Chapter 1

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Taylor had been pacing around her apartment non-stop for the last few hours. She was hoping her phone would ring and finally put her out of her misery. She wondered if maybe it was a mistake; maybe she wasn't going to get the call. It was now very late into the night, close to midnight. Taylor debated whether or not she should wait up longer or just give up and go to sleep.

'Just hold out a little longer. Maybe something came up.'

The rational part of Taylor's brain was trying to reason with her while battling her fears and insecurities; making her doubt everything.

'Maybe she forgot about you. You're just not worth it.'

Taylor stopped pacing for a moment, trying to control the thoughts battling inside her head. She plopped down on the couch, resting her head in the palms of her hands. She pressed her face into her palms a little harder, trying to get a grip.

'No. She said she would call; she's gonna call. Just give her a chance.'

'Well, you did call her while she was at work. You probably got her in trouble. She probably wants nothing to do with you now. Nice going.'

The argument went on and on in her head, making her exhausted.

'I should just go to bed. Something probably came up and I can just call her another time.'

Taylor relented, slowly getting up off the couch and heading upstairs. She readied herself for bed; brushing her teeth and washing her face. Taylor plugged her phone in the charger, happy she didn't have to set an alarm since she had nothing to do tomorrow. She turned out the lights and climbed into her bed, burying herself under her warm blankets.

She felt like her head had just hit the pillow when her phone started vibrating. Taylor let out a groan, wondering who in their right mind would be calling her so late. She glanced at her clock and realized she had only been asleep for about 20 minutes; it was only 12:30.

She then leaned over to look at the phone to see who was bothering her. Her grumpy demeanor was soon was replaced by absolute happiness as she couldn't help but smile at the name flashing on her phone. She tried to clear her throat and sound more awake.

"Hello?" She rasped; her tone coming out more strained than she would have liked.

"Hey you!" The voice said, sounding far too bright and cheerful for this time of night.

"Hi." Taylor responded shyly, her voice still laced with sleep.

"Oh..." the voice paused for a few moments. "Were you... did I wake you up?" She asked sweetly; voice laced with concern.

Taylor felt her cheeks heat up; Karlie's caring nature is something she still wasn't used to. "No. I was just laying in bed." Taylor replies easily, stifling a yawn. Even though she was exhausted earlier, just hearing Karlie's voice made everything better.

"I did wake you up. Now I feel bad. You didn't have to answer! You should've just slept. Never mind. Forget I called. Go back to sleep." Karlie mumbled quickly, hoping the girl could fall back to sleep easily.

"No! Hey wait! It's okay. I wasn't really asleep. I had just laid down a little while ago. It's really not a big deal." Taylor says quickly, trying to reassure the girl.

"I still feel bad! I'm sorry it's so late. I honestly didn't even realize the time. I haven't stopped thinking about you since you called earlier and you were just on my mind all day. I couldn't wait to get out of work and I called you right away, not even thinking twice about how late it was."

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