20 - Scotty And I Hire A Babysitter

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One evening Scotty and I were at home, we were planning on going out to dinner, but there was a problem. Oh no! A problem! I looked at Scotty and said, "Honey, we can't leave the kids alone while we go out to dinner. I'll look online and call whoever I can to come over and babysit the kids while we're out for dinner." "Okay, sounds good to me." So Scotty went to the computer and looked up to see if there were any babysitters anywhere that could watch our kids while we went out the dinner for the night. Scotty's phone rang and answered it while we were out to dinner. He held up a finger and said, "Just a second, honey." Then he looked at me and said, "I have to take this, I'll be right back." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and went into the kitchen and answered the call.


Scottty: Hello, this is Scotty McCreery speaking, may I ask who is this calling?

Unknown Caller: My name is Dylan Schneider, I'm the new babysitter.

Scotty: Oh, alright. Come over to my house, so that my wife and I can meet you. Also so that you can our meet children.

Unknown Caller: Alright, just give me directions to your house and I'll be right over.

Scotty:Alright, Here is my address.

He texted the guy our address and his cell phone # so in case he got lost, he could call and get some help. After Scotty gave him directions, they got back on the phone and said:

Unknown Caller: Alright Scotty, I've got it in my GPS on my phone and I'll be over in a few. Thank you.

Scotty: You're welcome. Okay, see you when you get here. Just park out front, ring the bell, and either my wife or myself will answer.

Unknown Caller: Alright. See you when I get there.

After that they got off the phone and this guy got in his truck, put in our address in his GPS in his phone so that he could find our house. Once this guy arrived at our house, he went up to the front door and rang the bell. Scotty went to the door, looked through the peep hole and then answered the door.

Conversation Between Dylan And Scotty:

Scotty: Sir, it's great to meet you, sir. Your name sir, may I ask?*both shake hands*

Dylan: My name is Dylan, sir. So where is your wife and the kids?

Scotty: Right this way. *takes Dylan into the kitchen*

So then I walked over to my husband, while holding the baby, I asked him, "Honey, who is this guy?" "He is the babysitter I hired to watch the kids while we go out to dinner tonight." "Are you sure he'll be okay with the kids, I mean we've only JUST met him." "Oh, I'm sure. I don't see a problem." He looked over at Dylan and asked, "Do you see a problem?" "No, I don't, sir." So they shook hands and then Scotty went over to the kids and said, "Kids, meet your babysitter. His name is Dylan." Dylan squatted down and shook our daughter's hand. Kimberly looked at him and asked, "Who are you?" "Your babysitter." I handed Dylan the baby, he looked at me and said, "He's beautiful, ma'am. I promise that they'll be in good hands." Scotty looked at him and said, "My wife says that I'm a natural when I hold our son. Don't you, honey." Then he kissed me on the forehead and said, "You said so yourself." After that, Scotty and I left to go out to dinner, but not before we kissed the kids good-bye. So then Scotty said, "Don't worry, if he cries, he'll calm down in a little while, he'll get used to you." Then I said, "His bottles are in the fridge, if he gets hungry. "Alright, thank you for telling me that, sir and ma'am." "You're welcome, sir." So then Scotty and I left to go out to eat, Dylan was left with the kids.

*2 hours later*

Dylan and the kids went down to the family room and watched a movie. He looked at Kimberly and asked, "Kimberly, what would like to watch?" Kimberly picked out Shrek and showed it to Dylan and he said, "Alright, I'll put it in and we can watch it together." So then he put it in the DVD player and pressed PLAY on the DVD remote. Once the PLAY button was pushed, they sat down on the couch and watched the movie. So Dylan was holding our new baby in his arms, just like my husband would. Then the baby started to cry, so Dylan rocked him and he stopped crying. He got our son his bottle and fed him while Kimberly watched the movie.

After the movie was over, Kimberly got up from the floor and walked to Dylan and he looked at her and asked, "Yes?" She started to yawn and so then she said, "I'm getting tired." He looked at her and asked, "Do you want to go to bed now or wait up for Mommy and Daddy?" No answer, she was already curled up beside him on the couch, fast asleep.

*1 hour later*

The front door opened and Scotty and I came home to find both of the kids fast asleep. Dylan was holding the baby and Kimberly was curled up against Dylan, he had the baby in one arm and the other around Kimberly. We both walked into the family room and just stood in the doorway and stared at the sight that was before us. All we could do was look at each other and smile. So then Scotty went over to Dylan, gently shook him awake and whispered, "Sir, my wife and I are home. You may leave and go home if you wish, or you can stay if you wish." Dylan woke up and saw Scotty looking at him, so he whispered, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you two were home. Here's the baby." Dylan handed Scotty the baby, then Dylan shook Kimberly awake, and whispered, "Mommy and Daddy are home now." Then he stood up and Kimberly woke up, looked at him and asked, "Can he stay Daddy?" "Well, I don't think so, I think he has to go home and get to bed himself, am I right, sir?" "Yes, you're right, but if she wants me to stay, I will. Do you two have a guest room?" "Yes, we do. Do you need some night clothes to change into before you go to bed this evening?" "Yes, I do." "Well, you can barrow one of my t-shirts and shorts to sleep in, if you want." "Yes, please, sir." So then all of us headed up to the bedroom, Dylan gave me the baby, but not before he placed a kiss on his forehead and whispered, "Night, little man. Sleep well. See you in the mornin.'" All of us went upstairs and then Scotty told me, "You go ahead and get in bed while I thank and say good-night to Dylan." "Alright." So before I went in, Dylan said to me, "It was great to meet you, ma'am. Goodnight, sleep well, and I'll see you in the mornin.'" He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Scotty looked at him and scowled and said, "Hey, that's my job!" Then he looked at Dylan in a teasing way and said, "I'm only teasing. Thanks again for taking care of our children with care, while we were out this evening." "It was certainly my pleasure, please, if you need me again, just call and I'll be right over." "Thank you, thank you, again, sir. I have your # in my cell, so if I need to call, I'll dial your #." After that, Dylan went to bed in the guest room, but before he did, he went into Kimberly's room and tucked her in, Scotty came up behind him and again he said, "That's my job!" Dylan looked at him, "I'd love to be a father someday, so this is my only exposure with young children. If you don't mind." "No, it's fine. Thank you for doing that." "You are most welcome, sir." So then Scotty gave him some extra clothes that he had so that Dylan could have something to wear to bed. After he changed and we all went to sleep.

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