My Brittle Barricade

By make-memories

373 19 1

This is my life ... Come along on my journey and see me make my mistake .. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

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By make-memories

3 months later.
It was late at night maybe 10:30.
I was walking home from work.
I got a job working in a music station.
Well I was on the stations I was downloading music onto the laptops so the people had it to play.
And I was also updating their software if they needed it.
It isn't the best job like actually being on the radio but it gave me rent money to give too Shannon and Maria, so I can stay at their apartment and not live with nick anymore.

Nick has tried to ring me and sometimes I have answered but most of the time I don't.
After lily went into jail he just became different.
I know he developed problems afterward and I was wrong to leave him but I just can't be around him I don't love him when he's like that, going to work coming home and drinking and passing out on the couch.

The next morning.
My phone woke me up.
Connect charger 2% battery.
I looked over at my bedside table and my charger wasn't there.
I know I have my charger somewhere in this apartment but where , I'm not too sure.

I walked out of my room and straight to Maria, her room was directly across from mine.
She was awake and on her laptop.
"It's 7:55 in the morning you're awake and on your laptop, this is not normal."I said
"It can be normal, I'm planning a trip away somewhere again soon" she said.
" and what are you doing up and what do you want" she said afterwards.
"My phones ..." I started to say but she said " chargers over there ".

I plugged my phone into the charger and climbed on the bed besides her.
" for your birthday I'm buying you a new charger" she said.
"Or you can help me find my old one , I know it's somewhere in this apartment " I said.
"Or it could be in that one guys room."she said.
"No no no , we all promised we will never talk about that one night again." I said

So one night we all decided to go out.
But when they both went home I went in the opposite direction and ended up waking up with someone else.
Shannon said that she tried to find me when they were going but she couldn't find me anywhere.
Guess I was already gone.

Maybe me and Maria talking or me screaming NO woke up Shannon.
But she does wake up early and go on her phone.
But she came in.
She had to same shocked look on her face that I had when she walked In and saw Maria awake.

"It's like 8:20 in the morning how are you awake." Shannon said.
The think about Maria is she loves to sleep, and she a heavy sleep, nothing can wake her up in the morning.
Trust me when I say that Shannon and I have tried.
Alarms going off, jumping on the bed , pillow fights , the smell of hot food.
Guess she just likes to wake up when she wants.

We all started to talk and I said " do you guys want to go down to the shop and get breakfast."
"I have to get dress though , and that's not happening for another 2 hours and the effort, and we have food here, right " Shannon said.
"Yah ok " I said.

Later that day.
I was getting ready to go to work.
I walked into Maria's room.
They were both on her bed on Shannon's laptop and watching some video.
"I'm off to work see ya later" I said.
"Ok " Maria said and Shannon well I got a nod from her she was more forced on what's on the screen then what I had to say.

I was downloading music on 2 computers and updating the software on one other one.
The side door that I came in was banging.
I thought that was strange.
I knew I closed it and locked it.
I walked out and looked outside.
The parking lot was empty just my car.
And if a car did come in I would hear it.
I thought I was being paranoid and closed and locked the door and walked back to the office.
There was a problem with one of the Computer.
It wouldn't update for some reason.
I turned it off at the plug and twitched it back on and updated it then.
That didn't work I still had the same problem.
I knew I need to fix this problem tonight as I didn't have time tomorrow and some one was coming in working soon.

I was on google trying to figure out how deal with the problem.
But then the corridor door was banging.
I was getting stressed out at this point.
It was 2 in the morning and I wanted to go home.
And I was getting tried.
I'm only meant to be here from 11-3 and if there a problem and if I'm here after 3 they said they won't pay me.

I walked out the room and closed the door.
I walked back into the room and saw nick sitting on the office chair.
He was looking at the computer.

I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap.
He sat back in the chair and he wrapped his arms around me and I stupidly started to close my eyes.
I was so tired and he was so comfy and I did miss him.
I missed his hot breath on me.
I miss the feeling like I'm safe when I'm with him.
Even though I could smell vodka.

He pulled my head up and I still had my eyes closed but I knew I was beside his lips I could feel his hot breath.
He traced his thumb on my bottom lip and I always hated the way he teased me.
And he knew I wanted to kiss him.
He always knew what I was thinking.

I didn't want to play his waiting games so I kissed him.
He knew he was slowing down when we were in the middle of kissing and making me wait.
It was one of his game he like to play on me.
I sat up on him and put each leg beside his thigh.
I grabbed his neck and I made sure he didn't play any more games.
With every thing he did to me and made me feel over the last couple of months,
I wanted to play him.

I started off my making sure he enjoyed what I was giving him and when I felt it I knew I had him right where I wanted him.
And to make it better I could taste the vodka and I knew he was drunk.

I knew it was wrong to take him and do this to him when he was drunk like this but I liked it.
He used me when I was vulnerable so I'm just doing the same.

But even when he was drunk like that he knew what I was doing.
And he still manages to turn it around and he lifted me up and we went on the ground.
He rubes it in and made sure I knew what I did to him.
I can't believe I did this next but I took off his t-shirt and he took off mine.

Let's just say the next couple of hours were a bit wild.

"We have to go soon before people come in" I said.
" mmhh" I got a grumpy moan from him.
He turned into me.
I was wearing his shirt and he was only in his boxers.
"We're going to a hotel or something for round 2" he said
I didn't respond I just bit down on his shoulder.

" the only thing that's keeping us apart are 2 thin pieces of clothing" he whispered in my ear.
And again I bit down on his shoulder. Maybe it was a bit harder this time.

" we have to go now , I can't get fired from this job"I said to him.
I sat up and got dressed.
I turned around and all I saw was nicks eyes on me.
" you're a stalker nick" I said.

I sat down on top of him putting one leg on either side of his waist.
" we have to go now" I told him.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me down underneath him.

We both knew what he was doing and we both knew what I felt.
" it's my good morning present to you" he whispered to me.

The outside door opened and I got so scared.
What happens if I get caught, I'm going to get fired.
I tried to get up from nick but he had my hands pinned down above my head.
And he was laying on top of me so I couldn't move.
" we're behind this table no one will see us,  baby."  He whispered in my ear but he pauses and then said baby.

The managers wife walked by and and opened the door but some one someone called her away. I was happy that she walked away but her husband called her.
I didn't like the fact that my bosses were here.

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