Just My Luck

By Keet126

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Félix and his mother have moved to Paris in hopes of a new start. Félix is ever the cynical one, knowing that... More

1. New City New Start
2. Fuko is a Brat
3. Chloe is a Little Turd
4. Paws
5. Never Let the Flying Magical Spirit Cat That Embodies Bad Luck Bite You
6. yay. Christmas.
7. My mom must be a wizard
9. Fuko's Talent is Breaking Things
10. Cats and Poetry
11. Paws' dad has duck butt hair
12. Gotta have hairspray
13. ...
14. Things can always get worse, can't it?
15. The Claws Are Out
16. Fuko Slept All Day Today, Mostly
17. Goats and Llamas
18. Secret
19. I Can't Believe I'm Doing This
20. Even Superheroes Use Bathrooms
21. *sighs* MY EX
22. When I Say My Bag Has Everything, THAT INCLUDES FIREWORKS
23. Reporter at School
25. Claude's New Suit
26. So Apparently I'm Everyone's Big Brother
27. Fuko Wears a Bell
28. I have a love/hate relationship with music
30. My Brother's Duet
31. I Fight a Bear. Kinda
32. Catastrophe
33. 16 Hours of Sleep and I'm STILL Tired
34. Paws Goes on a Date
35. I've Got Too Many Problems
36. I Punch Trash-Dad
37. Where's Félix?
38. Goatee Man
39. To the Rescue!
40. Epilogue

8. Oh no... She's Back...

72 3 0
By Keet126

Sorry for taking so long with this guys!! I just had a wrestling match with finals for the past few weeks in which I got body slammed with homework and studying and such! (I won the match tho ;D) And then this is currently mother's day weekend so I've been busy spending time with my mom, planting flowers, making cakes, you know, fun stuff! (also, like wow! I decide to check out how the story is doing and WOAAAAHHHH when I meant 100 views, I was hoping for like 98-101 range but like 125 views?! That's awesome! Thank you so much! AND SOME VOTES?! Don't mind that noise in the distant, that was my brain exploding)

I meant to finish up the part yesterday, but clearly that didn't happen! I finished it this morning, and now I'm going to dedicate the rest of my day to my mom! 

I'll try to get back to publishing a chapter every Saturday! If for some reason I have to change that, I'll let you know!

Have a wonderful Mother's day and give your mom a gigantic hug!! (Unfortunately it's not Mother's day in the story, so Félix can't do special mother's day stuff with his mom at the moment!) 

The chapter is further down, below the announcement from WEEEKS ago (was it 6 weeks ago? wow I'm so sorry! But I'm back now!)  

Last thing! I've got to re-enter Félix sass/snark mode still, so this chapter isn't too snarky (one of the reasons I delayed it was to try and make it snarkier but ultimately failed) anyways, enjoy!


Hey guys! Quick announcement! This'll go on a two-three week hiatus (I may post a chapter or two if I somehow manage to complete it), I might extend it with no warning if I get too busy during finals.

"But Keet! If finals aren't now, why are you taking a hiatus?"

Reason for hiatus now is because I found an apprenticeship application for character design and animation and the deadline for that is April 16! I'm going to apply for this! Problem is, all the art pieces I would normally submit (while good and quality art in their own right) are not what they're looking for in the art portfolio! So I'll be spending the next few weeks drawing like crazy!! It's going to be hard, but it's going to be fun! I need to make a bunch of art of designs of Original characters of mine (and show their personalities in the designs no less!) I need to demonstrate that I know how staging, movement, and emotion through body-language works (aka, DRAW A BUNCH OF COMICS)  (Oh! If you want a taste of my art just look at my avatar!)

ALLL that of course, while juggling my actual college assignments! 

So unfortunately, Félix's bad luck is biting him in the butt here and freezing him in time until I can peacefully get back to writing his stuff! (by peacefully I mean, not having anxiety attacks because I should be studying or doing some other homework) I hope that by the time I come back this story will have over 100 views!!

Also! When I finally appear again, I will simply be uploading the next chapter underneath this message so that the number of parts match the number of chapters still

Wish me luck! :D


"Hey Félix," Paws appeared from behind the bookshelf.

I gave him a sideways glance, "What do you want Paws?" I asked him blandly before going back to filing books.

He blinked, as if taken aback by my reaction. "Oh well, um... I came to return your jacket, thank you for letting me borrow it," he held out the jacket that was neatly folded.

I stared at it, "I thought I told you to keep it," I looked at him. "Were you not paying attention?"

"I thought you meant borrow," Paws frowned.

Well, I guess I did mean borrow, but I didn't see him wearing any other jacket. "You're still wearing summer clothes in the dead of winter," I told him, "and besides, it's got your name on it anyways." I meant that literally by the way. My brother had had a habit of stitching his name (IN CURSIVE mind you! The over achiever) onto his clothes.

"Oh um thank you, I guess," Paws tucked the jacket under his arm and watched me file away a couple more books.

"Admiring my book-filing skills or do you just think I'm pretty?" I raised an eyebrow at him when he just watched me.

"No! It's not that at all!" Paws quickly debunked my suggestion.

"Then out with it," I pushed the cart full of books to the next section, "class is about to start soon. Why did you really come find me?" I asked him. "The jacket was a good excuse, but you didn't know how to go through the transition did you? Just ask already."

"Do you know about me?" He worded his question carefully.

I stopped filing the books for a moment and analyzed him. "What part of you are you referring to?" I decided his question was too vague, although I had a hunch he was talking about a certain piece of jewelry.

"This," he held up his hand with the silver ring. Ah, so I was right.

He stared at me, and I met his gaze evenly, "Yes. Your horrible lie didn't exactly cover it up now did it?"

"That wasn't enough to suggest it, you just saw Plagg."

"Is that the kwami's name?" I asked him.

Paws nodded, "Wait you know what kwamis are?"

"I've actually known about your extra-curricular activities before you came to the library and talked to me," I informed him.

"Are you going to tell him about me?" Fuko asked me excitedly.

"How?" Paws cocked his head suspiciously.

"Some idiot during medieval times tried replicating your miraculous," I told him, then I held up my own hand to show him my ring.

Paws' eyes widened, "No way..." he reached out for my hand and then hesitated, "Can I?" he asked permission.

How sweet, "Sure," I held my hand closer to him so he could examine it.

"Could I just see the ring?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, it's a phony copy of your miraculous," I told him, "It's cursed, and I can't take it off."

Paws seemed taken aback by this information, "There's really no way?"

"For some reason, it can only be taken off the wearer by someone who loves them, catch is though, that they get cursed with it instead," I shelved another book, "and I don't really want to curse anyone who likes me."

Paws looked down at his ring as if considering how lucky he was he could take his off.

"Anyways, the fake miraculous is complete with a fake kwami," I told him, "only the ring's bearer can see her," I explained, "and since she and the ring are a copy of yours, she's been able to sense you since we first came to Paris."

"Unbelievable," Paws commented.

"Unbearably awful," I scowled. "As much as I'd love to further divulge you in the wonders of a phony miraculous of destruction that leaks bad luck everywhere, class is about to start and my job requires me to remind students to go to class."

Paws smiled awkwardly, "Oh right!" he tucked the jacket under his arm, "Thanks for the jacket then! I'll see you later!" he gave me one of those model smiles and left the library.

"He knows! He knows!" Fuko sang, twirling around in the air.

"Why are you so excited about this?"

Fuko stopped dancing, "Huh, I don't know! I guess I just wanted him to know and to have an honest relationship with the real miraculous' holder. Do you think I'll ever get to meet Plagg?!" she asked me excitedly.

"Oh sure," I rolled my eyes, "the real kwami of the cat miraculous will totally love me for who I am, and be able to see you!"

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that detail..."


Finally! It was lunch break! I could barely wait to go to the café down the street and try out their new menu item. I think it was some manner of sandwich.

"Ready to go Fuko?" I called out for her softly in the backroom to make sure Mme Dubois didn't hear me.

"FIIISSSSHHHH!!!!" Fuko screeched excitedly as she zoomed around the room, skillfully dodging the many carts. "Let's go!" She perched on my shoulder.

"You know you're not actually eating right?" I reminded her.

"Then let's at least find some Japanese restaurant and let me smell the fish! That'll satisfy me!" Fuko attempted to bargain.

"I don't feel like eating foreign food right now," I grumbled.

Fuko made a face. "Fine!"

I watched all of the students bustle about the school. Some were leaving with their friends for lunch break, others seemed to be going directly home.

The different kinds of lunch break across cultures had always intrigued me to an extent. They were so wide and varied.

"HOOOOTTT GUYYYY!!!!!!!" I heard an over excited screech while leaving the front doors of the school.

My eyes widened, recognizing the voice, "Oh no.... Not her!" There she was. The girl that I met waaaay back in September. Pixie cut, dark brown hair, and slightly older than the students here.

She ran towards me with her arms outstretched.

"NOPE!" I dove back into the school, "SOooooooo many levels of nope here!" I muttered furiously.

"She followed you inside!" Fuko informed me.


I dove into the bathroom. The one place she couldn't go. I sighed in relief. Luckily, no one was in there now. I went to the very back corner of the bathroom and pulled out a book. Surely her lunch period wouldn't last forever and she'd have to leave. Good thing I had plenty to read. Too bad I might have to skip out on lunch now...

"Could you choose a less stinky hiding place next time?" Fuko complained. I scowled at her.

I checked the time on my phone, "Well we might be here for a couple hours, so you might want to nap or something."

Fuko made a face, but dove for my satchel anyways. However, instead of staying still, I could feel her rummaging around in there. She was probably looking for food to reek vengeance on me for picking such an "unpleasant" hiding place. Joke's on her though, I had stopped carrying food around with me to avoid this a long time ago. Of course, now I didn't have anything to eat either... Oh well.

The bathroom door opened, and in came in Paws' friend. When he turned he saw me in the corner, "GAH! It's you!" he jumped.

Paws stuck his head in through the door, "Is everything okay Nino?" then he saw me, "Oh hey Félix!" he greeted me.

I gave him a small nod.

"What are you doing here?!" Nino demanded.

I rolled my eyes, "Well everybody has to go sometime you know. I'm not a robot." While that was a true statement, it wasn't the real reason I was in there. I debated whether or not to tell them about my stalker girl.

"Could've fooled me," Nino rebuffed.

"Flattery will get you nowhere," I held my book up closer to my face to cover my small smile. People were usually caught off guard when I pretended that being compared to a robot was a compliment. It amused me so much.

Paws tilted his head, "So how come you're just reading a book in the corner then?"

"I can think of weirder places to read books," I commented casually. "Tell me, is there a girl standing outside the door?"

Paws gave me a confused look and looked out the door, then came back in. "Short brown hair?" he asked.

"Yep that's her," I sighed and returned my attention to my book.

"Why do you care if she's out there?" Paws asked. "She seems nice enough.

"Do you two mind?!" Nino asked over from the privacy of a stall.

"No not at all, go right ahead," I informed him, then looked at Paws, "She's.... um... Not someone I want to be around..." I explained vaguely. "But she insists on following me around."

Paws smiled amused, "Maybe you could get a bodyguard."

"I'm not going to pay someone to follow me around."

The stall door flew open, "I'm going at home," Nino muttered and promptly left the bathroom.

"See you around!" Paws waved in farewell and followed his friend.

I got plenty of weird looks while waiting in the bathroom. Of course the whole school knew who I was. Well, so long as they had visited the library at least once they'd know who I was. At least my book was interesting. Occasionally, I'd check the hallway when someone left the bathroom and peeked through the open crack of the door. That girl was still there, every. Single. Time. She was persistent, I'd give her that much credit.

"You know Félix," Fuko popped her head out of my satchel, "there's another place you could hide," she told me after reading in the bathroom for an hour.

"Oh yeah?"

"Isn't the back office in the library off limits to anyone but staff?" she asked me.

Before I could answer her, my phone buzzed with a text with Mme Dubois. Apparently I'd have to go up to the library now anyways.

I groaned, "Perfect, just perfect." Hmmm.... I looked at Fuko.

Fuko tilted her head curiously.

"How would you like to be put up for some mischief?" I asked her.

Fuko's ears perked up excitedly, "You mean it?!"

"On the condition that you can only do it to stalker girl, and only long enough for me to get to the library," I set down some rules. Otherwise the whole school might shut down for the day. I shuddered at the memory of accidentally causing another one of those incidents.

"Now we're talking!!" Fuko flew out of my satchel excitedly. I cracked open the bathroom door slightly, and Fuko zoomed out. When I heard an undignified screech, I slipped out and beelined for the library. I had no idea what Fuko was doing to the girl, but I don't think she'd be doing something terrible. Fuko enjoyed doing harmless pranks, but whenever I (or someone else) would get bit by bad luck, she would always feel guilty about it and it was always unintentional.

As I slipped into the library, I breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't seen me come up here! Errr I hope...

I heard a disgruntled squeak, and noticed Fuko squeezing herself under the door.

"So what did you do?" I asked her as she floated up to my shoulder.

"I went down her shirt through her back," Fuko giggled.

"No wonder she screamed," I shook my head, though I couldn't help but smile, "she must have thought a rat fell down her shirt."

"Ah Félix! There you are!" Mme Dubois appeared from behind a bookcase pushing a cart full of books. "I need you to take these to Mme Mendeleieve, she needs them for her next class."

Hopefully I'd be able to take it down without being spotted by stalker girl. Or maybe she left to go back to school. Lunch break would be ending soon anyways.

I gave Mme Dubois a nod, dropped off my satchel in the back room then, went to the book cart. "Fuko," I whispered, "what are my chances she'll spot me?"

Fuko yawned from my shoulder, "Well considering our track record... Or actually maybe since I kind of touched her, she might be the one experience bad luck instead of us for once!"

I made a face, "I meant for you to go on look out," but what Fuko had pointed out was certainly true.

"Oh," Fuko squeezed back under the door. After ten minutes or so, she popped back out, "I think she's gone!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, "Alright let's go."

When I arrived back at the library, I decided to ask Mme Dubois what I should do about my stalker girl, however upon arriving back in the library, I couldn't find her. So I grabbed a book cart and went off to file books.

Fuko flitted around my hand unhelpfully as I put books away in the higher shelves, "So.... Now that she's spotted you here, do you think she'll be popping over more often?"

"As long as I've got a ten foot pole and maybe some of that American pepper spray," I sighed, "and would you get off of my arm?! You're not helping!" I snapped at her.

Fuko went and sat down on the cart instead, "Isn't that spray illegal here?"

"Yeah, it is," I confirmed. I didn't actually mean that I was willing to break the law, "but I could always send you after her again."

Fuko's eyes glinted mischievously, "Ooooh!!! Yes yes! Let me mess her up!"

I gave Fuko a stern look, "No! Only minimal contact! Your bad luck is awful!"

Fuko pouted.

"So how was your lunch break Félix?" Mme Dubois asked me as she reentered the library.

"I spent all of it hiding from a girl," I informed her. "Do you have any advice?"

Mme Dubois' eyes glittered with amused surprise, "I didn't know you had a girl friend!"

"I DON'T!" I said alarmed. "This girl was following me around and I had to hide in the bathroom from her and she waited there for me to get out! She's also followed me for half an hour before."

Mme Dubois laughed, "Oh humor her!" she waved her hand dismissively. "Ah young love!" Mme Dubois sighed as she walked away.

"Is she serious?!" I groaned and stared at Fuko disbelievingly.

Fuko giggled, "Well this is the person who hired you because you had such amazing humor!"

"Right, brilliant."

Looking down at the cart, I sighed irritably. Great.... another thing to watch out for. Fuko's misfortune was absolutely fantastic. About as pleasant as a barrel full of angry cats.

"You could always make her take the ring off of you!" Fuko suggested. "You know, take advantage of the situation!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble," I informed Fuko, "but infatuation is not the same thing as love. That girl only likes how I look, I mean I can't blame her. I do look amazing, but the point is she can't take off the ring."

"That's too bad!"

I sighed, "I don't want to do that to anyone either."


I arrived back at the apartment around ten at night. My mom would usually wait for me to show up before going off to bed, but a guest was the last thing I expected.

When I opened a door, there was a man with short brown hair sitting across the table from my mom. I walked in right when they were started laughing hysterically.

I didn't even close the door behind me, I just immediately shot that man a death glare.

"Félix!" My mom greeted me happily, "Come! There's someone I want you to meet!" she got up excitedly and walked over to me.

"Oh really? I never would have guessed! There's just suddenly a random person in our apartment I've never met before! Is this a coincidence or a planned occurrence?"

"Oh hush you!" my mother tapped my arm lightly, casting me a stern gaze, "This is Claude!" she told meas Claude stood up to greet me. "The one I was telling you about!"

Before Claude could get close I glared at him, "Ah, so you're the troublesome, naff, dodgy, wanker that turned my mom into a hypocrite."

"FÉLIX!" my mom scolded me, "Play nice!"

Claude whistled, "Wow! That's a lot of fire!"

"Fine," I grumbled to my mom, "I apologize if my intelligence is off-putting, or unpropitious," I narrowed my eyes at him, "I hope I didn't damage your ego."

"Félix!!" my mom snapped. Uh oh, she had the spoon in her hand. Maybe I had gone too far...

"It's perfectly alright Monique," Claude smiled warmly at me. Should I be surprised or concerned? "He's just warning me not to hurt you."

I raised my eyebrows, slightly impressed, "Ah so you speak my language?"

"Is that a good thing?" Claude asked hopefully, his gaze darting back and forth between me and my mom.

"It means," I told him as I walked past him, "that I'll have to be more creative," I gave him a steely gaze.

"Monique, I hate to tell you this but I think your son has been kidnapped by aliens," Claude crossed his arms playfully. "He's nothing like what you told me."

I immediately shot him a hostile glance. What did he know about me?!

My mom put an appeasing hand on Claude's shoulder, although she still looked at me sternly.

"Alright, I'm sorry," he apologized, and even gave me a bow.

I had a million things I could have used to retort, by my mom glared at me, so I begrudgingly remained silent.

Claude tilted his head, I could see his eyes were on my ring, "May I see your ring, I have a love for antiques."

I immediately shoved my hand in my pocket, "No." I stormed over to my air mattress, which was only a meter and a half away, but I sat down next to it as moodily as I possible could and began pulling out the books Mme Dubois had asked me to read.

"Do you like cats?" Claude persisted.

"I'm a fish person, so no."

"Verrrrry interesting!"

I snapped my gaze at him, "If you have something to say then say it!"

Claude held up a hand calmly, as if to show he meant no harm, and smiled, "I just find it interesting that you're a blond with medium long hair, wear a cat ring, and moved to Paris around the same time Ladybug and Chat Noir first showed up."

I stared at him completely deadpan, "You think I'm Chat Noir..."

"No! Not at all! Just that you two are very similar and that there are a lot of coincidences going on!"

My mom looked at me puzzled. Her eyes asking me if there was any truth to this. She had noticed when I acquired the ring five years ago, however I never told her anything about it, not even when she asked me. She knew next to nothing about Fuko, the bad luck the ring caused, and how Adrien's death had been its fault. Plus every single bad thing that had happened to us. I could never bring myself to tell her. She always had way too much on her plate.

I stared back at the two of them completely deadpan. I shook my head disappointedly, "With that logic you could narrow down Chat Noir to any skinny blond guy with a cat ring." I pulled out my nightwear and headed to my mom's bedroom to change.

"Félix never talks about that ring," I heard my mom through the door while I dressed, "Not even to me. I don't know where he got it, or where it's from. I don't know why he wears it either."

Fuko floated next to me. She tilted her head, "Don't you think she at least deserves to know?" she asked me.

I brought my ring hand to my face and stared at it. It's green gem eyes stared back at me tauntingly. I clenched that hand into a fist and brought it down to my side, "I don't know Fuko," I whispered, "I want to tell her but..." I sighed. I didn't really have a good excuse, much less a reason.

I walked out of her room and saw her and Claude at the door. They were speaking softly to each other.

Claude gave me a friendly wave of farewell.

Get out, I glared at him.

He shrugged as if to say, I tried, then he left.

My mom clicked the door shut, then she looked at me, "You could be nicer to him you know," she told me.

I didn't meet her gaze.

My mom walked over and sat next to me, "He isn't anything like your father was, don't worry," she tried assuring me, "I won't be making that mistake again."

My father. Those were the most taboo words me and Adrien ever had growing up. She hadn't even minded curse words as long as we didn't use them in a mean way. However, any mention, or innocent question about our father induced a sour mood and silence for the day on her end. Once she even put us on timeout for pushing the subject too much in one go.

I felt tempted to ask her again about him since she was the one who brought it up, but decided against it.

My mom pulled my head towards her to give me a small good night kiss. Why she insisted on kissing my hair, I'll never know. "Just so you're warned," she told me, her eyes twinkling amused, "Claude is a reporter, he's pretty good at sniffing out information."

I self consciously covered my ring with my left hand. Just my luck.

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