21 - Our Daughter Falls In Love With Her Babysitter

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One evening, Scotty and I had to go out again and so we called Dylan and he answered his phone. Here is the conversation:

Scotty: Dylan, this is Scotty. I'm sure you remember when I called you before when my wife and I asked for you to come over and babysit for us. Do you remember?

Dylan: Oh yes, I do, sir. Do you need me again tonight?

Scotty: As a matter of fact, yes we do, my wife and I going out to dinner again, but this time with my parents, my sister and my brother-in-law. My sister just got married.

Dylan: Well congrats to your sister on the marriage.

Scotty: Why, thank you, sir. That's very nice of you to say. But anyhow, so you still have our address in your GPS right?

Dylan: Yes, I still have it. So I'll see you when I get there.

Scotty: Alright, see you when you get here.

Dylan: Alright.

So than they got off the phone, Dylan got in his car, drove over to our house and rang the bell, just as before and guess who ran up to him? That's right, KIMBERLY DID! She started jumping up and down when she saw who was looking at her through the window of the door. HER FAVORITE BABYSITTER! So then Dylan ran to her, picked her up and spun her around in a circle. SHE LOVED THAT! Then he walked over to me while holding Kimberly and asked me, "How's this little man?" "Just fine, sir, thank you for asking." "You're welcome. Would you like to hold him?" He put Kimberly down and she walked over to me. He told me, "Yes ma'am, please? May I?" "Yes, you may." Our son cried a little but then realized who was holding him and he stopped right away. But before we left, we both kissed the kids, Scotty said to Kimberly, "Kimberly, sweetie, come here. Look at me, behave while Mommy and I are gone." "Okay Daddy, I will." So then Dylan watched T.V. while holding the baby. Kimberly just colored a picture and then after it was finished, she walked over to Dylan and said, "For you." "Really? Oh my goodness, thank you." He picked up Kimberly and hugged her. He looked at her and asked, "So who's in this picture?" "Well, here you are." She pointed to Dylan in the picture. Then she looked at him and said, "Here's me." She pointed to herself being held by Dylan. After Kimberly gave him the picture, he looked at his phone and said, "Well, it's late, I must be going home now." I took her from Dylan's arms and then she started to cry since he was leaving. He looked at me and asked, "May I take her a minute, to talk to her and give her something?" "Sure." So then Dylan picked up Kimberly and they went into the kitchen. He pulled out a picture of himself and handed it to Kimberly and he said, "Here is a picture of me, you can put it by your bed. If you miss me, just look at it and also here is a CD with my songs on it, so in case you start to miss me. Alright, oh don't cry." He got down on his knees and wrapped her in a hug to try to soothe her tears. By the time she was done crying his whole shirt was soaked with her tears. Hedidn't mind though, he knew that she was upset that he MUST leave to go back to his own house. But before he left, he shook mine and Scotty's hands to thank him for staying at our house for the night. After that, he took our son in his arms and rocked him one last time. "Good-bye, little man. I'll be back, I promise." He put his free hand on his heart to say that he would keep this promise to our son. Then he handed our son back to me and picked up Kimberly and said, "Remember what I said. Keep that picture by your bed and listen to that CD whenever you miss me. Of course, I promise to be back whenever your parents need me to babysit you and your brother." Then he gave her a kiss lightly on the forehead and said, "Love you, angel. I'll see you soon." After he left, she walked over to Scotty and I and whispered to me, "I think I'm in love." Scotty looked at her and scowled, "KIMBERLY RAE MCCREERY! YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE IN LOVE WITH THAT MAN!" After that was said, she ran into her room and sobbed.


Scotty showed up at Kimberly's bedroom door, knocked softly, and said, "Kimberly, it's Dad. I just wanted to come in and apologize for the way that I acted earlier. I'm very sorry." He put his hand on his heart to say he was sorry. Then Kimberly scooted closer to him and he pulled her into a hug. He looked at her and said, "Now that I think about it, this guy sounds like he's a nice guy. But, you can't marry him now, you're too young. BUT maybe when you're older. Alright?" "Okay Daddy. Thank you. I love you." "Love you too, baby." He kissed her on the forehead and then they came back downstairs and Dylan was still downstairs talking with me. He was telling me that he would have a concert that weekend and he gave us tickets and also backstage passes to the show. Kimberly ran over to Dylan, tugged on his shirt, he looked down at her and asked, "What?" "Hold me." He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "I LOVE YOU!" She started kissing him all over his face, but he didn't care in the least. All he said, "Oh my goodness, you really DO love me." "Yes, I do." After that it was late, so all of us went to bed.

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