Chapter 39

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Merry Christmas guys! At least for those who celebrate it. I just wanted to thank you all for reading this story. It makes me really happy that so many of you like it. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, and wish you guys all the love and happiness in the world.


"Babe, stop what you're doing and breathe for a second. I can tell you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Take a deep breath."

Taylor stops her nervous shuffling and does as the voice says, sighing in relief at the momentary calm she feels.

"Do you feel better?"

"A little." Taylor admits. The songwriter was packing for her trip to St. Louis with Karlie's family. She had a moment of panic and called the only person she knew would be able to talk her through it and understand where she was coming from. "Thanks Lil."

"Not a problem. That's what I'm here for."

The blonde smiles, recalling the number of times Lily's been there for her, especially when it comes to talking about her fears and worries with her and Karlie's relationship. Lily is easy to go to because she knows both of them so well.

"Now, finish your packing because Karlie is going to be there any minute to pick you up and if she senses you're nervous or having any doubts, you know she'll cancel your flights and ruin her birthday plans if she thinks it will make you feel better."

Taylor can't help but laugh, knowing how incredibly accurate Lily's statement was. She could totally picture Karlie cancelling their plans because she's worried Taylor will feel overwhelmed or forced into it.

"I'm almost done. I just have to try and fit all her gifts into one bag without crushing them."

"Oh my god, you totally went overboard didn't you?"

"No." The blonde murmurs defiantly, though they both know she was lying. The bag with Karlie's gifts was more full than the bag she packed with all her shoes and clothes and toiletries or anything else she might need.

"I'm sure Karlie will love everything."

"Yeah." Taylor sighs halfheartedly.

"What's wrong?"


"Don't even try that with me. I know that 'yeah.' Something's wrong."

"I just..." The songwriter sighs. "It's her birthday, and plus I'm meeting her family for the first time, and I just want everything to go well. I want them to like me."

"Babe." Lily coos sympathetically. "You have nothing to worry about. You know Karlie is absolutely crazy about you. As for her family, they're all really sweet. They're going to love you."

"I don't know Lil. I've never really done this sort of thing before."

"Wait, you mean you never-"

"Nope." Taylor cuts her off.

"Wow." Lily gasps in disbelief. "How did I not know that?"

"It's not something I like talking about." Taylor murmurs. Her ex and her had a dark past and one of Taylor's many insecurities stemmed from the fact that the other girl never brought her around her friends or introduced Taylor to her family.

"You and I both know Karlie isn't like that. If you're really that worried about it, just talk to her. She would never force you to go."

"I know, I just... I need this to go well Lil. Karlie's super close with her family and they mean a lot to her and if they don't like me-"

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