30 - Being Married To A Country Star

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My daughter Kimberly was married to her country singer husband, Dylan and they had a newborn daughter who they had just brought home from the hospital. So one morning, Kimberly and Dylan were asleep, Dylan heard their baby start to cry and so he decided to get up to check and see what was wrong. So he went over to her cradle, picked her up and asked, "Sweetie, it's Daddy, how did you sleep, my angel?" She yawned and looked up at him and said, "Daddy. Hungry." He looked at her and said, "Alright, I'll get you fed. Come on. Lets go downstairs and I'll feed you." So once they got to the kitchen,Dylan got Kimberly's bottle from the fridge and started feeding her. He sat down at the kitchen table and then he heard his wife come downstairs, she went over to her husband and daughter and kissed them good morning. Dylan looked at his wife and said, "Good morning, sweetheart." "Good morning, honey. How was your night?" "It was amazing while I slept by your side." Once that was said, they kissed each other good morning. Dylan handed his wife their daughter to continue feeding her and he went over tothe coffee pot and got started making his coffee while Kimberly finished up with cooking breakfast. When breakfast was done cooking, she took it over to the table and they started to eat. Breakfast that morning consisted of toast and eggs. Dylan smelled the delicious breakfast that his wife was cooking, so he decided to walk over to her and said, "It smells great, honey." After breakfast was cooked, Dylan brought it over to the table and Kimberly sat down. She was holding the baby by now and she started eating, but while she ate, she gave Dylan the baby so that he could feed her.

After breakfast, dishes got cleaned up and then Kimberly and Dylan got ready for their day. Dylan took their daughter upstairs and got her dressed. Once she was dressed, he put her into her cradle for a nap. Then he came over to Kimberly and said, "Alright, she's down for a nap, now we have time to ourselves." So they decided to go into the family room and watch TV. While they watched TV, Kimberly ironed their clothes and Dylan started flipping through the channels to see if there was anything good on. Then the phone rang and Dylan grabbed it and said:

Dylan: Hello?

Unknown Caller: Son, it's Mom, how are you?

Dylan: Oh hey, Mom, I'm good. I'm just watching TV and my wife is ironing our clothes right now. Who would you like to speak with?

Dylan's Mom: You, honey. So I just talked to your manager and he said that you have a packed weekend of interviews that you have to do.

Dylan: What about shows?

Dylan's Mom: No, no shows this weekend, just interviews.

Dylan: Oh okay, so when is the first one?

Dylan's Mom: In a few minutes.

Dylan: Oh no! I'm late! Where is it at?

Dylan's Mom: Actually, come to think about it, you DO have a show tonight after this interview.

Dylan: Oh alright, but Mom, do you know where this interview is being held?

Dylan's Mom: No I'm not sure, honey. Call your manager and ask him. He should know.

Dylan: Okay, I'll do that. Alright, I'm getting off now. Love You Mom.

Dylan's Mom: Love you too. Take care, honey. Give the kids a kiss from your father and I.

Dylan: Will do. Love you.

Then he hung up from his mom, it was late, so the family decided to go to bed. Kimberly took the baby up to her cradle and laid her down. Then Dylan came up behind his wife and whispered, "It's late, let's get to bed, honey." He went over to the cradle and kissed his daughter on the forehead and said, "Sleep well, angel. Mommy and I love you." Then he got in bed, turned off the side table lamp and snuggled up to his wife, kissed her and said, "I love you sweetheart, sleep well, honey." "You too. Love you." After they kissed again, they went to bed.

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