Chapter 37

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"Oh my god." Lily gasps.

"What the hell just happened?!?" Selena yells, looking from Karlie to Taylor to the guy slowly pulling himself from the floor.

The creep uses a bar stool to steady himself as he stands, instantly bringing his hand up to his face. "That bitch fucking hit me." He snarls, wiping the blood from his split lip. Before he could even take a step towards them, two bouncers came and grabbed him, pinning his arms to the side as they dragged him out of the club.

"Kar." Lily warns as she moves closer to the model, keeping her voice low.

Karlie looks around and notices how suddenly everything seems quiet and all eyes are currently locked on them. She panics slightly as she sees several people with phones out, pointing in their direction. But it's the sound of her girlfriend hissing in pain that instantly brings her back; everything else seeming unimportant at the moment.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Taylor curses, cradling her hand that felt like it got slammed in a car door. The songwriter sighed, looking up as she kept her arm clutched to her chest, willing herself not to cry at the intense amount of pain she felt.

"Baby let me see your hand." Karlie pleads, reaching out for her girlfriend's arm. Taylor bites her lip before shakily extending her arm out.

The model carefully examines the blonde's hand, making sure to be gentle with the very swollen wrist. She thinks back to some of the basic medical knowledge her father instilled in her to examine the bones as best she can. "I don't think anything's broken, but I really think you need to go to the hospital. I don't want to risk anything."

"That's probably a good idea. Why don't you guys go ahead and I'll take Selena home?"

"You don't have to do that Lil, I'm fine." Taylor insists, although her wince made that statement very unconvincing.

"You're not fine." Karlie shakes her head adamantly in protest.

"Karlie's right. You need to get that checked out babe."

"It's your birthday though. I don't want everything ruined because-"

Selena shakes her head, effectively cutting her friend off. "I don't even want to hear you finish that sentence. You're not ruining anything. You are my best friend and I love you. But right now, I need you to let your girlfriend take you to the hospital so I know you're okay."

Taylor thought about arguing, but one look at her friend's faces, and she knew it was a lost cause. Karlie went to the bar to get some ice while the songwriter said her goodbyes. The model returned with the ice bag and immediately handed it to her girlfriend before gathering their things and leading them towards the doors. As soon as they stepped outside, the girls were blinded by flashing lights and bombarded with questions from the paparazzi.

"Karlie! Karlie look here! Karlie!"

"Where's Selena? Are you enjoying the party?"

"Why are you girls leaving so soon?"

"We saw someone getting kicked out. He claimed he was attacked by a blonde."

"Is it true there was a fight?"

"Where were you when everything happened?"

"Why did your girlfriend get in a fight with a stranger? Is he an ex?"

"Are you worried this bar fight will hurt your image Karlie?"

"What happened in there?"

The questions were relentless, flying in fast and furious from all directions, but the model wasn't really listening to the words. All Karlie cared about was Taylor. "It's okay. I've got you. Just ignore them." She murmurs to her girlfriend, using her body to shield the songwriter as best she could, knowing how overwhelmed the girl must feel right now.

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