9 - I Give Birth To Our First Child

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I was in the hospital and Scotty was by my side. The nurse came in and asked us, "Are you two ready to see your first child?" We both answered, "Yes! We are!" So then my doctor came in and told Scotty, "Dad, hold one of her legs and Kelly, push down into your bottom and PUSH!" So I pushed as hard as I could and then we saw the head pop out. The doctor looked up and said, "Hold on, okay, push again. Okay, hold on, here comes the rest of the body. Okay, one more push." Soon we heard a cry and we knew that the baby was out. I breathed a sigh of relief and Scotty looked at me and whispered, "You did it! Great job, honey." Then he kissed me on the forehead and whispered, "I love you SO much, honey. I love you this big, honey." He just continued kissing me until the doctor came over to us and asked Scotty, "Sir, would you like to come over and see your baby?" "Yes sir, thank you." He kissed me on the forehead and whispered, "I'll be right back." So then he went over to see where our baby was and he put his hand by the baby's small hand. The baby grabbed one of his fingers and squeezed it. He picked up the baby and brought her over to me to hold. He placed her in my arms and said, "Here you go, honey, here she is." "Oh my! She's beautiful." We just looked up at each other and smiled. Then I looked down at my little girl that I was now, holding in my arms. Scotty smiled and said, "You both are my beautiful girls. I'm married to one and the father of the other one." Four days later, we went home as a family. Once we got home I put our little girl to bed.

The next morning, I got up and then looked over at the cradle beside my bed. I saw my little girl sleeping in her cradle and then looked over at my husband's side of the bed and put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. I whispered, "Honey, it's me, good morning." I kissed him lightly on the cheek. Then I crawled off of our bed and picked up our baby. I got our baby's bottle and fed her in the kitchen. Then Scotty walked up behind me, gave me a kiss and said, "Sweetheart, give her to me, I'll feed her, you go ahead cook breakfast." "Are you sure?" "Yes, go ahead, I'll feed her." So then I walked down to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. After it was cooked and ready, I set it out on the table, Scotty and I sat down and started eating, while our little baby slept in her dad's arms.

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