10 - Our Daughter Turns A Year Old

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Our daughter Kimberly, had turned a year old and she had started to crawl. So one day while Scotty was home from touring, we were in the living room with our daughter and Scotty said to Kimberly, "Crawl over to Daddy, angel. Daddy's right here." So she crawled over to Scotty and he took her hands in his and then she stood up while holding on to his hands. I looked at both of them and smiled. Then he put her back down on the floor and said, "Now, crawl over to Mommy." He had gotten the video camera out and filmed her crawling over to me. Then she pulled herself up on to the edge of the couch and smiled at me. She looked at me and said, "Hi Mommy." "Hi sweetie. Look over at Daddy. He's taking a picture of you." I pointed in the direction of Scotty and Kimberly waved to him and said, "I love you, Daddy." He smiled and said, "I love you too, baby. Daddy loves you SO MUCH!" After the picture was taken he came back over to where we were and sat on the couch. Kimberly was trying to pull herself up on the couch. We just looked at each other and smiled. Then Scotty looked at Kimberly and said, "Good girl. That was great!" Then he looked at me and said, "I have the whole thing on video tape. Come over and look at it. See?" All I could say was, "Wow!" I covered my mouth to muffle laughter and Scotty looked at me and asked, "Honey? What's so funny?" I waved my hand and said, "Oh nothing." He then smiledand gave me a soft kiss on the cheek, pulled Kimberly onto his lap, wrapped his arms around her and gave her tons and tons of kisses. Then she put her head on his shoulder and fell asleep while her head was on his shoulder. When she woke up from her little nap, she looked up and saw that Scotty was looking her. She started to giggle and put her arms around his neck and said, "I love you so much, Daddy!" He looked at her and said, "I love you too, SO MUCH, baby." Then he picked her up and carried her into the kitchen and saw that I was at the table watching T.V. He sat down and asked, "Honey, is there anything good on T.V. right now?" "No, just the news." All he did was look at me and said, "BORING!" "I know, right?" He smiled at me and then I sat down on his knee and put my arms around his neck, started kissing him. So then he started flipping through the channels again and then jumped to his feet in excitement. I looked at him and asked, "Honey, why are you so excited?" "I'M SEEING MYSELF ON TV!" That's why he's so excited. I thought. "What song is on right now, honey?" "It's 'I Love You This Big' our wedding song. Remember when we took our first dance to this song at our wedding?" "Yes, I do." So while it was playing on the T.V. he took me by the hand and asked, "May I have this dance, madam?" I looked at him and smiled and said, "Yes, you may, sir." So then he took me in his arms and we danced to the whole song until it ended. After it ended, I yawned, he looked at me and asked, "You're yawning, you gettin' sleepy?" "Yes, I am." Then I started rubbing my eyes and so hepicked me up in his arms, while he was carrying me up I was already asleep on his shoulder and carried me up to bed, I had already put my head on his shoulder and then once we got up to our room, we went to bed.

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