Forsaken Blood [Weekly Update...

By OneLessFantasy

8.1K 743 635

| Galaxy Book Contest - First Prize in Fantasy | | Golden Weekly Awards Winner | One queen, two kin... More

Bonus Chapter: The Letter
Eleven (I)
Eleven (II)
Bonus Chapter: Once Upon A Time...
Seventeen (I)
Seventeen (II)
Eighteen (I)
Eighteen (II)
Twenty (I)
Twenty (II)
Twenty-two (I)
Twenty-two (II)
Bonus Chapter: Gabriel's POV
Twenty-seven (I)
Twenty-seven (II)
Twenty-eight (I)
Twenty-eight (II)
Twenty-eight (III)
Twenty-nine (II)
Thirty (II)
Thirty (III)
Thirty one (I)
Thirty-One (II)
Thirty-four (I)

Twenty-nine (I)

92 10 11
By OneLessFantasy

"What is going on here?"

The Sun had started its decent towards the horizon when Rochelle stepped out of the Duke's Villa. The main gates were already open before she crossed the courtyard with her mother and brother. But to their surprise a crowd of guards were gathered around the doors, trying to keep someone out.

"We are sorry but visiting hours are over." One of the guards intoned in a monotonous voice.

"We've been here for hours! You are going to tell me where the duchess' daughter is right this instance!" The voice sounded familiar and Rochelle tried to catch a glimpse of the two men who were struggling to gain entry.

"Mother you wait here for a moment." Rochelle's younger brother, Sebastian said. "I'll go see what is going on."

Lady Giselle had her brows furrowed and nodded. Things were less strained between mother and daughter and Rochelle was grateful for it. The past was in the past. She would never forget what had happened but she could learn to live with it. To not let her mother's mistakes define her life.

Sebastian hurried towards the guards and Rochelle moved to follow him. The guards instantly made way for the young Duke of Foltron and the boy came to a stop just on the edge of his premises.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sebastian thundered with more conviction and authority than one would expect from a boy barely into his tenth summer.

Rochelle came to a stop besides her brother and trained her eyes on the two men outside the gates. She couldn't help the smile that stretched across her features. She leaned forward and called, "what's the matter, boys. Did you miss me too much?"

"She's in a better mood." Graham mumbled as Ford stepped forward with evident relief. A light sting of guilt gnawed at her insides at the way she had treated the captain back on the docks. He was only trying to help her and she had snapped at him.

"We thought--" Ford stopped just a few feet from her and was struggling for words. She smiled reassuringly back at him. "I'm fine. I just wasn't thinking straight this morning. A few things needed ironing out before my ruffled feathers settled."

"Is that the Knight that came with Prince Daniel?" Lady Giselle asked from over Rochelle's shoulder. She had moved closer and was scrutinizing the visitors.

Rochelle shared an amused glance with her brother before she noticed how uncomfortable Graham seemed under her mother's scrutiny.

Graham coughed once before bowing slightly and saying, "yes, your grace. I'm Prince Daniel's personal guard and head of security."

"Then is the prince here with you too?" Her mother asked, obviously imagining a royal wedding for her daughter.

"Of course not." Rochelle scoffed. She started to move towards the Captain and Graham but her mother caught her arm.

"You're leaving?" There was hurt in her mother's eyes along with a hint of worry.

"We are on a tight schedule." She answered simply.

Rochelle hadn't told Lady Giselle about what had happened at the castle. She had simply said that she was going to to Caim for a mission of utmost importance. She hadn't lied exactly. Just hid the important details.

"Are you sure you won't stay the night?" Her mother asked, still not letting go of Rochelle's arm.

"I apologise, your grace. But I wish to set sail before sundown." Captain Sheratt answered and moved forward to offer his arm to Rochelle.

Lady Giselle reluctantly let her arm go but pulled her into a hug. It was awkward for both of them but they got through it. They had a large gap to bridge but Rochelle felt that they had already covered significant ground.

"Stay safe, daughter. I'm sorry for everything." Lady Giselle whispered into her ear before stepping back She smiled but didn't let Rochelle answer before turning to go back into the Villa.

Rochelle turned to her brother next and offered her hand. Sebastian shook it firmly and said, "you'll always be welcomed on Lysander."

She inclined her head in gratitude and with one final wave, took the captain's arm and headed towards the docks. Graham flanked her other side and the three of them navigated the bustling busy streets.

"How long were you out there?" She couldn't help but ask as they sidestepped another hawker selling the last of his wares. The day was almost over and many sellers and their respective buyers had gone home. But a few still littered the streets preying on the stragglers.

"We followed right behind you." The captain finally answered. "I gave Finn orders to see to the supplies and uncle was put in charge of handling the pirate crew."

"So most of the day." Rochelle mused out loud.

"Well after what you said on the docks we were convinced you were heading to your own execution." Graham mumbled from her right.

"And you were worried about me?" She teased. It was satisfying to see Graham scrambling for words to deny her claim but Ford beat him to it.

"Of course we were!" the captain exclaimed.

"We weren't!" Graham refuted. "We just had to get back to the mission."

"I feel so cherished." Rochelle rolled her eyes and they walked the rest of the way to the dock in compatible silence.

The sky had turned russet and gold as the Sun sank beyond the horizon. Vermillion gently rolled on the turbulent waters of the Great Sea and Rochelle smiled up at the war ship. It was comforting to see her again. Even though Rochelle's heart felt lighter, she still had many tests and dangers ahead.

And she just couldn't wait to get started.

"You're back!" Jimmy rushed up to her and gave her a hug just as she stepped onto the deck.

She hugged the boy back and then stepped further to give Graham and Ford enough space to get onboard.

Finn came up and smiled at her before turning to his captain. "All supplies have been restocked and major repairs made. We believe Vermillion shouldn't have trouble getting us to Caim and back."

"Good to hear." Ford said. "-- and--? What about them?"

"Handed over to Lysander's security forces. The Weardomese army shall take charge of them by tomorrow morning."

"Excellent. I think we should set sail immediately." Ford nodded at her and then led the way to the captain's gallery. Finn followed close behind, barking orders at the crew as he went. Jimmy also scrambled off to follow orders with one final mock salute.

Rochelle sighed and started towards the stairs that led to her rooms. She felt a hand on her arm and turned to find Graham staring down at her. The bustling deck faded into the back of her mind as she stared up into his green eyes. There was concern and worry swirling in their depths and her breath caught as she realised that it was for her.

She scolded herself and blinked a few times to break the hold he had on her. "What?" She snapped.

"What happened back there? What is your mother doing here?" Graham asked slowly.

She turned away from him and said, "that is none of your business."

She didn't wait to see the effect of her cold dismissal as she headed below deck to her rooms. Graham was getting to her more than she would like and she had to stop it before he noticed.

In her experience nothing good came out of caring for another individual more than was strictly necessary. Life was too unexpected to trust someone so wholly as to give them one's heart.

Was that what was happening? Was she in danger of losing her heart to Graham?

She slammed her door shut and closed her eyes. No. That was simply absurd.


Vermillion swayed to a symphony Rochelle could not hear. The only sound that reached her ears was the crashing of waves against the warship's hull and the roar of distant thunder. She tried to let the peaceful atmosphere lull her into sleeping but she just couldn't manage it.

It had been a whirlwind of a day and she was emotionally tired. Maybe that was why sleep was being so elusive. She was just too exhausted.

For a moment she considered going up to the main deck to pass the time but she didn't want to disturb Ford and his night crew. Besides Graham was on duty tonight.

Rochelle sighed and turned over, imagining the wooden ceiling above. She didn't bother lighting a lantern as the glare would probably hinder her sleep. Her mind drifted to her cousin back in Frahdry.

Be strong, Charlotte. I'm coming.

She hoped that Deigo had the good sense not to hurt the princess. Because if she returned and one hair was out of place, she was going to make sure that Diego was begging for mercy before she terminated him.

The floor board's groaned as someone descended the stairs outside. Rochelle vaguely wondered who it was before she felt her eyes growing heavy. A familiar creak reached her dulled senses but she dismissed it.

She turned on her side and reached out to the elusive embrace of sleep. She was just drifting off when bright light fell across her and she raised her arm to ward off the glare.

She hadn't lighted her lantern, had she? Rochelle blinked a few times and a deep instinct in her fought to keep her lucid. Her door. It was open and someone stood outlined against the soft light of the lantern from the hallway.

Her mind raced to form coherent thoughts but the tendrils of sleep desperately clung to her when she wanted them the least. She attempted to register the shadowed features and a name jumped to the forefront of her mind.


A flash of a smile was the only warning she got before he lunged towards her. Years of training kicked in and she rolled off the bed and hit the hard floor. Her breath was knocked out of her and her back felt sore but she struggled to sit up.

Manic laughter sent a shiver of dread down her spine and all traces of sleep vanished. She used the other bed in the room to get on her feet and scrambled towards the door. An arm caught her around the waist and pulled her back flush against a body that reeked of alcohol.

"I knew you weren't going to be easy but this is more interesting than I could've imagined." His breath fanned the hair near her ear and she arched to get away from him. His wandering hands started to hitch her nightgown higher. Her nostrils flared in disgust and she fought down her panic.

Even in his drunken state, Liam had the upper hand in physical strength so she needed a different approach. She turned her head to the side to see him better and whispered in what she hoped was a seductive tone, "you could've told me you were going to visit me and I would've prepared for it." with knives and daggers strapped to my person.

She didn't add the last part but her act seemed to put Liam at ease. His arm around her waist loosened and he nuzzled her exposed neck. She fought down the urge to gag and forced herself to raise her hand and run it through his hair.

He groaned appreciatively and said, "well well it seems Graham must have a willing partner on board. Lucky bastard. No wonder he's so protective of you."

At the mention of Graham's name her blood ran cold but she swallowed the growing hysteria. She managed to swipe her dagger from the dresser which was besides the door. It was better in such a close range and she was grateful that Liam was too drunk to be aware of her movements.

She slowly turned in his arms and Liam trailed kisses on her collarbone. With one hand she easily pushed the dagger from its sheath and with the other she fisted Liam's hair and raised his head.

He gave her a wolfishly hungry smile and she smiled back. But hers was full of promise of retribution. Before he could realise what she was doing, she pulled back the dagger and drove it into his thigh. His body reflexively strained away and she only managed to deeply cut the flesh.

But it was enough.

Liam bellowed a monstrous scream and she shoved him with all her might over the bed. She turned to run out into the hallway and scrambled up the steps.

To her horror Liam followed, his eyes more animal than human. He growled as he lunged at her on the stairs but Rochelle jumped up the last few steps and rolled onto the deck. The noise had attracted the crew and someone helped her to her feet.

She looked up into familiar green eyes as Graham griped her arms. "Rochelle, what's--"

His question was cut off as Liam surged onto the deck. She instantly felt a cloak being draped over her shoulders but her modesty was the last of her concerns.

"What in the name of the Great Sea is happening here?" Ford thundered as he came up to them. Rochelle stared into Liam's feral eyes and found only emptiness there.

"Whore," he snarled at her. She felt sick to her stomach but Graham pushed her behind him. She tore her eyes from Liam and pulled the cloak tighter about herself. She didn't know when she started shivering but her knees felt too weak to hold her weight.

She slowly started slipping as the reality of what had almost happened crashed into her with a vengeance. Before she could hit the deck, Graham enveloped her in his arms and held her up.

She immediately felt safer but it was far from over.

"I wonder what part of that in there was an act." Liam's drawled lazily.

"You dare--" Ford cut himself off as he pulled his sword out of its sheath. The ring of steal raised the hair on her neck and she turned away as the brothers faced off. They started circling each other and moving towards the centre of the deck.

She had noticed that Liam had a slight limp and she couldn't help but gleam some satisfaction from the sight.

"You have attacked a guest on my ship." Ford's tone lacked it's usual life. "Your life is forfeit."

"Stop acting as if you weren't waiting for an opportunity like this, my beloved brother." Liam unsheathed his sword as well and Rochelle was glad that he hadn't thought to use it on her earlier. "You've been waiting for this since mother--"

"You have no right to call that angel a mother!" Ford bellowed. The crew members took a few steps back and Rochelle focused on her breathing. As more people woke up to see what the commotion was about, she couldn't help but feel all the eyes on her.

She felt dirty and it wasn't any fault of hers. No amount of bathing would remove the slimy feeling on her skin. It seemed ingrained in her soul, branded on her body. She stifled a sob and Graham lifted her up to take her downstairs.

Captain Alexander was just coming out of his room. His keen eyes took the scene in one sweep and motioned for Graham to take her to the captain's cabin. She struggled to get out of his arms but he refused to put her down.

Her mind had shut down and she felt as if someone was constraining her windpipe. She needed room to breathe and time to understand what had just happened.

When Graham put her gently on the captain's bed, Rochelle shimmied away from him. The bed wasn't large but she put her back against the wall and pulled her knees up. She drew the cloak around herself and stared at the opposite wall.

Maps and perihelia from different adventures littered the surface but she couldn't appreciate any of it.

"Are you hurt, Rochelle?"

Graham's voice snapped her back to reality and she turned to find him on his knees besides the bed. His eyes locked with hers and she almost broke into tears at the sight of the fear, concern and anger that she could discern in their depths.

"Leave!" She chocked out and buried her head on her knees. Nothing had happened. She had made sure about that. But she didn't want him to see her like this. She couldn't handle any pity.

"Just tell me you're fine and I'll go upstairs to tear that bastard limb from limb." Graham's voice was laced with barely controlled anger. "Did he--"

He didn't finish his question and Rochelle's hollow laugh rang out. She raised her head, not caring if he saw the tears that now ran freely down her face.

"Why? Because you wouldn't care for me if I were--broken?" She spat out.

"No." He immediately said. "Of course not, Rochelle. That's the furthest thing from my mind."

"Liar." She looked into his eyes trying to see the disgust and pity. But all she saw was concern and love. He loved her.

And she didn't know if she deserved it.

"Rochelle." Graham slowly slid onto the bed but kept a respectable distance. "This was not your fault. None of it was."

"You don't understand." She hissed, her lips trembling. "I was alseep when he came. He was too strong. I--I had to encourage him to catch him off guard."

She choked on the words but she didn't have to say anything else. Graham scooted closer and took her in his arms. She tried to fight him. She tried to explain why she didn't deserve him.

"Rochelle, you did what you had to do to get out of there. No one can blame you. No one can look down on you." Graham soothed back her hair.

She focused on her breathing but the tears continued to fall. He started to rock her back and forth and said, "I'm so sorry you had to go through with that. I'm so sorry."

She cried until the tears dried up. Until even her hiccups faded. She listened until no sounds from the deck reached her. She watched until the sky outside the portholes started to lighten.

And as the Sun crested the horizon to the east, Rochelle fell asleep in Graham's arms, feeling safer than she had felt in a long time.

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