Sweeter Than Fiction

By sbregier2

500K 14.5K 7.7K

Sequel to Everything Has Changed More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 26

8.4K 234 113
By sbregier2

Karlie slowly opens her eyes, feeling slightly restless. She attempts to stretch herself out, but can't because Taylor is practically laying on top of her. She smiles at the sight of her adorable girlfriend snuggled into her, breathing soft puffs of air from her nose.

Even though they had only been apart for a few days, it felt like it had been ages since they were together. It's crazy to think they've been dating for almost 2 months. Granted, they became official less than a week ago, but still. It's just crazy how it feels like they've known each other forever. It's something she's never had before.

Olivia suddenly jumps up over the back of the couch, attempting to walk along the back of it, but soon falling on top of Taylor and Karlie. The model watches in amusement, trying her best not to disturb the blonde with her laughter as Olivia tries to steady herself, but after a few wobbly steps, ends up falling again. Taylor begins to stir, blinking her eyes open slowly to see a white ball of fur in her face.

"Morning." Karlie whispers, knowing Taylor wasn't quite awake yet.

"Mermin." The blonde mumbles. Taylor lets out a quiet 'oomph' as Olivia quickly leaps from her chest, apparently deciding she no longer wanted to be on the couch. The model chuckles as she leans down to press a kiss to her girlfriend's temple. The songwriter hums in contentment, pressing her body into Karlie's as she snuggles closer.

Karlie begins running her fingers through Taylor's hair, gently scratching her head as she feels the blonde's breathing even out; having fallen back asleep. The model feels wide awake already, knowing it's probably a side effect of the jet lag. She carefully slips out from under Taylor, the girl groaning slightly at the movement, but otherwise stays asleep. Karlie stands up and smiles at her sleepy girlfriend. She grabs the blanket off the back of the couch and drapes it over the blonde.

The model checks her phone and notices it's only 6:30 a.m.; meaning she got about 4 hours of sleep. She decides to go for a run, hoping to counter the jet lag. She grabs some clean clothes and shoes from her bag and heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get dressed. As she exits the bathroom, throwing her hair up in a ponytail, Karlie nears the couch to find Taylor still asleep.

She crouches down at the edge of the couch, lightly stroking Taylor's head; taking in just how beautiful her girlfriend looks in the morning. She quietly stands back up, but not before leaving a lingering kiss to her forehead. The model grabs her phone, headphones, and Taylor's keys so she could lock the door behind her, not wanting to take any risks by leaving the door unlocked.

It was still a little dark, the sun not quite up yet, but Karlie was grateful for that because the intense heat from the summer sun wasn't a factor. She's about half way through her run when her phone starts ringing. She glances down, hoping maybe the blonde had woken up and was calling her but frowns after reading the name flashing on the screen.


"Karlie, I'm sorry to call you so early, but something has been brought to my attention and I felt like I should talk to you about it."

"It's okay. I was up anyway." She replies, trying to control her breathing. "So, what's up?"

"Well, first off, where are you? You sound out of breath and you keep fading in and out."

"I'm in the middle of a run. Is this something important, or can I just call you back later?" Karlie asks, feeling slightly irritated.

"Ah. I see. Well, I guess since you're already out and about, I should probably tell you. You'll find out soon enough."

"That wasn't cryptic or anything." Karlie deadpans.

"I'm sorry." Her publicist chuckles. "I don't mean to be so vague. I'll just get to the point. You were spotted yesterday."

"Okay..." Karlie trails off, not seeing how this warranted a phone call. "That happens a lot, especially when I come back from shoots and stuff. The paparazzi seem to know my schedule better than I do these days." She laughs.

"I suppose that's true." Her publicist laughs. "But I'm not talking about paparazzi. There are some fan photos surfacing; one or two from the airport and some blurry ones that appear to have been taken at a restaurant or something? They're not very clear, so it's hard to tell who's in the pictures."

"The diner." Karlie says quietly, confirming her publicist's unasked question.

"Ah." She hums quietly. "So it is you in those photos?" She asks, though not accusingly.

"Yeah." Karlie sighs. "Taylor and I stopped at a diner after she picked me up from the airport. I hadn't eaten all day."

"I see." Her publicist replies and Karlie can hear rapid clicking sounds; assuming the woman was typing something.

"What's wrong?" Karlie huffs.

"Nothing yet. I've had a couple gossip sites and magazines calling, but they've been doing that since that girl posted that picture of the two of you on social media."

"By that girl, do you mean my girlfriend?" Karlie grits out, trying not to blow up on her publicist.

The clicking stops immediately and an awkward silence settles over the line. "I apologize if I overstepped. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"You didn't overstep. You just blatantly disrespected someone very important to me." She sighs. "I know it was a lot easier for you before I had a girlfriend and everything, but doesn't my happiness account for anything?"

"You know it does Karlie." Her publicist sighs. "Again, I apologize. I didn't mean any disrespect to you or your girlfriend. You know that." She implores.

Karlie rubs her forehead in frustration. This is not how she wanted her day to start. "Look. I know I didn't tell you I was dating anyone, so I understand that you guys were kind of blindsided by this, and for that I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You don't have to apologize for being happy."

Karlie cracks a small smile, knowing ultimately that her team does support her and wish for her happiness.

"We're all just trying to figure out how to handle this. I know you prefer keeping things private, and from what you've told me about your girlfriend, she feels the same. But for future reference, just so we're clear, are you willing to comment or talk about your relationship or girlfriend?"

Karlie sighs. She knew they couldn't live in a bubble forever, but she wasn't expecting this to be an issue already. It hadn't even been a week yet. "I don't mind talking about it. But as you know, Taylor and I are both private people. We're not going to hide our relationship, but that doesn't mean I want a million interviews lined up trying to get every last detail. I would prefer they respect our privacy, but I know that's a lot to ask. But I do ask that you keep Taylor out of it as much as you can. She doesn't deserve to have them digging up everything about her. I don't want them harassing her."

"I understand. And I think that's honestly for the best. If you tried to hide things, people would dig and become even more invasive. So I'm glad we got that sorted. We will do our best to protect both you and your girlfriend's privacy."

"Thank you."

Karlie can hear the sound of papers being shuffled around as her publicist continues. "Well, with that being said, I'll let you get back to your day."

"Thanks for the heads up."

"Of course. I'll talk to you soon Karlie."

"Bye." Karlie ends the call and decides to pick up her pace to work out her frustration. The sun slowly began rising above the skyscrapers, immediately increasing the temperature outside. She glances at her watch and sees that she's been gone for almost an hour, so she decides to head back to Taylor's.

Karlie makes it back to the songwriter's apartment and stops to stretch a bit before heading inside. She uses the key she borrowed and shuts the door behind her as quietly as she can; trying not to wake Taylor. She toes off her shoes and walks over to the couch to find her girlfriend snuggled up in a little ball, blanket wrapped tightly around her, with Olivia curled up in a ball near her feet and Meredith perched on the back.

Karlie smiles at the adorable scene before her and quickly pulls her phone out of her pocket and takes a picture; knowing this is something she'll want to look back on. Seeing as her girlfriend is still asleep, Karlie decides to make them some breakfast.

The model walks into the kitchen to see what she could find to work with. She throws some food in the cat's bowls while she's at it; both cats quickly come prancing into the kitchen at the sound. Karlie washes her hands at the sink and starts cutting up the fruit. After the fruit is all set, she goes to start the coffee maker and then grabs the eggs, a pack of bacon, and bread and gets to work on the rest of the meal.

Taylor wakes to the delicious smell of cinnamon and bacon wafting through the air and immediately sits up. She can hear the clanking of pans so she gets up and walks into the kitchen, her jaw dropping a bit at she rounds the corner to find Karlie at the stove; her tank top clinging to her slightly sweaty body. You could see the outline of her abs showing through the shirt, and thanks to a pair of shorts, her toned arms and legs were on full display.

Taylor felt like a creep for staring and drooling over her girlfriend, but come on, the girl was gorgeous. She sneaks up behind her, wrapping her arms around the model, resting her chin on her shoulder as she mumbles a 'morning.'

"Good morning." Karlie relaxes into the hold and twists her head to kiss Taylor on the forehead before going back to her cooking. "You can have a seat; this is almost ready."

Taylor squeezes the model's waist before releasing her hold, taking a seat at the table as she watches her girlfriend moving about her kitchen. Karlie finishes up at the stove and turns off the burners. She makes her way over to the table; setting down 2 plates filled with French toast, bacon, and cut up fruit. Taylor smiles up at her girlfriend, in awe of the little spread.

Karlie leaves only to return moments later with two cups of coffee, handing one to Taylor. The blonde thanks her shyly and Karlie responds with a kiss on the lips before sitting down. Taylor pulls away to look back at the meal laid out before her.

"How early did you get up to make all this?" She asks in disbelief, taking a sip of her coffee, which of course has the perfect amount of cream in it.

"It didn't take that long." Karlie says, cutting into her French toast. "I woke up and was feeling a little restless, so I went for a run; hoping to fight the jet lag. You were still asleep when I came back, so I thought I'd make us some breakfast."

"You already went for a run? God woman, do you ever stop?" Taylor says in disbelief, though she sort of figured as much when she woke up to find Karlie in the kitchen with her workout clothes on. She stabs a piece of French toast with her fork and brings it to her mouth, humming in delight at the taste.

Karlie cracks a small smile and looks down at her plate to hide her blush as she goes back to eating her food. "What time did you want to go to Lily's?"

"She said most people are coming over around 3. I was thinking we'd go a little early to help set up and everything. So, I figured we'd leave around 12 or so."

"That works for me. I'm actually a little surprised Lily hasn't called yet. Dixie can get a little crazy when she's excited about something."

"Tell me about it." Taylor laughs. "But it's still early. She's probably not even up yet. I bet Lily will call us before we get there."


"I can't believe she's going to be 4. It feels like she was born just yesterday."

"Seriously." Karlie nods in agreement, sipping her coffee. "I remember Lily bringing her to set a few times when she was a baby. It's crazy how much she's grown."

"She looks just like a mini Lily though."

"Oh, I know. It's kind of scary how alike they are. She's like her clone. It's so cute."

They continue eating their breakfast sharing stories about Lily and Dixie. Their conversation is eventually interrupted by the sound of a phone going off. "Is that your phone?" Karlie asks, craning her head to look in the other room.

"Sure is. I bet its Lily." Taylor smirks, moving into the living room to get her phone. Taylor laughs, glancing down to see Lily's name on the screen. "Guess who?" She calls out, hearing Karlie chuckle as she swipes her finger and answers the call.

"What's up Lil?"

"Taylor. She's trying to kill me."

"Who, Dixie?" Taylor asks, returning to the kitchen to see Karlie looking at her with a curious expression.

"Yes." Lily deadpans.

Taylor stifles a laugh, sitting down next to Karlie. "She's losing it." She whispers to Karlie, making the model crack a smile. The songwriter puts her phone on speaker and sets it down on the table. "What's she doing?"

"She got up at 6 this morning. 6! And the reason I know that is because I had my alarm set for 6:30, which obviously hadn't gone off yet. She came running into our room, jumped on the bed and started yelling today was her party and wouldn't stop until we got up."

The girls tried to muffle their laughter. They could tell Lily was stressed, but they both know Dixie has Lily wrapped around her finger. She loves her daughter more than anything, "Sounds like someone else I know." Taylor says, shooting Karlie a look who returns it with a playful glare.

"I tried giving her a bath, but she insisted on doing it herself, cuz you know, 'she's a big girl now'."

They both laugh, easily picturing Dixie saying that.

"So I let her do her thing and stood outside the door. I waited about 5 minutes and when I came back in, there was water everywhere and she had gone through almost all of my shampoo. And mind you, that was a full bottle." Lily sighs dramatically before continuing. "Then, she insisted on dressing herself. So I let her be while I made some breakfast. She comes wobbling down the stairs dressed in one of my dresses and one of my highest pairs of heels. I don't know how she didn't break her neck."

Taylor and Karlie both burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh. That's so cute." Taylor coos.

"It was adorable." Lily agrees, though sounding very serious. "But now she won't stop asking when everyone is coming. I don't know what I'm going to do with her. The party doesn't start for another 6 hours."

"Aww. Well, lucky for you, Karlie and I will be there before everyone else to help you set up. We were going to leave around noon."

"Can you please come now?"

The girls laugh at Lily's desperate tone. "Sorry Lil. We still have to get ready and everything. But we'll be there soon."

"Ugh, fine." Lily groans. "Leave me to fend for myself."

"You'll be fine Lil. Say hi to Dixie for me."

"And me." Karlie adds.

"Will do. Actually, I need to go find that girl. She's being awfully quiet, and that can't be good."

They can hear Lily calling for Dixie in the background, soon to be followed by a shocked gasp. "Oh my god. She found my makeup. I gotta go. See you guys soon."

"Bye Lil." They say through another bought of laughter as they could hear Lily ask "How did you get lipstick on your nose?" before the line went dead.

Taylor ends the call and smirks at Karlie. "Well that didn't take long."

Karlie smiles as she grabs the last piece of fruit from her plate and pops it in her mouth. "Are you all finished eating? Is there something else I can get you?" She asks once she's finished chewing, glancing at their empty plates.

"No. Everything was perfect." The songwriter smiles, leaning over to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek. "Thank you for making a delicious breakfast."

"You're welcome." Karlie smiles back at her. "Okay. So, how about I start cleaning up in here so you can go upstairs to shower and get ready and everything?" She suggests, standing up and taking their plates to the sink.

Taylor arches one of her eyebrows, slowly rising from her chair. "Or... I could do the dishes since you made everything, and you can change and go shower." She challenges, moving across the kitchen to stand behind Karlie; slinging her arms around her girlfriend's waist.

"Mmm. Tempting." Karlie hums, turning around as the songwriter moves her arms to wraps around the model's neck. "But I can do the dishes. I made the mess. I'll clean it up." She says, kissing the tip of her girlfriend's nose.

"Fine." Taylor huffs, feigning annoyance. She figures she could at least go shower and start getting ready. "Do you need to borrow anything for your shower? Or any clothes for later?"

"Nope. I've got everything in my bag. Thank you though." Karlie kisses her sweetly on the lips.

"Okay. I'll be upstairs if you need anything." Taylor smiles, turning around to go up and get ready.

Karlie watches her girlfriend with a fond smile before finishing cleaning up the kitchen. She's almost done when her phone starts going off. Checking the screen, a smile is instantly brought to her face as she answers the call. "Hey mom."

"Hi sweetie. How are you?"

"I'm good. Got back from London late last night. Taylor picked me up from the airport and we're going to Lily's for Dixie's party together, so I spent the night here."

"You spent the night at Taylor's?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Nothing." Tracy sighs. "You're a grown woman. You can make your own choices. I just, I know you two made your relationship official, but honey, don't you think you're rushing things just a bit?"

"Umm," Karlie hums, thinking about it. "Not really. I mean, we've done it before. And it just made more sense with both of us going to the same place."

The line is silent for a moment; Karlie not even realizing what she said, or how it may have sounded.

"Ok." Tracy says quietly, not really having much to say. "Well, as long as you know what you're doing. I know it's been awhile since you've been with anyone. I didn't know you two were at the stage in your relationship yet. I just want you to be careful."

"I mean, we're both adults. I don't think us falling asleep on the couch watching movies is much of a stage.  But, thanks?"

"Wait, what?" Tracy asks.

"What?" Karlie repeats.

"I'm confused. I thought you said you spent the night at Taylor's?"

"I did. She picked me up from the airport, and then we stopped by a diner on the way home to grab something to eat. She offered to drive me back to my place but since I had my bag with me, I figured it would be easier to just go to her apartment since we were going to Lily's together anyway. So we got back to her place and started watching a movie, but it was so late, we just ended up falling asleep on the couch."

Another few moments of silence pass; Tracy trying to wrap her mind around what her daughter was saying, while Karlie was seemingly oblivious to her mother's distress.

"So you two just slept?"

"Uh, yeah." Karlie says, but it finally clicks where her mom's head is. "Oh my god! Mom, no! Not like that." She panics, understanding how much of that conversation her mother must have just misinterpreted.

"You're really not making any sense right now sweetie." Tracy laughs.

"You don't get it. It-that's not what I meant." She groans, rubbing her face. "Oh my god, this is so embarrassing."

"Okay. Karlie, take a deep breath and try again."

Karlie takes a deep breath, trying to get over her mortification. "Yes, I spent the night at Taylor's. We honestly were both so tired that we fell asleep during the movie. But that's it. Nothing else happened."

"Okay." Tracy says calmly.

"I swear. We haven't- like... we've never-" Karlie stammers. "It's not like that with her mom." She says quietly.

Tracy nods, knowing her daughter is being honest.

"Taylor and I, we um- we don't..." Karlie trails off. She doesn't really want to talk to her mom about her sex life or lack thereof over the phone. "We uh... haven't gotten to that point yet."

"I believe you sweetie. And if I may, as much as I want to be the cool mom and have you confide in me about everything, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that." She sighs in relief. "You know I wouldn't judge you and I just want what's best for you, but that's always going to be a tough subject for me. You're my little girl after all."

Karlie laughs, knowing her mom would still love and support her either way. "Taylor isn't... she's not like that. It's different with her mom. I know I keep saying that, but I mean it. Everything about her... about us... it's just so different from anything I've ever known."

"In a good way?" Her mom prods.

Karlie cracks a smile. "In the best way."

Tracy makes a mental note of how Karlie always talks about this girl. She wonders if her daughter is even aware of what it is she's feeling for this girl. She's never heard Karlie talk about anyone like this. "Well I'm glad to hear that."

"You'll love her Mom. I can't wait for you guys to meet her. She's incredible."

"Well, that's actually part of the reason why I called."


"Do you have any plans for the 4th? I know you usually come spend it with us, but I didn't know if you and Taylor had made plans or anything."

"Oh. I honestly haven't even thought about it."

"That's okay. It's still quite a ways away. I just wanted to remind you that you're always welcome to spend it with us, and if you wanted to, you could bring Taylor."

"Really?" Karlie asks in disbelief.

"Of course. The whole family wants to meet her."

"Wow." Karlie says quietly, still slightly shocked. "I mean, that would be great, but I'll have to ask her what her plans are."

"You do that. Just let me know what you decide so I can start planning for food and everything."

"Of course. I'll talk to her about it soon."

"Alright sweetie. I need to get going. I've got to take your dad to the dentist."

"Oh, have fun with that." Karlie laughs, knowing how much her dad milks it when he's hopped up on Novocain.

Tracy chuckles. "I'll try. I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetie."

Karlie hangs up the phone with a smile. She would love to introduce Taylor to her family. She worries it might be a bit soon for that, but she can't help but feel excited about it. She finishes cleaning the kitchen and grabs her bag to head into the bathroom down the hall to get ready.

A short while later, the model comes back in the living room just in time to see a box awkwardly floating down the stairs. She quickly crosses the room to help her girlfriend. "I've got it." She says softly, taking the gift to reveal a slightly flushed Taylor. "Do you want me to put this in the car?"

"Actually, that would be great. I'm not sure I could make it down the front steps." Taylor chuckles.

Karlie laughs as she easily moves the large package across the room and sets it by the door. "Do you have everything?"

"I think so. I'm just gonna lock up and then we can go."

Karlie nods, stacking her gift on top of Taylor's as she takes the massive box to the car and loads it into the back. She shuts the door, turning around as Taylor meets her at the car.

"We've got to stop doing this." The songwriter deadpans.

Karlie takes in her girlfriend's appearance and laughs at their practically matching outfits. 

"We're going to be so annoying. We're that couple." She smirks, giving Taylor a quick kiss before opening her door for her. Karlie hops in the other side and soon they're driving off to Lily's.

Since Taylor's driving again, Karlie takes the opportunity to gaze at her girlfriend every chance she gets. She knows Taylor is aware because of the constant blush coating her girlfriend's cheeks. For some reason, the model is actually a little nervous.

Not about her and Taylor or the party really, but she knows her friends will be there, and she knows how nosey they can be. They'll definitely ask questions about her and Taylor, and will try to get every last detail, and they'll probably make fun of her like they always do; which is fine, but she doesn't want Taylor to be uncomfortable.

Plus the phone call she had earlier from her publicist didn't help. Karlie knows it's something she should talk to Taylor about, but she doesn't want to freak her out or anything. How do you warn her that anywhere she goes, people might be taking pictures of her? Or that magazines and tabloids are already trying to pull up every bit of information they can on her. It's a lot to take in.

She's so lost in thought she doesn't notice Taylor worriedly glancing her way. A soft squeeze on their intertwined hands brings her back. She turns her head and offers the blonde a shy smile.

"You okay?"

Karlie nods but chooses not to say anything.

Taylor can still sense her discomfort and she doesn't like seeing Karlie like this. The model always knows how to make her feel better and she wishes she could return the favor. "You wanna talk about it?" She asks, unsure how much she should press the issue.

Karlie strokes her thumb over Taylor's, tracing mindless circles as she thinks of how to word this. She brings Taylor's hand to her lips and kisses the back of it. "I was just thinking about Dixie's party."

Taylor nods her head, waiting for her girlfriend to continue.

"I know some of the girls are going to be there, and they're great. I love them all. But sometimes they can be a little..." she trails off looking for the right word. "Intense? I guess." She shrugs. "They mean well, but I know they can seem a little nosey and invasive sometimes. You remember how they were when we went bowling."

Taylor laughs, but suddenly it clicks. "You're worried they're going to grill you about us."

"Well, yes and no." Karlie says and Taylor cocks her head at her in confusion, making Karlie chuckle. "I'm not worried about them grilling me. I'm used to it. That I can handle." She sighs, squeezing their hands lightly. "I was more worried about them grilling you. Like I said, they can be a little intense, and I just don't want them to make you uncomfortable. They'll probably ask you a lot of personal and borderline inappropriate questions because that's just how they are. They don't really understand boundaries."

Blue eyes soften in understanding. Of course Karlie's just looking out for her. 

"I mean, they're all really great people. But you're like the cute new puppy that everyone wants to play with." Karlie's eyes widen as she realizes how bad that sounded. "Oh my god. Not that you're a dog or anything! I just- wow." She sighs, trying to calm herself a bit. "I just meant that, they're familiar with each other. And you're a new person being brought into that dynamic. And they're all just really excited to get to know you, but sometimes they come off a bit too strong."

They pull up at a red light, so Taylor takes the opportunity to lean forward, her forehead meeting Karlie's; their eyes closing at the contact. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" She whispers.

Karlie forces a small smile, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.  She feels guilty that she hasn't told Taylor about her call with her publicist. She feels like she's the one that doesn't deserve Taylor. "There's actually something else."

The songwriter sighs quietly, knowing Karlie was finally going to tell her what was really bothering her. She returns her eyes to the road just as the light turns green. "Ok."

Karlie looks down at their hands on the console, gathering strength from the touch. "I got a call from my publicist this morning. They've been getting a lot of calls asking to comment on our relationship. Some magazines have even tried setting up interviews. And apparently, there were a few photos taken of us yesterday by fans, and people are already talking about it."

"From the airport?" Taylor asks.

"And the diner." Karlie adds.

Taylor nods, but says nothing.

"Are you mad?" Karlie asks timidly.

They finally make it to Lily's, so Taylor parks the car and turns to face Karlie fully. She grabs the model's hands and holds them with her own. "No. I'm not mad."

Karlie tries to smile, but it quickly falters and turns into more of a grimace.

"I mean, I'd rather there weren't strangers taking pictures of us everywhere we go. That part I could do without." Taylor jests, hoping to lighten the mood.

Karlie nods guiltily and sighs. "I'm sorry."

"Hey." Taylor squeezes their hands, bringing Karlie's attention back to her. "I know none of this is your fault. You didn't ask for this. I knew what I was getting into when I said yes. I'll admit," The blonde pauses, "I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. But that doesn't change anything for me. It doesn't change how I feel about you. I still want this."

Karlie's unaware of the tears slowly trailing down her face until Taylor uses her thumbs to wipe them away; her hands coming up to gently cup the model's face. "I'll be there with you, every step of the way; through the good times and the bad. I'm not going anywhere." She promises, pulling her girlfriend in for a hug they both need.

When they pull back, blue and green eyes meet, both swirling with a different storm of emotions. Taylor's eyes soften in understanding. The girl before her might be a famous supermodel to the rest of the world, but sitting here before her, Karlie is just like any other girl. She may be confident on the runway, but everyone has fears and insecurities. Especially when it comes to relationships.

Taylor slowly leans forward, closing the small amount of distance between them. Their lips meet in a slow and purposeful kiss. When they pull away, green eyes flutter open to reveal that look; the one that lets Taylor know just how much she means to Karlie.

The songwriter rests her forehead against her girlfriend's as a small smile makes its way across the model's face. "There she is." Taylor whispers. "There's my sunshine."

And the look Karlie gives her then is just that; one of pure sunshine.

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