Forever Lost

By Katclub8

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Melody's life has never been normal. She's done things she's regretted, yet she doesn't quite know how. She c... More

Forever Lost
Chapter One: It's All Just One Big Flashback
Chapter Two: Got to Love Canadians
Chapter Three: Poor Mark Waters
Chapter Four: A Rush of Regret
Chapter Five: Final Flashback, Or So You Hope, Don't You?
Chapter Six: Gnawing At My Soul
Chapter Seven: Suicidal Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Alone Time (Till Yonder Windows Break)
Chapter Nine: Back From The Grave
Chapter Ten: Message To Melody
Chapter Eleven: Three Letters From Guardians
Chapter Twelve: Who Are You?
Chapter Thirteen: Chris and Miss Memory Loss
Chapter Fourteen: They Were Chocolate Brown
Chapter Fifteen: I Wake Up Screaming
Chapter Sixteen: She's In Amane
Chapter Seventeen: Dark Jade
Chapter Eighteen: It's Happened Once And It Will Happen Again
Chapter Nineteen: Anything For You
Chapter Twenty-One: Silence Doesn't Talk
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Fortress, He's Escaped
Chapter Twenty-Three: Night Of The Legendary New Moon
Chapter Twenty-Four: Welcome To Kurma
Chapter Twenty-Five: I've Been Attacked By A Ninja
Chapter Twenty-Six: Blue-Skinned Joe
Chapter Twenty-Seven: I Outgrew Mercy Long Ago
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Seventh Star
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Casualty Count
Chapter Thirty: I Have No Regrets
Chapter Thirty-One: What The Hell Were You Thinking
Chapter Thirty-Two: I Go By Many Names
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Story
Chapter Thirty-Four: I Open My Eyes
Chapter Thirty-Five: So This Is What It's Like To Be A Cat
Chapter Thirty-Six: When I See Prey, I Attack
Attention!!! -Author's Message! Important!-

Chapter Twenty: You Can't Escape

75 2 0
By Katclub8

The picture to the side is the closest to what I imagine to be Renee. (Animation)


Adrenaline runs through my veins, the sensation sweet on my lips, my skin crawling in delight. He finally pulls away, a smile on his face.

"Morning my love," he smiles brightly.

"Good morning," I smile in response.

The night before seemed to never end. After having a talk with Crale about the whole Mark deal, we went back to cleaning. Crale got the kitchen all cleaned up within an hour, with the help of Fix - I love that weasel -. Talon flew around, picking up large glass shards with her talons, and throwing them away, saving us from bleeding. Julie and Mask dealt with the food covered walls, scraping off the chunks with their claws. Derick and I finished sweeping, Crale joining in and helping with the cushions. We finished at about four... in the morning.

Crale carries me downstairs - we used another guest bedroom -, both of us in jeans and grey T's.

"Hey, what's up?" Rebecca chimes in at the fixed dining table. She's eating a bowl of Life - live longer, happier -.

"Nothing much, how'd you sleep?" I smile. Considering how wild yesterday was, I'd say we're all trying to cover it up with a bunch of smiles and pleasant conversation.

We - Crale and I - take the opposite side of that table, across from Rebecca, We grab some fruit in a bowl and begin to eat.

"Okay, but a little uneasy."

"Why's that?"

She gestures to the empty seat next to her.

"Ah, where is he?" Crale takes a clean bite out of a green apple while I start to peel my banana.

"After you guys finished cleaning, he came in to tell me he's be back in around an hour with groceries, then he's leave again to talk to Renee about something."

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

She shakes her head, giving a half smile. "Soon, I hope. So, uh -- what was so important?"

Crale and I share a quick worried glance. "Uh-"

"-Hey, sorry, had to talk to-" Derick walks in the front door.

"Hey!" Rebecca jumps out of her seat, running to him. He smiles almost immediately. She jumps into his arms and he hugs her. "I missed you!"

He laughs. "I missed you, too."

Crale smiles, slowly standing. I follow his lead. "Hey,"

"Hey," he replies calmly back. Rebecca squeals."

"What did you have to tell Renee?" I ask, walking over to a couch and flopping down. Crale sits next to me.

Derick sets Rebecca down and she immediately transforms out of her insane eagerness into complete seriousness.

"Actually, she called me." He replies, taking a seat on one end of the love seat, Rebecca on his lap.

Our attention turns to the stairs, creaking, the sound of tiny and large paws running down them. Julie and Mask trot past the threshold, their tails high. They walk right past us and into the bedroom that Rebecca was in last night. Mask kicks the door closed with his leg.

Crale and I share a confused glance, but we disregard this and return out attention to Derick and Rebecca.

"What about?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"She told me about you being in amane and Mark being your soul mate."

"So it's true, huh?" Crale looks at me with sorrowful eyes.

I give him a half smile, curling my fingers behind his ear, wrapping my arm around his neck.

"Sadly, yes, however, which soul is unknown."

"Which soul?"

"Yeah, Melody has two souls, only one of them is connected with Mark."

"So, the other one-"

"Exactly," I smile and he smiles in return.

"But anyways," Derick interrupts after a moment. "She told me not to worry about that now, instead we should worry more so about what's going to happen in about five days."

"Wait, what day is it today?" questions Rebecca.

"The nineteenth." Derick responds back calmly.

"Damn, so five days exactly." Crale comments, picking me up and setting me on his lap.

Derick nods. "So, where do we start?"

A faint buzz is heard and our heads turn to the closed door. The sound of nails against wood is heard and Derick guts up, opening the door. Out runs Julie with the envelope in her mouth. She prances to me and I reach down and take it. She then jumps on the arm of the chair, curling herself up and tucking her head between her paws. Mask runs out of the room soon after her, leaping on the couch and sitting down beside Crale. Talon flies out and perches on Rebecca's shoulders, Fix bounding across the floor, hoping on the couch, curling up on Derick's lap.

I slide my fingers below the lid and it flips open, the writing fluent and careful. I hand it to Crale and he reads the words flawlessly, each and every word crisp and clear, flowing as if they were his own.

"Melody, Chris, Derick, and Rebecca,

It's a rare occasion that we use one letter to address four different people, however, we are anyway since we can.

Anyway, the information has been passed on. Sadly, they're all true. Melody is in amane, -- Derick, I'll let you fill Rebecca in on what all of these terms mean -- and Mark is her soul mate, or so we believe. However, we do know for a fact that he is still alive because of a Tumb-Gee, though the theory about Melody receiving a roke is for her to decide.

The last few days have been full of a large amount of information. The 16th spent with Renee and Mathew, the 17th with Jessica and Joe, and now the 19th with Rebecca and Derick. First you learned about Amane, then about Mark. But guess what, you get to learn about the 24th today.

However, unlike Renee with her vast knowledge about practically everything or Jessica with her bilingual brain, Derick and Rebecca don't have anything that can help you out. So, all of us - the Guardians of you four - will be your teachers.

You all should know that there is a new moon on the 24th. Before you ask, no, it is no concedince. Unlike previous lessons, this one will be short.

Simple, today will be the last day you will see each other until the 24th. These will be your set locations until that meeting date. (Speaking as of tomorrow).

Melody - Chris will give you a ride home. He will take his car back (Joe should have brought your lotus back by now). You and Julie will remain there for the next four days.

Chris - after dropping off Melody and Julie, take the lotus and go back to your apartment. You and Mask will remain there for the next four days.

Rebecca - you'll stay here with Talon for the next four days.

Derick - behind Rebecca's mansion is a shimmering lake. Behind that is a dense woods. Fix will guide you to your designated location within them. We locate you there because we know you'll be able to survive there. You and Fix will remain there for the next four days.

Jessica - you will go back home to Martha. She's out though, so you'll be there alone. You and Ivy will stay there for the next four days.

Joe - you will stay home. You and Slick will remain there for the next four days.

Renee - you will return to the open field you always stayed at while you were still with the adoption center. You and Wisdom will stay there for the next four days.

Mathew - you will stay in your apartment. You will remain there with Fear for the next four days.

Ria - contact the other spirits. The coming is near.

Call the others and tell them everyone's location. Tomorrow is the split, today you prepair to part.

May your spirits protect you and your Guardians forever loyal.

Your Guardians,

Forest Wielder Stealth, Wood Wielder Kyle, Outcast, and the Gates Guardian."

The letter folds itself up and Crale sets it down beside Mask. I lean further into him, resting my head on his shoulder. Derick sighs heavily before standing, stretching in the process.

"I'll go call the others," he groans, walking towards the wall phone.

I rest my eyes, seeming to just melt into him. His arms go around me, a warm smile spreading on my face as his warmth seems to drown me.

"I guess I'll go get the camping gear ready for Derick." Rebecca sighs, standing.

I open my eyes. My eyes follow her as she walks towards the ascending stairs, but a yellow blur grabs my attention. I focus on it to find it's the yellow post it note attached to the inside of the hole in the wall. I lean forward and Crale's hands slide back to my hips.

"What is it?" he asks curiously.

"There's a note there," I stare at it intently. Something has been scribbled on to it, but I can't make out the words.

"Note in what?"

I push myself onto my feet and begin to cautiously approach the note. "In the hole,"

He gives me a look of confusion and concern.

I stand in front of it and slowly reach in, grabbing onto the post-it note. I spin around, Crale now beside me. I side my back down the wall, sitting on the floor.

I hold the note in my fingers, starring at the written words.

"What's it say?" he looks over my shoulder.

"This doesn't make any sense."


I flip the sheet over, though there's nothing on the back, so I flip it back over to the other side.

There is only eighteen different words, fifty-three total. It's a small space to fit it all, yet they do.

It reads:

You can't escape. I know where you go, what you do, what you think, what you say, what you want, what you need, where you'll go, what you'll do, what you'll think, what you'll say, what you'll want, what you'll need. I know you better than you even know yourself. You can't escape.

"Wow, that's -- wow." Crale stares in awe at the words.

I can't speak. Who could possibly know me that much?

"Who do you think sent that?" he asks curiously.

I shake my head, hands beginning to shake in nervousness.

He rests his hand over mine. "Maybe it's not for you." he comforts.

I nod, hesitant. "Yeah, tha-that must be it." I stand, by my legs feel like jello and I slump back down the wall. His arm goes around my shoulder, his other under my knees. He stands with me in his arms.

"You okay?" he stares down at me eyes deep with concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I moan, closing my eyes.

He sets me down on the couch. I can feel his arms sliding out from under me. A few moments pass then I feel a blanket slide over me. My skin crawls in delight as he kisses my forehead. "Sweet dreams, Mel." he whispers before walking away.

Normally, something like this wouldn't have this strong effect on me, but after what's happened in the past couple of days, it's no wonder why I fall asleep so quickly.

Sleep comes, but the dreams down't, not even the voices. All is quiet in my mind.

Or so I believe, until it comes.

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