12 - Giving Birth To Our Second Child

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Two years into our marriage, I had to go into the hospital to give birth to my second child with my husband, Scotty. So one day Scotty told Kimberly, our daughter that she was going to have a sibling and she was excited! Scotty and I were in the car, by now, and when we arrived at the hospital and so Scotty and I went up the reception desk and Scotty explained the whole situation. The lady behind the desk said to him, "Sir, please have a seat and I will let a doctor know. Thank you." "Thank you, ma'am." "You're welcome." So she went back to her paperwork and then she looked up and thought she recognized him. She looked at him and asked, "Sir, would you come up here for a minute. I think I know who you are." So he stood up and walked over to the reception desk. He looked at the girl behind thedesk and asked, "You do? Who am I?" "You're from American Idol, you won Season 10. Wait... YOU'RE SCOTTY MCCREERY! OH MY GOSH!" The receptionist came out from behind her desk and Scotty went up to her and they shook hands and started talking. Then I let out a scream. They both stopped talking and the receptionist said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll let the doctor know that you're here to see him. Just take a seat and I'll let him know." "Alright, thank you, ma'am." So him and I took and a seat and just read some magazines. Then a nurse came out to the waiting room and asked, "Mrs. McCreery?" So when we heard my name announced we both stood up and went back to an examining room with her. She told me, "Alright, lay on down this bed and I'll hook you up to some oxygen to help you breathe." "Thank you." So then Scotty sat next to me and held my hand to keep me calm.

Four hours later, my doctor came into my room and got set up so that I could push the baby out. So the doctor looked at Scotty and asked, "Dad, can you hold one of her legs?" "Sure. Doc." So then my legs were covered with a blue sheet and then my doctor said, "Alright, Kelly, push down into your bottom." I started sweating and so Scotty put a towel on my head and started wiping. Then we saw the head pop out and so the doctor suctioned the baby's nose and mouth so that it could breathe. Once the head was all the way out, the rest of the body of the baby slowly came out. After the baby was all the way out, the baby let out a scream. The doctor looked up at me and said, "CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!" Scotty smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead and said, "I love you so much, baby girl." Scotty kissed me on the forehead and then went over to see his new little baby.

Three months later, I was able to go home with my new baby and so my husband came by. He went up to the reception desk and asked, "Is my wife ready to go to home?" The girl looked up at him and said, "Yes, sir, she is. Let me go get her for you." So the receptionist called for my doctor and the doctor came out and saw Scotty standing in the waiting room, "Sir, your wife is ready to go and get out to the car." "Alright, I'll follow you." So both of them walked to my room and saw me in a wheelchair ready to go to the car. I had my baby in my arms already. Scotty grabbed my bags and a balloon and a bouquet of flowers that friends had given me. So we walked out to the car and Scotty opened my door and helped me into the passenger seat, closed my door and then took the baby. Then he buckled the baby into the car seat. He got in the driver's seat and we drove on home with a new baby in the back seat of the car.

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