Chapter 64

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The songwriter was a nervous wreck the entire morning. She couldn't put her finger on what it was that was making her so on edge, but she just felt very off and had this strange sense of foreboding about this week. She forced herself to have something small to eat and was barely able to keep it down. Then she spent far longer than she planned trying to find something to wear because nothing she had seemed good enough. After all, what does someone who isn't famous wear to a fashion show? And not just any show, but New York Fashion Week's opening show. Oh, and not to mention, she's dating one of the most well known models in the industry.

Taylor sighs and frustratedly runs her hand through her hair. She had completely torn apart her closet and she still couldn't find a single thing to wear. Her eyes take in all the discarded clothes and she just feels completely overwhelmed. She would love to call Karlie, knowing her girlfriend always manages to talk her down, but the model was already at the venue getting ready for the show. The blonde grabs her phone off the dresser and taps at the screen, bringing the phone up to her ear to hear the voicemail her girlfriend had left for her earlier that morning.

"Good morning my love. I just wanted to let you know that I woke up on time this morning and that I am on my way to the venue. Actually, it looks like I'm almost there. I guess I didn't need to set 5 different alarms after all." She chuckles. "I definitely think the make up team is going to have their work cut out for them trying to hide the bags under my eyes from getting up so early."

Taylor cracks a smile at that. Karlie usually wakes up before she does, but throughout their relationship, she was surprised to find out that the model normally needs to set multiple alarms to get her up and going on time. When the songwriter asked her girlfriend about it, Karlie's reasoning was that she just sleeps better with Taylor around, so she has no trouble waking up. It didn't make any sense at all to her, with that logic seeming to lead to the opposite of what the model said. But then again, there are many things Karlie does or says that don't really make sense to her.

"Anyway.. Kristine said she'll be there to pick you up around 7:30, so that way you guys can relax a bit and take your time getting there. She's been to this venue before and knows her way around pretty well, so you guys shouldn't have any trouble. I'm really excited that you're coming to the show. It's kind of funny how I've been doing these shows for years, but I still get a little nervous every time. And now it's like I'm extra nervous because you'll be there and I know Kristine will make fun of me for being nervous about it, but it's more like nervous excited. I don't know. It's too early for my brain to properly explain. Plus I haven't had my coffee yet."

The songwriter lets out a soft chuckle at Karlie's rambling. Just hearing the model's voice has already calmed her down significantly. Her smile remains as she hears her girlfriend thank the driver and the door shutting behind her.

"So yeah, basically, I'm really happy you're going to be there. I'll get to strut my stuff right in front of you... even though everyone will probably be wondering who the really gorgeous blonde woman sitting there watching the show is. They'll all be like "Is she a model? Who is she? Is she signed? Who represents her? She's so gorgeous." And I get to be like, "Damn right she is. That's my girl right there. They'll seriously be so jealous that I'm somehow lucky enough to be with the most beautiful woman in the room."

Taylor doesn't even try to stop the inevitable snort that comes out of her when she hears Karlie say that. Her heart just bursts with affection at her incredibly sweet girlfriend. She can hear voices in the background getting louder, the model saying good morning and hello several times as she shuffles through the room. She faintly hears someone yell Karlie's name, followed by her girlfriend's loud burst of laughter through the line.

"Anyway, I just got to my chair and I'm already being teased mercilessly because I'm on time for once, so it's definitely going to be a long day for me. If you guys get here early enough, you can have Kris bring you to the back. She'll have your passes and everyone knows who she is, so you won't get questioned. Maybe I can convince you to give me a good luck kiss before the show."

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