

"Come on Zeke wake up, we've been invited for food with the princess." Mizuki said selecting some accessories to decorate her odango.

"Why can't I have two more minutes..." Zeke complained while stretching out.

"Because you never keep royalty waiting, you should know this by now Zeke." Mizuki said giggling at how messy her hair was. Pulling hairpins from her hair Mizuki let her long locks flow down her back in glossy waves, pulling a hairbrush from her bag Mizuki began to brush her hair to get rid of knots that had formed while she slept. Then she styled them into her regular heart shaped odango, Mizuki then added some accessories that reminded her of her mother when she transformed into sailor moon. They were circles with pale blue on the inside of the second circle, they clipped into her odango nicely and completed her look.

"Come on, lets find someone who can help us get to the dining hall." Mizuki said walking out of her room.

Her and Zeke walked down the many corridors trying to find someone who could help them, finally Mizuki saw a young girl who was polishing a door handle. She looked to be about seven years old and she had pale pink hair which was orange at the tips, she was slim and was dressed in a black thigh high dress with black leggings. She also had on a white frilly apron around her waist which she began to tighten since it was slipping from her hips.

"Um excuse me!" Mizuki called walking over to her.

The girl looked at Mizuki with soft brown eyes, she had heart shaped lips which were now curved into a small smile.

"Hello miss, how might I help you?" She said bowing.

"I'm looking for the dining hall, could you take me there please?" Mizuki asked smiling at the young girl.

"Of course, this way." The girl said picking up her cleaning supplies.

Mizuki followed the girl as she walked with light quick steps, Mizuki could feel more now how the gravity of Kinmoku was different to on earth. Here it made you feel much lighter and it made Mizuki feel slightly lightheaded, but she knew it would get easier with time. 

"Sorry but I didn't ask your name, would you mind telling me what it is?" Mizuki asked as the girl pushed open a door.

"My name? Oh its Kaori, I hope you enjoy your time in the palace. Its been a long time since the princess has had any visitors here, mostly she just gives rooms to those of us who lost our homes in the Galaxia attack. Thats what my mama tells me anyway." Kaori said to Mizuki as they continued down more corridors. "Sorry this is taking so long, we had to move the dining hall since the last one was destroyed." Kaori apologised.

"Its ok, so you live in the palace do you?" Mizuki asked.

"Yeah, although we live a while away from here. We don't live in the same wings as you or the princess, but we do live in the palace." Kaori explained.

"So who's here with you?" Mizuki asked wanting to know more about the young girl.

"Well its me, mama, papa, Misaki and Yoko. I'm the oldest so I work with mama and papa while the others stay in the servants quarters, they get in the way some times so I have to check on them when I have some spare time during the day." Kaori said and then pushed open a large door embossed with gold, it was a little heavy so Mizuki helped the young girl to open it. "Here you go miss, it was nice to meet you." And with that the spirited young girl ran out of the room to attend to her duties.

Mizuki smiled when she saw all her friends seated around the large table, Princess Kakyuu was seated at the head of the table and rose to her feet when she saw Mizuki.

"Please come and sit Mizuki, we've been awaiting your arrival." The princess said again taking her seat.

"Sorry it took a while, I had one of the servants show me the way." Mizuki said and took a seat next to Tia.

Mizuki looked and noticed that each of the girls was dressed in the same dress as her, they were just all different colours. Tia's was light and dark green, Juliet's was pale pink with blue accents, Ariel's was pale yellow and pink and Elara's was grey and purple. Waiters then came and began serving food to the girls, the starter was a blue soup but it tasted to Mizuki of peas so she named it the blue pea soup. Next there was a roasted joint served with mashed potato that was purple, carrots that were yellow and a clear sauce. It was all delicious and Mizuki found her self feeling wonderfully full, she never ate much because it always made her feel sick when she went training. But now she found her self craving more, and it didn't give her a horribly full feeling like on earth.

"This food is amazing!" Ariel exclaimed while wiping some sauce from the corner of her mouth.

"I am glad you enjoyed it, I had my servants work all day to prepare this meal for us. And I must say they did a wonderful job, now girls I would like to ask you all something." The princess started.

"Please ask away Princess." Juliet said while placing her fork onto the table.

"As you've been told by Maker and Healer, we've been plagued by monsters. Unlike anything we've ever faced before, and now thanks to you Mizuki we now know their names. Youma, is that correct?" The princess asked looking at Mizuki.

"Yes, my mother and her friends fought them when they first became scouts. They are all different and have unique skills, mama said that they were especially difficult to beat once they had reached their goal." Mizuki stated placing her cutlery down on the table.

"Real goal?" Kakyuu asked.

"Yes, when my mother and her scouts fought them they were after energy and the silver crystal. They would brainwash people to get what they want, and mama still has nightmares about them." Mizuki said and shuddered at the memories of her mother screaming in the middle of the night.

"Well we will have to keep our eyes out for any brainwashed people when the Youma attack." Maker said walking into the room.

Mizuki smiled at the two starlights as they walked into the room, they took their places by the princess as her guardians. The meal continued with light conversation when a light began to flash on the wall, it was a red light and soon after it began to flash a siren began to sound.

"We're under attack, Princess please make your way to the safe house. You five girls come with us." Maker stated while Princess Kakyuu made her way calmly to a small door.

The girls all rose to their feet and began to run after the scouts, they made their way out to the grounds and saw a large Youma attacking some of the grounds workers. Mizuki's eyes went wide as she recognised a small child, Mizuki ran and seized Kaori in her arms and jumped out of the way. The Youma was very large, and reminded Maker of a bear. It had scarlet fur and cold black eyes, and on its back were tentacles which it was using to swipe out at the people.

"Are you ok?" Mizuki asked Kaori.

"Yes, but your hurt!" Kaori said pointing to a gash on Mizuki's arm.

"I'll be ok, but you run inside. Its safer there, and don't come out until its safe." Mizuki ordered the young girl.

Kaori noted her head and then ran inside the palace with other people, Mizuki then stood up and noticed a tear in her dress.

"Damn you, you made me rip my dress! And I like this one too." Mizuki said as the Youma turned to her.

"Foolish moon girl, my master wants your heart. So I shall take it for him!" The Youma roared and then came running to Mizuki, acting on instinct Mizuki jumped over the head of the beast and landed softly on the grass. She then ran over to her friends who were looking at her shocked, they had never been aloud to see Mizuki train so only saw her practice her leaps from rooftop to rooftop at lunchtime. Mizuki gave her friends a smile but was then caught off guard, the Youma had sent one of his tenticles right at her pinning her to the wall. It slowly began to suck the life force from Mizuki's body while all her friends could do was watch, Maker and Healer tried their best to get the Youma off Mizuki but all the attacks they were using weren't making a dent in it.

"Like I told you moon brat, my master wants your heart. Unfortunately it wont be to his standards since you aren't a scout. But oh well, maybe I'll get to eat it as a snack." The Youma said licking its lips.

"I am a scout..." Mizuki whispered while she began to feel her body become cold.

"Whats that? I can't hear you. Maybe this will help!" The Youma began to wind its tentacles around Mizuki's neck cutting off her oxygen.

"Mizuki!" Tia cried as she was held back by the other girls.

"Star Gentle Uterus!" Maker yelled sending balls of light to fly at the tentacles that were around Mizuki's neck.

The Youma cried out in pain but held a firm grip of Mizuki, her body was becoming limp from her energy being sucked from her. But she wouldn't give up, not until the very end.

"I am a scout!" Mizuki cried and a golden light was emitted from her crescent moon mark.

The Youma was pushed back by the golden light, it was so soothing and calm that the starlights and Mizuki's friends were drawn to it. Mizuki's clothes suddenly vanished as she felt something deep inside her awaken, soft silk ribbons were being wrapped around her body. Soft ribbons encased Mizuki's arms forming short gloves that were wrist length and topped with blue. Purple shorts wrapped themselves around her lower body and then a thin blue skirt covered the shorts, a purple neck scarf adorned her neck and a blue bow appeared on her chest. A dark purple bow appeared on her back and white heels lined Mizuki's feet, they had blue bands on the ankles and Mizuki's crescent mark on her forehead turned into a tiara with a dark purple moon in the centre. The final touch was three pearl earrings on her ears and pearls and feathers on her hair, Mizuki was lowered to the ground and admired her self. The fuku was different to anything she had ever seen before, and she loved it, because it was something that was hers. And hers alone. Mizuki placed one hand on her waist and let the other trail behind her, tucking one leg behind the other Mizuki struck a pose.

"I am the pretty guardian! Who fights for love and for Bravery, Sailor Twilight Moon!" Mizuki yelled and then pointed to the Youma. "In the name of the Twilight Moon, I'll Punish you!" 

The Youma roared at Mizuki and then came running towards her, Mizuki plucked her tiara from her head and it turned into a boomerang. Keeping her eyes on the Youma Mizuki aimed for its heart.

"Twilight Moon Boomerang!" She yelled and threw the tiara at the Youma, it disappeared in a cloud of silver dust and was quickly blown away by the wind.

Mizuki stood tall while looking at the starlights and her friends, she could feel her power burning inside her. It was the most amazing feeling she'd ever had, and now that she had unlocked her sailor form she could now help to defend the people here and when it was time for her to return home. She'd be able to protect her sister.

"Mizuki..." Juliet spoke taking a step forward.

"Pretty cool huh?" Mizuki said and ran to her friends giving them all a hug. "I was so scared that you'd get hurt, but I'm so glad you're all safe." Mizuki could feel tears in her eyes as she smiled at her friends. Symbols began to glow on their foreheads as they all joined hands, each girl closed their eyes as their symbols appeared.

Tia was the first to open her eyes, her symbol resembled jupiter's but it was more cursive and elegant and it was . Her fuku was the same style as Mizuki's but its main colours were blue and green, she placed both hands behind her head and smiled.

"I am the pretty guardian! Who fights for Love and for Knowledge! I am Sailor Callisto!" Tia yelled smiling brightly. "And in the name of the Mother Jupiter, I'll Punish you!" 

Next to open her eyes was Ariel, the symbol that appeared on her forehead was a shape that resembled a sun and was a golden colour. Her fuku was dark pink with a vibrant yellow, she placed one hand on her hip and then the other was placed on her forehead in a peace sign.

"I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for Love and for Happiness! I am Sailor Aurora!" She cried out while trying to hold in her excitement. "And in the name of Sol, I'll punish you!" 

Iris opened her eyes as a purple symbol appeared on her forehead, it was a hand circle with a small star in the centre. Her fuku colours were silver and purple, with both her hands crossed over her chest she tilted her head to make her hair flow over her shoulder.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and for Honesty! I am Sailor Iris!" She yelled and then un-crossed her arms and placed them onto her hips. "And in the name of the planet Eris, I'll punish you!" 

The last to open her eyes was Juliet, her symbol resembled a gemstone and it was a pale pink colour. Her Fuku was pale pink and pale blue which was a beautiful contrast to her dark hair and eyes. She placed her left hand in her hair and then her right hand on her chest, with a small smile on her face she spoke.

"I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for Love and for Friendship! I and Sailor Pandora! In the name of Pandora, I'll punish you!" She cried smiling proudly.

The girls all looked at each other and admired their Fuku's, they were all proud scouts!

"Well it looks like you've all found your sparks." Princess Kakyuu said smiling at the girls. "Now your training can commence, Maker, Healer please make a report about the Youma and about the awakening of the new scouts." She said and then walked out.

"Well Mizuki, I guess us coming here was the right choice after all." Tia now Sailor Callisto said smiling.

"Yeah, now we'll be able to figure out the cause of these Youma. And fight back, because I know one thing." Mizuki said looking at her gloved hands.

"Whats that?" Sailor Pandora asked.

"This is something bigger than anything the scouts have faced before, and I have a feeling we might need all the help we can get to defeat them." Mizuki said and then followed the starlights into the palace.

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