College Love Story

Bởi DylansAngel2017

636 0 0

This is a love story about a big-time country star and an everyday girl who meet when they go to the same col... Xem Thêm

1 - Moving
2 - Dating
3 - Living Together
4 - Meeting The Family
5 - Engagement
6 - The Wedding
7 - First Year Of Marriage
8 -Pregnant With First Child
9 - I Give Birth To Our First Child
10 - Our Daughter Turns A Year Old
11 - Announcing Pregnancy Of Second Child
12 - Giving Birth To Our Second Child
13 - Taking Care Of The Children
14 - Scotty Runs Into An Old Love
15 - Performing At A Concert
16 - Scotty Goes On To A Talk Show
17 - Talking About Adoption
18 - Going To Guatemala To Adopt A New Baby
19 - Taking Care Of Our New Baby
20 - Scotty And I Hire A Babysitter
21 - Our Daughter Falls In Love With Her Babysitter
22 - Kimberly Starts Dating Dylan
23 - Dylan And Kimberly Are Engaged
24 - Kimberly's Big Day
25 - Kimberly Gets Pregnant With Twins
26 - Taking Care Of Their Twins
27 - We Invite Kimberly's Family Over For Dinner
29 - Our Daughter Excepting #3
30 - Being Married To A Country Star

28 - Christmas With The Family

11 0 0
Bởi DylansAngel2017


It was Christmas Day and so on that morning, I woke up and went down to the kitchen and made ourselves breakfast. While I was cooking, I heard Scotty get up and then he got out of bed and came downstairs. I was cooking some eggs and the aroma went up to our room and Scotty took in a long breath, sniffed and thought, Mmm, something smells delicious! Wonder what my wife is cooking us for breakfast on this Christmas morning. I guess I'd better go down and see what she is cooking us for our Christmas breakfast this morning. So he decided to get dressed and then I heard our bedroom door open, then he came down the steps, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me kiss good morning. I put the pan that had scrambled eggs in it back down on the stove so that I could give him a hug and kiss good morning. Then he pulled me in for a long hug and then I heard the eggs sizzling. I looked at him and said, "Honey, I have to get breakfast cooked. You do want to eat, don't you?" "Well, yes, I do." "Okay then, let me finish up here with cooking and then we can eat." "Okay. I'll leave you alone. Love you." We just then kissed and he asked me, "Where's the baby?" "Still asleep." "Oh okay." He then walked out to the living room and saw that there were tons of gifts under our Christmas tree. Then I decided to turn on the radio to listen to some Christmas songs and then I got excited. Scotty came over to me and asked, "Honey, why are you so excited?" "The reason why is because there is a newChristmas song on the radio and I LOVE IT!" "What is this song called?" "The song is by Kimberly's husband." "Oh! That guy Dylan who Kimberly got married to, not to long ago?" "Yes!" "What is the name of this song?" "It's called, 'Mistletoe' Every time I hear it, I sing it." "WHAT! YOU'VE STOPPED SINGING MY SONGS!" He looked at me, shocked. I kissed him and said, "Oh honey, of course not, I sing you're songs all the time, I still love you. Don't worry." He wiped his brow and said, "Phew! I was worried there for a second." Then I kissed him. The phone rang just then and then I looked at Caller ID. I picked up the phone and said,

Me: Hello?

Unknown Caller: Kelly, this is Dylan Schneider, your son-in-law, how are you?

Me: Oh, hello Dylan, how are you and Kimberly doing? How's married life?


Me: That's great! Is Kimberly there?

Dylan: Yes, she is. Here she is. Honey, your mom wants to say hi.

Then Kimberly got on the phone:

Me: Kimberly, it's Mom, how are you?

Kimberly: I'm great, Mom, how are you and Dad?

Me: We're fine. But we both miss you like crazy. Especially your father, he misses you something terrible. He's right here, do you want to say hi to him?

Kimberly: Please?

Me: Sure. Honey, Kimberly's on the phone, she wants to say hi to you.

Scotty: Kimberly, my baby girl, OH MY GOD! Honey, it's Dad, how are you? How's it feel to be married?

Kimberly: AMAZING! I LOVE BEING MARRIED! Dylan is a great husband.

Then Kimberly heard Dylan say, "Honey, I heard that!" Then she yelled back to him, "Well, it's true, honey."

Scotty: That's great. Did Mom tell you that we both still miss you here at home?

Kimberly: She did. I miss you both too. How's my brother?

Scotty: He's good, actually he's right here, Say hi to Sissy.

Jr.: Hi Sissy, I miss you.

Kimberly: I miss you too. I love you.

Jr. I love you too. 'Bye.

Kimberly: 'Bye. Alright, I'm getting off of here. Do you want Dylan again, Dad?

Scotty: Please?

Then Dylan got back on the phone and said,

Dylan: Scotty, Kelly, thanks for chatting with us and if you guys ever need me to babysit Jr. again, just call and I'll be right over.

Scotty and I Together: Thank you. Bye. Have a great night.

Dylan: You too. Goodnight.

Scotty and I Together: Goodnight

Then we hung up the phone and got back to eating dinner. So we sat down and started eating again. Once we were done, him and I brought over our plates and put them in the dishwasher. I started washing the dishes, but he came over to me and put his arms around me, then said, "I'll take over, you rest. You deserve it! Dinner was amazing too, honey." Then he kissed me on the forehead. So I decided to get on the computer to check a few things. E-mails. Facebook. After dishes were done, Scotty came down and saw me on the computer, so he pulled over a chair and asked, "What are you doing, honey?" "Looking at e-mails." With a raised eyebrow, he said, "Ah, I see." Then I logged out of my e-mail, logged on to my Facebook account and started looking at pictures. He looked at me and asked, "May I see the pictures that you have?" "Sure." So then I went to my pictures and he looked at them, one of them, shocked him, so he pointed it out to me and asked, "Who's that!" "That's Dylan, Kimberly's husband." "Oh okay." After that, I logged off. It was late so we decided to go to bed.


Scotty went to our Christmas tree and started looking under the tree to see if there were any gifts under it, THERE WERE TONS! So then he called me into the living room and said, "Honey, look under the tree!" "Oh my! We were treated very well this year." "I know. Well, shall we start opening?" "Please?" "Of course!" But before we opened gifts, I went up to our room and woke up our son and brought him down to the living room where Scotty and I were opening our gifts. I handed Jr. to Scotty so I could pull out my stocking and I also pulled out Scotty's, handed it to him and said, "Here." So we opened our stockings, Scotty got:


Guitar Picks and

New Bracelets

After he opened his stocking, I started mine. I was super excited when I looked at what I got in my stocking. I received:

Key chains With Family Photos Of Us (including our daughter and, Dylan, our son-in-law on their wedding day)

Perfume &


After stockings were opened, Scotty looked through the gifts, read the tags and handed me the one's that were me. So Scotty started searching for the bigger gifts that were under the tree and he pulled them out. I was still holding Jr. and feeding him a bottle. I looked over at my husband and asked, "Well, honey, what did you get?" "Let me see." He tore apart the wrapping paper and then he opened up a box, laying in it was a new flannel shirt. He took it out of the box, held it up, and said, "Well, looks like that it's going to fit." "Will it? You haven't tried it on yet. Who gave you that anyhow?" He looked at the tag and then said, "Kimberly did, honey." "That was very sweet of her to give you those." "Yes, it was. Kimberly, I love you so much, sweetheart. Thank you." "You're welcome, Dad. I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart." Then he kissed her.I had gotten some more

Itunes gift cards so that I could put more songs on to my Ipod,

New Rings

New Pair of Sandles

After the gifts were opened up and cleaned up, all of us went to the front door and Scotty and I asked, "Dylan, Kimberly, can you stay or do you have to head home?" "Well, we have to head home, it's late." "Okay." "Thanks again for the gifts. We appreciate it very much. Thank you both again." After they got their gifts and coats on, both of them came over to Scotty and I and said, "Alright. We have to get going. Merry Christmas!" Scotty and I just smiled and then Scotty gave a kiss to his daughter and shook hands with his son-in-law and then went to the door to let them out. I went to the door and waved good-bye to both of them. I also blew them both a kiss. Then Scotty came back in and said, "Woah! It's EXTREMELY cold out there. Brrrrr!" He put his hands to his mouth and blew on them to warm them. He walked over to me and put his hand on my cheek and I backed away quickly and said, "Oh my goodness! NOW THAT'S COLD!" "I told you." After that, he put his coat away and we went upstairs to get ready for bed since it was very late. Once we got settled in bed, he told me, "Merry Christmas, honey." I smiled and said, "Merry Christmas to you too, honey." Then we kissed and went to sleep.

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