7 - First Year Of Marriage

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Scotty and I had been married for a year and so he decided to into the studio and record a special love song for our 1st anniversary of marriage. While he was in the studio, he called me on the phone to talkto me and discuss plans of the song that he was going to record. We were on the phone for almost 2 hours talking about the new song that he was going to record in the studio for me. So about 2 hours later he came out of his studio with a piece of paper in his hand and so he ran upstairs to the kitchen where I was cooking something and he walked over to me and said, "Honey, I'VE GOT IT! I'VE GOT IT!" "You got what, honey?" "The new song that I was writing. Remember that I told you that I was busy writing a new song for a new album?" "Oh right, yes, I remember, so where is it?" He handed me the piece of a paper with the lyrics of the song on it. I looked at him and asked, "Does this song have a title?" "No, not yet, maybe you can help me think of one." So then I looked at him and said, "I'll look at it and read it when I'm done with cooking. Are you hungry?" "Yes, please, I'm STARVING! What are you cooking there?" "Honey, calm yourself, I'm cooking some chicken with a veggie. Sound good?" "That's fine. What veggie are you cooking?" "Green beans. Is that alright?" "Yes, that's fine." We sat down and Scotty said grace: Heavenly Father, please bless this food that we are about to share. In Your name, we pray. Amen. Then we started eating and watched TV while we ate our dinner. After dinner I did the dishes and Scotty cleared the table. While he was bringing over our plates, I started washing the dishes. After dishes were done, we went upstairs and got ready for bed. He pulled down our blankets and then I got in and snuggled down into the blankets. He got in and we covered ourselves up and we kissed each other goodnight and we went to sleep.

The next morning, Scotty woke up and then saw me fast asleep so he decided to leave to let me sleep and then he got up. He went downstairs to the kitchen and started to cook breakfast. When breakfast was ready, he walked upstairs and knocked softly on the bedroom door, opened it and said, "Honey, breakfast is ready, come on down." I woke up, got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen and we ate breakfast and after dishes were cleaned up and put away, we started our day.

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