18 - Going To Guatemala To Adopt A New Baby

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Four mouths after we got a picture from Guatemala. Scotty, Kimberly and I went to the airport and Scotty boarded a plane for Guatamala. Once he had his bags together, we left for the airport and while we were driving, I had tears in my eyes because I knew that my husband was going to be in a foreigncountry for a few days. He put his arms around me and kissed me on the forehead, then he said, "Honey, I have to leave now, the plane is starting to leave. I love you so much, angel. Take care of Kimberly for me while I'm gone, alright?" "I will. Love you." So then we exchanged kisses with each other and Kimberly and I watched Scotty go through security and on to the plane. Once on the plane, he buckled in and put his head on the head rest and took a nap.

Two hours later, he looked at his passport and said a silent prayer, Thank you Lord, for bringing me here safe and sound. Then he walked off of the plane and walked into the airport with his bags. Once he was in the airport in Guatemala, he pulled out his cell phone and called me.

Scotty: Honey, I just arrived here is Guatemala, I'm just waiting for someone to take me to the orphanage to get our new baby.

Me: Well, I'm glad that you arrived there safe and sound. Do you know when you will see the new baby?

Scotty: No, I'm not sure. I'll have to look around the orphanage to see the babies that are there up for adoption.

Me: Alright, well, when you find a baby, let me know.

Scotty: Will do. Alright, I have to go. Love you.

Me: Love you too, sweetheart. *Sends kisses over the phone*

After our discussion, he put his phone away and walked over to the orphanage, walked in and saw a lady holding our new baby that we were adopting. So Scotty walked in and asked, "Ma'am, may I hold him?" "Yes, you may, sir. Here you go." So then the lady handed Scotty our new baby. All Scotty could do was just hold our new baby in his arms and cry. After he wiped away a few tears, he said, "I'm sorry." "It's okay." So he held our new baby in his arms, and took his phone out to take a picture of the new baby and then he looked at the baby and said, "Hey, little man, smile for Mommy and Sissy." After the picture was taken, our son, OUR son, started to cry and so Scotty pulled out his pacifier and put it into his mouth so that he wouldn't cry anymore.

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