Ninjago: Yin vs Yang

נכתב על ידי RS4ever101

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(Takes place after Hands of Time and before Sons of Garmadon). Since Kai and Nya found out what happened to t... עוד

Chapter one: Unexpected
Chapter two: One of Us
Chapter three: What's Up and Why?
Chapter four: The Third Wheel
Chapter five: Mind blown
Chapter six: In Helping Hands
Chapter seven: Not Who He Seems
Chapter eight: The Unwanted Scheme
Chapter nine: Disaster to Disaster
Chapter ten: Bad Blood
Chapter eleven: Unbelievable
Chapter twelve: From Friend to Foe
Chapter thirteen: What Came In Must Come Out
Chapter fourteen: The Story of Zira
Chapter fifteen: Outrage
Chapter sixteen: A Heartwarming Recovery
Chapter seventeen: One Step Closer to Chaos
Chapter eighteen: The Ambush
Chapter nineteen: Three Ninja Short
Chapter twenty: Getting Back on Track
Chapter twenty-one: Caged Animal
Chapter twenty-two: A Ghoul-tastrophe
Chapter twenty-four: Over the Top
Chapter twenty-five: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter twenty-six: Breakthrough
Chapter twenty-seven: Five Rings, Five Scars, Five Problems
Chapter twenty-eight: This Means War part 1
Chapter twenty-nine: This Means War part 2
Chapter thirty: In Each of Our Hearts
Any Questions?

Chapter twenty-three: Jailbreak from Hell

675 25 17
נכתב על ידי RS4ever101

Cole's POV

I shivered in fear.

The things....the things they were showing was a nightmare coming to life.

I couldn't look away. There was a helmet strapped to my head. I couldn't even close my eyes. My eyes strapped to stay open.

My hands, arms, legs and neck were held down two. My eyes were burning for not blinking them. Sweat streamed down my face nonstop. My grind my teeth in disgust.

I was forced to learn their ways. The lessons they were teaching me were horrible.  The slideshows kept going on. I didn't even realize that I was shaking in the chair.

One photo showed a girl being dragged then beaten to death, another showed cannibals going after a cameraman, third showed an old lady with her eyes getting plucked out.

This was worse than my worst nightmare.

I screamed in agony as the photos got scarier and grosser. Everytime the photo changed, the pitch of my screams would get higher.

I noticed my arms began to feel hot. Even though I couldn't look down, I could tell my powers were activated, the didn't effects the chains.

"Shall I turn it off soon Master?" The old ghoul asked.

"Nonsense my dear," Zira replied, "Keep it going. That means it's working..."


The nights were cold.

The ghouls left to rest. I was still in the cage, shivering my butt off. My clothes were now rags. I felt like I had hair lice, since it was so itchy.

I stared at the black night sky, there weren't even stars either. It was so dark that I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face.

Then I was thinking....I'm gonna die here. What's worse is that it's only been half a day. A lot of thoughts raced through my head, like flashbacks and other stuff.

I thought about my friends, wondering what they're doing right now, hoping when they'll come to save me. I was really worried about them.

The thought that kept repeating itself is what's taking them so long, and I don't even remember how I got here in the first place.

Then I thought, do they even care that I'm gone?

Think about it. I yelled and attacked my dad, I ruined Jay and Nya's date by going along with them, attacked Kai because I lost my temper....

I'm a terrible friend.

What have I done? They don't wanna get me, after the way I treated them. Friends are suppose to get along with one another, trust each other and always be there for them. I still did them in particular, but in wonky order.

I had to face it. I'm never gonna see them again, just like Zira said. I'm gonna die and no one's gonna care.

I closed my eyes, picturing my friends in my mind. I remembered all of the good and happy times we had together. I've done I lot of good deeds in the past, before all of this happened.

Kai, the hothead. It took awhile for me to accept the error of his ways, but now I always enjoy his ego. Zane, didn't know he was a nindroid at the time, but we still have a bond none like any other. Lloyd, first I didn't like cause he was a little whiny brat, but when he became the green ninja, I knew in my heart I had to protect him with everything I got.

Nya, the second smartest one in the group. She's a sweet kid, always has our backs and somebody to make my day. What surprised me the most was when she became the Master of Water. That made me feel good, because our team isn't the same without her.

Jay, the funny one. Sometimes we get along sometimes we don't, but that's okay. That's what Bros do. It took awhile for me to accept him and Nya being together, but that's okay too. Because whenever she isn't around him, I have a chance to hang out with him.

Last is my father. I don't know what to say for him, because there's too much to include. But before I die, what I wouldn't give to see and hear him one last time, just to the son he wanted me to be.

Suddenly, the door bursts open. I jumped then sat up quickly. It was still kinda hard to see. Then lights flashed on. I was able to see two ghouls carrying a guy in a samurai suit.

"Wakie Wakie, black ninja," One ghoul said.

The other ghoul laughed, "It's time for your next event, but this time, you can have a little buddy joining you in the fun."

When the first ghoul took off the guy's helmet, my eyes widened and gasped. I couldn't believe who it was.

It was my dad.

Dad struggled to break free from the ghouls grasp, but they were too strong. They then threw him into the cage and landed next to me. I helped him up as the ghouls laughed again.

"Master will be here in five minutes..." The second ghoul hissed.

The ghouls slammed the door shut. Dad panted a little as he looked up and saw me.

"C-cole?" Dad asked, "Is that you?"

"Dad!" I cried.

I tightly wrapped my arms around him. Dad did the same. I couldn't believe it. He was alive. But how? And why was he in a samurai suit?

We hugged for another ten seconds then we both pull away. I stared at his clothes then back at him.

"Umm...why are you wearing that?" I asked.

"I was fighting them off, son," Dad replied, "After you fell into a coma, I did everything I could to get you back, but sadly no success."

"Oh Dad that's - wait....I fell into a coma? When?"

"After you went completely nuts and attacked me. Do remember anything else before?"

"Yes," My voice cracked, "I'm so sorry, Dad. I didn't mean all of those things I said to you. I don't want you to die, and I love you.."

" I love you too," Dad replied calmly, "It was my fault for not telling you in the first place. You should've known the truth a long time ago."

I sighed, "Yeah, in a way, I guess we were both scared of ourselves."

Dad nodded, "Yes, I tried being a helpful, single father. But nonetheless, I was never honest to you."

Suddenly, the door opens. Zira was here. She laughed when she came over to us.

"Well well," Zira said, "If it isn't the whole family in one spot. Or should I say...what's left of it."

I grind my teeth in anger. I had enough of her. This has gone too far. I wanted to destroy her, but I dunno how.

"Now that my children are flying over to fetch my rings, it's time that you give up now."

"Never!" I screamed, "Ninja never quit! I know my friends are finding a way to rescue me."

Zira laughed, "I wouldn't be sure on that. Remember what I said, child. Your somewhat humans called 'friends' are too occupied at the moment. They won't last long without you around to protect them."

"Why spare me?" I asked, "Why spare us? Just kill me now then you'll win."

"I want to," Zira said, "Believe me I do, but I don't think you understand. You see, your powers are special, something unique. My dear Eloc has lived with you for years. You two are connected. If I kill you now, it'll break the line of pathways. I'll lose you see. However, once all five rings are in place, I can do anything I want to you..."

Zira took out her staff then pointed it at me. The staff began to glow, so did the scar.

"So listen closely..." Zira whispered, "You were an accident. Laura was supposed to be the last, until you came along," Zira turned the staff to Dad, "Honestly, I think you started this epilogue. Cole's powers are also controlled by his emotions. Let's see what happens when he loses his daddy!"

"Dad!" I cried.

Before she could strike, an explosion came out of nowhere. Zira slammed against the wall. Our cage was destroyed. The chains dissolved so my powers were available again. Me and Dad helped each other up.

"What the heck was that?" I asked.

"I don't know," Dad answered.

Suddenly, two strangers came over to us. The had ghoul masks on their faces so I didn't know who they were.

"Quick!" The man shouted, "Come with us!"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"There isn't much time to answer that," The woman replied, "We need to get out of here before the ghouls breach us."

Dad grabbed his helmet then we ran out of the prison area. Zira saw us then tried to get up, but she was stuck.

"Get them!" Zira barked, "Don't let them escape!"

The man handed Dad a plasma rifle then we head for the gates, but the a whole bunch of ghouls surrounded us.

"What do we do now?" I asked again.

"We fight!" The woman shouted.

The man and woman took out these staffs. When they twisted the bottom it activated this kind of mojo power. The man charged then stabbed a ghoul in the gut. The woman charged then wacked a few ghouls with her staff.

I activated my RX powers then ran over to the crowd. I punched a few that flew through walls or I just sent them flying into the sky. Dad on the other hand, just went ballistic. He was shooting and hitting them with his rifle. Honestly, we made a pretty good team.

More ghouls came from other areas and gates. We kept charging our way through. When we finally reached the gate, we realized we weren't out yet.

I knew what I had to do. I used myself as a human shield and used my head to break through the wall. Ghouls kept chasing us at a fast pace. We were all able to fit through the hole in the wall and take down the ghouls.

We took off as soon as they were calling reinforcements. We were running about two and a half minutes then take cover in a cave. I gasped for air. That was the fastest jailbreak I ever been through.

"Thank goodness," Dad panted, "The ghouls won't find us here."

"Yeah," The man replied, "Should we contact Nadine?"

"We have to," The woman said, "She knows where the blade is. That's the only thing that can stop Zira."

"What blade?" I asked.

"Zira hasn't told you of the Yang Blade?"

I shook my head.

The woman sighed, "That's alright. We can take you back to our realm to explain. We just need to wait for the ghouls to stop looking for us."

"Our realm?" I was confused, "Wait, if we aren't in Ninjago, then where are we?"

"This is the Shadow Realm," Dad said, "I'm surprised Zira hasn't told you that."

"Oh," I sighed, "So how do we get back home? Is there any way back?"

"Of course," The woman said, "There's either the Criss Cross spell or the Gateway, but that's too far."

"Wait the Criss Cross spell?" I sputtered, "I don't know how to do that."

"That's why we're gonna teach you," The man said.

"Why can't you guys do it."

"We used the Criss Cross spell to get here. The thing about Voodoo magic is that you can only use it once every 12 hours."

"Wow, that's nice to know."

"I know. Ha! I like it that you kinda have my daughter's sarcasm."

"Oh uh-wait, you have a daughter? Who are you?"

"Don't you recognize my voice Cole? It's me, Ray."

"Ray? Like Kai and Nya's father Ray?"

The man took off his mask. I gasped. It was Ray. The woman took off her mask, only to reveal that she was Maya.

"Woah!" I exclaimed, "It's so nice to see you guys. But how did you know that we were in danger?"

"When we were fixing up the Blacksmith Shop, we saw the others chasing some of the Alpha ghouls. We knew it had to deal with your family."

"You know my mom?"

"How can we not?" Maya replied, "She was our friend. We always fought side by side. It was fun."

I sighed, "It wish I saw her. I really miss her."

"Me too, Cole." Dad puts his hand around my shoulder, "But don't let that overwhelm you too much. Right now we are avenging her, along with your other passed members."

"Yeah," I said, "So, when am I gonna learn the Criss Cross spell?"

"Soon," Ray said, staring out in the wilderness, "But for now we have other problems..."

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